harris520 · 5 years
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The fight between Obi-Wan and Anakin in episode 3.
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harris520 · 5 years
I hate the censorship on here, their are somethings that should be gone but the sexual stuff being band it just asinine.
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harris520 · 5 years
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An ice golem, because I’m stuck home after it snowed a ton last night. At least we still have power. Like the other manuals to create golems, the Manual of Ice Golems is considered Very Rare. It follows the same time and cost as a clay golem, since they’re so similar (30 days and 65,000 gp).
The artwork is ‘Ice Golems’ by Shuty9. 
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harris520 · 5 years
My 2018 Tumblr Top 10
1). 5,996 notes - 07 September 2018
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2). 4,608 notes - 11 April 2018
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3). 2,738 notes - 09 July 2018
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4). 2,713 notes - 19 July 2018
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5). 2,368 notes - 13 May 2018
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6). 2,218 notes - 15 May 2018
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7). 2,021 notes - 15 June 2018
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8). 1,610 notes - 08 October 2018
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9). 1,569 notes - 22 August 2018
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10). 1,444 notes - 22 September 2018
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Didn’t know half of these got that much attention. 
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harris520 · 5 years
I've always wanted to make garb like this they are beautiful.
Don’t get me wrong, I love it when people design medieval fantasy clothing based on western European fashions, because they were awesome (did somebody say chaperon?) but there was lot of great design in eastern Europe and the Byzantine Empire too.
I’m pretty sure the second picture is actually 16th century Hungarian dress, but I’ll let it in because it looks cool.
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harris520 · 5 years
Angel Week: New Spells
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image source: Jee-Hyung Lee
Here are 19 homebrew spells inspired by angels, holy miracles, and divine wrath! Some of these are named after the angels I made which will be revealed tomorrow! Think of them as a sneak-peek into some of their abilities. 
Click here for the PDF version which also includes two summoning spells (useless until the new angels are released. Don’t worry, the entirety of Angel Week will be compiled into one place by next week!)
Angelic Investiture
6th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Classes: Cleric, Warlock
A creature you touch becomes infused with divine energy and gains some celestial traits. The target gains the following benefits for the spell’s duration:
The creature emits bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. 
The creature grows feathery wings and gains a fly speed of 40 feet.
The creature is immune to lightning and poison damage.
The creature gains a celestial longbow that can fire arrows of radiant energy. The creature can use their action to make an attack with the weapon as if it were a longbow. Creatures hit by the attack take 4d8 radiant damage.
Bless Shield
2nd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Classes: Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Wizard
You touch a non-magical shield. It becomes a magical shield with a +1 bonus to AC until the spell ends. When an enemy misses with an attack against a creature wielding the shield, the attacker can use their reaction to force the attacker to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes blinded until the start of their next turn.
At higher levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th or 5th level, the AC bonus increases to +2. When you use a slot of 6th or higher, the bonus is +3.
Calming Touch
Keep reading
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harris520 · 5 years
Worldbuilding 12 – Building the Borders
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Hullo, Gentle Readers. In this series of articles, we’ve been continuing to build our Beyond the Borderlands campaign for D&D 5E. We put together our pantheon of deities last article, which, in turn, led us to naming and outlining some of the countries that we’d be including in this campaign. In this week’s article, we’ll continue to expand on some of these concepts, and we’ll begin to figure out where these countries exist in proportion to one another.
I want the cultures I imbue my various countries with to make sense, and to have a flavor of their own. In addition, I want there to be a certain verisimilitude in regards to how they interact with each other, geographically. There’s an easy little trick to this, thanks to the fact that I have an excellent model to work from – the real world.
Since I want to pattern my various human cultures with flavors of the medieval European landscape, it behooves me to look at the layout of medieval Europe. I begin by finding a blank map of Europe. Using the names of my countries, I jot names on the map roughly where the cultures were that my Known World is made up of in Europe. Because, in my mind, the Borderlands are to the east, I decide to flip the map 180 degrees. Then, I choose some of the non-human cultures I haven’t specifically come up with country names for. I ponder which human cultures they might most resemble, and I jot them on the map as well. When I’m done, I have a map that looks a lot like the image I included with this article.
When I ultimately build the map for this campaign, I won’t use what I have here as my world map, but it helps me to get an idea of the geography I’ll be dealing with.
