hazbinsandweirdos · 14 hours
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Paris apartment of Yves Saint Laurent's Loulou de la Falaise
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hazbinsandweirdos · 14 hours
"The dumpster is a long story but the short is, it was thrown at me by a rhino." The flea laughed, humming as he brushed Strikers hair back.
A hand lifted to dismiss the offer of helping him with his landlord. "No, no. My landlord is helpful as much as he is disgusting. I usually have my rent but there are a lot of people in my building who struggle to get theirs, as much as he takes advantage of it, he does a service for the ones down here without money." He had neighbors who were single mothers that didn't like doing it but had that extra cash for their kids in the end. He didn't want to cause trouble and ruin things for them.
As the subject moved on to him being chased, Pierre smiled as his hands lifted from Strikers shoulders to his face as his upper hands remained in his hair. "I never feel alone with you in my life but it was nothing I could not handle. You know I will call you if anything comes up that I need help with." It wasn't a lie but he would try his darnedest to get through it on his own before he even considered contacting the other. That stubborn side of his wouldn't allow him to do so otherwise.
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Every arm wrapped around the other, lower hands rubbing Strikers back as his upper hands ran through the imps hair.
"You haven't had a break in so long, I hope I can be enough to relax you." Pierre purred as he scritched the others scalp gently.
Giving a hum, the flea considered what he has had to deal with lately then shrugged. "My boss had me running around after some jewel that kills the owner, He wants to gift it to someone. Was late with rent and had to deal with my disgusting landlord, had a run in with a few assholes that wanted me dead and nearly got crushed by a dumpster...just keeping busy."
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hazbinsandweirdos · 16 hours
Things no one asked for but I found Pierre a VA finally lol
Pierre is the younger man in the interview (you'll have to jump to like 18 secs in to hear him but he is perfect xD)
He speaks French, English and sings and of course his name is also Pierre xD
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hazbinsandweirdos · 18 hours
"I like your voice" ok the let me read to you while your head rests on my chest and i scratch your head until you fall asleep
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hazbinsandweirdos · 19 hours
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Pierre laughed, giving a nod. "Oh, yes, there have probably been plenty you have done that I have not had to experience within the realms of real life but I tell you this, you have caused quite a few men down here to get much more open with the fucked up shit that should only happen in the movies. Had a man tell me he wanted to fuck an open wound...just cause it heals, doesn't mean I want to share that experience." The flea laughed in disbelief as he shook his head, he was still flabbergasted by the request.
"I know you don't control the script but I do think your writer likes to see where he can push his audience to go. Too many men fall down here and think they can do whatever they please or that porn is something they can recreate with someone." He shuddered at the thought. He never saw Angels snuff films himself, he couldn't stomach the idea of blood play or weapons but some of the men he had gotten with have had a thing for most of that genre of Angels work. He wouldn't hold that against the spider but he could still be disgusted by it.
"You aren't wrong though, most of the men I have been with, have been mostly harmless. Well, as harmless as one can get down here. Some have this hard exterior and can be so violent but the way they hold you, feels so safe, like they're afraid to break something so fragile." Pierre hummed, almost reminiscing for a moment before letting out a scoff. "Not all of them but most and I rather focus on them then the ones that think they found themselves a punching bag or whatever. Those ones tend to get a visit from my boss cause I can't work if I'm fucked up." The flea admitted as he lit up a cigarette, offering one to the spider with a raised brow though the smile remained.
He had forgotten Angel was an addict but he wasn't going to complain about it, it was rare to find anyone that wasn't addicted to something. This was Hell, everyone needed something to cope with everything. His coping mechanism just so happened to be sex and spite, vices were necessary to remain sane these days.
"Well, to satisfy you would be any mans dream I'm sure but unless you consider a dive bar and cheap nachos and liquor satisfying, I can't guarantee I would be doing the job this evening." The flea mused as he took a drag off his cigarette.
"Perhaps a break is all you need though? In which case, it may still happen." He chuckled.
“W-what are you eating…?”
( @hazbinsandweirdos Pierre is doing a heckin concern for the spooder)
Fear and Hunger Prompts || @hazbinsandweirdos
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Being fair to Angel, he hadn’t thought anyone would be here. But, Pierre was in his full rights to be concerned watching this spider rummage around only to stuff a wrapper of some kind in his mouth. His eyes go from dull and blank to sparking with recognition and panic. What was this? Trouble?!
