hellv1ra · 4 hours
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hellv1ra · 8 hours
Big monch
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hellv1ra · 8 hours
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Eddie coded
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hellv1ra · 8 hours
I just want to run my tongue from beauty mark to beauty mark on him. Then sit on his fucking face
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STEVE HARRINGTON 2.03: The Pollywog
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hellv1ra · 8 hours
Oh Eddie. You soft simple boy.
Pregnant reader has a one night stand with Eddie and bumps into him at the grocery store because she dropped some thing and Eddie was just being nice to help pregnant lady pick it up but Eddie recognized her and is like “how have you been” and she’s like “you know” clutching her belly and he’s like “it’s been what ? Six months since I saw you? And she corrects him and it’s like “seven” and the. His eyes get big and wide bc he’s putting the pieces together 🤭🙂‍↕️
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hellv1ra · 8 hours
This should be a series.
the combo "they have to work together and they hit a realization on how its not too bad" + "fuck you" "when" w eddie pleeeasseeee
ty for requesting :D — the kids hatch a plan to get their favorite arcade workers to stop hating each other. it works out a lot better than they thought (enemies to lovers, 1.5k)
You wipe down a few grimy tables — all of which seem to be perpetually sticky at The Palace Arcade — with nothing but a damp cloth and a stubborn determination. You’re interrupted by a finger poking you expectantly in the back. 
You look slowly over your shoulder to find Max Mayfield standing behind you. Her auburn hair is parted into two plaits, and her freckled arms are crossed firmly over her chest. She leads the pack of regular teenage boys that typically accompany her here, obviously meaning business.
“Street fighter?” she wonders vaguely, in the place of any actual greeting.
“Out of commission,” you answer in a monotone before turning back to the table in front of you. You keep scrubbing at the stubborn ring of dried soda until she taps you on the shoulder again. “What?” you say with a dramatic huff.
“I know you got it working again,” Max insists with an arched brow. “Just like I know Keith’s keeping it hostage in the back so no one else can play.”
Both statements are only partially true. 
Eddie Munson and his self-proclaimed magic fingers (which you’ve begged him to stop referring to) managed to bring the dead machine back to life. Mostly. It lives primarily in the back room now, because there’s no use in bringing it out if it’s hardly alive. Keeping it to yourself, and away from the sticky fingers of middle school kids, is just a bonus.
You blink at the kids with a deadpanned stare.
Dustin Henderson, getting the sense that you’re about to shut them down again, decides to blurt, “We’ll help you wipe down the tables!” You meet his offer with an unwavering squint, wondering how far you can push him. He caves immediately. “And… clean the bathrooms.”
Lucas whips his head to the side. “Dustin!” he shouts.
“What?” the curly-haired boy cowers.
“It’s a deal,” you hum with a proud grin. Abandoning your bleach-stained cloth on the wiped-down table, you walk through the group of teenagers and towards the back hallway. “Follow me,” you usher unenthusiastically.
You find that the dead machine is still, in fact, dead when you burst into the back room with a gaggle of high schoolers behind you. 
Eddie’s popped open the bottom compartment to try and bring it to life again. He lies on his back with the top half of his body swallowed in the machine, working on the inside wires with lanky, tattooed arms. The hem of his shirt rides slightly upward, revealing the softness of his stomach and the trail of hair sprinkled there.
With your senses partially delayed by the strangely pretty sight, you don’t catch the kids running out of the room until they slam the door in your face. You rattle the metal knob with an aggressive hand. It refuses to budge.
“Ugh— You little shits!” you shout at the closed door.
Eddie, startled by the sudden chaos, bangs his head on the machine when he sits up. “Shit,” he grimaces once he’s fully in view again. He rubs at the top of his skull and squints over at you. “What the hell’s going on?”
“They locked us in here,” you grouse.
“Who?” the boy wonders with his face twisted in confusion and very distant disgust. “Why?”
“You’re not coming out until you kiss and make up,” you hear Dustin Henderson instruct, though his lisp is mostly muffled through the shut door.
“When I get out of here, you guys are dead,” you threaten in a monotone to the out-of-sight teens. “You know that, right?”
“We’ll take that risk,” Lucas snickers.
You huff when you hear them shuffle down the hall again, leaning your weight on the locked door with your eyes fluttered shut. Eddie just watches you, still sitting in the same position on the vibrantly patterned carpet. “I’m confused…” he mumbles after a few seconds of heavy silence.
“Unsurprising,” you scoff.
Eddie laughs to himself. The boyish sound strikes nothing short of inhuman rage in your chest. An impossible fire to breathe through. “Well, you’re particularly bitchy this morning,” he lilts and rises from the ground.
“I’m supposed to be working, but instead, I’m stuck in here with you,” you deadpan. “So I think I’m allowed to be a little bitchy right now, Munson.”
“Well… I’m on break, so…” He flashes you a stupid pink grin as he reaches for the outdated Pacman machine, which has conveniently plated his PB&J. He plucks the sandwich from the napkin it sits on and takes a sloppy bite. Jelly smears along the corner of his mouth. Your face swirls with disgust at the sight.
You turn back around and bang at the door with a closed fist. “Alright! You can let us out now!” you yell, hoping someone can hear you. “This isn’t funny anymore!”
“Stop trying. It’s too late,” Eddie mumbles with his mouth full. “They’re long gone. Probably for the next several hours… Either until Dustin beats his Dragon’s Lair high score or until one of them gets home and thinks to themselves… ‘Wait. I feel like I forgot something…’”
He rambles mindlessly to himself while he tugs the brown crust off his sandwich. He pops the piece of bread into his mouth and flits his gaze back to you. He finds you swallowing down a smile. ‘Cause you refuse to let the freak make you laugh.
“Whatever. I’m not taking the fall for this,” you huff and shake your head. 
You sit on the cracked pleather stool across the room from Eddie, in front of a deconstructed machine. The boy scoffs at your dramatics. “Shut up. Keith loves you. We both know I’m gonna be the one getting blamed for this shit.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “This is your fault somehow.”
“Trust me, sweetheart. This isn’t any better for me than it is for you.”
You roll your eyes. “Shut up.”
Eddie downs the rest of his sandwich in another too big bite. “Getting locked in a room with the Princess of Hawkins High isn’t exactly a bucket list item for me,” he says through the mouthful, then licks peanut butter off the pad of his thumb. “It’s more of a waking nightmare, honestly.”
You try hard to stay composed. You know he’s just fishing for a response. He wants you to be angry, and the problem is it’s working. You break before you mean to. “Fuck you, Eddie,” you bite, eyes narrowed in a challenging squint.
The boy approaches you with a tightlipped smile. He peers at you beneath his lashes, half-hidden in his hair as he flashes you an innocent look. “When?” he quips.
He towers over you while you stay sitting, scowling up at him with an emotionless glare. “You’re insufferable,” you deadpan after a few long moments.
Eddie’s grin widens. “I know.”
“And I hate you,” you press, just to really drive it home. 
You might be overcompensating. Just a little. Almost like you’re prefacing what you know you’re about to do. ‘Cause he’s close enough to kiss and too pretty for his own good. The proximity is maddening.
“Wanna makeout about it?” Eddie smirks.
You don’t humor him with a response. You just grab him by the neck of his Palace Arcade tee and drag his mouth down to yours. The kiss is full of tongue and teeth, passionate with hate and a lingering fury. 
His lips are softer than flower petals and taste faintly of sweet jelly. He kisses you with his delicate mouth, hard enough to knock you into the broken machine behind you. He holds the wooden edge of it with one ringed hand and cradles the back of your neck with the other. The thing hits the wall every time his tongue swipes against your own. 
His touch is achingly loud. The rattling of the door knob across the room almost goes unheard. You hear the comically loud squeal of rusted hinges and push apart from each other like you’ve suddenly caught the plague. 
You swipe Eddie’s spit from your mouth with the back of your hand as Keith bursts into the room — with wide-eyed teenagers standing behind him.
“What the hell!” Eddie gapes, lips rosy and softly swollen.
“Sorry…” Lucas winces. “We thought we heard banging.”
“I told them not to bother you,” Max chirps knowingly from behind him.
“We were scared you guys we’re, like, actually fist fighting or something,” Mike confesses.
You rise from the stool, keeping several conspicuous inches between you and Eddie. You nod and pull your shirt down from where it had ridden up. “Well, we were actually, so…”
“Fist fighting?” Dustin echoes.
“With… your mouths?”
You swallow hard. “…Uh-huh.”
Silence lulls over the tiny backroom, making it feel that much more suffocating. You decide to make your escape with a heavy sigh, shoving past the bodies in the doorway without so much as a look their way. 
Eddie follows behind you — not because he’s on the same mission, but because your ass looks really good in those jeans.
“God…” Keith grumbles behind him, in his signature slurred monotone. “This is so coming out of your paychecks.”
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hellv1ra · 9 hours
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he’s waiting for you to agree with him
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hellv1ra · 11 hours
Ain’t that the fucking truth.
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hellv1ra · 19 hours
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The Committee Against Vaccuum Cleaners
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hellv1ra · 20 hours
all the eddies all together!
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hellv1ra · 20 hours
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(I wasn't sure if I should post this, but I spent way too much time on it so here you go)
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hellv1ra · 21 hours
"Looks like a cinnamon roll"
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"could kill you"
"Looks like they could kill you"
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"is a cinnamon roll"
"Looks like a cinnamon roll"
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"is a cinnamon roll"
"Looks like they could kill you"
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"would kill you"
1K notes · View notes
hellv1ra · 21 hours
Eddie is the type of guy to touch and look through all the stuff in your room
youre letting him do his thing when you turn around to see him in a big fuzzy hat you have no idea where it came from and a bra clipped on over his tshirt
hes stood there giggling while squeezing the cups
"Take that off"
"Oh sorry" he smiles and he puts the hat on the desk
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hellv1ra · 1 day
All I want is Eddie whispering words of encouragement to me while I try to take Steve Harrington's fat cock
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384 notes · View notes
hellv1ra · 1 day
Wish I could un-recall, how we almost had it all | E.M
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI - Angst, exes to lovers, grief, death, mentions of depression, poetry!reader, brief descriptions of readers clothing, no use of y/n, fluff, bestfriend!Steve, happy ending, smut (oral f receiving, p in v, - skippable if you want to read for the plot, marked with *)
Summary: You're still grieving the end of your relationship when a life changing event forces you to go back home and face the one person you've been avoiding all this time (the loss of your life). Can Eddie mend your broken heart?
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader (WC 15k)
A/N: Inspired by Coffee - Chappell Roan but spiralled into this. Assume events from S4 havent taken place. Ignore Tonkins theory of grief is from the 90s. Pls be nice I'm sensitive (and not a smut writer), if you like this consider giving it a reblog ✨ - all dividers used are from @strangergraphics
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"You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days"
Everyone always said that time was a healer but it seemed to you that no matter how much time kept passing, your pain stayed the same. Your therapist had told you that grief doesn’t shrink, a misconception, rather your life grows around your grief. Either way, whatever theory of grief you subscribed to, you were still waiting to magically feel better. Waiting for your life to grow around your grief, whatever that meant. 
Maybe its because you were still processing your heartbreak, a heartbreak that had consumed you entirely sinking you into the absolute depths of despair, when you were struck with a new wave of grief. You got a call that changed your life forever. You can recall that morning so clearly. Time slowed down to an unbearable pace, sound became muffled and you felt like you were suddenly floating above your own body looking down on yourself. 
‘Hey Sunshine…’
It was your dad calling. Something seemed different today, off. Whenever he called he usually sounded upbeat. That was something you admired about your dad, his unwavering optimism and the way he found joy in almost everything. 
‘Hey Dad! Whats up? I’m about to head to class can I call you back later?’
You were already running late, trying to shove your books in your bag as quickly as possible and hoping that when you did arrive you’d avoid being scolded by your lecturer. Some of them seemed to get off on making an example of anyone who was late to class and you certainly didn’t want that to be you. 
