heavyheartmusic · 4 years
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90% of grassroots music venues are under threat of closure in the wake of Covid-19. They need £50 million from the government to ensure they do not go out of business. The live music industry added £4.5bn to the UK economy in 2019 🎶 #LetTheMusicPlay (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCIru87nWRm/?igshid=2stu3h8dwgpi
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heavyheartmusic · 4 years
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We hope you're staying safe out there in self-isoland... 😷 The dolls at @bandcamp have waived their fees for today so we've come out of quarantine for a sec to sell you our wares, including copies of our album, 'Keepsake', on lovely red 12" vinyl, as well as lots of songs to download digitally (link in bio). Musicians are struggling even more than usual right now. Your support, as always, makes a huge, huge difference. Thank you, HH x 💖 https://www.instagram.com/p/B99hMKfHkAT/?igshid=du9tf495scbq
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heavyheartmusic · 4 years
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Thank you to the most radicalist Max from @yuckband for including us in his Shout Outs @themostradicalist 🙏💜 https://www.instagram.com/p/B65iVodHKyq/?igshid=epo5yc7xnag6
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heavyheartmusic · 4 years
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Happy New Year! 🍾 And thank you to @indieforbunnies for including us in their 20 faves of 2019 🐇💜🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/B60udVQntUi/?igshid=1ghaaiy41l4j2
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heavyheartmusic · 5 years
Tonight @shacklewellarms with @pillowqueensband 💖 (at The Shacklewell Arms) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ciS9JlDPi/?igshid=f1aofs9mnn0v
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heavyheartmusic · 5 years
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Excited to support @pillowqueensband at @shacklewellarms on Thursday for @rockfeedback and @eggy.elbows | Free tickets on @dicefm | 📷: @chiaraceccaioni (at The Shacklewell Arms) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UN6h8H2AH/?igshid=g9wpwjf8swqx
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heavyheartmusic · 5 years
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Next HH show is 10th October at @shacklewellarms supporting @pillowqueensband for @rockfeedback x @eggy.elbows 💜 (at The Shacklewell Arms) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2OsF-AnfP5/?igshid=1sl803j78k2gj
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heavyheartmusic · 5 years
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Thank you @poppedmusic for this beautiful review of ‘Cry Ice’ ❄️💜 | https://poppedmusic.co.uk/2019/08/02/just-listen-heavy-heart-cry-ice/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B03ued0HaPq/?igshid=1imi46uw8qqtn
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heavyheartmusic · 5 years
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Eardrums Music
5th August 2019
5th August 2019
JULY is a very relaxed month in the music industry, and there have been fewer releases than usual. I found some real good ones for you also this month.The list is in no particular order, but the ones I loved the most are marked with a red ||.A Spotify playlist with songs from this list can be found below or via this link. If you want ALL the good stuff from 2019, there is a huge list for that too. Did you miss the other posts in this series? Click the link to view them. 
Heavy Heart – “Cry Ice”  This is a gem with so many fascinating layers. It is a beautiful, dreamy song, with kind of a late Cocteau Twins vibe. The first thing that made me re-visit this song over and over again, was the clever synth part that goes on and on through the whole song, with only a few changes. They also dare to add some edges in the beauty, with some cool dissonance and roughness towards the end of the track.  (Spotify)“
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heavyheartmusic · 5 years
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Popped Music
2nd August 2019
Words: Amy Butcher
I first fell in love with Heavy Heart when I saw them open for Milk Disco some months back at London’s The Shacklewell Arms and they’ve continued to blow me away with their addictive rock sounds since.When the opening to Cry Ice began I was pleasantly surprised by the soft intricate melodies, groovy drumbeats and delicately powerful vocals from singer Anna Vincent. 
With Heavy Heart, you never know what to expect from them and that’s what I love about this band. When seeing them live I was certain their sound was as if Nirvana and Björk made a band but a tad quieter and softer. Yet upon hearing Cry Ice, I’m venturing towards a more modern Radiohead-esque sound mixed in with this.