Great, sounds so believable. Oh, it was Pierre. The slightly raised hackles settle down, and he regains the second of his lost composure. “Whatcha doin’ ova here, babe? S’pose ya found a new sucker t’ get a haul from?”
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hazbinsandweirdos · 3 days
"You haven't seen one?" Pierre was almost surprised but then, he wasn't handed scripts and on a set most days, he was meeting the people Angel made porn for. Similar as the work was, it was vastly different when he laid it out. "I was sleeping with a guy a few decades ago who was into watching me eat. It was probably the most harmless of the things I have seen men with money down here into." And it really was, he hadn't seen everything but he has definitely experienced a lot of things, even things that made his skin crawl.
Perking up at the mention of spiked drinks, the flea tilted his head, then dug out his flask. "That's why you do it to them first. You spike their drinks, you still get free drinks and whatever else you can get your hands on while they're fucked up." Pierre grinned, stuffing the flask back into his fluff. "It doesn't always save me from getting drugged but it happens a hell of a lot less when you're the one doing it. You always have to be one step ahead of them or they'll eat you alive." The flea scoffed with a laugh.
"But no matter how much they like to watch you stuff your face with cock, there's nothing lovelier then a man who is satisfied."
“W-what are you eating…?”
( @hazbinsandweirdos Pierre is doing a heckin concern for the spooder)
Fear and Hunger Prompts || @hazbinsandweirdos
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Being fair to Angel, he hadn’t thought anyone would be here. But, Pierre was in his full rights to be concerned watching this spider rummage around only to stuff a wrapper of some kind in his mouth. His eyes go from dull and blank to sparking with recognition and panic. What was this? Trouble?!
Great, sounds so believable. Oh, it was Pierre. The slightly raised hackles settle down, and he regains the second of his lost composure. “Whatcha doin’ ova here, babe? S’pose ya found a new sucker t’ get a haul from?”
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hazbinsandweirdos · 3 days
Send ▲ to pull my muse into your muse’s lap!
Send ▼ for my muse to sit in your muse’s lap of their own accord!
Feel free to add descriptions or context as you wish!
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hazbinsandweirdos · 3 days
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Every arm wrapped around the other, lower hands rubbing Strikers back as his upper hands ran through the imps hair.
"You haven't had a break in so long, I hope I can be enough to relax you." Pierre purred as he scritched the others scalp gently.
Giving a hum, the flea considered what he has had to deal with lately then shrugged. "My boss had me running around after some jewel that kills the owner, He wants to gift it to someone. Was late with rent and had to deal with my disgusting landlord, had a run in with a few assholes that wanted me dead and nearly got crushed by a dumpster...just keeping busy."
The flea beamed as he climbed up on the imps bed, getting comfortable as he lifted his upper arms to coax Striker to join him.
"Well, if you fall asleep, I'll be here when you wake up, okay? We can catch up as much as you like when you're rested." Pierre had no where else to be for now, he could take some time to be with the other. Striker looked like he could use a little tenderness after everything he had to deal with lately and Pierre was more then happy to provide.
"So, how about you start Hmm? You have been so busy lately, you must have been traveling quite a lot."
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hazbinsandweirdos · 3 days
Pierre chuckled as he motioned forward, waving for the spider to join him.
"Well, it's nothing special but keeps me from trying to work because every man there gets their change from a cup." He smiled, falling in stride next to the spider.
"I will say though, you do make a wrapper look appetizing. Have you tried doing those feeder and eater videos? I bet you would have all kinds of guys wanting to watch you stuff your face." He wasn't sure Angel was as broke as the action had made him seem but if he was hungry, it would be more then easy for him to get a cult following just to get him some food from time to time.
“W-what are you eating…?”
( @hazbinsandweirdos Pierre is doing a heckin concern for the spooder)
Fear and Hunger Prompts || @hazbinsandweirdos
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Being fair to Angel, he hadn’t thought anyone would be here. But, Pierre was in his full rights to be concerned watching this spider rummage around only to stuff a wrapper of some kind in his mouth. His eyes go from dull and blank to sparking with recognition and panic. What was this? Trouble?!