 ‘Um, this can’t wait honey. You need to come home. I’m sorry to do this over the phone’
His voice was starting to crack. You can’t remember the last time you heard your dad like this. 
‘What is it? You’re scaring me’ You were surprised by how your voice came out small and childlike. 
‘Its your mom. There was an accident late last night and… your mom ended up in the hospital’
Oh no.. no no no. Panic started to set in and you feared the worst. You knew as soon as you woke up this morning that something didn’t seem right. It was like a sixth sense but you’d brushed it aside with the distinct lack of evidence that anything had actually gone wrong yet. You were good at catastrophising, working on this with your therapist had been an uphill battle. But sometimes, you just knew, and it was a feeling you couldn’t explain to anyone else. 
‘Is she - is she okay?’ Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest. Painful. Erratic. Your lungs felt like they couldn’t take in enough air. 
‘I’m so sorry honey. She didn’t make it-’  
Your dad had carried on explaining the situation but your whole body went numb. No longer able to listen to anything else, feeling like you might pass out any second. You kept wondering if you could just go back and not pick up the phone then maybe your mom would still be alive. An irrational thought. It’s funny how the human brain works, how it tries to protect you. Initially you’d felt numb, nothing almost, like your brain was simply trying to switch itself off. Then you were suddenly angry that the news was being delivered to you this way but your rational brain was trying to tell you there was nothing else your dad could have done. Denial that your mom was actually dead. Angry again that the one person you wished you could speak to about this was the one person who broke you. A drastic switch in emotions that kept flipping on and off. 
This is how you ended up back in Hawkins. Standing in the driveway of your childhood home like a ghost of your former self. You’d left almost a year ago to pursue your degree at NYU. A decision that had a ripple effect on your life. You didn’t realise when you’d applied that your relationship would go up in flames. That you’d lose the love of your life. That you’d lose him. Going up in flames didn’t quite capture how you’d felt when Eddie Munson broke your heart. Earth shattering, soul crushing heartache was probably more accurate. You’d felt as though he’d reached right into your ribcage and ripped your heart out from your body. Now here you were again still mourning your relationship with the added bonus of having to mourn a parent too. It felt stupid to say that you were experiencing grief for your failed relationship, given the current circumstances, but that’s what it was. Grief for losing the love of your life and now your mother. 
Before you could spiral into your thoughts the front door swung open. Your not so little brother came running towards you, arms open wide ready to embrace you in a comforting hug. 
"Hey Sis" he was now squeezing you tightly not wanting to let you go. 
"Theo" you croaked, unable to breathe from being held so tight. Though he was your little brother he was only a few years your junior and already towering over you. He was athletic, charming and the spitting image of your beautiful mother. That made you want to burst into tears looking at him. ‘Okay you gotta ease up kid I can barely breathe here!’
"I’m sorry I’m sorry, I missed you so much. We all did" he sighs, choking back tears. 
You carried a lot of guilt about not coming home during your first year at NYU. You were always really close with your family and you missed them a lot but the truth was you were avoiding Hawkins for a reason. A particular person that you couldn’t bear bumping into, so you stayed away. A decision you’re sure is going to haunt you for the rest of your life. Thats the thing about depression - one thing they don’t tell you, that one of the most common emotions is unbearable guilt. 
"I know, I’m sorry, but I’m back now. Hows school going?"
He groans at this attempt at small talk, dancing around the subject of your mom to try and keep a sense of normality for an extra five minutes before you head into the house and face everything. 
"Its fine honestly, school is school you know. Its looking like i might qualify for an athletic scholarship so there’s that…" 
"What?! Why didn’t you tell me?! Thats amazing" you punch his arm lightly in disbelief. 
"I mean, I was going to but I think things have changed now" he says, trailing off. You know what this means. With your moms passing he won’t want to leave your dad alone. 
"We’re going to continue talking about this later okay? Wheres dad?"
"He’s inside, come on" Theo moves around you to help carry your bags into the house. 
As soon as you step foot inside grief hits you like a tonne of bricks. Grief, guilt, shame, regret. You should have come home more often. You should have visited your family more often. Your dad emerges from the kitchen looking haggard. You’re not sure when he last took a shower or even changed his clothes and the bags under his eyes were wearing heavy. He spots you in the doorway standing next to your brother and smiles that familiar smile at you that you hadn’t realised until now you’d missed so much. A knowing look passing between you, your eyes glossy and heavy with the weight of your guilt, apologising to him without needing to say it. He nods at you as if there’s a silent agreement, an acceptance that its okay.
“Hey kiddo, it's so good to see you” He pulls you into a tight embrace. Tears spilling down his cheek as he attempts to keep his emotions under control for your sake. Failing miserably. 
“Hi Dad” You’d missed these hugs from your dad, you’d really needed them during the past year at college. So you stay wrapped in his arms for a moment, wishing you were a child again when everything was simpler. When your mom was still alive. 
“So how long are you staying?” Theo asks as he places your bags by the stairs. 
“As long as you guys need me, its nearly the end of the year so I can finish up my semester long distance”.
You’d spoken to your course leader who was more than happy to allow you to work from home for the remainder of the semester given the circumstances. Though now you were here you were starting to wish they hadn’t been so accommodating, already feeling the suffocating air of Hawkins strangling you. Grasping its talons around your throat, pulling you down into the abyss, refusing to let you go. 
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It couldn’t be denied that there was something alluring about you, a quality no one could quite put their finger on. You don’t run in the ‘popular’ circles at Hawkins High School but other students seemed to be fond of you. Whilst your middle school life was pretty ordinary, you really bloomed in high school. Your body had developed from the once awkward shape that it was. Now feeling like a young woman comfortable in herself, confident. 
Perhaps it was your effortless beauty or your nonchalance towards hierarchies. Your relaxed attitude without even a hint of judgement for anyone else. You always looked perfectly put together in a way that accentuated the best parts of yourself, hair perfectly styled. Perhaps it was the fact that there was an air of mystery about you, you let people know you on the surface but few knew you much deeper than that. So many boys at Hawkins High School had tried to date you but you were unattainable, uninterested. You’d figured they were only interested because they all liked the chase and you definitely didn’t care for that so you didn’t give them the time of day. 
Eddie Munson never really paid much attention to the girls at school. He had no reason to bother. Who wanted to date the town freak after all? He threw himself into DnD and writing music with his band, corroded coffin - everything else was background noise - unfortunately for him this included his education. 
It was lunch time and Eddie was deep in conversation with Jeff and Gareth about their ongoing DnD campaign when he spotted you walking through the cafeteria. His breath hitched in his throat and he couldn’t take his eyes off of you as he watched you sit down at a table nearby and pull out a book. You were beautiful. Breathtaking. One might say he was awestruck. 
"Eddie… earth to Eddie!" Jeff snapped his fingers in Eddies face to get his attention. 
"We were literally in the middle of a conversation man, where did you go?’"
He points across at you "Who is that?" Eddie asks, gawking at you. They all turn around, following his eyes watching you sitting at the table opposite. 
"Don’t even go there man" Gareth chimed in. 
"Why not?" Eddies interest had definitely been piqued. 
"I heard she’s shot down every guy at this school who’s asked her out, even the jocks, and she’s way out of your league, Munson" 
"Oh Gareth, you wound me" Eddie says dramatically holding his hand over his heart "but you see that sounds like a challenge, which I must now accept, so if you don’t mind gentlemen…" He stands up and bows at his friends. 
The entire table groans as Eddie gets out of his seat and makes his way over to you. Whilst they’re all definitely sure he’s about to strike out, none of them can look away. 
You’re deep in thought, in the zone reading your book as you feel someone approaching your table. As Eddie hovers next to you he coughs trying to get your attention but you don’t bother looking up. 
"What are you reading there, sweetheart?" Eddie asks trying to strike up a conversation. 
You pause reading and glance up at him. You can’t deny the metalhead standing in front of you is handsome. Doe eyes a beautiful shade of brown, soft brown curls framing his face. A sharp jawline and plush lips. He’s clearly unapologetically himself which you appreciate, that’s not something that many kids at this school can say about themselves. As he sees you sizing him up he starts to shift uncomfortably under your gaze suddenly feeling nervous and losing all the composure he came over here with. 
"Who’s asking?" you retort, waiting to see where he’s going with this. 
"Uh.. Eddie? Eddie Munson" he scratches the back of his neck, "some call me Eddie the Banished! Edward occasionally if you’re my old man, but er I mean you can call me Eddie though" Fuck. Why did he just say that? What. An. Idiot. 
A smirk forms on your face. It pleases you slightly that he’s starting to squirm. "John Keats" you say pointing to your book "you like the Romantics?"
"Yep! Sure! Love ‘em in fact. Great bunch of dudes" Eddie winces at himself wondering why he’s become such a bumbling fool. Who the fuck are the Romantics? He has no idea. 
"Oh really? Who’s your favourite?" 
"um…" Eddie glances back over to his table, a shit eating grin on Gareths face that says ‘told you so’ whilst Jeff is cringing with his head in his hands. You look over at his friends who don’t even attempt to pretend they’re not watching this go down, listening intently as Eddie tries to come up with something to say in response. 
"As much as I’m enjoying this, I have to run" you start to move away from the table, grabbing your things "here, maybe you should read this" you say passing him the book of Keats poetry, pressing it into his chest. "You might find that he’s, how did you put it, a great dude?" a teasing smile crosses your face, "see you round Eddie the banished" with that you walk away but not before looking back and grinning at him playfully.  
Eddie walks back to his table in a daze clutching your book. Everyone stares at him waiting for him to speak. He seems to be in a trance, under your spell. 
Jeff clears his throat "So…"
"I burn! I pine! I perish!" Eddie exclaims dramatically receiving a groan from Gareth. 
"Oh god we’ve lost him" Gareth gets up and places his hand on his shoulder "Come on man, better get to class"
Class was the last thing on Eddies mind. He was pretty sure that from that moment on all of his waking thoughts would be filled with you. He had to get to know you, he would make that his lifes mission. 
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After getting reacquainted with your dad and your brother you decided you had to leave the house. Whilst you hadn’t been back that long a distraction from your family's grief was required. You’d kept in touch with your friends since leaving Hawkins, with the obvious exception of your ex boyfriend, but hadn’t had the time to tell any of them you were coming home. Steve only lived a few houses down from you so you decided to make the short walk over there to see if he was around. 
Walking back into Hawkins now felt like stepping back in time. Nothing had changed around here, sure you were only gone a year, but you’d expected something to be different. A town stuck in its own vortex of time. Stifling. Surreal. You hadn’t actually been that bothered about leaving Hawkins after graduation but your acceptance into NYU gave you an opportunity that the local community college just couldn’t provide. Once you’d seen what the city had to offer, however, you couldn’t wait to get back and leave this town again. No matter how selfish that felt. Had Hawkins always felt like this? You’d never noticed this feeling of suffocation before. 
Making your way up Steves driveway you see his familiar BMW parked out front. Voices and laughter carry from the back of the house and you start to wonder if this is a mistake. They were all friends with Eddie, what if he was here? As your hand hovered over the doorbell, debating whether to still go through with this, the door burst open. 
“Oh my god, what are you doing here?!” Steve beams at you from the doorway in disbelief. He hasn’t changed a bit. Hair still perfectly styled, wearing the same tight jeans he always favoured and a polo shirt highlighting his biceps. One thing no one could deny was how handsome Steve Harrington was. A sight for sore eyes. 
“Hey stranger” you smiled cautiously at him trying to size up what kind of gathering he was currently throwing and whether you could still turn around and run away. Shame be damned. If Eddie was here you were definitely bolting it back down the road.
“I thought you were in New York?” 
“I was… I had to come home for a little while. I was actually coming over to explain but if you’re busy?” 
“No! Come in, come in, everyones out back” he’s trying to usher you inside when he senses your hesitation “Eddies not here if that’s what you’re worried about?”
Your shoulders instantly relax, tension leaving your body as you let out the breath you were holding in “thanks”. Steve always had a peculiar way of knowing exactly what you were thinking and feeling. Both so in tune with each others emotions. You’d grown up together, best friends for life you’d once promised each other and as a result neither of you could hide anything.
