heathazehiyori · 10 years
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heathazehiyori · 10 years
Whoah, this person sure knew a lot about Kairos. Though she didn’t tell her adress, but this person knew it, or guessed it right, if she should put.
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To: Stranger who’s going to come From: Hiyori Oh, really, you know? It’s okay! I haven’t known about Kairos that much yet, I wonder if you could show me some places here.
New House { open }
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heathazehiyori · 10 years
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She stroked the cat’s fur for a moment longer yet he began to squirm, making her frown.“Ssh- Ah! Name? His name is Nero.” The black-haired girl replied, a smile on her face, to be honest, she was pleased to talk about cats, especially about her own cat. “If you are wondering, Nero is Neko + Kuro, which means black ca—” Before she could finish her words, the cat leaped down off her lap, scurrying towards the male. “Haah.. Guess he likes you.”
Sakura ;
Chikage allowed his hand to settle back upon his lap as the cat freely wandered back to it’s owner. Quite tame, for a creature so independent, or so the blond thought. Rather than linger on that in his thoughts though, he returned his attention to the present—eyes still settled on the black cat. 
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"Does he have a name, then? I imagine you don’t go around calling him cat.” It wouldn’t be the first time, though. ‘Kitty’ and ‘Cat’ were quite the common calls; silly, especially if one had given them a name. Even worse for a poor male feline—those addresses hardly suited them at all. 
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heathazehiyori · 10 years
Hiyori listened to what the adult said carefully. She closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them. After all her problem had nothing to do with his class, though it occured in his class, this was more into a personal matter between two people, well, you know, puppy love thingy. "Hmph.. Just forget it, sir." She said looking away. The moment her eyes caught a sight of 'science book', it reminded her of what she had learned today. "Sir, if I may say, we should have a quiz everyday.. The class would be more fun."
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If train A is traveling west at 40 mph, then how much time is left? ( open )
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heathazehiyori · 10 years
Send me a ✖ if you ever wanted to rp with me, send me a ✿ if you really like my muse/ how i portray them.
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heathazehiyori · 10 years
Hiyori was sitting in her seat peacefully, making a summary of electromagnetic induction yet a classmate, boy, came to her seat, his face was red. Hmph. She lazily looked up at him, with a boring-look on her face. Surprisingly the boy confessed to her, how gross. Well, she was quite popular among her classmates, she even had her own fan club. Multiple boys confessed to her yesterday, but without doubt, of course she turned them down. And this one, without thinking first she turned him down, the boy went away as tears filled his eyes. "Gross!" She grumbled. That boy was enough to ruin her mood anyway, she decided to get up from her seat and made her way to the teacher's desk.
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"..Everything was perfectly alright, but the /boys/ were perfectly gross." She said bluntly.
If train A is traveling west at 40 mph, then how much time is left? ( open )
Out of the class of 29, two of his students were playing with their phones under their desks, four were drawing scribbles and eyes and sports logos and curlicues in their notebooks instead of taking notes, three were staring straight ahead, eyes glazed, and one was on the verge of tears. Carlos saw all of this. He usually saw all of this, though it was not always like this. He usually understood. This time, he did not understand.
The bell rang; the students began to pack up their belongings, some more eagerly than others. One of them Carlos called out to before the door could be cleared and freedom ensured. It wasn’t strictly school policy, of course, but he could write a pass if the student was late—and besides, they were probably in no state to be in class right now, anyway. Given the. State of near tears. And all. He didn’t need science to know that that kind of emotional state would inhibit focus and learning ability, as well as be really generally awful for the person experiencing it. Was it something in the lesson, or something he had said? Was it the sheer majesty of the vast, unknown universe? Or was it something deeper than that, darker than that? Maybe he could refer them to the school counselor? Would the school counselor even be able to help?
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Thoughts ricocheted around in his head like tiny, harmless bullets, but when the student reached his desk, all he said was, “Hi. Um. Are you okay? You looked… upset, I think. I just wanted to make sure everything was alright.”
He didn’t want to sound invasive, or creepy, or anything, but it was his student, in his classroom, and he had a teacherly responsibility to make sure everything was okay.
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heathazehiyori · 10 years
Not long after, she reached the tree where the cat was heading. Panting.
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A frown still remained on her features yet it didn't last long. As the man inquired her, she let out a soft sigh. "Yeah, that is my cat." She answered simply while approaching her cat and the male, flopping on to the ground. "Come here." She said to her cat, gently petting his fur and trying to set him in her lap.
