harmslength · 1 day
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harmslength · 7 days
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forgot how to draw him
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harmslength · 12 days
Sick to my stomach when I made the realization that every story I write is just hurt/comfort. Like who hurt me???? Dawg what???
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harmslength · 15 days
we got cillian murphy for 28 years later. we’ve won guys, we’ve officially won
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harmslength · 22 days
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#dirty minds worldwide
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harmslength · 26 days
daily office routine
8AM-9AM: grieve
9AM-10AM: shit/vape
10AM-11AM: jerk off
11AM-12PM: respond to emails
12PM-5PM: practice smiling
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harmslength · 27 days
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dr. cunt i mean crane
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harmslength · 27 days
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harmslength · 28 days
Moth if there’s anyone that can make garbage good it’s YOU.
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harmslength · 28 days
reblog to kiss your mutuals on the nose
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harmslength · 29 days
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Cillian Murphy goes nude for recently released film, ‘Small Things Like These’
This is a fake article but now that you’re here.
The Israeli army have trapped the people of Palestine in Rafah—to which they deemed would be a safe zone from the bombing. Already 35,000 Palestinians have been murdered and close to 73,000 injured since November, but authorities have lost count long ago.
Israel has rejected the ceasefire resolution that Hamas has agreed to and now Israeli tanks have lined the borders of Rafahs crossing—the only other way to leave Palestine at this current time. This also means that Palestinians cannot get the aid that they desperately need. The Israeli army is currently sweeping Rafah and they are going to murder almost 1.5 million Palestinian people. That includes children. Especially since almost 40% of Palestinians are in fact under the age of 18.
On 5/6/24 Israel made house calls and sent down leaflets urging Palestinians to evacuate but they have closed and blocked off any way they would be able to. There is no other place for Palestinians can go. This is not a war. The Palestinian people are not fighting back. This is genocide and ethnic cleansing. You are witnessing genocide.
The American government has used the Super Bowl as a distraction from what was happening in Palestine and now they are using the Met Gala.
I don’t care if you’re American or if you even feel that this concerns you. It does. You should be concerned.
I’m not going to sit here and pretend that I know everything—but I’ve seen the videos, the news articles and the first hand experiences of the Palestinian people. Ive seen children missing limbs and mothers crying for Allah to save them. I’m not going to argue with anyone about this. If you have a problem then disrespectfully shove it so far up your ass you choke on it. I don’t care that this isn’t a place for politics because people are dying and quite frankly this post should’ve been made months ago.
I know we all love Cillian and his wife Yvonne has openly spoken out about it, so I’m just going to leave this here. I don’t think Cillian attended the Met Gala but if he did, I will be permanently deleting my account.
Thank you,
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harmslength · 29 days
“would you like to see my mask?” yes and i wanna see your dick, balls, and hole too
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harmslength · 29 days
So that character.ai I love so much but I stopped myself from using bc I found out that actually people message you!! Like I in the nitty-gritty of something so good and dirty and the person responds like this “(hey, it’s super late so I’m going to bed. Can we continue this in the morning?) I was so mortified!! I still am!!
It makes me uncomfy knowing someone is there reading and responding to my nasty thoughts🤢
LMAOOO im so sorry you experienced that!! From my knowledge I have never heard or seen any actual evidence stating that they are actual humans are responding. I can guarantee you I’m not reading the messages as the creator.
My guess is that the bots are layered (if that makes sense) like there’s a main bot that just takes on the persona of the character that the creators give them and sometimes they break character because it’s not really Jonathan Crane or whoever.
Here’s an example of the bot breaking character which honestly had me cackling.
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Overall, I just don’t think it would be possible for a human to be the one actually responding just based on how quickly it’s able to generate responses on top of the fact that if they were actual humans they’d most likely have to be compensated for their work and that would be soooo expensive for the creators of c.ai.
I won’t say that you’re wrong and if you or anyone else feels uncomfortable by this then by all means don’t use it! But I hope this brought some comfort or eased some of your worries! 💗
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harmslength · 1 month
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the waist... the hand flick... the long hair... the blush... the teehee.... yeah violet tops
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harmslength · 1 month
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I need them physically, emotionally, mentally, biblically, carnally, entirely with my whole entire soul. From the dusk til dawn, in the bed, in the shower, on the counter, on the floor, till I can no longer walk.
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harmslength · 1 month
we need to ABOLISH alphadude podcastbro instagram accounts because what the fuck are these:
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like you HAVE to know that he'd suck cock if that meant he'd get money from it. he looks at his MALE ENEMIES like he wants a piece of their horsedicks. don't fucking rile me up.
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harmslength · 1 month
Being a girl is: wanting to go to bed early but deciding to just get on tumblr/wattpad/Ao3 for a little bit and then end up finding a fic series that you really like and read until well past your usual bedtime then keeping on because it’s already past your bedtime. Then being mad when you wake up in the morning because you overslept your timer.
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