Steve places his hand on the small of your back as he leads you through the house and outside, leaning in slightly to whisper, “You’re going to bump into him eventually you know, this town isn’t particularly big..” 
“I think I’ll carry on living in my Eddie Munson free bubble thank you very much” only to receive an amused eye roll and smirk from Steve.
Denial and avoidance had become your speciality over the past year. 
As you reach the back garden you see all your friends sitting round the pool drinking beer and smoking weed.
“Look who I found on the front porch,” he announces and the group look over. Robin squeals and drops her beer, excitedly running over to you to squish you in her arms. God, you missed her so much. 
“Is your semester over early? I thought you were at college still?” she asks, surprised to see you. 
“I’m actually finishing the semester here…” 
Robin links her arm in yours pulling you over to the sun lounger indicating for you to sit down. “Okay explain girl!”
The group are now all staring at you waiting for you to provide an explanation as to why you’re suddenly sitting here in Steves back yard without any warning, not so much as a phone call to indicate you were coming back, instead of at college. 
“Um…” you take a deep breath. Explaining your moms passing to your friends wasn’t actually something you’d taken into consideration. Naive now that you think about it. Up to this point you’d been running on auto pilot, drifting from place to place letting your legs do all the work without having to really use your brain much.
“Well, my mom actually passed away recently so I er, came back to say goodbye to her I suppose” you’re playing with your hands, uncomfortable with the pitying looks your friends are now giving you. Uncomfortable with this level of vulnerability. Proceeded by a chorus of ‘sorrys’ and ‘if you need anything we’re here for you’. 
You’re grateful for the break in tension when Argyle leans over, “Duuude, I think you need this way more than I do right now” he reaches over offering you his joint with a sad smile on his face. 
“Fuck it, why not” you take it from him instantly inhaling.  
“There she is!” Argyle laughs clapping you on the shoulder. 
The rest of the afternoon was spent surrounded by the people you love so much. Friends who have been there for you through everything. After a while you get up to leave, making the usual promise to make more of an effort to see them, you think you actually mean it this time. Whilst you couldn’t stand Hawkins right now, losing your mother and coming back here to see everyone made you realise how much you’d neglected them all. How could you ever make it up to them? You didn’t have the answer to that right now but you swore you’d try. 
Before you leave Steve gently grabs your arm, “you know you can talk to me if you need anything right?” He places his palm against your cheek, cupping your face “I’d do anything for you but you know that. After all, I’m only a few houses down so you knock on my door whenever or you just call me and I’ll come running. Literally if I have to, you know I’m a fast runner” he offers you a soft but genuine smile and pulls you in to kiss the top of your head. 
You gently hold his wrists and close your eyes, holding back the tears you know are coming “I know, Stevie. Thank you. What are best friends for?” you hesitate for a moment, “Im so sorry I haven’t been home to see you” you choke back tears trying to get the sentence out. 
“Hey, shh” he shushes you pulling you in against his chest, “don’t do that, its okay. Life happens. Its not like we didn’t speak on the phone all the god damn time” you both laugh a little then, wishing life was kind and gentle but right now you feel at home in the warm arms that always brought you comfort in your darkest days. 
You say your goodbyes and head home, walking straight up to your room. As soon as you close your bedroom door tears pour down your face. Overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions you hadn’t let yourself feel the past couple of days. Bubbling up to the surface, consuming you whole, resulting in you cradling yourself as you full body sob on your bedroom floor. Tears seeping into your worn bedroom carpet. As you lay there thinking this is the most pain you’d ever felt in your life, something catches your eye under your bed. You reach out a tentative hand pulling the box free. Your heart sinks as you remember what you’re holding - your memory box from your life with Eddie. 
As a romantic, you’d explained to Eddie how you liked to keep things seemingly unimportant to everyone else. Little pieces of your past frozen in time so that you could remember all of the precious moments that passed you by. Upon opening the box, you discover all the pieces of these beautiful moments. Perhaps the most important of all, laying there on top of everything else were the drive in tickets from your first date. After all, that was the day you knew you could fall madly in love with Eddie Munson. 
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It was a Saturday night in Hawkins which usually meant someone somewhere was throwing a rager. Whilst there was definitely a hierarchy at school, it pretty much went out the window when someone was throwing a party. No one really cared who attended as long as they could get fucked up. More often than not Eddie would find himself at these parties selling drugs, they were his prime target after all. 
He was about 5 minutes away from deciding to leave when something, someone, pulled his attention across the room. He couldn’t explain it. It was like a magnetic force, something completely out of his control. Across the darkened room, amongst all the sweaty bodies, there you stood. A radiant light calling out to him in the dull living room. You were dancing by yourself, drink in hand, without a care in the world. You were wearing a short silk black halter neck dress adorned with cute little cherries all over it. Bare legs that shimmered under the glow of the light, looking silky and smooth. He could swear they were glittering. All Eddie could think about in that moment was running his hand over your soft, supple thigh. Trailing fingers along legs that seemed to go on for days. 
His feet started to move him across the room before his brain could engage. Before he knew it he was approaching you, hand reaching out to touch your waist to grab your attention. He wondered for a brief second whether you would slap his hand away, slap him for touching you without permission but you didn’t. When his hand came into contact with your waist it was like a jolt of electricity. Like the curve of your hips was made for the shape of his hand. He didn’t have to wonder whether you felt it too because in that same moment you looked up at him, breathless. 
Eddie leaned down to get closer, lifting his hand from your waist to tuck your hair behind your ear, hot breath gracing your skin, "Hi, Princess"
"Hi" you smiled sweetly back at him "to what do I owe the pleasure?" Your voice was sweet like honey, a playful undertone hiding underneath. 
"I was wondering," he started, eyes gazing over your figure trying to be subtle but failing spectacularly, not that you seemed to mind. 
"mmm?" you were looking up at him teasingly, gently taking his hand that was resting on your waist, guiding him down to touch your leg. His fingers now resting on your supple skin, stretching them out so that his thumb was resting on the inside of your thigh. You slowly, slowly inch his hand further up underneath your dress whilst he tries to gain his composure and finish his sentence. He was beginning to learn that teasing was a favourite pastime of yours and you didn’t care who was watching. 
Eddie gulped before continuing, "if you wanted to go out with me?" he stops his hand from reaching any further before he loses control. Fingers starting to dig into your skin. 
You reach a hand up to grab hold of his shoulder gliding your fingers across his tense muscles until they rest softly on his neck, wrapping your fingers around him and pulling him closer into you so that you can whisper into his ear, "you’d like that huh?"
Eddie lets out a groan, he feels your lips brush against the side of his face and you chuckle slightly sensing his frustration. Moving your head back you gaze into his eyes and start to smirk. 
"Okay Eddie Munson, show me what you’ve got"
Eddie had got you to agree to go on a date with him, much to Jeff and Gareths shock. 
“Its that good ol’ Munson charm boys” he’d told them feeling particularly confident and pleased with himself.  
“Okay Munson I’ll go on a date with you but I’m not really into dinner so if you have any other ideas..” “How about the drive in on Friday? They’ve got a fright night on this weekend” “Deal” “I’ll pick you up at 8”
Thats how you both ended up at the drive in watching Black Christmas. Eddie had borrowed the truck from Wayne so that you could both lay in the back cozied up under blankets watching the movie. A perfect excuse for him to be close to you. There was a crisp chill in the air, stars littered the night sky and the full moon illuminated the field. He’s staring down at you as you start going on a tangent about horror movies. 
“Its just such an exciting genre! Black Christmas is widely considered to be one of the first slasher movies of its kind, essentially providing a framework for other films in the genre. You know like the iconic ‘don’t go upstairs! you’re going to get murdered!’” you gesticulate a stabbing motion in the air “and the whole theme of being killed during the holidays. That and there’s also the sorority horror sub genre that it pioneered-” you stop speaking as you realise he’s staring at you and you’ve been talking about horror movies for the past 10 minutes. 
“I’m so sorry, what were you saying before i just word vomited all over you?”
But what you don’t see is the way he’s looking at you. Staring at you in complete wonder, thinking how beautiful you look under the glow of the moonlight. Thinking about how badly he wants to kiss you because, actually, having a niche interest and knowing so much about one topic is insanely hot to him. Something he could relate to that made him feel a little less idiosyncratic, sitting here talking to you. 
Instead he swallows, “Nothing, I wasn’t saying anything” he smiles softly at you, “Sooo you also like Keats huh?” “Mhm, are you into poetry?”
“Do I look like a poetry guy to you?” he laughs “I write a lot of prose for hellfire but-"
“You’re in a band though right?”
For a moment he wonders how you know this, he’s sure he hadn’t told you yet, maybe you’d spoken to Jeff or you were just wildly perceptive…
You continue, “What is song writing if not poetry? The Romantics, like Keats, Shelley, Coleridge, always came across as so dramatic to me and I love that shit. I love Keats poetry but his letters really sing you know? I think writing love letters is one of the most vulnerable things a person can do. Laying your heart on the page like that with total honesty hoping the other person reciprocates how you feel. His letters are some of the most romantic letters I’ve ever read.” 
Eddie is looking at you, a glint in his eye, waiting for you to go on. 
“‘I almost wish we were butterflies and lived but three summer days - three such days with you I could fill with more delight than fifty common years could ever contain’ isn’t that one of the most romantic things you’ve ever heard? Can you imagine being loved or loving someone that much?” 
“If you’re so into romance how come you don’t date much?”
“How do you know I don’t date?” You’re taken aback by his question. 
Eddie shifts uncomfortably in his seat wondering if he’s made a mistake bringing it up “Gareth may have mentioned that you’ve shot down almost every guy at school who’s asked you out..”
You ponder his question for a brief moment, “I guess I’m just not interested in dating for the sake of dating anymore. Don’t get me wrong I’ve been there but I stopped seeing it as something that simply fills my time. I want to date someone because I have to know them, like really know them. I’m not talking surface level stuff. I want to date someone because there’s an undeniable pull, because its worth the risk. I guess what I’m trying to say is I want it all - the passion, the desire, the all consuming love. I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t think I’m everything to them, why would I waste my time like that?”
“Wow you’re almost as dramatic as me”
You regard each other for a moment, taking each other in. Eddie wonders where you’ve been all his life. Why hadn’t he noticed you before? Maybe the universe was sending him a sign, sending you to him as if he was finally worthy of knowing you and this was his shot. He notices you furrow your brow as if you’re trying to read his thoughts and he’s suddenly concerned that you can.
A chill runs over your body causing you to shiver. Lifting up his arm he reaches over and pulls you close into his side, tucking you both tighter into the blanket. The heat of his body seeps through you. You can feel his muscles under his t-shirt and you’re abruptly aware how close you are, causing you to blush slightly, hoping to god he doesn’t notice. But he does and now he’s grinning to himself. Great. 
“so.. do you date much?” you don’t know why your question comes out sounding so awkward and you cringe, cursing at yourself.  “you jealous, princess?” he smirks at you and you playfully hit his chest in response “Oww! To answer your question no I don’t date much” in that moment his face falters, a flash of emotion you couldn’t read. 
“you okay?”
Something tells him that he can be honest with you and he sighs deeply before letting you in.
“I mean bands always have groupies so its not like girls aren’t interested in sleeping with me but… I’m not the type of guy they want to date, if you know what I mean?” and when he looks at the confusion on your face he can see that you really don’t know what he means. His heart warms then and he realises he’s fucked. Completely and utterly fucked. 
“You obviously haven’t heard, I’m the town pariah, the freak. The local satanist, into metal music and hellfire, corrupting the minds of Hawkins youth!” He exclaims with a flair for the dramatics. “Its not exactly a turn on for girls that I deal drugs, have shitty parents and live in a trailer and if it is its something they want to keep secret. No ones going to be parading me around shouting from the rooftops that I, Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson, am their boyfriend”
Your heart breaks for him then and you want to offer him comfort, “you just haven’t met the right ones” you say genuinely, “none of that would bother me”. 
