Catching the expression on the platinum blonde’s face, Emma decided that perhaps now would be a good time for her to reevaluate her perception of reality. She had absolutely no idea what was going on, but the ‘this girl has totally lost it’ expression seemed to be pretty universal. “Right...” she agreed slowly, “that would be wonderful, thank you” she added with a curt nod. If Elsa really did have her own castle, perhaps she ought to be a bit more polite, at least until she figured out what was going on.
Attempting to do just that, she thought back, trying to recall every last detail in case anything could possibly explain what was going on now. Try as she might though, the only unusual event she could remember was that moonpool bubbling and glowing despite the utter lack of a full moon.... But that couldn’t have caused something like this, could it? Whatever this was.
Long Way from Home
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Long Way from Home
As the carriage drew nearer and nearer to the ‘kingdom’, Emma became more and more confused. This place looked awfully elaborate, even for the most avid of renaissance geeks. Not that she was an expert in that area, but she was relatively confident that most of them didn’t build entire towns, and she had yet to see a single booth selling oddities like ‘magical’ amulets, herbs, or dice.
As they rode through town, Emma’s heart sank further still- these buildings were far too realistic, and most of them didn’t seem to be selling anything at all. Before long, the carriage came to a halt. Stepping out with trepidation, Emma looked up at the castle. “Where... where are we?” she asked, starting to feel vaguely panicked.
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Well, at least Emma seemed surprised at the matter, Elsa thought… until the girl claimed they weren’t undergarments. Really, they were even a bit revealing for undergarments – was the girl not… of a proper state of mind?
“You needn’t be embarrassed,” she assured her. It wasn’t as though she could say ‘it’s completely normal’ or ‘it happens to everybody sometimes’… it definitely did not. Even so, Elsa wouldn’t judge her for it. Gain further concern, yes, but not judge. “I’m sure you didn’t mean for your clothing to end up… in the state it’s in. If you’re uncomfortable with me getting you something from the marketplace, I could probably make you something to wear in the meantime.”
Knowledge of her ice powers had spread far and wide enough that she assumed it was something Emma would already be aware of. Every kingdom connected to Arendelle by the fjord had discovered it, of course, as had all those who could see the top of the North Mountain, and naturally, all those who came to her coronation. With such a large number of people, it was no surprise that something as shocking and unusual as ice powers drew enough attention to be spoken about near and far.
Emma frowned as Elsa assured her she didn’t need to be embarrassed, at this point positively baffled. Most renaissance aficionados didn’t behave this earnestly in their acting, and it was beginning to unnerve her. Well, more than beginning if she was being perfectly honest, but she would rather not think about that too hard. These people were more than a little strange, and she was even beginning to regret accepting a ride with them in the first place. What was their damage? They had to know that not everyone wanted to take part in their weird act, didn’t they?
“Whatever’s fastest” she said quickly when the other woman continued to insist about finding her a dress, startled when she offered to make something. Was she really this serious about finding her clothes? Making clothes would surely take far longer than it was worth. She wanted to be in town and on her way as soon as possible, and being made clothing didn’t fit in with that in the slightest. Besides, perhaps if they stopped at whatever renaissance festival they were with she would be able to slip away while they weren’t looking. That way, she would be back to civilization, and no one had to make her anything: it was a win-win.
What's This? || Emelsa
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“It’s nice to meet you, Elsa” Emma replied automatically when the somewhat regal-looking woman introduced herself, her own deeply rooted sense of courtesy taking effect and running the conversation on autopilot despite her misgivings about the situation. She still wasn’t sure that getting a ride with these bizarre people was the best thing to do, but she wasn’t about to let that get in the way of her manners. 
At the woman’s next comment however, Emma couldn’t help but drop the polite, cheerful expression she’d been wearing. She was so startled by Elsa’s offer and apparent rationale behind it that it took her a moment to stop staring, lips parted in shock. “Um... I really don’t think that’ll be necessary” she finally said, regaining her composure as best she could. As much as she needed a ride into town, she really didn’t want to get stuck dress shopping with these renaissance weirdos out of sheer politeness. If they wanted to pretend that they were in medieval times for their own amusement then that was fine, but she certainly wasn’t going to be dragged into it for any longer than necessary. 
