If you dont like Johnny Depp, Block me. If you dont wanna see him. Block me. If you wanna call me an abuse apologist or somethin like that for supporting him ~BLOCK ME~
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there are 3 kinds of heartbreak — c.p.
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I spend my nights wondering if you’ll ever come back to me.
Maybe, just maybe we weren’t ready for each other yet. Maybe we need to grow, maybe we need to see the world and know that we can be happy alone. Then one day when we have lived, loved and survived our paths will cross again. Maybe then, we will be ready. (via crashingwaves-burningsouls)
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IT TAKES U A SEC🗣READ THIS🗣 in adding to all of what ive said in defending of justin bieber. ofcourse i admit he has changed in some ways but this is obvious. a 19 years old will change the way he acted say around 15. but he hasent change for the worse. he is just misunderstood. the media created a justin biebr that does not exist. therefore anything he does he gets judged for it and i dnt think thats fair for anybody... even if ur the worst and most hated person in the world people still dont have the right to judge u like that... theres a chance that maybe one night u made a promise with yourself so no longer do what u used to do and suddenly you want to be a good person. you get it?? ur past does not define you you will be in the future. or even who you are right now. and you see no one stay the same. and not everything you see on media is tru. and its not just about justin. please please dont judge anyone. you have no idea what other peoples journey is all about. you dont know what goes in anyones life but your own. and when you mess with one part of a persons life, you're not just messing with that part. unfortunately; you cant be that precise and selective. when you mess with one part of a persons life, youre messing with their entire life. for a website like tumblr whos so against bullying you guys really try to tear down this kid. he does not deserve it. i dont defend justin when he messes up, i only defend him when there are rumors and everyone believes it. you know it really blows my mind how, whenever he does sth that is really frowed upon it gets over 60k to 200k notes. BUT when he does good things, which is ALL the time it only gets a few notes... but i guess thats the world we live in, you dont have to like justin... but maybe start respecting him and fact checking bc pretty much everything haters say about him is false.
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thats it. i want to clarify some shits. i am so sick and tired of being judged cuz i love justin bieber. ive been through so much and everytime i wanted to give up on myself, friends, family who ever whos around me and generally my whole life, justin was there and he didnt let me. he was there for me at 3am when i was crying. but i wonder who was there for him?? all the times he was feeling low. all the times he was getting hate from the whole world. dont wanna be dramatic but hes so strong. so this is one of the reasons why i love him. hes strong. as i said he has been through so much but ive never seen him harm himself or anything or anybody else. he just kept his silence everytime. he can take so much. i still remember how mad i was while watching the bieber roast. like i know i had to laugh and it was all a comedy show but still tho. i mean if anyone else was in the place of justin... with all of those things and... ugh nevermind. i mean cmon they talked shit about the love of his life, his father and so on justin is so honest with his fans. he cares about his fans. he takes time to talk with them, hug every single one of them, he has bought roses, coffees and stuff like that. and he does stuff like that now and then to show his love towards his fans. once he even played songs from his next album for them. he posted a video of that crowd- which was taken from the hotel balcony -via his instagram and captioned it; i wake up this morning to this :) best fans in the world #beliebers #sexyfans k can we pause here?? and another story bout this. actually i think yall have heard this one. "justin spittin on his beliebers from the balcony" bullshit. thats exactly what it is. total bullshit. and how do i know a fan cleared this mess up. actually one who was there: "i can definitely confirm that he didnt spit on anyone because i was there and in that instagram video he posted, i also have a video from my view, and he never at any point spit on us. TMZ and all these other media outlets and trying to put two and two together and make him seem like a bad person. personally i think he did it before were even any of us standing down there on the street, because at no point when i was stand there did he even spit off the balcony! he would never do anything like that to his fans. hate how media outlets try to make him out to be a bad person all the time when hes far from." tmz superimposed photos of the fans next to justin on a completely different balcony to make it appear like he was spitting on fans when he wasent. infact earlier that day, justin bought his fans hot chocolate and played them some of his new music. justin loves his fans. people talk shit about justin but little they kno most of the bad things they hear are just made up rumors. i love justin cuz hes such a talented person. i love him cuz hes a sweetheart. if u look real deep into his eyes you can actually see nothing but love. some kid at my school told me that hes a drug addicted and she was like srsly how can u look up to someone like that?? u must be a drug addicted too and she just walked away. hes not a drug addicted. i know yall have heard the story of cops raiding