When he looks into your eyes he knows you mean it. Yeah, he’s fucked.  
As the movie starts you both settle back into the truck, this time holding each other closer, feeling completely at ease. Something has shifted between the two of you. You no longer feel shy holding onto him. No longer concerned that he can read your emotions. You decide there that you’d happily let Eddie know the deepest parts of your soul because he makes you feel safe and you were pretty sure he echoed those sentiments. 
Once the movie ended, you both climbed back into the front to drive home. He’s quiet on the drive back, unusually so. Glancing over at him you can tell by the furrow in his brow that he wants to say something.
“Something on your mind, Munson?” 
Hesitating for a moment he weighs up asking you what he really wants to ask. 
“What made you say yes to me? Seeing as you ‘don’t date’” He’s pulls up into your driveway and stops the truck as he waits for you to answer. 
“I suppose you could say there was an undeniable pull there” you smile up at him “and I don’t regret saying yes to you before you ask, tonight was really nice. Unexpected actually” You’re glowing sitting in his passenger seat playing with the ring on your finger, a nervous habit. Steadying yourself you lay a hand on his thigh, leaning in to place a kiss softly on his cheek “Goodnight Munson” you whisper into his ear as you slowly pull away. Before he can react, you’re out of the truck and walking back up to your house. 
Fuuuuck. Eddie realised then that he’d do anything for you, his whole body ached for you. Longed to be with you, to see you again. He sure as hell wasn’t going to let this opportunity slip through his fingers. 
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The bell above the door in Family Video chimed as Eddie entered the shop. As usual the place was pretty dead, barely any other customers in sight. Eddie wondered how Steve and Robin didn’t lose their minds out of shear boredom when the shop was empty. He headed over to the counter where they were both deep in conversation about something, shushing slightly when they noticed his presence. 
“Hey man” Steve called out to Eddie cutting his conversation with Robin short. “What brings you here?” 
“I was just stopping by to see you guys, hey Robs you alright?” 
“Sure am!” she chimed, trying to act nonchalant. Steve glared at Robin then and she punched him in the arm in response, her way of trying to get him to stop being so god damn obvious. 
“Okay you two are acting weird, weirder than usual which is saying something for you Buckley.” 
Eddie was suspicious. Not entirely sure what he just walked in on but if the hushed tones and glances were anything to go by, something was definitely up. Steve was terrible at hiding his emotions. Absolutely terrible. Whenever anyone said something vaguely vexing he couldn’t help rolling his eyes, mimicking them. He’d left most of his ‘King Steve’ persona in the past but the bitchiness was an aspect he was still trying to curb. Steve was now acutely aware that his face had betrayed him. Perhaps he should work on that, too. 
“Anyway…” Eddie continued after a silence that felt painfully long and awkward “I came by to apologise for not being able to make it the other night, something kind of, er, came up”. 
“Oh dude don’t sweat it, it was probably for the best anyway-” The words tumbling out of his mouth before he could even realise what he’d said. 
“Steve” Robin shot him a warning glance. She knew he would find out eventually but Robin also knew that you were purposely avoiding Eddie if you could help it and Steve blurting out to him that you were back home was surely going to blow up in all of their faces.  
“Right what the hell is going on and what’s that supposed to mean?” He was waving his finger between the two of them losing his patience fast. Clearly missing something that only he wasn’t clued in on. 
Idiot. Steve is an idiot and you were sure as hell going to be pissed at him. Shit. He glanced at Robin giving her a look that communicated they had to tell him now as he’d already said too much, receiving a groan from her in response. 
“She’s back… from NYU” The air felt thick with tension.
The three of them not saying anything, just looking between each other waiting for someone else to make the next move. Eddie gulped, frozen where he stood. He was aware you’d come back eventually to see your family, though if he was being honest, he hadn’t seen you in almost a year and he was starting to tell himself you may never actually return to this god forsaken town. The semester hadn’t finished yet so he was pretty sure he’d have more time to avoid this whole subject and continue to bury his head in the sand. Apparently not. 
“She actually dropped by yesterday right after getting back into town, told us she’s back early and finishing the semester here because-“ 
Robin interjected quickly before he could continue, “Steve stop its not our place”. 
“You think she’s going to tell him? It’ll come out eventually anyway and we can’t be in the middle” 
“Tell me what-" Eddie tries to speak, to get answers but its as if they don’t hear him. 
“She’s going to kill you for this you know” Robin walks away holding her hands up in surrender no longer wanting to be a part of this conversation. If Steve was going down she didn’t want to be taken with him. 
Steve sighs deeply contemplating his next move, “Robins right, she might kill me for this but the two of you can’t keep avoiding each other for the rest of your lives. Not when Hawkins is this small,” His expression turns serious, looking Eddie dead in the eye, “She’s my best friend and I love her, she’s not going to stop hanging out with us and neither are you… Something happened with her mom. You should really go speak to her”
He clenches his eyes shut in anticipation of the oncoming storm, wiping his hand down his face. He knows you’ll forgive him for telling Eddie but he can’t help feeling like he’s betrayed you and its making him feel stressed. 
Before Eddie can leave to even think about what he’s going to do next Steve calls out to him, “Eddie,” his tone serious, cold, “If you hurt her again, I will kill you. I mean that”. 
Eddie believes him. Steve was there to pick up all of the pieces when Eddie broke your heart before you left for college. He’d scolded him about it at the time, in disbelief that Eddie could do something like that to you when you both seemed so in love. If he remembered correctly Steve had said it was the ‘biggest mistake he’d ever made’ which, granted, for Eddie was saying something. He’d made a lot of mistakes in his life and Steve was right, losing you was the biggest of them all. His greatest regret. 
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It was a Saturday night and you were hanging out with Eddie in his trailer. You'd been on a few dates by this point and everything seemed to be going swimmingly. You’d both decided to go for a change of pace, choosing to hang out at home so you could be alone together. It felt comfortable, safe. Subconsciously you’d made the decision not to be intimate with Eddie yet, not wanting to rush into things because you didn’t want to mess this up. The distance you’d put between intimacy was only increasing the tension, urges getting harder to control. 
Eddies watching you intently as you’re walking around his room, finger tips gliding over his shelves. Taking stock of his room you see the lord of the rings trilogy amongst his books, band posters hanging on his wall, some home made corroded coffin ones amongst them, along with instruments and amps. A persons bedroom is so personal, a deep reflection of their personality. Who they really are. Though you’ve only known Eddie for a short period of time you think that this is very… him. Messy, complicated, passionate. 
“I’m sorry its kind of a mess-” 
“You don’t have to do that” you declare cutting him off, smiling at him “its only me I don’t mind”.
Right. Only you, he thinks to himself. As if you’re completely unaware of the effect you have on him. He’s painfully aware that letting you into his bedroom is the same as inviting you to get to know him on a deeply intimate level and he wonders if he’ll see yours any time soon. For now he can only wonder what secrets your room would reveal about you. 
“Oh sick, you’re into David Bowie?” you pick up a tape from his desk and turn it over in your fingers. 
“As if you have to ask, Princess. He’s one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. A total pioneer in his merging of music and art” he’s beaming with joy talking to you about this because you actually seem interested in what he has to say. 
You place the tape back down on his desk and walk over to where he’s sitting on the bed. Reaching your hand out to stroke his cheek. “You’re cute when you’re passionate, did you know that?” 
A blush creeps across Eddies face, he doesn’t often feel shy but he supposes no ones ever looked at him the way you’re looking at him right now. He feels like putty in your soft, gentle hands. You could ask him to do anything right now and he’d do it, no questions asked, contemplating whether he should be afraid that someone has the power to make him feel this way. But he isn’t. 
“Come here” He says in a low voice. It’s a command not a request, causing your heart to race. He reaches out for your waist, pulling you down onto his lap so that you’re straddling him. Legs either side of his thighs, knees resting on his mattress. The air feels thick with tension as you rest your arms around his neck, fingers lacing through his soft curly hair, faces inches apart. Your breathing quickens. 
One of his hands is starting to tighten its grip on your waist as the other slowly lifts up the edge of your top to slide his fingers underneath. Your skin feels hot. His fingers sending a jolt of electricity racing up your spine as they trace your lower back causing you to inhale at his touch. He’s holding eye contact with you until it becomes intense, the brown colour swallowed by his dilated pupils, eyes now looking down at your lips. 
Pressing his palm into your back to keep you balanced he moves his hand from your waist to run his thumb along the line of your jaw, moving your head to the side to gain access to your neck. Pulling you in close he leans in to place soft, torturous kisses along your collarbone, slowly moving up the curve of your neck earning a soft moan from you in response. He’s taking his time on purpose, fingers starting to dig into your back as your grip on his hair tightens. Kisses turning into soft nibbles, testing the water until he starts gently biting and sucking your neck. Your moans become louder then as you feel him hard between your legs. 
He pulls back from your neck to look at your face. Eye’s blown, chest heaving, he can feel your pulse quickening under his thumb where he’s holding you by your jaw. As if you both make the decision at the same time your lips meet in a desperate, passionate kiss. Hands grabbing at each other impatiently. Your fingers tugging at his hair, both his hands now digging into your waist underneath your top. You slide your tongue along his bottom lip and his lips part further, letting you into his mouth, groaning into you.
He frantically grabs at your ass to get you to grind into him. A breathy moan escaping your lips at the friction. You can feel your self getting wetter at the anticipation. 
“Eddie-" you whisper barely parting from the kiss. He can tell you’re getting needy, wanting. 
He takes this as his cue and starts to lift your top, “Can I?” 
“Yes” you reply breathily, nodding frantically. Grateful that he asked permission but desperate for him to devour you. 
He rips your top off and stares at you in awe. Your delicate, lacy balconette bra leaves little to the imagination as your hardened nipples peak through the lace. 
“Fuck” he stutters, “You’re perfect”. 
Of course you have absolutely perfect breasts, he thinks to himself. Without hesitating he skilfully pings open the back of your bra one handed, pulling it off you and chucking it across the room. You think he must have perfected that little move. The notion that he knows exactly what he’s doing turns you on even more. He wraps his arms around you to lift you and place you down on his bed, your head now resting on his pillows.
Making quick work of unbuttoning your jeans, he pulls them off along with his own top. He sinks down between your legs, spreading them open to gain better access. Tracing soft, delicate touches along the inside of your plush thighs. One hand grabbing at the skin of your thigh, he places delicate kisses, making his way upwards as he starts to alternate between biting and kissing. Growing hungry. He wants needs to devour you. You can sense him getting needier and your hands search for his muscly shoulders, for something to grip onto as you start to lose your composure. 
His fingers find the lace of your panties and he can feel your wetness pooling in them. Hooking a finger underneath them, he pulls them off eagerly in one quick motion. Eddie buries his face in between your legs and teasingly licks your wet folds with the tip of his tongue dragging it up to your clit and back down again. He opens you up and starts fucking you with his tongue. You moan loudly unable to contain yourself and he thinks its the sweetest sound he’s ever heard. He goes back to concentrating on your clit, sucking it passionately whilst bringing two fingers into your entrance and slowly curling them deep inside you. Your legs start to shake and his fingers pick up the pace, fucking you faster. 
Your hands grip his hair tighter, moans getting louder and more uninhibited as you come undone beneath him. Chest rising and falling as you try to catch your breath, you can feel him smirking between your legs as he trails soft kisses back down your thighs. Wanting to take advantage of this moment whilst the tension is still palpable you pull him up towards you and encourage him to flip over so you can take control on top. 
“My turn” you say breathlessly, making direct eye contact with him. 
“You’re so hot when you take charge, baby”
Baby. It sends shivers down your spine. 
You’re ferociously unbuckling his belt as he lifts up his hips slightly allowing you to rip off his jeans and boxers. Have you ever wanted someone this much? Have you ever needed someone the way you need him?
It doesn’t surprise you to see what Eddie is packing. The tip of his cock now swollen and pink, dripping with pre cum, in desperate need of release. You take him into your hand gliding your thumb over the tip of his cock generating a loud moan from him. Straddling his hips, you lower yourself down onto him teasingly taking him in-between your folds gliding backwards and forwards. You can feel his dick twitching beneath you. 