She almost left it at that in hopes of staving off further conversation on the subject, but there was something about the note of genuine concern in the other woman’s voice and expression that gave her pause. “These aren’t undergarments” she said before she could help herself, feeling fully ridiculous for explaining something so obvious. She almost added a quip about how she was sure Elsa knew that, but she figured it might not be the best idea to irritate the woman who seemed to be in charge of the carriage that was giving her a ride.
What's This? || Emelsa
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Emma couldn't help but take notice of Rikki's reaction to her little announcement, unable to help but feel strangely pleased by the fact that the platinum blonde seemed unhappy with her continuing to see Ash. Annoyance was present as well however, and seeing as that emotion made far more sense, that was the one she allowed herself to dwell on. "There is such thing as a long distance relationship, Rikki" she pointed out, annoyance seeping into her tone. 
"Although, we weren't exactly dating per se, we just kept in touch" she admitted briskly. Part of her wanted to pretend otherwise just to bother Rikki, but the rational side of her quickly decided against that particularly poorly thought out plan of action. Why did she want to bother Rikki anyway? Rikki was her friend, and a good friend certainly wouldn't want to bother her friend just for the sake of it, even if said friend was back together with quite possibly the most obnoxious human being on the face of the planet. 
Reunited (and it feels so good)
It was pretty easy for Rikki to tell when Emma forced her enthusiasm. She didn’t exactly make it hard; when Emma was happy, she was happy. When she pretended to be happy, she put on the most fake, sarcastic tone, pursed her lips slightly, and squinted her eyes. She was used to noticing this because of all of the times Emma became angry with her, especially the first time she met the other blonde girl. They weren’t exactly keen on each other in the beginning.
Rikki caught Emma’s eyes when Emma announced that she invited Ash to the Gilbert’s get together this afternoon. She furrowed her brows slightly, biting her pink lip in thought. “You’re still with him? How’d that work?” she asked aloud. She meant to keep that in her head, but somehow it just slipped. She didn’t seem to understand how Emma could leave for a year and go right back to Ash. Didn’t he date other people? Didn’t she? Didn’t they just figure that the distance wouldn’t work?
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Emma turned to Rikki, prepared to take in the other blonde's take on what had happened, hiding her frustration when Cleo interrupted to tell the story instead. She knew that the brunette would do a far better job of including every last detail she could possibly want, and while that was beneficial, she'd somehow been looking forward to hearing Rikki tell her side of it, getting to watch as the platinum blonde talked. Wait, what? Shrugging the strange thought aside, she redoubled her focus on Cleo's story. 
While she was inclined to pepper the girls with questions about Will and his trustworthiness, she wasn't entirely sure how to proceed. Sure, their secret was big and nothing to be given out to just anyone, but it would be rather hypocritical of her to fault Bella for letting her boyfriend find out about her secret, even if they hadn't strictly been together when he had. Lewis and Ash knew, after all. And then there was Zane, but she really preferred not to think about him... besides, he and Rikki had broken up, so she fortunately didn't have to anymore.
Eyes narrowing somewhat when Cleo announced that Rikki and Zane were back together, Emma shot Rikki a questioning glance before turning her attention back to Cleo. "Yeah, great" she agreed, though her smile and cheerful tone were rather forced. She knew that Zane had done a good job keeping their secret, but the idea of him knowing something like that personal about Rikki- no, about all of them- didn't sit well with her. "Anyway, this Will guy sounds interesting " she continued, desperate for a change of subject. "Oh, he's great" Bella assured her brightly "he's kind, and caring, and he really understands us. Our secret's definitely safe with him" she assured Emma, keen on giving her the best possible impression of her boyfriend. 
