heart-stopper 2 years
Just an fyi - the lesbian flag you鈥檝e been using is the lipstick one, and I believe the sunset one (orange, white, and pink) is most people鈥檚 preference. I wasn鈥檛 sure if you knew or not so I just thought I鈥檇 let you know!
I didn't know! Is there something wrong wirh the one I've used? Just asking because I want to be informed - I've essentially been in a cave for the past 5 years lol. Regardless, I will use the other one from now on!
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heart-stopper 2 years
please do tori with BRIGHT PINK. don't even question me.
technically requests are closed rn but i love this message so much that i'm gonna do it anyway
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heart-stopper 2 years
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nb pride aled icons !!
requests are temporarily closed!
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heart-stopper 2 years
Do you only do characters from the comics?
I do manga requests on my other account @emotionalit-y !
If you're asking if I'm able to do characters from the show though - unfortunately, I cannot! Making icons out of live action TV shows is much more complicated than making comic/manga icons, and I have no idea how to use photoshop 馃様
I'm open to learning though haha if anyone knows of a good tutorial...?
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heart-stopper 2 years
whos ur fav heartstopper character? im curious 馃憖
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heart-stopper 2 years
why are u ignoring aled鈥檚 hc coming from alice herself that he鈥檚 nb? i agree with the other stuff u said though
oh, he is? i apologize for the mistake then! i didn't know that alice said that, so i will keep that in mind from now on, and possibly make nb aled icons very soon :)
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heart-stopper 2 years
this will be my account for manga requests! and to begin, here is one of my favorite characters... shion from a manga called no. 6 !!
no. 6 is a manga that i highly recommend. it's a dystopian manga primarily, but what i really like about it is that it casually incorporates an LGBTQ relationship between two bisexual males into its plot.
their relationship is not the centerpoint of the story, and that is super important because it normalizes LGBTQ relationships! the story holds its own and is accessible to a wide variety of different people, even without the romantic subplot. it is my all-time favorite manga, not only because of the LGBTQ representation, but because the story is so immersive and compelling.
tl;dr - i highly recommend reading it!!
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icons of shion from no.6 !
feel free to use! no credit necessary, but likes and reblogs are appreciated :)
my other (heartstopper only) icon acc is @heart-stopper !
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heart-stopper 2 years
it鈥檚 cisnormative to not do gender hc icons
it's not. besides elle (and possibly darcy), the characters are all canonically cis. that's how alice created them and i am going to respect that, just like i'm respecting their canon sexualities.
i do manga requests and will gladly do any flag for any character you want, but because heartstopper's theme includes characters finding their identity, i do not feel comfortable with using other flags to represent their identities.
think of it like this... wouldn't it feel a bit uncomfortable to make icons of tara or charlie with a bisexual flag? to me, it does. if you don't feel the same, that is fine. but i do not feel comfortable with doing it myself.
also... i hate to point this out, as i love making icons, but i'm not obligated to make any. i don't want to feel obligated to do something that i'm not comfortable with.
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heart-stopper 2 years
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nellie + pride flags: part 2/2 !
requests are temporarily closed!
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heart-stopper 2 years
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nellie + pride flags: part 1/2 !
stay tuned for gender pride flags.
requests are temporarily closed!
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heart-stopper 2 years
how do you make the pfps?
i erase the background on some random android app and then add the color in on picsart :)
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heart-stopper 2 years
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asexual pride aled icons for @michaelholdenlover !!
requests are temporarily closed!!
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heart-stopper 2 years
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michael holden icons for anon (i think) !!
requests are temporarily closed!
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heart-stopper 2 years
Hi! I know you make icons but I was wondering if you would make wallpapers! Some pride ones would be so epic !
Oooo, I've never considered it, but I might 馃憖 Time to scroll through Picsart for 2 hours straight lol.
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heart-stopper 2 years
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episode 1 // episode 6
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heart-stopper 2 years
can you make tao with white blackground? (that one pic where he's holding a cat and a phone)
yep! here it is! apologies for the weird white line on the bottom - i must have cropped it wrong.
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as a reminder to all of you, if you request a white icon, i can have it done immediately, even when requests are closed. i cut the backgrounds out of my icons all at once, so now i have a bunch of blank "templates"!
i have a lot of both nick and charlie; 200 for nick and 400 for charlie. however, i have a more limited amount for other characters! tara and elle have about 25 each, aled and tori have about 10 each, and i have only 3 of tao!
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heart-stopper 2 years
this might have been done already but aled asexual pfps?
i have done demisexual aled! i can do asexual as well if you'd like :)
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