his house for eggs- when he egged his neighbors house which it wasnt a good thing to do i admit when justin does sth wrong i dont endorse it i can admit when he has fucked up and did that shit-and so on. but im pretty sure yall havent heard that the cops actually gave him a random drug test, and he tested negative for every single one. and yes he has smoked weed before but that doesnt make him a "drug addicted". tbh i see nothing wrong with that. alot of people do. plus it has been proven that marijuana is healthier than cigarettes and people are in the process of legalizing it in more states... so to the girl who goes to my school and all those who think justins not in complete health: hes not a drug addicted, he is not addicted to weed and whatever the hell he does in his personal time, people should not worry about it. annnnd about justin being disrespetful to Argentina flag. yes he did kick it off the stage BUT later he apologized and he said that he had no idea what it was. he thought that it was a shirt or sth. he clarified this by tweeting a several tweets saying: @justinbieber heard about what is going on with me down in Argentina and im shocked. I love Argentina and have had some of the best shows of my tour there @justinbieber people throw stuff on my stage all show and i get it to the stage hands to get off so no one got hurt. that video i saw a bra and thought... @justinbieber ...it was a shirt. Im being told by my team it was a shirt but even if it was a flag I would never do anything disrespect to Argentina... @justinbieber ...or the people of Argentina or the fans. Im so sorry for anyone who took my actions the wrong way and i hope you can forgive this mistake and if yall are interested u can search the tweets. to make sure these are actually real. yes he did that. "justin peein in a mop bucket" according to what his manager said he took a backway exit to avoid the paps and at that time he really needed to use bathroom and one of the employees told them that he can do it in a mop bucket... i admit that wasent the best choice but also if u have to go, you have to go... justin is a human being, i think people forget that. hes not perfect and at his lifetime he will fuck up some shits. what teenager doesnt???? tbh the only difference between our teenage years and his is that we all are not under a microscope. if we fuck sth up its just us. we may blame our selves for a while but then we let it go. cuz u cant be hard on yourself. but about justin... well the whole world is watching his every single move. and "its hard to do the right thing when the pressure is coming down like lightning." anyway he said that he has learned from that experience and promised that it wont happen ever again. nobody is perfect and you have to accept that. im pretty sure you have done some not so good things as well that yourent proud of them, but as i said the difference between you and justin is that you are not under a microscope. you dont get judged by everyone in the world. and i actually have another proof to show yall justin isnt bad but the media is lol. they try so hard to ruin justins reputation like why yall bitter i dont get this... so anyway. you mightve heard this or maybe not idk but there was a rumor goin round for a while :" justin called a girl a beached whale then she committed suicide" lol this is like so BULLSHIT i know cuz the girl is alive and she spoke up bout this. she apologized about the whole story goin around cuz she felt guilty. she shared some tweets sayin: @TropicalFlower0 i was NEVER called a beach whale by justin bieber. so sorry about making that up. im sorry @justinbieber and his fans @TropicalFlower0 but i am willing to give the money back to them i just dont want to feel guilty. justin bieber was really nice to us @TropicalFlower0 im not a bieber fan either like the news reporters said. im just a normal girl that needed the money. @TropicalFlower0 so i just want to clarify, justin bieber never called me a whale. all he told us was "hi girls" like i said earlier. @TropicalFlower0 well, after i got home i really felt guilty, my friend told me that what i did was very wrong. @TropicalFlower0 i really needed the money so i said sure, first of all they also invented that i was a bieber fan to make him look even worse @TropicalFlower0 and if i did they would pay me a higher amount of money, they also told me if i get friends and guests to help me they would double @TropicalFlower0 they seemed very unsatisfied and then they came back and told me to make up a story about justin bieber to make him look bad @TropicalFlower0 Then a lot of news reporters came at me and my friends asking us what justin bieber told us so we told them that he just said hi @TropicalFlower0 the other day i was with my friends sun bathing, we saw justin bieber and he came toward us and said nothing else but "hi girls" @TropicalFlower0 i dont understand twitter but i hopefully this gets out there and i wont feel guilty anymore so as u read justin goin to a pool area isnt that much interesting and sort of boring so some paparazzi guy payed this girl and yeah mainwhile when this shitty rumor started to spear around this was his indirect way of sayin that it wasent tru. justin tweeted you are all beautiful i dont even know what to say anymore. these were all some examples. i got so much more to talk about but its just too much. so imma leave this here and the rest for later. "and haterz.... i love u too. ;)" he tweeted this and i think it was needed rn atm im not trying to make justin look like a pure angel who hes not MY point is to show u he does mistakes like us, he is a human like us, he has a beating heart in his chest like us. and most of the bad things u hear about him are just made up rumors. thats it. there i said it.