"Well then, I'm sure we'll get along just fine" Emma said with a polite smile, trying to sound more sure of the matter than she really was. "You did pass on the invitation to him, right?" she asked, looking more to Cleo and Rikki. "Of course" Bella assured Emma "thank you for that; he's really looking forward to it, and so am I" she told Emma, who managed another smile. "Good," Emma said briskly, unsure whether to be pleased or put off by this newcomer's bubbly personality. "And just so everyone knows, I've invited Ash" she informed the other three mermaids, gaze lingering perhaps a moment longer on Rikki than the other two.
Reunited (and it feels so good)
As soon as Emma asked what she missed, Rikki turned her head to look at the other girls. There was certainly a lot she’d missed, and although she had a gist, really there were too many details to explain over an international phone call. “Well, to make a long story short-” Rikki began, but of course Cleo had to cut her off. Cleo was way too excited to tell the full story of what went on their senior year.
Rikki watched and listened as Cleo made sure to include details of everything Emma didn’t know about, choosing to keep her mouth shut. Rikki thought they’d be here hours, but Cleo was talking so quickly and continuously rambling that it didn’t take as long as she initially thought. Once Cleo finished and took a breath, she added, “Oh yeah, and Bella and Will are dating now.” She flashed them a smile, causing Rikki to roll her eyes. Bella and Will were pretty much the couple other couples envied: perfect, without flaws. They were always happy and compromising. It was annoying.
"Yeah, we’ve got everything under control. It’s great, Emma. I can’t wait to show you everything." Cleo stopped, pausing to think about if there was anything else she was leaving out. "Oh! Rikki and Zane got back together recently. Isn’t that great?" Cleo finally piped up, remembering.
Rikki glanced down at the moon pool when she shouted this out loud. Personally, Rikki wasn’t looking forward to telling Emma about that. Emma never trusted Zane in the first place, but after she filled her in on all of the Sophie drama while Emma was in Europe, she was sure Emma hated the guy. Rikki honestly felt like an idiot taking him back sometimes. Their relationship wasn’t like it used to be, but she thought she could grow to forgive him and love him again. It was a slow process, to say the least.
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Emma raised an eyebrow when the strange woman announced that where they were was Arendelle. The blonde's accent had led her to believe that she was a local, but clearly that wasn't the case if she couldn't even pronounce Arendal correctly. Feeling more confused than ever when the stranger started asking about ships and merchants, Emma contemplated her options. 
She didn't much like the idea of getting a ride from these strange people, but it wasn't as if she had many other options, having no idea where she was going. Maybe if she played along, she could get back to the hotel without too many problems. These people didn't seem dangerous, and if it turned out that they were, she felt secure in the fact that she could defend herself from them- being a mermaid had its advantages, after all. 
"That would be great, thank you" she eventually said, offering a polite smile. to these kind but hapless travelers. Once they were safely situated in the carriage, she turned to the blonde, holding out her hand for the woman to shake. "I'm Emma, by the way. I don't believe I caught your name?"
What's This? || Emelsa
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Emma couldn't help but chuckle at the deluge of questions that Cleo had for her, but she flashed Rikki a grateful smile when the platinum blonde suggested that their friend give her room to breathe- even if she'd known Cleo longer and arguably got along with her better, sometimes there were moments that Rikki some how knew her better, understood her better than Cleo ever had. "I've missed you too" Emma assured Cleo, though she decided to save the rest of the points the other girl had brought up to answer after she and Bella had gotten formal introductions out of the way. 
She was disappointed with Bella's somewhat lackluster verbal introduction, though she supposed that the girl's warm smile and firm handshake somewhat negated that- you could tell a lot about a person from their handshake, after all. Expanding her attention back to focus on all three of the girls before her, Emma smiled. 
"Right," she said "so I can bore you with the details about Europe later; I'm sure Mum and Elliot will want to help with those stories anyway. Why don't we talk about what I missed here first?" she suggested, chewing on the edge of her lip. Although Europe had been fun, she absolutely hated that she'd missed so much back home while she'd been away. The sooner she was up to speed on the goings-on, the better. 
