hashemhashi · 3 years
Do you want to improve the SEO of your website?
Google is constantly making changes and releasing algorithm updates, significantly impacting your website ranking if it is not up to date.
To maintain your site's ranking, it is crucial to rely on SEO tools to verify the latest information and update your site if necessary.
To help you with this, we bring a list of SEO tools for 2021 that cover various elements within the optimization process, and you should consider if you are not using it yet.
Here are the 4 Types of SEO Tools for 2021
Keyword Research Tools
Content Optimization Tools
Site Improvement Tools
SEO Analysis Tools
Keyword Research Tools
If you are part of this digital world, you will know the importance of keywords to achieve ranking on web search engines. That is why it is essential to use SEO tools that help us with keyword analysis and research, even more so now that the word planner of Google has stopped showing the exact volume of searches.
SEMRush is a tool that is used to analyze web ranking and is very useful to build a backlink strategy for a website. You can analyze the competition, know the keywords they use and see which keywords have a low competition to position yourself on the internet if you are a beginner.
KWFinder is a fantastic keyword research tool to rank for. Here you can find long-tail keywords with low organic competition, the most effective way to gain ground on the internet when you are starting out.
It is a paid tool, but its value is worth it when you realize that it is the most complete and accurate to detect links. If you want to take this organic ranking seriously, lean on tools like this one, it will make the difference when building a link-building strategy. You can find broken links and websites to do guest posting, and like SEMRush, it shows you the words by which a website is being ranked.
I have to admit that it is one of my favourites, Ubersuggest offers in its free version the volume of searches, the trend, the level of organic and paid competition, and also gives you suggestions of other phrases and words that can help you create content. Isn't it amazing? Additionally, it is very practical and does not have as many limitations as others.
This tool offers us several related terms from a keyword, as does Google's autocomplete function. You can obtain searches related to different platforms and search engines such as Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, eBay, Instagram, etc.
Well, although speaking of favourites, answerthepublic is not far behind. If you want to get titles or content ideas, this platform will help you have lots of topics to deal with. It is free and provides information about a word to respond to users, showing all the questions, suggestions, and searches that users make on the Internet around that word.
The Hoth
TheHoth helps you find high-volume words that relate to a defined term. By displaying search volume by keyword, cost per click, competition, number of results, and search trend, you can also find long-tail keywords which can help you with less competitive opportunities.
Tools for Content Optimization
Rank Math
Rank Math is one of the best SEO tools for 2021. It is an essential plugin for any website built in WordPress. It competes strongly with Yoast SEO, since being a free plugin, it offers exclusive functionalities, such as the automatic filling of alt tags and image titles, the generation of cookies or disables them, simply modifies the robots.txt file, detect URLs with 404 errors, SEO analysis, sitemap settings, and much more.
Keyword Surfer
Keyword Surfer is a free Google Chrome extension that shows us the search volumes for keywords, the estimated monthly traffic that the site receives, the number of words, and the number of times the keyword is used within the website when we perform a Google search.
SEO META in 1 Click
This extension allows you to know the meta tags of a website with a single click. What is this? that is, the titles, subtitles, meta descriptions, meta robots, the Alt tags of the images, and much more.
Yoast SEO
This plugin had to be on this list because it has everything you need to get your WordPress website ready to appear in the search engines. If you are just starting out and want an easy-to-use and simple tool, this is our recommendation to start optimizing your website. This tool helps you with search engine positioning and in social networks and improves the writing of your blog posts.
Mobile Optimization Test
Every day it becomes more relevant that your website adapts correctly to mobile devices. After all, we spend more time on our smartphones than computers, and the search levels prove it. For this reason, Google gives so much importance to its mobile-friendly results over those that do not comply with this good practice.
This means that if your content has a responsive version, your blog or website will be better indexed than those that do not. They do it. To know how optimized your website is for mobile devices, Google has its Mobile Optimization Test, and it is free and available to everyone.
Entering the URL of your website will show you a screenshot to see how it looks on mobile phones and a mobile usability report that allows you to make the necessary adjustments to optimize your website.
This platform is powered by Artificial Intelligence, which makes it very easy to use. It allows you to analyze the content to attract more traffic by suggesting the most suitable types of keywords. It can be easily integrated with other platforms such as WordPress and Google Docs, and you also receive free training from an expert, and you have a support team.
Can I Rank
Can I Rank is an online tool based on recommendations, which tells you if the desired results are feasible or not. This tool is perfect to start from scratch because it can help you better establish an expectation of organic ranking to know whether or not it is possible to compete with certain terms in three areas: content, SEO and social networks.