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Sakura ;
Comfortable in serenity, lost in his book, Chikage almost didn’t notice the small black creature approaching him. But, thanks to the rustling of leaves and quiet mewl, his attention was stolen. Crimson eyes settled upon the feline, a slight smile curving his lips as he set his book down in his lap. 
From time to time, he found himself caught up with cats—they were his preferred animal of any. Independent, quiet, and always appeasing to look at, or pet. Though a voice had not long accompanied the appearance of the cat; this one was not wild like the many others he came across, disappointing, but it didn’t affect his momentary indulgence. 
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With one hand settled atop his book, the other had reached out to pet the cat—fingertips scratching behind it’s ears. With the clear sound of footsteps pattering, Kazama looked up to acquaint himself with the form they belonged to. A young woman, by the looks of it. Halting his hand’s movements, much to the displeasure of the feline being petted, he made effort of converse. "This. Is this your cat?”  
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heathazehiyori · 10 years
"Zzz.." The sound of a phone vibrating made her grab her phone in instant. Well well, she was glad she didn't have to wait for hours to wait someone replying her text.
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To: ???
From: Hiyori
Hm, I'm not sure though, since I just moved in, I still dont know much about the places here.. But, my house is painted blue, the /biggest/ one!
New House { open }
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Hiyori flopped onto bed as she had done arranging her stuffs. Today sure was a tiring day. She just moved from Paralia to Kairos. A pleased smile tugging her lips. Of course she felt happy, why? Because she was now living in Kairos. A larger in size and much more modernized than  Paralia. She then got up from her bed, opening her window to see the scenery outside. The birds were dancing in the sky as if they were  welcoming her. Her eyes shifted from the birds to the street, she could see the cars passed by her house and so accompanied by the sound of the cars’ horn. ‘ What a busy street..’ She thought.
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The moment she looked up, her eyes squinted.
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A bright sunlight shone into her eyes, putting her hand over her eyes to block it, she decided to close the window. Hiyori pulled her phone out, a slight frown formed on her features as if she was thinking of something. Right! She hadn’t told her friend about her moving, a smile danced on her lips as she began typing a text message.
To: ???
From: Hiyori
[Message] Hey, I just moved to Kairos. You should visit me soon!
She smirked playfully as she pressed the ‘send’ button and placed her phone on the table, waiting for a reply.
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heathazehiyori · 10 years
Hiyori was strolling around, carrying a black cat with one hand while the other free hand petting it’s head. The weather was nice. She walked casually as she eyed every people she passed by. Hmm, she had no idea where to go actually.
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Ah! Something crossed her mind, she hadn’t gone to the outskirts of the forest. The girl immediately made her way, walking down the street until she reached her destination.
Wow, so relaxing!
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She put her cat down on the ground, letting it go. She kept her eyes on it though, not until the cat started running towards a certain tree.
"Hey! Wait up!" She frowned, chasing after her cat.
Book in hand; the blond hesitated not to wander the streets, seeking out a place of quiet solitude. Some may call him studious at a first glance, but the man simply finds reading to be a most relaxing pastime. With none to pester him, he isn’t getting himself into trouble. A blessing, probably,...
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heathazehiyori · 10 years
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"hiyori smiling and disappearing in the ED" requested by anonymous
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heathazehiyori · 10 years
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Hibiya~ Hiyori~ Aah~ So sad~ I DREW THIS—and it’s so scrappy and messy rINN out—
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heathazehiyori · 10 years
New House { open }
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Hiyori flopped onto bed as she had done arranging her stuffs. Today sure was a tiring day. She just moved from Paralia to Kairos. A pleased smile tugging her lips. Of course she felt happy, why? Because she was now living in Kairos. A larger in size and much more modernized than  Paralia. She then got up from her bed, opening her window to see the scenery outside. The birds were dancing in the sky as if they were  welcoming her. Her eyes shifted from the birds to the street, she could see the cars passed by her house and so accompanied by the sound of the cars’ horn. ‘ What a busy street..’ She thought.
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The moment she looked up, her eyes squinted.
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A bright sunlight shone into her eyes, putting her hand over her eyes to block it, she decided to close the window. Hiyori pulled her phone out, a slight frown formed on her features as if she was thinking of something. Right! She hadn’t told her friend about her moving, a smile danced on her lips as she began typing a text message.
To: ???
From: Hiyori
[Message] Hey, I just moved to Kairos. You should visit me soon!
She smirked playfully as she pressed the ‘send’ button and placed her phone on the table, waiting for a reply.
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heathazehiyori · 10 years
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"I just wanted to be by your side." Kagerou Project - HibiHiyo
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