"You're sure you've got everything under control now?" she asked the three of them, just to make sure. She knew that they had, but there was some part of her that almost wished they didn't, so that she could swoop in and save the day... not to mention that, although she'd never admit it, she could be a little paranoid sometimes. 
Reunited (and it feels so good)
Rikki turned her head to the sound of new mermaids arriving into the clear, blue moonpool that all shared so many memories within. Emma didn’t know it, besides the stories the girls shared, but she really missed a lot that happened between the girls and the moonpool in the last year. The water physically came to life, and that was only the beginning. She was sure they’d go into more detail telling Emma stories later on, but for now, Emma needed to enjoy catching back up with them and meeting the new girl, Bella.
"Emma!" Cleo shrieked, practically pushing through the water and wrapping her arms around the other mermaid’s neck, hugging her tightly. The big smile never left her face even after she let go and watched her best friend. "I’ve missed you so much! How are you? How was Europe? How are Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert? And Elliot, how’s he? Did you all have fun? Was homeschooling so much easier than regular schooling?"
Before Cleo could continue, Rikki rolled her eyes and spoke, “Cool it, Cleo. She just got back. Give her some space.” She gave Emma a small smile before watching the blonde turn towards their new friend and introduce herself. She certainly wondered how this new encounter would go, but Bella definitely grew onto Rikki throughout senior year, and she wasn’t ready to let their new friend go. Of course, she’d never let Emma go either. She watched as Emma shook Bella’s hand, slowly running her tongue over her lips to moisten them as she kept her eyes on Emma’s, as well as the rest of her facial features.
Something always drew her to Emma, but she didn’t exactly know what, so she decided to ignore it. As senior year came around, she was certainly sad about Emma leaving (honestly, she believed she was more upset than Cleo, although she refused to show it), but whatever lured her to the other girl dulled. She forgot what it was like for Emma to be around, to not be able to keep her eyes off of her. Now that Emma was back, whatever it was didn’t creep back in, but forced its way back in so quickly, as if it never left.
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Emma was so focused on her rather one-sided conversation with the driver that she didn't notice the carriage door opening at first, but when the platinum blonde approached, the driver was all but forgotten. What on earth was this woman wearing? It almost looked like... ice? But no, that couldn't be right. Whatever it was, Emma couldn't believe the woman would wear such a fancy dress out on a carriage ride. 
"Uh... hi" she greeted cautiously, reminding herself that her current predicament was far more important than this somehow regal looking woman's fashion choices. She was relieved that the woman spoke English, especially after her failed attempts at getting information from the driver, who she assumed by his confusion did not in fact speak English, despite being employed by the tourist industry. 
She raised an eyebrow, confused and concerned for this woman when she called the hotel a kingdom. She was somewhat inclined to get away from this strange and possibly dangerously clueless duo as soon as possible... but all the same, it wasn't as though any other options were present, save for continuing to wander around alone as night fell on the forest. "That's okay" she said, not wanting to trouble these hapless travelers too much. No, it would be better if she used their help to get to someone more competent, and then make her way to the hotel from there. "I suppose if you could point me in the right direction to Arendal instead?" she asked hopefully. Even if these strange people thought that a hotel was a kingdom, there was still some chance they might know how to at least make it to the city the hotel was located in.
What's This? || Emelsa
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What's This? || Emelsa
Breaking the water's surface Emma looked around, smile spreading across her face as she took in her surroundings. Cave with an underwater entrance? Check. Pool of water open to the sky? Check. Eerie, magical aura? Check. Perhaps she was a long way from home, but she had a sneaking suspicion she'd found a place quite similar to the one she'd left behind. After getting word from Cleo and Rikki of Bella, she'd taken it upon herself to take advantage of her family's trip around the world as an opportunity to search for more moonpools. She hadn't had any luck so far, but she had a good feeling about this place. What good a potential moonpool in Norway did them she had no idea, but at the very least it would be something interesting to tell Cleo and Rikki about when she got back. Still, telling them about this place would have to wait. It was a new moon tonight after all, so it would be another two weeks before she'd be able to observe the place under a full moon. Figuring she ought to get back to the hotel before her family started wondering where she got to, Emma turned to leave, only to stop when suddenly, the water began to bubble, shimmering eerily. "What the..." she wondered aloud, looking up at the new moon overhead. What was going on? Of all the times for a moonpool to be active, the new moon seemed like the least likely. Looking around when the bubbling stopped and finding nothing Emma shrugged, diving back below the surface. 