Page Speed Insight
Page speed is one of the amazing SEO tools for 2021. It is a free tool from Google that indicates its time to load a web page. It tells you exactly which elements are delaying the site's loading so that your webmaster can also make the corrections and optimize it.
Site Improvement Tools
Broken Link Checker
Broken Link Checker is a WordPress plugin that alerts you when there is a broken link when scanning the entire web. It helps you fix bad links to improve SEO and user experience, makes broken links display differently in posts, prevents search engines from following broken links, and you can edit links directly from the plugin without having to do it from each post.
Image Optim optimizes your images to load faster and take up less space, and it works with PNG, JPEG and animated GIF formats. This tool makes images load faster without losing quality and adjusted for mobile and desktop resolutions.
SEO Analysis Tools
Website Grader
It is a free Hubspot tool that will provide you with a personalized report of your website in terms of performance, mobile adaptability, SEO, and security. It is designed to evaluate different elements that influence the ranking of your website in search engine results pages (SERP).
MOZ is a group of excellent resources for SEO analysis. It has functionalities such as Twitter Analytics and Rank Checker, which perform the ranking verification in search engines. MOZ Analytics shows the position in search engines and has a very useful extension for Chrome when doing SEO audits.
Google Search Console
Google Search Console is a free service from Google that helps you monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot the appearance of your blog or website in Google Search results. This tool allows you to understand and improve the way Google detects your website.
I hope this guide on 20 Incredible SEO Tools for 2021 is beneficial for you to grow your business, websites, or online tools. I categorized the SEO tools into 4, tools for Content Optimization, Site Improvement Tools, SEO Analysis Tools, and Keyword research tools.
I hope this helps, let me know what you think.
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hashemhashi · 3 years
10 Best Books For Freelancers and Entrepreneurs - Suggested By Professionals
Are you a freelancer who just started out his/her career or someone who proved in freelancing career?
If so, you might be searching for the best books for freelancers.
That is why this time I would like to show you some publications that I am sure will be key when it comes to undertaking.
10 Best Books For Freelancers
1. The Lean Startup Method
It is one of the most successful business books in recent times, and to tell the truth it is not strange to explain why. Its author, Eric Ries, has revolutionized the business and entrepreneurship sector in general by proposing a different way of creating businesses; changing the planning initially devised by the entrepreneur to a system where the clients themselves, in one way or another, guide the company in what it must offer to be successful.
2. The Black Book of The Entrepreneur This is one of the best books for freelancers proposed by professionals. Usually with business and entrepreneurship books, there is usually a problem, that they are too positive and benevolent.
Well, with this book you will find the opposite. Without regard to it, it will tell you the most probable routes that you will end up taking sooner or later to leave the business in diapers.
It will show you which are the most frequent errors, what consequences they have, and of course also how they can be solved. It would be convenient for all entrepreneurs to have this work in hand before doing anything.
3. Rework One problems that entrepreneurs usually have is that of planning. Since too much time is spent on details that in the end may not even be key in the development of the business. In Rework you can see, in an entertaining way, how a startup should be managed to achieve success.
Rework has the good thing that it is not the typical book that tells you what to do in a formal way, but that they do not beat around the bush and show you shortcuts, tricks and practical solutions to achieve success.
You May Find Helpful:
Freelance Writing: How To Start Freelance Writing ( Beginners Guide)
How To Write SEO Friendly Article ( From Start To Finish)
Business Blogging: How To Write A Good Blog Post For Your Business
4. Self-Employed: The Definitive Guide Of course, beyond knowing the practical ways when developing a business, it is also key that you can understand its context, the official relations that emanate from it with the Treasury and other organizations, and others.
And it is that in the end, being an entrepreneur is not only jumping into the bullring, but also managing the contract, paying taxes etc ...
In this aspect, and also with a pleasant and practical explanation, I would highly recommend reading Self-employed: the definitive guide; by Toni García.
5. Rich Dad Poor Dad Obviously, a mythical specimen could not be missing from the list that has helped to change the mentality of millions of entrepreneurs around the world.
From the hand of Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter we find a work that shows how on many occasions the predetermined ideas about the business world are wrong.
It shows how you can start an enterprise with very little capital and how there are different points of view regarding success depending on the origin of the family; this being, in many cases, one of the origins of success.
Rich Dad Poor Dad is absolutely one of the best books for freelancers.
6. Make It Work Do you have a clear business idea and do you want to launch it on the market? Well then you will have to be able to avoid mismanagement that can end up defeating you before you have even started to take off.
A very interesting book that will guide you on the path you must follow to achieve success.
7. The Start-Up You From the hand of one of the founders of Linkedin you will know how to handle yourself in the network of startups, you will know how you can obtain capital and what you should not do so that it runs away.