Great, sounds so believable. Oh, it was Pierre. The slightly raised hackles settle down, and he regains the second of his lost composure. “Whatcha doin’ ova here, babe? S’pose ya found a new sucker t’ get a haul from?”
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hazbinsandweirdos · 3 days
The flea beamed as he climbed up on the imps bed, getting comfortable as he lifted his upper arms to coax Striker to join him.
"Well, if you fall asleep, I'll be here when you wake up, okay? We can catch up as much as you like when you're rested." Pierre had no where else to be for now, he could take some time to be with the other. Striker looked like he could use a little tenderness after everything he had to deal with lately and Pierre was more then happy to provide.
"So, how about you start Hmm? You have been so busy lately, you must have been traveling quite a lot."
"With how exhausted you look, I think bed might be the best place for you." Pierre noted as he ushered the other toward the bedroom. "Come on, we can catch up until you fall asleep. You look like you could use the rest." The flea beamed, taking the imps arm as he lead the way.
He enjoyed taking care of the other when he was around, he didn't tend to get close to many imps but Striker was special to him.
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hazbinsandweirdos · 3 days
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"I never said I was unscathed. I just have a higher success rate when I am prepared." He huffed back with a laugh before falling silent.
Picking at the couch for a moment as he considered his words, Pierre rolled his wrist as he lifted his hand. "Actually, I have had to sell my soul before and now I work for a guy that keeps me on a short leash, at this point, being stabbed, shot or having my ass kicked is unscathed." The flea admitted as he looked up at the other. "This was just a hazard of Hell."
With a chuckle, Pierre smiled once more, resting his foot on the floor once the other had finished wrapping it. "But if you must know, my weakness was a necklace made of blood diamonds and an Asmodean crystal. It was lovely and right in the window, begging me to take it but then I stepped on glass and here I am and there it stays." The flea sighed in defeat. He'd consider it sabotage but he doubted anyone was that smart.
"Oh and thank you for this." He muttered as he motioned to his foot.
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"....I have glass in my foot."
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hazbinsandweirdos · 4 days
"With how exhausted you look, I think bed might be the best place for you." Pierre noted as he ushered the other toward the bedroom. "Come on, we can catch up until you fall asleep. You look like you could use the rest." The flea beamed, taking the imps arm as he lead the way.
He enjoyed taking care of the other when he was around, he didn't tend to get close to many imps but Striker was special to him.
Pierre leaned right into the other and wrapped all his arms around him with a smile. "Well, you're here now, that's enough. Do you need anything?" He asked as he fiddled with the others bandana.
"It's been a while, do you just want to lay down and let me play with your hair?" The flea asked with a tilt of his head. "I wouldn't mind curling up with you while I have the chance."
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hazbinsandweirdos · 4 days
Pierre leaned right into the other and wrapped all his arms around him with a smile. "Well, you're here now, that's enough. Do you need anything?" He asked as he fiddled with the others bandana.
"It's been a while, do you just want to lay down and let me play with your hair?" The flea asked with a tilt of his head. "I wouldn't mind curling up with you while I have the chance."
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Pierre chuckled, leaning into the tug, stepping closer to the other. "I am always at my best when I see you darling but yes, I have been good. Nothing new I haven't had to deal with before." He smiled, putting a hand on the imps chest. "I do hope work hasn't been too stressful for you, I do miss seeing you when you get busy like this."
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hazbinsandweirdos · 4 days
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Pierre chuckled, leaning into the tug, stepping closer to the other. "I am always at my best when I see you darling but yes, I have been good. Nothing new I haven't had to deal with before." He smiled, putting a hand on the imps chest. "I do hope work hasn't been too stressful for you, I do miss seeing you when you get busy like this."
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The flea let out a hum and patted the imps shoulder. "Have you considered they're just messing with you to get the upper hand? I mean, it is obvious it throws you off."
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hazbinsandweirdos · 4 days
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The flea let out a hum and patted the imps shoulder. "Have you considered they're just messing with you to get the upper hand? I mean, it is obvious it throws you off."
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"Well you can't blame us, you are very good at your job. Who doesn't like a man who's good with his hands?"
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hazbinsandweirdos · 4 days
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"Well you can't blame us, you are very good at your job. Who doesn't like a man who's good with his hands?"
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He let's out a little whine then snorts. It's not a moan but it might have been if he could keep from giggling!
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