“God,“ he’s says in a low growl, “you’re killing me here, Princess” his grip tight on your waist, nails digging into your skin. Unable to contain yourself any longer you reach over to his nightstand grabbing a condom and ripping open the foil. Lifting yourself up enough to sink it down onto his cock and you along with it. 
You both moan at the relief of him finally being inside you. His hands move from your waist down to your ass, grabbing you aggressively and thrusting up into you as you move your hips down to meet him. Steadying your hands on his chest you rise up and down, lifting yourself up enough to slam back down on his cock, taking the full length of him. Your eyes start to water with pleasure at the feeling as he’s looking at you hungrily. 
After a while flips you both over, onto your back to make this moment more intimate. His hips thrusting into you as he leans down attaching himself to your lips. You’re both a sweaty mess, urgently clinging to each other, legs entwined. Neither of you wants to slow the pace or stop kissing to come up for air, melting into each other. It's like you need each other to breathe. Unable to get close enough.
“Fuck, I’m gonna-“ his dick starts to twitch as you tighten around him. He picks up the pace, grabbing your ankles and placing your legs over his shoulders to get a better, deeper angle. 
“Oh my god, Eddie!” your nails digging into his forearms beside you, you can feel the tension bubbling inside of you. He moans louder now sensing neither of you will last much longer. He's pounding into you as you both reach your high at the same time. He continues to slowly thrust into you riding out the climax before pulling out and collapsing next to you. 
“That was..” your brain turns to mush and you can’t find the words, still trying to catch your breath. 
“We’re definitely doing that again” Eddie chuckles, pulling you into his chest. Tracing his fingers delicately across your back, keeping you as close to him as possible. You both lay there for a while in the comfortable silence. 
“You know… I think I’ve been searching for you my whole life”. 
Leaning up on your elbow to look at him you see his expression is genuine. You reach a tentative hand out, pushing his now sticky hair out of his face. Fingers dancing across his cheek as you move in to him to place a tender kiss on his lips, “you found me” you whisper “and now I'm yours forever”.
You lay your head back down on his chest never wanting to leave this bubble, hoping that forever is what he wants. 
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Eddie was on auto pilot the entire drive home. Information about your return just dropped in his lap without warning.
What was he supposed to do? Does he carry on pretending like you don’t exist? The two of you hadn’t spoken for almost a year. The last time you’d had a conversation he was leaving you heartbroken on your doorstep driving off into the distance. He’d wanted so badly to call you once you’d moved to college but he didn’t feel like he had any right to speak to you. After all, he was the one who broke up with you. He owed it to you to keep his distance. Admittedly he had expected to see you around town thinking you’d come home from college to visit your family. At the time he thought maybe he’d just managed to avoid bumping into you, quite impressive given how minuscule Hawkins felt at times. Unfortunately he’d found out from Steve you hadn’t come home at all, not even for your family. He’d felt guilty about that. 
Somehow Eddie arrived back at his trailer. Jumping out of his van, slamming the door in panic and running in through the front door. Pacing backwards and forwards unable to decide what to do with himself. What happened with your mom? Why were you back now, back early? It had to be something bad, especially if you’d managed to avoid Hawkins for this long. He took a break from pacing to sit on the couch for a moment burying his face in his hands. 
The sound of the front door opening wasn’t enough to pull Eddie from his thoughts. Wayne had arrived back from work to find Eddie in a state. He hadn’t even looked up to greet him. Wayne walked over and placed a hand on Eddies shoulder. 
“Eds” he gave him a gentle shake “you okay buddy?” 
“Huh?” Eddie looked up from his hands to see Wayne towering over him giving him a concerned look. He looked back down at his wet palms not even realising he’d been crying. 
“Whats going on?”
“I-" the words get stuck in his throat. He doesn’t even know where to start. Why is he such a mess? Did he really think he’d never have to see you again? “She’s back” 
Wayne hummed in response. He didn’t have to ask Eddie who he was talking about, only one girl could ever leave his nephew in a state like this. Eddie had never brought girls back to the trailer until he’d met you. He could tell right from the start his nephew was madly in love, an undeniable chemistry between the two of you, and Wayne was happy for him. Happy he’d found a girl who loved Eddie for who he was.  
“Have you spoken to her?” 
“I can’t - I don’t think she’d want to see me” 
Wayne sighed, “I really think you should go and speak to her, you won’t know until you try”.
Theres something beneath his statement that makes Eddie suspicious. Given what Steve had said to him when he saw him at Family Video he’s starting to feel concerned. A sinking feeling deep within him that he can’t place. 
“Wayne, what do you know?” 
Wayne takes a seat next to Eddie, exhaling and looking at the floor. “I ran into her old man in the store before I came here. I think she was there with him but I didn’t actually see her at the time”
“He was looking pretty rough. Pale, dark circles under his eyes, like he hadn’t slept for days and we always got on well so I went up to him to see how he was,” he pauses, struggling to continue “her mom passed away a couple of days ago, kid.”
The silence in the trailer was suddenly heavy. Neither man speaking, both unsure what to say. “I really think you should at least try and talk to her, she could probably really do with that right now. I know she’s got a lot of friends here and I know it ended badly between you two… but you know what it's like to lose a parent, Eds. Not everybody does”
Eddie feels like he can’t breathe. He should have been there for you when your mom died. He thinks the regret of losing you and the guilt of not being there for you might eat him alive. Tears start to cascade down his face at the thought of you receiving this news alone in New York. He wipes his tears on the back of his hand and grabs his keys. 
“I have to-“
“I know, Kid”
Eddie rushes out the door into his van, quickly grabbing a pen and paper on his way out.
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It was a beautiful sunny day in Hawkins. You were walking hand in hand with your boyfriend by the lake eating ice cream on this warm summer afternoon. The sun was beating down on your back, kissing your skin. Children’s laughter carried through the breeze, the sprinklers watering the grass, bees dancing on sunflowers (your favourite kind). Everything felt right. Your fingers belonged entwined in his. Two halves coming together to make one whole. 
‘Mint choc chip is really your favourite ice cream flavour? God you really are a freak’ 
‘Oh you know it baby’ with a grin Eddie pauses leaning forward to lick ice cream off your lip, savouring the taste slowly. Tongue slipping past your lower lip into your mouth. Wrapping your arms around his neck you both stood there for a moment enveloped in a passionate, desperate kiss. His free hand grasping your waist tightly as if he was afraid to let you go. 
For a few minutes the whole world fell away around you, just the two of you existing in your own space and time. Only the ice cream dripping down your hand to pull you back to earth. He reluctantly pulls away from the kiss staring into your beautiful eyes, awestruck by the way you always look at him. As if he’s the most important thing to ever exist in this life. It was inconceivable to him that anyone, especially you, would feel this way about him. He knew from the moment he laid eyes on you that you’d be the love of his life, however improbable that sounded out loud to anyone else. He grabs your hand to lick off the melted ice cream causing you to giggle and pull away. 
“Eddie, stop!” you whack his arm gleefully. 
“Don’t forget we’re having dinner with Wayne tonight”
“At the Italian place right? My parents are also coming if that’s okay with you”
“Yes m’am” Eddie tilts your chin up towards him and gives you a brief soft kiss. “Hey I got you a present” He takes your hand pulling you over to his van, opening the back door. 
“Whats the occasion?” 
“Does there need to be an occasion? I love you, maybe that’s the occasion” He smiles at you fondly and grabs your present out the back of his van. Taking your ice cream from your hand so that you can open it. 
You hold something rectangular wrapped in paper wrapping adorned with little sunflowers. Cute. Opening it slowly you reveal a wooden box. It looks handmade, beautifully carved. 
“Eddie this is beautiful, where did you get this?”
“I made it, actually. Wayne helped a little but er you know, I’m good with my hands” he wiggles his eyebrows at you suggestively receiving an eye roll. “I thought you could use it for all of your keepsakes. For our keepsakes” 
When you look up at Eddie you have tears in your eyes. Placing the box down carefully back in his van you lunge forward, stretching your arms round his neck hugging him tightly. Wishing you could stay in this moment forever, reluctant to release him from your grasp, “Thank you, I love it”.
You had no idea love could feel this good. You’d read about it in literature - poetry, prose, plays and whilst you’d hoped the poets weren’t exaggerating part of you felt like that kind of love was simply a dream. That it couldn’t possibly be real because you hadn’t experienced it. But right here, you felt it. Wrapped in so much love it felt overwhelming. Eddie paid attention to you, listened to everything you said, took note of all the things you liked to store away for a rainy day. In return you provided him a shoulder to lean on, let him open up to you about his past. About his parents and his upbringing. 
Love was your religion and you never wanted Eddie Munson to ever stop loving you. God help you if he ever did. 
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A million thoughts were rushing through Eddies head on the drive over to your house. God, did the drive feel this long every other time he came here? He’s desperate to reach you. The letter he wrote in this van before driving over staring up at him on the passenger seat. A back up plan for the inevitability that you refuse to speak to him. He was sure you wouldn’t want to see him after all this time. What could he possibly say to you to make up for what he’d done a year ago? Would you really want to speak to him just because you both now had something horrific in common, losing your mothers? Would you think this was a gross overstepping of boundaries considering he hadn’t spoken to you since your breakup? 
Pushing those thoughts aside he pulls up in your driveway. Now that he was actually here faced with the possibility of having to speak to you and confront everything he was seriously doubting this decision. Tucking the letter inside his jacket he reaches for the door handle, taking a deep breath, before stepping out and walking to your front door. Come on, Eddie, knock. Just knock on the door, what’s so hard about that? 
Hands shaking he knocks on your front door before he can cower away. The front door pivots open revealing your brother, Theo. Ah, fuck. 
An audible groan leaving his mouth as he sizes Eddie up, “Hello, Eddie”. Theo is looking at him objectionably. He deserves that he supposes. 
Theo continues before Eddie can say anything, “She’s not here, and if she were here, she wouldn’t want to speak to you, Eddie”. 
“Fuck" he starts to panic, "I know I fucked up, I’m not here trying to cause any trouble. I actually came by to offer my condolences and say sorry for your loss. I was hoping I could speak to her. Unfortunately I do understand what its like to lose a parent… I wanted her to know, even if she doesn’t want to right now, that she can speak to me if she needs to speak to someone who knows what its like.”
Theo thinks on this for a moment, staring into the distance beyond the driveway. At the far away trees stretching along the road. Theo never disliked Eddie, if anything they got along really well. Out of all the boys you’d dated, before your supposed hiatus on love, Eddie was his favourite. Not that it was hard, you certainly knew how to pick them. Idealistic views on love clouding your judgment. Whilst Theo liked Eddie, he was protective over you and he was still angry about that day he came home to find you catatonic. Unable to speak about what happened initially, he had to pry it out of you. So telling you that the man you loved, positive actually that you absolutely do still love him, has turned up at your door offering you condolences is weighing heavily on your brother. Scared that you’ll get hurt again.  
“I’m not lying to you when I say she isn’t here, she’s out with my dad,” hesitating before he continues “but I will tell her you stopped by looking for her. I can’t promise she’ll want to talk to you or call you back but…” 
“Thank you, I know you don’t owe me anything but I appreciate it,” before walking off Eddie pulls out the letter from his jacket pocket, “in the very likely event that she’s not interested in speaking to me, could you please give her this?” 
He cautiously takes the letter, looking down at it thinking that this will go one of two ways and he’s not sure he likes the thought of either option but reluctantly agrees. 
“Eddie,” Theo calls out to him just as Eddies about to get in his van, “thank you for your condolences”. 
He nods back at him, nothing else needing to be said.  -
When you arrive back from running errands, Theo approaches you asking for a quiet word, not wanting to speak in front of your dad. You head upstairs and Theo encourages you to sit on your bed whilst he explains his encounter with Eddie. After explaining what happened there’s a moment of silence between the two of you. He can sense you withdrawing into your thoughts and feels the need to continue. 