Whatever single they release, they always create something so unique and perfect! If you’ve been sleeping on Heavy Heart, you need to wake up and start listening to their music.“
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heavyheartmusic · 5 years
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Merryn Music
Independent Music Monday - 30th July 2019
“Every Monday we will be bringing you interviews with unsigned UK or Ireland artists for Independent Music Monday. Recently we caught up with Anna from unsigned London band Heavy Heart to find out more…
Who is in the band, how did you meet, where are you from and how did you come up with the band name? Heavy Heart is Anna, Patrick, James, Craig and Max and we've all known each other for a few years. James and I are siblings so we've known each other a bit longer! We formed Heavy Heart a few years ago after we'd all been in different bands, and after releasing a demo EP, we spent the whole of 2016 writing, recording and releasing a new song each month of that year. The name Heavy Heart was something I had been thinking about for a while before we formed the band - it seemed to sum up how I felt a lot of the time, and also reflected the two sides of the music I wanted to make - loud guitars and a certain unrelenting power, but with something more delicate and emotional to it as well.
Who were your musical influences when you were growing up and who are your influences now? The first band I loved was The Beatles, who I got into when I was about 8 or 9. That hasn't really changed actually, but I guess along the way I discovered things like The Pixies, Nirvana, Patti Smith, Television... so those are all my influences too, but I'm not sure if that comes across in our music.
How would you describe your sound? This is always a hard one to answer without sounding silly... I sometimes say our music is dreamrock, because it's heavier than dreampop but it has some of the same textures and atmosphere to it. But people have said alt-rock, indie rock, shoegaze (we're not really but I'm not complaining!).
What is your latest release called and what was the influence behind it? We just released a single called 'Cry Ice'. It's our third single this year and thematically forms part of a loose trilogy with the other two songs we released previously ('Bed Bug' in January and 'Dowsabel' in March). It tells the story of two lovers freezing to death on a mountainside, trapped just out of reach of each other, and I guess this, and the other singles this year, are about the end of a relationship and the different feelings of sadness, anger, and loss that this brings up. These songs have been written from my own experience and I guess they're pretty personal, but writing about it is one way of laying things to rest.
What’s your local music scene like? I live in Peckham in south east London, so it's pretty good. There are a lot of bands who congregate around The Windmill in Brixton, and we also share a studio and rehearsal space with several local bands, so it's a nice and supportive community. Generally everyone goes to each other's shows and helps each other out. It doesn't always happen like that so we're lucky really.
What do you have planned for the next 12 months? Any albums or festivals? No festivals but we're working on new songs for another EP or maybe an album, we'll see how it goes!
Is there anyone you’d love to collaborate with? Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails - I think that would be a really interesting collaboration, and he's one of my musical heroes.
Any funny stories surrounding your live performances? Funnily enough, I have never fallen over on stage. It will almost certainly happen now I've said that.
What is the one thing that you want readers to know about you? I eat my breakfast cereal with water instead of milk...
You can find out more about Heavy Heart on their website or via Bandcamp, Facebook, Instagram, Soundcloud, Spotify or Twitter.”
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heavyheartmusic · 5 years
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Don’t Be Real Be Postmodern
28th July 2019
"London/uk dream-/indie rock outfit Heavy Heart have unveiled another beautful new tune.  Following 'dowsabel' from march this year, here's their atmospheric new single 'cry ice', released july 3..."
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heavyheartmusic · 5 years
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Thank you to the amazing @mattharv3 of @paperhousemusichq for including us as one of his @tipping_pointuk picks this week! 💜 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0S8iWenSWz/?igshid=1kwhzbrar46ru
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heavyheartmusic · 5 years
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Generator | Tipping Point
22nd July 2019
“TIPPER OF THE WEEK: MATT HARVEYThis week we continue our latest feature on the Tipping Point, spotlighting the biggest and best emerging acts from across the UK. Each Monday, we ask one of our esteemed tippers to select five of their hottest tips to be featured on the site throughout the week.Next up we have Matt Harvey, director at artist and producer management company Paperhouse Music that represent bands Broken Hands, Dolls & Smoke Fairies amongst others + talented producer/mixers Tom Dalgety (Royal Blood, Pixies, Ghost) & Kristofer Harris (Belle & Sebastian, Ghostpoet, Indoor Pets). Check out his tips below!