The entire way back Emma had a hard time shaking the feeling that something was different somehow, but she couldn't quite place what. Shrugging the matter off, she dragged herself ashore. The small secluded stretch of beach she'd been using for days to dry off on looked the same as it had before, but the towel she'd left behind was gone. Maybe it had somehow blown away, despite the rather heavy rock she'd set on top of it? Confused and frustrated by the development, Emma instead waited to air dry, shivering. Maybe it was almost summer here in Norway, but it was still far colder than she was used to back on the Gold Coast. When she finally dried off she took comfort in her warm, dry clothes, but she still couldn't wait to get back inside and curl up under some blankets... but where exactly was inside? The longer she walked, the more confused she got. She'd selected a rather secluded area, but she'd been walking for far longer than she remembered having had to on previous days, and the forest didn't seem to be thinning out any... Maybe she'd accidentally come ashore at the wrong place? Getting out her phone to get directions back to the hotel, she groaned in frustration when she examined the screen, only to realize she had no service. Great, just great. 
After another half an hour of wandering, Emma paused, listening. Was that...? Yes, it definitely sounded like hooves pounding against the dirt. What were horses doing around here? Was there some sort of horse-drawn carriage tour through this area? The idea seemed strange, but more reasonable than anything else she could think of. Following the sound, she soon stepped out into a clearing, finding a dirt trail that ran through the forest. Looking around, she quickly identified a rapidly approaching horse-drawn carriage as the source of the noise. "Excuse me!" she called out, waving to the strangely dressed driver. "Excuse me!" she repeated, stepping out into the path, forcing him to bring the carriage to a halt. "Sorry" she said "but do you speak English? Could you tell me how to get to the Clarion Hotel from here?" she asked nervously. She didn't understand why he was looking at her so strangely, but she wished he'd stop.
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Emma rolled her eyes when Rikki commented on the number of tardies she'd amassed over the course of her senior year, but she was still beaming. "Well, I'm sorry to have missed that" she teased, voice lacking any of the usual venom it had when they discussed Rikki's less than punctual tendencies. Part of the reason was that since she hadn't been there to witness the poor discipline and she knew Rikki had graduated anyway it didn't seem quite so severe to her as it would have, the other part of course being that at the moment, she was so happy to finally see her friend again that she couldn't quite bring herself to be irritated. 
Eyes meeting Rikki's, Emma for once found herself at a loss for words, instead finding herself re-memorizing the details of Rikki that she hadn't exactly forgotten per se, but which their time apart from each other had dulled. The icy pale pools of blue that were her irises, the curve of her lips when she smiled... snapping back to the present when Rikki began talking once more, Emma nodded, more amused than annoyed by Rikki's never-ending obsession with food. "Yeah, she's probably already started" Emma admitted, about to say something else when the sound of water breaking the surface disrupted her thoughts.
The first of the two heads to break the surface was an unfamiliar one, though upon a closer look she recognized Bella from the picture that Cleo had sent of her- though that had been in human form, obviously. But she was distracted by a familiar head of brown hair breaking the surface a mere moment later, and moved first over to the latest arrival. "Cleo!" she greeted, offering the brunette a hug, though this one was shorter lived than the one she'd given Rikki. "Oh, it's so good to see you" she enthused happily, before turning back to the new arrival. "And you must be Bella" she said, offering the fourth mermaid a polite smile. "I'm Emma; it's nice to meet you" she informed the girl, extending her hand. 
"Uh, hey" Bella replied, a little thrown off by this newcomer's- well, returning girl's- formality. She smiled at Emma nonetheless however, shaking her hand. 