“I owe it to you to tell you that he was here. I didn’t do this for him” 
You don’t know how to feel. You hadn’t spoken to Eddie for nearly a year and here he was showing up at your door to tell you he was sorry about your mom? You’d been purposely avoiding him ever since he broke up with you, granted that may have been childish but it came from a place of deep pain. You hadn’t avoided him because you hated him, quite the opposite. You’d tried to hate him and it hadn’t worked. You’d been avoiding him because you couldn’t get over him. Because at one point he’d been the love of your life and seeing him again was too painful. 
“If I know you as well as I think I do, and I’m your brother so I know you pretty damn well, I think you’re still in love with him. I don’t think you ever stopped loving him”
“He hurt me a lot, Theo” 
“I know that” he sighs, “I’m not telling you what you should or shouldn’t do. This is your decision. I just think you should really take a moment to consider how you want to move forward” He wraps an arm around your shoulder and gives you a squeeze. 
Opening your bedroom door to give you a minute alone, he remembers the letter Eddie gave him and pulls it out of his back pocket, “Ah, I almost forgot. He wrote this for you” he lays the letter down next to you on your bed, “I really think you should read that, even if you decide you don’t want to see him”. 
Just as he’s about to walk out of your bedroom you stop him, “Theo?” 
“yeah?” he turns around to face you, noticing that your eyes are welling up with tears.
“When did you get so grown up?” 
He offers you a soft, fond smile, “I’ll be downstairs if you need me okay?” and with that he walks off. Leaving you holding Eddies letter.  
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“If you wanted me dead, you should have just said”
Although you and Eddie had been practically inseparable since declaring your love for one other you both still wanted to have a designated date night every week. Tonight he was taking you to see a local band. Applying another layer of lipgloss you start to feel self conscious that you’re slightly over dressed, wearing a short silk mini dress and a pair of heeled sandals. Giving yourself a once over in the full length mirror you decide not to change, wanting to look your best for potentially one of the last date nights you’ll have with Eddie before moving to college. 
Eddie had been reluctant recently to talk about your acceptance into NYU. You knew he was proud of you, you’d felt that from him every day. He’d been so excited when the letter came through your door fondly calling you his ‘smart girl’, whisking you off your feet and spinning you round. However now that it was getting closer to your moving date you were scared to broach the subject of leaving Hawkins. It was imminent but whenever you’d brought it up he’d changed the subject swiftly. Both of you burying your heads in the sand. 
A loud knock reverberates through the house and you run downstairs quickly to answer it. A wide grin appears on your face and you lunge forward to plant a kiss on his lips, always so excited to see him. 
“Wow you look-“ Eddies taken aback by your beauty. Every time he sees you its like he’s seeing you for the first time all over again. He swallows heavily, the words catching in his throat. 
A little laugh escapes your mouth and you start to feel shy “thank you, are you going to come in or just stand there all night?” 
“Yeah right, sorry. Wheres the fam?” 
“Oh they’re out tonight, something about a ‘must see’ movie playing down at the local”. 
Your back is to Eddie looking for your jacket through the coats hanging up by the front door. What you don’t notice is Eddie starting to shift uncomfortably on his feet. The usual confident demeanour slipping away as soon as he set foot into your house. What you don’t know is how much Eddie had to psych himself up to come over here, to tell you what he’s about to tell you. To say what he’s about to say. 
He clears his throat, “I- I can’t do this anymore”. 
Your whole body freezes, letting go of the coats in your hand. Heart dropping into your stomach. 
“What - what do you mean?” You close your eyes for a brief second trying to ground yourself then turn around to look at him. 
“I think we should break up” 
The ground feels like its falling away from under you. Head spinning. Your hands start to go numb and you feel yourself dissociating. What did he just say? Did you hear him correctly?
“I don’t understand. What? Where has this come from? Everything was fine yesterday?” 
Eddie sighs, “I don’t think… I don’t think this is going to work with you moving to New York”
You don’t say anything for a moment, urging him to continue because you can’t speak. Nothing makes sense anymore. So he does, “I have to repeat my senior year, you’re moving away to college and I don’t want to be the one holding you back. You’re going to make something of yourself and i’ll just be your boyfriend stuck at home, stuck in high school. I can’t do that” 
Anger starts to bubble up inside you as what he’s saying hits you. He’s breaking up with you because you’re going to college? As if your relationship means nothing? What the fuck?
“Are you serious right now? Like did I just hear you correctly?” 
“Im being deadly serious”
“You’re being a coward” the last word coming out venomous on your tongue. 
“Don’t what? Do you think you’re being heroic right now? Because you’re not. What you’re doing is being a coward, Eddie. You’re not saving me, this isn’t for my benefit so don’t act like it is.” 
“I am doing this for you! You’re moving to New York. You’ll meet new people, start a career. I’ll be stuck here in Hawkins repeating my senior year for god knows how long. You think that isn’t going to hold you back? You’ll forget about me and move on” 
“You aren't doing this for me! You’re scared of feeling inferior but I’ve never made you feel that way. I don’t care what other people think! We can work around you still being in Hawkins, New York isn’t that far away I can come home on weekends-” 
“and then what?! I graduate and just pack up all my stuff and move to New York for you?” 
“Thats not something we have to think about right now we can cross that bridge when we come to it. I love you. We love each other, isn’t that enough?” 
You supposed your view of love was idealistic. That it didn’t matter what was going on in your lives because as long as you had each other everything would be okay. Because as long as you loved each other, it would all make it okay. Nothing was more important to you than the love of your life. Reality came crashing down to remind you how naive you were.
Eddie looks down at the ground. He makes the decision in that moment to say something, not because he means it because god he doesn’t. But he has to say something to push you away, to stop you running after him. For your own good.
So he says, “Not for me it isnt”. 
The atmosphere changes. All of the air gets sucked out of the room. When he looks up its as though he can see your heart shatter into a million pieces right in front of him. 
“I think this is for the best” he says in an almost whisper. 
“Well I don’t” you reply bitterly. 
You hold eye contact for a while unable to look away from each other. Unable to believe your relationship has come to this. In complete and utter disbelief. Eddie wants so badly to just reach out and comfort you but he can’t. Your eyes are glossy, full of tears waiting to spill over the edge and he knows he won’t be able to stand here watching you cry. Before he can think he quickly turns around, walks down your driveway and climbs into his van. Because he’s scared he’ll try and take it all back, but he has to do this, for you. 
Thats it. The final blow to your relationship. So you stand there in your date night outfit, tears streaming down your face, heartbroken on your doorstep watching him drive away. Watching your future slip through your fingers and you think Keats was right then, when he wrote; 
‘the pain would be too great — My Love is selfish. I cannot breathe without you’ 
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“Who’s going to stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames?”  NOW
It’s the day after Eddie showed up at your house unannounced. Unable to open his letter, it sits on your dresser staring at you. An elephant in the room. To distract yourself you decide to call Steve to give him an ear full. Who else would have told Eddie that you were home? Sure your dad had run into Wayne at the store but your dad said he hadn’t mentioned you were back in town. 
You dial Steves number on the house phone. 
“Harrington residence” he answers, sounding an awful lot like his dad. Not that you’d ever tell him that. 
“Steve, I’m going to kill you” 
“Ah… he came to see you then?”
“Did you put him up to that?”
“Actually no, the information kinda slipped out when he stopped by Family Video” 
“I’m sorry. I do mean that and you know I love you but he would have found out eventually”
“Yeah maybe when I was already on a flight back to New York” 
Steve sighs, “Thats kind of classic you. Avoiding the subject until it bites you in the ass”, he pauses for a moment thinking about what to say next without angering you. “So what did he say?” 
“I wasn’t here, he ran into Theo” 
“Yikes, I bet that was awkward. No offence to your brother but he’s kind of scary, even if he is younger than you” 
You laugh then, both relaxing easing the tension. 
“I’m not mad at you for telling him” you pause “well maybe I was a little initially, but I actually called to ask for your advice”
“Oh yeah?” 
“He left me a letter. I know the logical thing to do is open it but what if there’s something in there that breaks my heart all over again? Usually I would have asked for my moms advice but…”
“My advice is the next best? Im honoured” his tone is soft and warm, not wanting to linger on the subject of your mom knowing its best for you right now to brush past it with light humour.
“I have to ask, what do you want to do? I assume you’re calling me because you already have an answer in mind. Otherwise you would have burnt that letter by now. Don't forget, I’ve seen your, what did you call them back in the day? ‘Rituals for cleansing pain’?”  
“Oh my god” you laugh at the memory. Every ex boyfriend or fling who scorned you received the same treatment - all their stuff burned in your bedroom bin, memories gone up in flames. “I used to be such a drama queen”
“Used to be?”  
“Hey! Anyway, thank you Steve that’s actually really helpful advice” 
“I’m not sure I gave you any there but okay, sure.. I have to go but call me back later if you need me okay?” 
You spend most of the afternoon pacing backwards and forwards in your bedroom until your brother calls up to you from the stairs, “You’re going to wear a hole in the floor if you don’t stop doing that!”
You pick up the letter from your dresser and take a seat on the edge of your bed. You decide that its time to stop running from your past and your emotions. Tearing open the envelop you read:
Princess,  I’m not sure I even know where to begin but you once told me that the most vulnerable thing someone could do was write a love letter and put all of their feelings and vulnerabilities on the page. So here I am.  I’m so sorry.  I’m sorry this letter is only being written to you now.  I’m sorry about your mom. That I wasn’t there to comfort you when you needed it the most.  I’m sorry I didn’t contact you after you moved to college. I could come up with a million excuses as to why that was but you deserve better than that.  I’m sorry that I was a coward. I was afraid that once you moved to college you’d forget about me. That you’d want something different from life, something I could no longer fulfil. I was scared of no longer being good enough for you. I thought you could move on and make something of yourself if I wasn’t in your life, that you could forget about me and this shitty town.  I’m sorry that I broke your heart, and in the process broke my own. I don’t know if that offers you any comfort, that my heart shattered into a million pieces on your doorstep along with yours. Although knowing how selfless you are I don’t suppose you’d find any joy in that.  I’m sorry that Steve had to pick up the pieces when I walked away.  Not a day goes by where I don’t regret my decision, where I don’t think about you. Not a day goes by where I don’t love you the same way I did back then, perhaps even more so now.  I’ll love you til the day I die.  And when thou art weary, I’ll find thee a bed, Of mosses, and flowers, to pillow thy head; There, beauteous Emma, I’ll sit at thy feet, While my story of love I enraptur’d repeat Forever yours,  Eddie 
P.S I would love nothing more than to see you and talk whilst you’re home. I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow at your favourite spot by Lovers Lake at 4pm. I hope to see you there but if I don’t I understand and you'll never have to hear from me again
Tears spill down your cheeks, dripping onto the paper in your hands. Your hands gripped tightly around the letter, shaking. His words pulling your feelings back up to the surface, feeling like your heart was shattering all over again. A deep visceral pain. You’d assumed he would have moved on by now given you’ve avoided him for the past year and that he was the one who broke up with you. Of course your heartache and pain were obvious but you hadn’t thought that he would also be heartbroken like this. 
You glance up at the clock on your wall. 3.30pm. Shit. If you wanted to make it to Lovers Lake in time to catch Eddie you had to leave now. You know you’d regret not speaking to him and this was your last chance for closure, whatever that looked like. Grabbing your converse from next to your bed you quickly shove on your shoes and run downstairs. 
“I’m heading out!” you call to Theo and your dad. 
“Where are you going? It looks like there’s a storm brewing out there” Your dad asks concerned. 
You shoot Theo a knowing glance. “Its okay dad, she’ll be fine, she’s a big girl”. He’s sparing you having to explain this situation to your grieving father given its still a mess right now and you wouldn’t even know what to say. You love Theo for that. 
Grabbing your car keys you swing open the front door and sprint to your car. Your dad was right, the clouds were starting to roll in and the sky was turning a murky shade of grey. Any minute now the heavens would open and maybe Eddie would make his way back home. Stepping your foot on the gas you swing out of your drive way and speed off to the lake. 