These guys have been on the radar and churning out quality tracks for some time now and starting to get the press and attention they deserve. The most recent tracks have been mixed by Gabe from Soccer Mummy. The Line Of Best Fit described their sound as a “dreamy tapestry of sadness” … now doesn’t that sound wonderful?!”
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heavyheartmusic · 5 years
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Hard of Hearing Music
21st July 2019
Hey Anna, how are you and what is new?
“I’m well thanks! It has been a rollercoaster of a year so far – and I don’t tend to like theme park rides – but I’m back on solid ground now. What is new is that Heavy Heart have just released our third single of 2019, ‘Cry Ice’.”
You have written story songs before, but ‘Cry Ice’ is on another level. What inspired you to write in this new style?
“Thank you! I normally have a slight story thread or character in my songs, but this one is definitely the most direct and literal so far. In ‘Cry Ice’, two lovers freeze to death on a mountainside just out of reach of each other. During the course of writing this song (and the other two we’ve released this year), I was going through the beginnings of a breakup. It moved glacially slowly but I guess these songs documented what came to be the end. I felt like the story of this song really summed up what it can be like at the end of a relationship. Frozen together but alone, not really able to touch each other or get through to each other any more. But there’s also something beautiful about that, about seeing it through together, at the end of it all.”
Have you ever climbed a mountain yourself? What inspired you to write a song in this setting?
“I haven’t, I’m more of an explorer of the internal world. I would probably have to be airlifted off the side of even a moderate hill after about half an hour. The inspiration for this song was an article I read about the climbers who have died over the years whilst scaling Everest and whose bodies are still frozen there. Some of them are even used as landmarks for climbers making subsequent expeditions. The idea of these people being alone up there forever made me sad. But at the same time, they kind of achieved immortality through their actions. When a relationship is ending, you sometimes just want to live in denial for a while before it’s really over, so I imagined these two people up there on the mountain, their love frozen perfectly forever, exactly as it was in that moment. In terms of music I’m also very interested in the idea of crystallising and preserving emotions and thoughts, so I guess it resonated in that sense too.”
Anyone who has heard previous records or seen you live will know you as a guitar band. What brought about the change of sound for this track?
“We’ve always used synths and other electronic elements here and there in our music, but generally in addition to lots of guitars, so it was nice to strip it back for this one. It’s a personal song and I wrote it on a synth so it just felt right to keep it there. I wanted to created a kind of icy, dreamy atmosphere to place the story in. But it gets very guitary by the end!”
In 2016 you released 12 tracks in a month. 2019 has seen a more leisurely three tracks (so far). Which approach do you prefer?
“Writing, recording and releasing a new song every month for a year was a really big challenge and I think we still have a bit of PTSD from that! It was self-imposed and it really helped us improve as songwriters I think, but it’s not something I’d do again in a hurry. Saying that, our singles this year maybe took a bit too long to make. So I’m hoping the next songs will be somewhere in between.”
What’s next for Heavy Heart?
“Recording more new music. That’s what I’m focussing on now. And I’m sure we’ll play a few shows around the place too…”
If you could hear one final song before freezing to death on the mountain what would it be?
“I’d probably go with ‘Until I Die’ by the Beach Boys.”
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heavyheartmusic · 5 years
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— Daily Tune 17/07/2019Heavy Heart – ‘Cry Ice’
The London alt-rock band’s name, Heavy Heart, already gives away the feeling the song Cry Ice creates. Contemplating the breakup of a long relationship, it rides on the pain and sadness of parting ways. Set in the imagery of two people dying by the side of a mountain, freezing just out of reach of each other, the vivid lyrics draw on the heartstrings of about anyone who has ever been in love. The mellow vocals of singer Anna Vincent accompany the gentle and lush instrumentation perfectly. The dreamy soundscape seems to be as numb as the bodies, the lyrics describe as ‘turning blue’. Fading quietly on the last note, the single leaves you hanging in the air, emotionally moved.
by Liv Toerkell
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heavyheartmusic · 5 years
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Music Islands
Summer Classic Ice
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