healer-pop · 5 days
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Rendered venture ignore shitty drill 🔩
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healer-pop · 5 days
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Happy Pride month :D
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healer-pop · 5 days
trying to be more active here again! burn out has been rly hard and frustrating for me since getting so sick :(
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healer-pop · 8 days
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redraw of that one spray :)
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healer-pop · 8 days
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mmrocks hehe
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healer-pop · 11 days
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healer-pop · 11 days
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My first post! Venture moodboard because they need more moodboards
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healer-pop · 11 days
i feel like i'm going insane but so far i've never seen anyone mention venture probably eats box the way they eat their ice cream. happy venture skin release day
oh trusttttt ive been thinking about this, a little too much
Ventures tongue
They would start off slow and tender with intentionally slow and drawn out licks, savouring your taste and the sounds you made as they slowly teased you. Eye contact all the while unless you broke it. The grip they had on you would leave marks on your thighs for sure.
You tell them to slow down and they do, but only for a moment before they go back to their original ravenous rhythm, unable to hold themselves back.
Anytime you'd try pulling back from overstimulation Sloane would yank you right back with a slick smile, groaning amusedly into you as they got back to work.
Good luck forgetting about the experience. Anytime they eat their ice cream, Sloane will make sure you get a good look at how they can work their tongue, reminding you that they can do much worse to you than that cone they are holding.
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healer-pop · 11 days
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They are trying to intimidate you in the third image.
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healer-pop · 11 days
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i see venture and i start running around in circles so fast that it burns a hole in the carpet
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healer-pop · 12 days
there’s nowhere near enough appreciation for the desperation of touch-starved sex btw. the way people look at each other when the room is finally quiet and empty, fingers shaking as they lock the door in almost disbelief, stumbling into someone’s arms and immediately just whining the second their warm hands grab your arms, growling at tearing at each other between bruising kisses, throwing shit on to the floor in a rush to make room. this should be talked about with shakespearean passion actually
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healer-pop · 12 days
‘General Venture dating headcanons!
Authors note; literally wrote all of this during my genocide and holocaust studies class.… I’m going to hell…Also guys idk whether to use “y/n” or not like I can’t help but cringe… is it corny or no gah idk ALSO AUGHHH IM SUCH A LIAR im literally so behind on all my assignments!!!! And I still have requests to do whatever whatever enjoy!!!
They’re very secure as a person (and they trust you lots!) so I don’t think they’d get easily jealous but when they are they're sneaky with it, they’d be the type to like sabotage lolol
“Do you think I have a chance?”
“Oh with (____) ? Yea sure but just so y’know they were only recently discharged from the psyche ward…”
“Yea… doctors said they’d never be the same ..… poor thing…..
( ^◡^)”
They’re actually just the sweetest most understanding s/o ever like genuinely let them know all your of worries, share all your burdens, they happily will!!
Will DIE if they ever made you upset. Like would start genuinely tweaking and going crazy. Will buy every gift and write so many letters apologizing for whatever they’d done until you’re happy again
Even worse if they make you mad like omg ESPECIALLY IF UR GIVING THEM THE SILENT TREATMENT
do be expecting them outside your window with a boombox on their head playing some old romantic Spanish saop opera song
They seem like the type who can’t cook for shit (I’m projecting here) BUT they will try just for you! They’ll attempt to cook your favorite foods… please lie to them!!
Absolutely loves to spoil / do things for you but if you do the same they freak out, lots of ‘You shouldn’t have!’s and ‘Shuckssss teehehehe’
Of COURSEEE gifts you lots of pretty rocks!!! Constantly. Your house might have a random rock in every corner but hey what can you do? what’s that? Refuse to take it? Yea if you want them to die!!!! You might as well have just ripped their heart out! just say you hate them and never wanna see them ever again!!!
Speaking of… lots of dramatics. However they’re smart enough to know when to stop so it’s not to the point of being annoying or anything! They can’t help but be playful, it’s in their blood
Not only are they a terrible cook but they're a terrible driver as well, there's definitely a hidden drawer filled with all their tickets... somebody get them off the damn road!
Treats the drill like a pet lol, y'know those jokes about pitbulls named princess? That's for sure what's going on here. Yea it's a dangerously massive drill meant to effortlessly barrow through solid ground but it's also their little meowmeow so?? Their admiral turbo meowington? If you suggest they wash it from all the dirt and grime they'll pout and say something stupid like; "but but flufflestiltskin hates the bath"
That's all I can think of right now but I'm sure there's more cooking in the back of my head!! Hope you like it, this was rlly fun lolol (IM SO IN LOVE WITH THEM SOMEONE SEDATE ME.)
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healer-pop · 12 days
sleepover fic is never coming is it 💀
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this is pre-rewriting the sex scene. I have only rewritten the first three scenes so far! sorry for not responding very much lately, i have to find a summer job + pneumonia w asthma SUCKS.
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healer-pop · 12 days
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My first post! Venture moodboard because they need more moodboards
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healer-pop · 12 days
An; Uhm, hey! I’ve been gone for a while! I haven’t been up to writing in a while. But Venture has been plaguing my mind like crazy, so why not upload something small!
Venture x reader | rock collection!
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Warnings: none!
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— It would make sense for Sloan to collect small items to bring back home. They’re constantly discovering new artifacts. That’s when they picked up the habit of collecting rocks for you!
— You have an unlimited supply of rocks. They would give you any kind of rock that reminds them of you. Even ones that you’d find while going out.
— All of them have different names. All. Sloan would come up to you and introduce the rock to you. They manage to remember all of their names. When you forget or mix them up, they’re quick to remind you.
— Instantly drops all information they know of the rock. It’s the first thing they do before handing them to you. It can last for hours.
— eats them
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healer-pop · 12 days
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Venture they very silly
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healer-pop · 12 days
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my take on the mercy mythic yippeee
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