As you’re pulling into the lake rain starts to pour at full speed, your windscreen wipers unable to fight back the constant torrent of water. You give up trying to drive in any further as you can’t see a single thing through your windscreen any longer, realising its probably way too dangerous to even try. You pull your car over to the side trying to find some kind of safe parking spot in case anyone crashes into you. The last thing you want to do right now is run out into the storm but you need to find Eddie. 
The second you leave your car you’re instantly drenched. Clothes sticking to your skin. Cold to the bone. Sprinting through the trees into the direction of the dock you and Eddie used to sit on during those warm summer days, where you’d dip your toes into the water talking about your future. You find your legs carrying you in the pouring rain, almost tripping over rocks and narrowly avoiding face planting into the gravel. A deafening crack of thunder roars above you. You’d just emerged through the edge of the trees when you spot a figure standing on the dock. Though rain is pouring down your face making it difficult to see you’d recognise the boy you loved anywhere. That familiar pang in your chest. 
“Eddie-” you walk closer to him attempting to close the distance between you. Not hearing you initially above the noise of the storm you’d had to shout louder, “Eddie!” Your voice desperate. 
He freezes, body tensing up. He’d convinced himself you weren’t showing up. Another crack of thunder echos through the air followed by a bright flash of lightening. The sky had suddenly become so dark anyone would mistake it for night. He hesitates, afraid that when he turns round you won’t be there, some cruel trick of the imagination. 
“Eddie please come away from the dock its not safe out here” you shout, pleading with him. 
He turns to look at you in that moment. Drenched, out of breath, hair clinging to your face. A painful intake of breath fills his lungs as even now, in this state, you’re still breathtakingly beautiful. 
“I didn’t think you’d show up” he’s having to raise his voice for you to hear him over the rain. Chest heaving. In shock that you’re standing in front of him. 
“Until about 30 minutes ago I wasn’t going to”
Neither of you know what to do. Theres so much to say but you don’t know where to start and the storm certainly isn’t helping the situation. You’ve been staring at each other for an uncomfortably long time unable to look away. Afraid that if you look away, the boy standing in front of you that you love so much will disappear again. It’s hard to tell in the pouring rain but you can see tears rolling down his cheeks. The emotions between you two are intense and painful, on the verge of pouring out of you any second. 
You make a split second decision to stop holding back, to stop running away from how you feel. So instead run you right into his arms and as he runs towards you, swinging your arms around his neck and he catches you. Sobbing into each other, you pull your head back to face him desperate to find his lips. His hands find your face, grabbing you and pulling you in closer. The kiss is heated, passionate, hungry. Its like you’re both making up for lost time. Pouring every single unspoken emotion into each others lips. His arms wrapping around you gripping you tightly. 
“I missed you so much” your foreheads are pressed together and he’s holding your cheeks. Tears falling as he speaks “Im so so sorry”.
You’re unable to hold back any longer so you admit through sobs, “I love you so much, Eddie. I love you so much it hurts” 
“I love you too, I never stopped loving you”, He pulls you into his chest to let you cry there for a moment. Theres another roaring crack of thunder that grounds you both bringing you back into reality “we can’t stay out here we need to get under shelter”. 
He grabs your hand and pulls you along the lake to a boathouse further round. Away from the rain, the quiet of the boathouse stretches out between you. Looking at each other unsure who should speak first. 
“I’m really sorry about your mom” he starts. 
“I know” you’re biting back sobs “thank you” 
“I-“ he wants to apologise for hurting you but he doesn’t know how. Knowing that nothing he could say would make it any better. 
“Eddie-“ you inhale deeply trying to will the courage you need to tell him how you feel “losing you felt like losing my lungs. I couldn’t breathe, I was so completely broken and blindsided”
“Im sorry-“
“Please just let me finish whilst I still can…” he nods encouraging you to continue. “I probably shouldn’t have purposely avoided you for the past year. It was easier for me to stay at college and concentrate on my work and the longer I stayed away the harder it was to come home. I knew that if I came back I wouldn’t be able to avoid seeing you. With Hawkins being so small and having the same friends… I just couldn’t face the pain of seeing you again knowing that I still loved you so much. Breaking up with you was one of the most painful things I’ve ever had to go through. I thought you were it for me. That I’d found my person.” 
Hot tears stain your cheeks as he reaches up to wipe them away with his thumb. He’s looking at you with his beautiful brown eyes. Pain etched across his face. 
“Im so sorry, it doesn’t make it okay but I really thought I was doing good by you. I just wanted you to follow your dreams and not worry about your life back here in Hawkins. What could I offer you? You deserved better” 
“NYU wasn’t my dream, Eddie. Yeah I wanted something from my life that Hawkins couldn’t offer me but that was never about you. You were my dream, Eddie.” 
You hear him intake a sharp breath as he cradles your face in his hands. His warm lips reach yours, filled with longing and desire. Its passionate but gentle. He doesn’t want to overstep or push your boundaries but he can feel you want him too. He pulls back but keeps his forehead pressed against yours. Taking both of your hands in his kissing your knuckles. 
“I know I fucked up, really fucked up but… I- christ you were my dream too. I-" He swallows heavily working up the courage to confess how he feels, pointing between the two of you “I want this back” 
You’re quiet for a moment, “I’m scared of getting hurt again, Eddie” you see his face drop. Wincing at your admission, feeling guilty for how heartbroken he left you. “but, I love you and I miss you so I would be open to… trying to take it slowly” 
Kissing you softly, he drops your hands, pulling you into his chest. Holding you there for a while whilst he squeezes you tight never wanting to let you go. He swears to himself in that boathouse that he'll never let you go again. It feels right, being back in his arms again. The two of you forget about the raging storm. The pain washes away and you’re just two broken people coming back together. Melting into each other becoming whole again. Soulmates. Destined to continue finding each other in this life and the next.
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179 notes · View notes
hellv1ra · 2 days
No this is heartbreaking!!!!
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𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡, 𝑜𝑘𝑎𝑦?
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pairing: eddie munson x exgirlfriend!reader
summary: eddie lets his insecurities get the better of him, letting you go and taking his heart with you.
author notes: what's up, guys? this took longer than expected, but I'm pretty pleased with the outcome and I hope you guys enjoy it — feedback is appreciated.
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The room smelled of stale smoke, bottles of beers discarded next to the bed, emptied boxes of pizza stacked atop the dresser — a hint of your perfume lingers in his sheets wallowing in the memories, reminding him of the heart he broke.
He recalls the way his name slipped from your trembling lips — a simple plea, asking for this to be just a cruel joke. His silence broken at the slam of his front door, rushed footsteps following to catch up, freezing at the edge of the first step.
Your taillights fading haunts his tired eyes, twisting the knife deeper and deeper into his deserving heart — punishment, righteously earned. Eddie loves you, capturing his heart at first sight, but his insecurities got the better of him, tricking him to believe he wasn't good enough.
Eddie was stuck in this no luck town, little to his name and no prospects of the future with you tethered to him, and he couldn't stand the thought of you being stuck along with him — so, he did what he did best.
He slashed the rope, saving you by shattering your heart and letting you go.
Nightly drives became ritual — windows down, radio up, speeding down the deserted streets of Hawkins, gazing flued to the road ahead, driving through the past. Glimpse of you scattered on every corner, trapped in memories chasing and calling after him.
The van jerks, braking at the sudden red light. Jittery hands pat his jacket, taking out a pack of cigarettes, lighting one up to calm his nerves. Eddie tosses the pack on the dashboard — his ring covered reaches for the passenger seat, landing on the leathery material. His lips wear a frown, head turning towards the empty seat. Looking out the window, his frown turns hopeful, heart beating rapidly in his chest at who he sees.
You, sitting at a booth inside the local diner — a smile to your face, tossing a couple fries into your mouth. Your hair up, few loose strands tucked behind your ears as the denim jacket hangs off your shoulders, looking as beautiful as the day he let you go. You toss your head back, laughing as his attention shifts to the person sitting across from you. His blood boils, burning his chest as his jaw clenches as his knuckles turn white from their grip on the wheel. Steve Harrington, fucking prick.
A car behind him blares their horn, the green light signaling his escape, rushing down the street — a broken sob slips from trembling lips, chest heaving with regret, letting the tears trickle down his flushed cheeks, grip tightening as the image of the pair of you replays in his mind.
The stereo roars to life, your laugh seeping out the speakers, ringing in his ears until it all becomes too much. He pulls to the side of the road, brake screeching as the van comes to a stop. Shifting the van into park, breathing erratic — the rage desperate to get out, silence forms all around him as he lets it all out. Wails of anger towards oneself echo in the night sky, muffled by the metal of a van.
Hours appears to pass, or maybe minutes, he's not quite sure. Eddie mourns in the stillness, staring into the darkness — truly and utterly lost. He feels it, then. A warm touch to his thigh, drawing him into the light. He turns his head, softening towards the presence of your ghostly figure. She leans forward, delicate fingers caresses his tear stained cheeks with a smile on her lips. His eyes close, leaning into her touch.
She's gone, vanishing as quickly as she appeared. The engine rumbles, shifting into gear and peeling onto the isolated road, listening to his heart — a destination to his travels, and one thing on his mind.
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hellv1ra · 2 days
Ok, so this one is either going to be a hefty boy, or a 2-parter:
So imagine if Chrissy broke up with Jason and starts dating Eddie. The reader is best friends with both Chrissy and Eddie, and is also very much in love with them. But since they're together, reader just keeps it to herself. Unbeknownst to her (and to each other) both Chrissy and Eddie also have feelings for the reader.
Until one day, Eddie and Chrissy are together, and he calls Chrissy by the readers name. Eddie's panicking thinking Chrissy is going to be pissed, but instead she's just like "oh thank god!" And they decide to try and figure out if the reader feels the same about them.
Then maybe like Jason wants to get back at Chrissy and Eddie, so he convinces a basketball player to ask the reader out and then embarrasses her on the date, so she goes crying to her besties and they comfort her and confess their feelings.
(If you want to add HellCheer x reader smut at the end I won't be upset by this.)
Sorry if this is really long, I've had a while to think it out.
As a bisexual gal, this was a dream. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
⚠️smut ( threesome )
Both of you
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Y/N had a secret crush on her best friend Chrissy for years. She never admitted it to the cheerleader as Chrissy never talked about females before. But Y/N also never had so maybe she shouldn't assume. Watching Chrissy and Jason be together was hell. All the things Jason got to do made Y/N burn with jealousy. Jason was also an asshole and she hated that Chrissy would even stay with him.
As a way to distract herself, Eddie caught her eye. Y/N had been friends with Eddie for a while, less than Chrissy. She met Eddie because of Chrissy, which was odd since they were opposites. But that was exactly what Y/N needed. He was the opposite of Chrissy.
She found herself crushing on him the more they all hung out. Eddie was single and Y/N focused on that. They flirted and had their moments but nothing truly happened. It was all words and soft touches to his arm.
But then Chrissy dumped Jason and Y/N was back to square one. She didn't know if she should take the chance and see where Chrissy's head could be, or keep focused on Eddie.
Eddie had a small crush on Y/N the moment he met her. She was a pretty girl with a beautiful smile. But he had his eyes on Chrissy since middle school. He suffered while she was with Jason, enjoying the distraction Y/N was. It might have been a distraction, but he loved it when Y/N would touch his arm and whisper flirty things in his ear.
But then Chrissy was single and Eddie didn't know what to do. He didn't want to discard Y/N like their time was nothing, but did he really wanna pass up the chance with Chrissy?
Chrissy felt a pull towards Y/N, and it confused her. She wasn't used to looking at a girl and wanting to spend every breath kissing her. Chrissy was always memorized by Y/N. Even when she was with Jason, her eyes watched Y/N's every move. But so did Eddie. It started as a little friendship, but the more she hung out with him the more she realized how attracted she was to him.
She dumped Jason because her brain felt splattered all over the place. She knew she didn't want him and she didn't know who to go for.
Y/N felt personally attacked by God himself when Chrissy and Eddie announced they were together. She felt like the world crashed at her feet and her duty was to suffer.