Having drawn in this rough little map lets me make some assumptions about the way these various cultures interact. Just as Egypt, the various countries of Arabia and Persia, and Greece were some of the oldest cultures, I have little difficulty picturing Basaria, Nath-Hilum, and Aescelpos as older societies than the rest of the Known World. I place the high elves near them, as I consider them an older culture as well, and I put the Mountain Dwarves in near them, as the Atlas Mountain range makes its way through that area in our world, thus giving us an area that Mountain Dwarves would likely have found homey. This also puts them near Navarro, with whom they share a worship of the Smith. This isn’t the original location of Dwarvenhome, but it’s where the dwarves live now. I’m not yet sure where Dwarvenhome was. Plenty of other mountains to choose from. I also place the Rock Gnomes near the dwarves and Nath-Hilum, since they are followers of The Father, as the people of Nath-Hilum are.
Since I want my hill dwarves to have a Germanic/Scandinavian feel, I place them between Valkenholm and Kalemarran. This also puts them near Calengard, with whom they share a worship of The Knight. This allows me to place Calengard as southern England and France, which I like, since so many stories of Arthurian legend (the basis for Calengard’s culture) come from the French romances of Lancelot. I noted the presence of the majority of Stout Halflings close to England’s Lakes District, because I think this is prime hobbit real estate.
I decide not to place dragonborn, tieflings, lightfoot halflings, or warforged on my map, because they’re either wanderers or have no fixed geography in my imaginings. I may change this later, but I’m leaving it as is for right now.
I like the spacing this gives me. While it suggests a lot of basic details that I like, it also leaves a lot of room for later additions, or to simply leave open as wild lands between these cultures.
I also like some gentle thoughts this geography suggests. If the lands that the forest gnomes and wood elves inhabit is like France, this suggests a densely wooded region, but one that’s lush, perhaps with many natural vineyards. The high elves inhabit the region that is modern-day Turkey. Does this suggest a similar architectural style, perhaps one that incorporates minarets, palaces, grand bazaars, and graceful temples to The Hermit? Do I imbue the rock gnomes and mountain dwarves with a vaguely North African feel? These are things to consider as I work on the campaign.
While I haven’t filled in details on my own map, the fake map I created using a world map gives me a general idea of where the different kingdoms I’ve posited in my campaign setting lay, and how they interact. I can choose to use real world parallels, or I can disregard them and move into something more fully realized as a fantasy setting, but I have plenty of time to make those decisions.
I’ve been doing a lot of high level pondering for the campaign, but now I want to dive down into the nitty-gritty and look at how I want the campaign to begin. For the next two articles, I’ll be taking the Keep on the Borderlands module and deciding on some of the important story and NPC roles. We know about the great Keeps on the Borderlands and how many of them have fallen into disrepair and ill repute. What is it about this Keep that makes it an interesting place for the players to begin their adventures? Who is the Castellan? And what’s going on at the Caves of Chaos that makes it a place where heroes are needed? We’ll find out soon.
Can you believe its been a year since we started publishing these articles? And when I originally wrote them, D&D 5E wasn’t even out yet. I was using the D&D Next playtest rules to fuel my ponderings, and I didn’t know I’ve be converting my 4E campaign to 5E.
I hope you’ve enjoyed revisiting these concepts if you’d read the articles before, or enjoying them as something brand new. Starting next month, we’ll move forward, but we’ll also make the process more interactive. You’ll see what I mean then.
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harris520 · 5 years
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Eeveelution T-shirts made by chocolateraisinfury
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harris520 · 6 years
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harris520 · 6 years
The gods I love this artwork
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Jonna Hyttinen on Instagram
Follow So Super Awesome on Instagram
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harris520 · 6 years
That'll be some work.
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Title: Super Genesim - Super Deuteronomum 
Author: Nicolaus de Lyra (1270?-1340?)
Illuminator: Maître du Missel de Troyes (14..-14..)
Copyist: Rouche, Pierre (14..-14..)
Publication date : 1455-1472
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harris520 · 6 years
I may have to try that for my son's birthday
How to make Piñata cookies!
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harris520 · 6 years
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So I’m a DM now! It’s my first campaign, a small one. I’m only DM’ing for one player and am planning to do two more like this, and then put those three players together in a proper story.
And I might’ve accidentally, somehow, broken my doctors’ orders about not drawing again in order to make town maps. But I made them real simple, at least!
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harris520 · 6 years
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harris520 · 6 years
These are beautiful
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Crystal Crowns
Owisteria on Etsy
See our #Etsy or #Crowns tags
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harris520 · 6 years
I'm trying to put a series of photos together to show my armor progression over my SCA career.
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harris520 · 6 years
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I know I'm a big guy, not a lot of people's taste. However I've come to realize that their are those who find me quite attractive and that's helped me feel better in my skin.
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