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todays jesy nelsons bd. jesy from LM. im not even a fan of little mix but i just wanted to take a chance and appreciate what jesy and other girls are doing. ive heard some of their music but im talking about their music. im not talking about how powerful they are. how they inspire girls to be themselves. how they make girls feel happy about their skin, body shape or anything else. i love that they help girls with their insecurities. how to deal with them and how they tell em not to be perfect. because thats what life is about. not being perfect. we all have came in different shapes and thats the beauty of the world. how theres billions of people and yet not even one is as same as another. what i want to say is we need more artists like little mix. we need artists who stand up for equality, lgbt rights and someone who care about people. someone to help teenagers overcome their insecurities with the art theyre making. ive seen videos of jesy in xfactor and how she was sobbing cuz she didnt like what she was. (that absolutly broke my heart in thousands tiney pieces) and now look at her. like i said before im not a fan but that made me so happy and im so proud of her and who she is today cuase no one deserves to be shamed about their body and appearance and most important who they are. with all of that said, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESY NELSON! WISHING U NOT JUST A GOOD BD BUT A GOOD LIFE U DESERVE IT WARRIOR
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Okay we can argue about a lot of things but I think we all can agree that Alex ‘hey man you could choke, so just, like, don’t choke” Standall and Tony “Now try and slow your breath down (…) by breathing slower” Padilla are the best
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قلبش بدجورى مى زد. كف دستش را روى سينه گذاشت. با خودش گفت شايد دارد سكته قلبى مى كند. نكند دارد مى ميرد. مى ديد ك فقط دوست دارد بخندد. مى خواست از بزرگوارى اين غريبه ها بخندد. از مهربانى شان از خوبى شان. از اين واقعيت ك هنوز آدم هاى خوب و مهربان وجود دارند و حاضرند ب كسى ك در عمرشان نديده اند و هرگز نخواهند ديد، كمك كنند. و جالب اينكه تمام اين بزرگوارى، اين مهربانى فقط ب خاطر حرف هايى است ك در آنجا نوشته شد.
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I want everyone to listen to twenty one pilots but thy have to do it right like NO you can't just casually listen to them or just check them out you have to sit down and listen to the entire vessel album while doing something that allows you to give almost all of your attention to the album because you have to listen to every word that Tyler says and all the sounds like .. you've got to DO IT RIGHT
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23 days of harry, day twenty: others about harry please donate to switchboard or the little princess trust
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where's this from? was it a show? and HOWS IT IVE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE
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The Only Exception – Paramore
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but wat iz luv srsly?
i.) How many times can you fall for the wrong person before you give up on finding the right one? ii.) My mother and father are only together because of their children. If love is founded on consideration for others, I want to be selfish. I want to love because I do, not because I have to. Does that make me a bad person? iii.) Physical scars heal faster than emotional ones. A cut on my leg is jagged and bloody, a crevice stitched into my skin. Imagain if I could examine my heart.
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I hate him but I love him
"like, he's flirting with this girl, and it's not supposed to bother you. You're sarcastic and cavalier and you make fun of him more than anyone, and you're supposed to smirk at him knowingly or laugh with your other friends, like the girl who doesn't care should. like the girl you are-- the girl who can't tell him he's beautiful without it meaning anything. the girl who he never has to worry about falling for him, the girl who gets him but is never going to try to get with him, because she wouldn't ruin that. You can't be the girl who wrecks it all, but those feelings rise up in you whenever he talks to her. And the teasing sentence comes out wooden, as your smile fades into a grimace. Tears start at the corner of your eyes like a sudden thunderstorm, and your chest is caving in but you can't let him see any of it. Your stomach is made of rocks grinding against each other, and there's a roaring in your ears. and you are a microcosm of natural disaster. You are the girl that wrecks everything, the goddess whose betrayal makes the whole ocean seethe. You are a bolt of lightning as you glare at him, and the whole time, there's that captain at the helm of your eyes, begging you to turn away, imploring you to remember devil-may-care and cocky and arrogant and 'fuck it, I'm me.' Begging you to remember that you are not the girl who gets hurt, because nothing can hurt you. And so you swallow the storm inside of you, push it down until it's just a soft rain, and you smile at him. The kind of disassembling smile that quirks your mouth up and reveals nothing but what he wants to see. And when you're alone, the maelstrom will roar its fury in silence. And the swell will break over a white blank page."
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can sb help?
I just feel as though I have nothing going for me. like its bad but I can't play sports, can't sing or play an instrument. I'm not unbelievably smart or at all pretty, can't draw or design things, I can't do makeup or put together bomb ass outfits and I'm not sure, I just feel like I SHOULD have a talent because everyone seems to have one but me??? it makes me so upset, I feel like I'm really worthless for some reasons beacuse I don't benefit anything ... I don't know maybe it's just meeeeeeeee
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