And in short, you will have in your hands a practical guide that, based on the experience of this successful entrepreneur, will be key.
8. The Art of Getting Started One of the best books you will find to see how you should organize your startup so that it has the expected success. There are always a thousand details to improve and polish, and with this work, written from a masterful and entertaining point of view, everything will be much easier for you. It is a book by the incombustible Guy Kawasaki that will become a staple in your library.
9. The Purple Cow Marketing is a key element in the development of any startup, and therefore you must be aware of how the sector works, how it has evolved and how you can take advantage of it. Hence, The Purple Cow, by Seth Godin, is a must-read for every entrepreneur.
You May Find Helpful:
Freelance Writing: How To Start Freelance Writing ( Beginners Guide)
How To Write SEO Friendly Article ( From Start To Finish)
Business Blogging: How To Write A Good Blog Post For Your Business
10. Steve Jobs, Biography Steve Jobs has been one of the most important entrepreneurs, businessmen, leaders and trendsetters of the 20th and 21st centuries; a man who revolutionized the way of seeing technology and of implementing it in conjunction with design.
His life was incredible, and without a doubt I highly recommend reading his biography; It will be very inspiring.
We hope you found this small insight on the 10 best books for freelancers and Self-employers. A magnificent selection that will be very helpful when starting your own business.
Now, be aware that the business world is a jungle, and that beyond this type of reading, which will give you a guide to follow, you must provide yourself with the appropriate tools to achieve success.
That is why it is important that you have a good team around you that understands you and shares your concerns, a risk reporting service so as not to run more dangers than those due when making collections, and adequate training and constant. Luck!
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hashemhashi · 3 years
13 Websites That Pay You To Write in 2021 (Also Applicable to The Non English)
If you have the writing skill and you want to make money from writing, then you are in the right place. I have collected the best websites that pay you to write 2021. In addition, I have added some more information that will make you double your profits from just writing.
Unlike many websites that just mention how writers get paid, all the sites that you will find here are sites suitable for you whatever your situation may be. What many people do not know is that some of the most famous sites that pay writing are limited to some high profile writers.
Here, you will find the best reliable website for beginner writers and you are going to have some valuable information on how you will get paid for writing.
For Further Info Visit Angelsinsights 
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hashemhashi · 3 years
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How To Write A Good Introduction For Thesis (Thesis Introduction)
Thesis is a form of qualification that is inspired by the search for new knowledge and that encourages breaking down the barriers that humans have on understanding their own environment. If you have no idea what we are saying, then you should read our article where we explain the importance of writing a thesis. Now, if you have already decided to graduate by thesis, but have problems when writing, then we will give you a brief guide on how to write a thesis introduction .
The importance of the introduction
Have you ever wondered how the members of the jury of a professional exam do to read all the theses that should come to them? Besides that, they also have other occupations; they teach, work, research, have families and social life (sometimes); So how is it possible that they can read all the theses that come to them? The answer is simple: they don't read it in full.
It does not mean that everything that is written in a thesis is not important; on the contrary, each word is a meticulous research record that will allow future professionals to take your work as a reference and cite it; However, on many occasions, especially to save time, the only parts of a thesis that are read are: the introduction, the methodology and the conclusions. Hence the importance of these three chapters being well written; because, if you don't, it will only confuse the readers and the jury of your professional examination.
Now, if a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, how can you write an introduction for your thesis that shows that you have become a professional?
How to write an introduction for your thesis?
Perhaps your advisor has already told you, but we will repeat it again in case it is not like this: the introduction is the last part that is written . Why? Because the introduction is a brief summary of the reasons why you have thought it convenient to investigate this topic; the motivations of your hypothesis and the different views with which you intend to approach said hypothesis to affirm or deny it with your research. If your introduction does not agree with your hypothesis, your methodology or your conclusions; This discrepancy will force your reader to find out why this was the case.
Thus; When writing the introduction of your thesis as the last part of the research work that will lead you to conquer the title of professional, you have to answer the following questions:
Click here to find detailed illustration of the idea
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hashemhashi · 3 years
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If you have writing skills and are looking to generate income from home, this article will surely be useful for you, since today we are going to talk about how to make money writing from the comfort of your home and without the need to invest a single euro. I want you to discover the best pages and the most reliable methods 😉
Make money writing
Before you get scared, I will tell you that you don't have to be a Ken Follet or a JK Rowling, but simply a person who likes to write, write, or create content for yourself or for a third party. Nothing else!
Depending on the type of writer you want to be, you can make more or less profit, but making money writing is a real possibility that thousands of people are already taking advantage of today. The advantages are many and varied.