Reunited (and it feels so good)
As soon as Emma wrapped her arms around her, she instantly felt relieved to have her old friend back. Her shoulders fell in the embrace and she shut her eyes, keeping her focus on that familiar Emma smell she missed so much, which she still smelled even after swimming through saltwater. She couldn’t put a name on the smell or what it was like; it was just…Emma.
She was instantly snapped out of the hug when Emma released her and told her she was early, causing her to come back to earth. It took a moment for her to do so because what Emma said didn’t quite register right away, but as soon as it did, she let out a small chuckle and the grin returned. “Are you kidding? I still graduated with the most tardies in first period.” Letting out another laugh and looking down for a moment, she looked back up at Emma, taking in her beautiful, hazel eyes, which she always noticed were beautiful but forgot because of how long Emma had been away. “I just missed you, Em,” she spoke. “Believe it or not,” she added. “Things just haven’t been the same without you here.”
There was a moment of silence, because sometimes, just sometimes, Rikki had her sweet, loving moments. But she couldn’t let that last too long, it was too weird for her, so she immediately shrugged it off and continued, “Besides, I got too excited for your mum’s famous dip, and I figured the sooner I showed up, the sooner we’d leave. She’s making it today, isn’t she?”
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The sound of the water's surface being broken alerting her to the fact that she was no longer alone Emma turned, surprised but excited about who had been the first to arrive. "Rikki!" she exclaimed, moving to hug her old friend. Maybe she wasn't normally the touchy-feeliest person ever, but it had been almost a year since she'd seen her, so she felt it was merited. "I missed you" she complained, holding on for perhaps a moment too long before releasing the blonde, beaming. 
"You do realize you're early, don't you?" she questioned with a raised eyebrow, though her smile was still firmly locked in place. "I didn't expect you here for another fifteen minutes, at least. Could it be you've turned over a new leaf while I was away?" she teased. 
Reunited (and it feels so good)
Rikki couldn’t believe the last time she saw one of her best friends was almost a year ago. At the end of last summer, Emma regretfully left her and Cleo for some spontaneous, adventurous European journey with her family. Well, maybe not so spontaneous considering her family had the whole thing planned for a while. However, to Rikki, it felt spontaneous. It felt as if Emma just got up out of the blue and left the trio; left everything the three of them carried together: their friendship, their secret, their memories…
However, time had passed and it was time to be reunited. Emma came back just as she’d promised and the girls were about to be reunited. Although it took Rikki a while to get used to Bella as well, they were now just as close to Bella and she couldn’t wait for the four of them to share their secret and new memories together. She was a bit worried about how Emma would react to the new girl, considering, like Rikki, she was hard to accept things, but Bella definitely wasn’t the hardest person to come around to.
Rikki’s thoughts instantly left her mind as soon as she surfaced in the moon pool, the water rippling underneath her as her head broke the surface. Her lips immediately turned into a grin as she saw just Emma’s back, golden blonde hair, and long orange tail sitting there (honestly, Rikki was surprised she was the first one because she was usually the last). She swam up next to her and pulled her arms out of the water to rest them onto the rock in front of her and lay her chin down on them. Facing Emma, she greeted, “Hey stranger.”
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Reunited (and it feels so good)
Surfacing in the moonpool precisely ten minutes before she'd told Rikki, Cleo, and Bella to meet her, Emma looked around in shock. Rikki and Cleo had both told her about the changes that their special place had undergone during her absence, but no amount of forewarning could have prepared her for this. She felt inclined to dry off and examine the area herself, and let out a frustrated sigh when she realized she certainly wouldn't have time to do so before the girls arrived. If only she'd had them hold off a bit on getting here... 
Wait, what was she thinking? It had been the better part of a year since she'd last seen Rikki and Cleo; the changes to the moonpool could wait. Wishing she could check her watch as the time passed, Emma instead resorted to entertaining herself by taking in as many details of the changes that had taken place as she waited for everyone to arrive.
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