But she loved both of them, and she would never admit how bad it hurt to see them together.
She knew they didn't mean to make her a third wheel, but she was. She bit away at the inside of her cheek as they held hands in the hallways. She looked away whenever they shared a sweet kiss in the booth. And she was right out the door the second the room got steamy. She was sad that it seemed like it was not three friends hanging out anymore, it was just their date.
Chrissy could never get rid of this feeling in the bottom of her stomach. She knew she loved being with Eddie and was happy to be with him, but Y/N ate away at the back of her mind.
With Eddie's lips on her neck and his hands moving up her skirt, she closed her eyes and thought of Y/N. It wasn't that Y/N replaced Eddie in her mind, she was additionally added in. She pictured Y/N kissing Eddie as he moved inside of her. She pictured the three of them doing the nastiest things she could think of.
She had to bite her lip constantly to make sure she didn't moan out the wrong name. Because she screamed both their names when she pleased herself behind closed doors.
Eddie felt guilty for the amount of times he thought of Y/N. He loved Chrissy and he did not regret a relationship with her. He just wished he didn't have to pick between them. He wished he could have both under his arm.
Eddie moaned as Chrissy kissed down his naked chest, falling to her knees.
His hand tangled in her hair as she took him down her throat, his head thrown back with bliss. His eyes closed as he melted into the couch, her warm mouth wrapped around him. The feeling felt incredible as he lost himself in his fantasy.
Felt both girls' mouths on him, kissing every inch of his skin. His grip on Chrissy's hair got tighter as the images flashed through his head.
He panted at the thought of them both on their knees, pretty eyes looking up at him before they kissed each other. Then they'd pull away and both kiss down his cock. Then they'd take turns sucking him off.
"Fuck, Chrissy" he moaned, the images of her gagging on him and the touch of Y/N playing with his balls
"Fuck Y/N just like that,"
His eyes snapped open as he heard his own words. He cringed as Chrissy's head snapped up in shock.
Eddie sat in fear as she stared at him. Her blue eyes looked frozen as she stared. He quickly tucked himself back in his pants. Apology on his tongue.
"Oh thank god, you think about her too," Chrissy said, a relieved smile on her face as she stood up.
"Wait what?" Eddie asked. Chrissy crawled into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Y/N, you were thinking about her, right?" Chrissy asked to clarify
"Yeah, I'm sorry. It wasn't instead of you. I love you and you know that. But she never leaves my head." Eddie sighed
"It's okay, Eddie. She doesn't leave my head either." Chrissy finally confessed out loud.
"Really?" Eddie was surprised. He never once thought his girlfriend had a side to her where she liked a girl.
"Really. I've been stuck trying to figure out my feelings for you and her and it's the same."
"I know what you mean," Eddie said as he held Chrissy on his lap
"What do we do?" Chrissy asked
"We see how she feels" Eddie shrugged, it was worth a shot to see where it would go.
Before Eddie and Chrissy could discuss everything with Y/N, she already had news of her own.
"What do you mean you have a date with Troy?" Eddie snapped, the excitement washed off her face.
"I mean he asked me out and I said yes, what is the big deal?" Y/N countered back
"It's just Troy isn't always the nice kind of guy," Chrissy said, a lot more comforting than Eddie.
The couple tried to ignore the pain in their chest at the thought of her slipping away.
"It's just one date, and if it goes horribly I will never see him again." Y/N shrugged. She wanted to see if she could move on and distract her brain from the two across from her.
"That is a good idea," Chrissy smiled
"Bullshit it is. Y/N, he is an asshole, what makes you think he will suddenly be prince charming? You are going to get yourself hurt." Eddie fought.
"Eddie, relax." Chrissy soothed as she rubbed his back
Y/N looked away as they shared their moment
"Why do you care so much anyway?" Y/N asked, moving her eyes to look right at Eddie.
Eddie shared a look with Chrissy, asking if this was the right time to come clean. Chrissy gave him a small shake of her head and he nodded.
"I'm looking out for a friend," Eddie replied
"I'm a big girl. I'll deal with whatever happens." Y/N snapped as she walked off
"I've got a bad feeling" Chrissy sighed
"Me too"
Their bad feeling was right
That night Y/N was pounding on Eddie's trailer door as she sobbed.
Eddie pulled her into a hug the moment he saw her, he closed the door behind her. He kept his arms around her as he walked her to the bedroom, where Chrissy sat flipping through her homework
"What happened?" Chrissy gasped as the crying girl came through the door. Her homework was shoved to the floor as Y/N sat on the bed. She left Eddie's arms for Chrissy's.
"I'm an idiot. I should have listened to Eddie but of course, I wanted to make my own stupid decisions." Y/N cried
Chrissy and Eddie shared a look
Chrissy pulled back a little so she could clear off Y/N's running mascara. Eddie sat next to both of them, rubbing Y/N's back.
"You are not an idiot. You wanted to give Troy a fair shot and that was sweet of you." Chrissy cooed
Eddie had a different approach
"What did the fucker do?" Eddie snapped
Chrissy sent him a glare but he was too fired up
"It was all a joke. I guess Jason told him to ask me out."
At the sound of Jason's name Chrissy and Eddie both tensed up
"And when I got there, the whole team was there and they all laughed and made fun of me for thinking I was actually going on a date with someone that popular"
"Don't listen to them. Jason is always trying to mess things up. He wanted to hurt me." Chrissy said softly, her heart broke for her.
"Anyone would be lucky to be on a date with you," Eddie jumped in
"Yeah right," Y/N scoffed. "I'm going to clean up my face." She said as she got up and walked off to Eddie's bathroom.
"I think we should say something now," Chrissy said once they were alone
"Will it be too much for her?" Eddie asked, he was worried it would be too many emotions at once.
"I think it will help her to hear."
The couple went silent as she walked back out. Her makeup was cleaned off and her hair tossed up.
"We have something to tell you," Chrissy said
Y/N nervously looked between both of them as she took her seat on the bed. Chrissy to her left and Eddie to her right
"What's up?" Y/N asked
"How do you feel about me?" Eddie asked
Y/N swallowed nervously as she turned to look at Chrissy
"It's okay, be honest," Chrissy whispered as she nodded to Eddie
Y/N took a deep breath and looked back at Eddie
"I guess I've always had this attraction towards you. And I really like you and I thought we had something but I've been trying my best to be happy for you." Y/N confessed
"And how do you feel about me?" Chrissy asked
Y/N grew more nervous for that one
"You're my best friend," Y/N smiled. Her palms were sweaty. Confessing to Eddie was easy, but coming out to her best friend was a whole different emotion
"Do you ever see me as anything more?" Chrissy asked
"I'm sorry, what is going on?" Y/N panicked as she stood up. "Why are you guys asking me this stuff?"
"Well," Chrissy sighed, "Eddie and I both have feelings for you. Feelings we felt before we got together, and they haven't gone away."
"We know it's crazy, but if you wanted, we were wondering if you wanted to give us three a shot," Eddie explained
Y/N felt like she was in a different universe. Did the two people she had feelings for just ask her to be with them?
"As in...all three of us date?" Y/N asked, her brain felt like it was non-stop running
"Yeah. We don't have to dive straight into a relationship. We could date and test the waters." Chrissy said, standing up as she walked closer.
"Uh..." Y/N didn't know what to say, but she didn't have to say anything.
Chrissy cupped her jaw and leaned in. Y/N watched with heavy eyes as Chrissy's lips got closer and closer until her lips touched hers.
Y/N melted into the kiss immediately, after years and years of dreaming about this exact moment. Y/N reached forward and gripped Chrissy's hips. The kiss grew heavy as Chrissy moved her hands to trail down Y/N's back.
Chrissy pulled away with a smile
Y/N stood shocked as she tried to regain her breath
Eddie reached forward and yanked Y/N down to his lap
She shivered as she felt his bulge underneath her body, and then his lips were on hers
She whimpered as he easily took control of the kiss. His rough hands squeezed her ass as his tongue slipped inside her mouth. Her head got dizzy from the way he touched her and pulled whines from her throat.
He pulled away with a small smirk, loving the lust that burned in her eyes
"Did you like that?" He asked
"Yes" she breathed out
"Did you like it with her?" He asked
"Yes" she breathed out
"Want to go further?" Chrissy asked
Y/N turned her head to look over her shoulder. Y/N nodded and felt her stomach bubble with excitement
Y/N had her back against the mattress, breathing heavily as her nerves filled her body.
"Ready?" Eddie asked, he was in between her legs, standing at the end of the bed. She barely could take her eyes off his naked body. His cock was already covered in the condom, waiting for her reply.
Chrissy sat naked near Y/N's head, rubbing Y/N's chest to calm her nerves.
Eddie held Y/N's hips as she pushed himself inside her, he entered himself slowly. Letting her take him inch by inch.
She gasped as he filled her, he felt amazing inside of her. He went slow as he thrust inside of her, making her eyes roll in the back of her head as she felt him.
"Doing so well for me, such a good girl," Eddie praised
Y/N shivered from his words, she couldn't believe she was finally having Eddie the way she wanted.
He leaned down, still thrusting inside of her, his lips pressed against hers for a quick second. "Wanna taste Chrissy? She tastes amazing, so sweet and addicting." Eddie's brown eyes looked up to Chrissy.
Y/N whined at the thought. Her being under Chrissy's body and tasting her on her tongue.
"Yes, please," Y/N moaned out, her voice strained as Eddie picked up his pace
Chrissy smiled as she moved to straddle Y/N's face, she faced Eddie as she slowly moved herself down
Eddie watched with delight as Chrissy's pink cunt landed on Y/N's tongue. Eddie felt himself growl as he watched Y/N's tongue working between Chrissy's folds.
Chrissy moaned as she placed her hands behind her, moving her hips as she rode Y/N's face.
"Oh, that is so good, Y/N, fuck." Chrissy moaned. She never knew how good her best friend's tongue felt.
"Such pretty girls," Eddie moaned as he watched them
He felt Y/N clench around him, she tried to talk but it was muffled. The vibrations sent Chrissy into a whining mess as she gripped the sheets.
Eddie moved his hand down to rub her clit, loving the way Y/N's body jolted. Not once losing his pace, Eddie used his free hand to reach forward to play with Chrissy's nipples. He pulled the pink bud between his fingers, loving the way it snapped back in place as she shivered
Chrissy gasped as she felt herself getting close, Y/N's tongue swirling her clit perfectly.
"Look at that, Y/N. Gonna make Chrissy cum all over you. Be a good girl and make her shake." Eddie said, his fingers still working on Y/N's clit. He took his hand away from Chrissy's nipples and moved down to Y/N's chest, his finger teasing her stomach.
Y/N was growing tired as her own orgasm got close but she shook her head back and forth, giving the messiest head she could. She loved the way Chrissy screamed out her name.
Chrissy felt her eyes roll in the back of her head as she felt her stomach snap.
"CUMMING" she warned, Eddie watched in delight as Chrissy panted and came all over Y/N's mouth
She grew sensitive and went to pick up her hips, but Y/N wrapped her arms around her thighs and slammed her back down. Chrissy cried as her thighs shook, and Y/N's tongue continued to abuse her.
Y/N finally let Chrissy go, the blonde could barely feel her legs as she landed on the bed, fucked out.
"Need," Y/N whined, her head thrown back as Eddie's fingers played with her clit
"Need to cum? Come on pretty girl. Cum all over my cock." Eddie said, his pace was so fast that she could feel his balls smacking against her skin. He planted his free hand next to her head as he fucked himself into her
She clawed at his chest as she felt her orgasm washing over her. His close behind as he emptied himself in the condom
Eddie slid out of her, disposing of the condom
Chrissy leaned down and softly pecked Y/N's lips
Eddie crawled onto his bed and kissed up Y/N's body as Chrissy pulled away.
Eddie pecked Y/N's lips before he captured Chrissy's lips in a kiss.
Y/N whimpered as they kissed above her
She didn't care to test the waters, she wanted to dive straight in
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