As for the necessary requirements, they are minimal: an Internet connection, a PC, (a mobile or a tablet can also be used) and of course, a great desire to work .
I started writing online more than five years ago and I am more than satisfied, since, in addition to having earned a lot of money, my level of writing and writing has improved a lot 😎
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hashemhashi · 3 years
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Most of us don't think about creating a good and professional bio until all of a sudden we have to email one and have limited space to do it. That's when we get into trouble. How to write a good and professional bio?. This article will help you.
Many biographies look like this:
Mauricio López is a content marketing specialist at HubSpot, an inbound marketing and sales solution that helps companies attract visitors, convert them into leads, and ultimately into customers. Previously, Mauricio worked as a marketing manager at a technology software startup. He graduated with honors from the University of Chile in commercial engineering.
You will agree that it is a somewhat boring bio. In certain contexts, professional bio should be quite formal, such as Mauricio's. Still, it is almost always best to write a bio that is easy to read and has a conversational tone. In short, you better forget the traditional format of this type of text, where you list your achievements as a robot and accumulate all the professional terms that come to your mind.
Why is it important to have a professional bio?
You will be surprised to know that the number of readers of your bio is much higher than you can imagine. It's also important to make sure it's ready when the right people find it. And when they do, you need to grab their attention immediately and in a positive way .
While your resume is only useful when you are actively applying for certain positions, your professional bio is much more visible. You can include it on your LinkedIn profile, on your company website, in your blog posts, in your Twitter bio, and in many other places. And, most importantly, it is a tool that you can take advantage of when networking.
Conclusion: people will read your professional bio. Being remembered and making a good impression will depend on your ability to present yourself to an audience.
How to write a good and professional bio
Know and define your personal brand
Identify your best professional qualities
Define and express your work areas
List the interpersonal skills in which you excel
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hashemhashi · 3 years
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Having a good Curriculum Vitae is essential to access a job. It is the first vision that employers or human resources professionals will have of you. Therefore, you must take care of and make this document properly.
Not only does a resume reflect a person's skill set and experience, it also has to be customized based on the job or industry for which you want to apply for the job. A CV for a graphic design professional is not the same as a CV to work as a salesperson. Nor is it the same to have a resume with experience, or without it.
To do this, in this section of the blog you will find information about how to make a resume correctly, in addition, you will find the best resume templates to download for free , tools to create a professional CV in a few minutes, as well as tips that will change your perspective with which you see your CV and other details that you should know when preparing it.
If you are looking for work abroad , in this section you can find articles talking about how to prepare a CV in English , how to indicate the level of language in the CV as well as learn about other CV models such as the Resume or Europass Curriculum .
Everything you need to know to have an exceptional CV that opens the doors to the job you deserve.
We hope they are helpful, anything, you just have to tell us and we will add it to solve all the doubts concerning how to write a good resume.
Tricks to make your resume more functional
In our section of tricks and resources to make your CV you will find all the recommendations to conquer the selector with your resume. Some of these tricks are:
Visit My Website For More Info
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hashemhashi · 3 years
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What is copywriting and what is its importance in marketing? Read our post and see how to create it to better relate to your audience
Copywriting is the ability to persuasively write texts for your website, in order to get your potential client to take action.
Imagine that your child is growing up and you are looking for educational toys for him. Doing online searches, you get to the “About us” page of two companies:
“Grupo X is a private company based in — and its most important offices are located in — , — , — and — . Since its foundation in — by — and from the iconic — , the company has become one of the international leaders in the manufacture of toys. “
“We are in the midst of a Learning Revolution — a revolution that upholds the importance of games in 21st century education! The Y creates and produces toys that teach empathy, creative communication, collaboration, and other skills necessary for 21st century learners of any age. “
The description of company Y seems much more interesting than that of company X, don’t you think? This is because, more than talking about its products, the Y company communicates its values. I mean, sell an idea. The idea of ​​a new way of teaching, which associates the act of playing with the act of learning.
But what does that have to do with copywriting ?
In truth, everything . Do you want to understand how?
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hashemhashi · 3 years
Find out what a freelance copywriter does, how to start working as a copywriter, get your first clients, set your copywriting rates, etc.
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hashemhashi · 3 years
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Find out what a freelance copywriter does, how to start working as a copywriter, get your first clients, set your copywriting rates, etc.
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hashemhashi · 3 years
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How To Write A Perfect Cover Letter With This Template
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hashemhashi · 3 years
Freelance Writing: How To Start Freelance Writing ( Beginners Guide)
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hashemhashi · 3 years
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How To Write A Good Blog Post For Your Business
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hashemhashi · 3 years
How to make money with writing from home
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