helpolnix · 4 days
The garbage story
I was having a small chat with Hypnos when I had remembered I forgot to bring those stupid fucking recycling and garbage cans to the front for garbage day. It was late at night (11:30 ish) and it was dead quiet on my street. Hypnos said he’d keep me company while I did so and I asked dryly if he’d keep me safe if someone tried to kidnap me.
He said he’d call for help. lol.
By the time I was outside I got too scared and also called upon Hermes and Dionysus because that’s how much of a pussy I was being.
I know I live in a relatively safe neighborhood but IT WAS LATE OKAY
So I try moving my garbage can when I realize it is absurdly fucking heavy, and it stinks so fucking bad. I have trouble actually getting it to move, but when I did the smell fucking wafted around me, making me gag. By then I feel like I hear giggling. I ignore it and instead decide to make progress with my recycling can as it was easier to move. I complained the whole time about this being terrible and being ridiculously scared of being kidnapped. And also not having any help.
[I know it’s just taking out garbage. I’m dramatic]
I go back for the garbage can and it honestly truly was some of the worst smelling garbage ever. Literal shit in a can type of smell. I put my shirt over my nose but it didn’t help in the slightest. I complained aloud to the three gods LAUGHING at my struggle, crying about how bad the smell was and also making remarks about how lucky they should feel for not having to do this.
That made Dionysus laugh harder.
I have about three very short steps I need to get the can down from and my god, this is when it gets really bad. After the first step I almost dropped the can fully, and I just barely managed to save myself by sitting down and furiously saying to these BULLIES how scared I am of the can falling. The feeling of laughter only got louder and louder.
Yes, I did successfully get the can down without falling on my ass or dropping it, but I learned one very important and valuable lesson tonight.
Do NOT do any chores that are even slightly embarrassing around these gods.
Dionysus specifically.
Never calling on them for company and a feeling of safety again.
[I’m kidding(not really) but they know I’m posting this so whatever]
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helpolnix · 6 days
Dionysus was there when those two boys got too drunk at the party and sloppily kissed in the alley. What are they doing? What does it mean? What are they to each other? It doesn’t matter.
Dionysus was there when the girl who was sick of her hair went mad in the bathroom and buzzed it all off. In that moment, she was flying, and she truly felt free.
Dionysus was there when the girl was standing in front of the mirror, about to take a shower, putting lipstick on her eyebrows and eyeshadow on her cheeks, looking wild and partaking in the gentle joy of painting her face, knowing that before she is seen again, she can wash it all down the drain.
Dionysus was there the first time the 30 something man tried on a dress. As he poured himself a glass of wine and posed in the mirror. How elegant he was in the cramped confines of that dingy motel. For tonight, he can be his effeminate self, knowing that this secret is all his to indulge in.
Dionysus was there when the girls got together, removed their tight bras and danced in freedom as they burped and screamed and cried and howled. These women are insane! How mad they become when they’re free from the burden of society! They were laying on the floor with their stomachs out, breasts sagging, hair disheveled, saying crude words that women must not say. For a moment they were no longer trapped in suburbia. They were in the wild woods, far away from any rule or law. They were free! Free and mad!
Dionysus was there, and no matter how hard they try to deny it, he will always be.
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helpolnix · 8 days
To my pagan/polythiest friends, heres a reminder to actually sit and chat with your deity about what you want/need and what would make life easier for you. They cant read minds most of the time (when you're not actively quietly communicating with them) and communication can only strengthen bonds. Go say that thing youre terrified to say or admit that you dont like some aspect of your practice. 90% of the time life gets easier when you do. And they're genuinely happy to see you succeed how you want to.
I see u, you're doin great
-Grey ♡
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helpolnix · 9 days
Going through a really tough time mentally with some wonky medication that is fucking with my body and brain BAD and it moved me to the point of tears.
I felt really fucking annoying about it, but I needed reassurance oh so badly that I wasn’t going completely off my rocker, and sometimes just knowing your gods are there for you when you need it is enough; that there’s somebody else rooting for you to get better.
Being told that they were there for me just gave me the push I needed to get through this *really* bad rough patch.
I hope other people don’t hesitate to reach out to the deities they feel close to. Sometimes even just praying or talking aloud(or in your head) to them helps a lot. It’s alright. It is.
Thank you Hermes and Dionysus <3
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helpolnix · 10 days
another shoutout to people who's neurodivergency interacts with their worship. people with deity introjects. people who struggle to differentiate between spirit interactions and psychosis. people who have been a victim of gaslighting who repeatedly second-guess their signs. those with ptsd who can't pinpoint the intention of their gods. those with adhd or autism who struggle to find a routine in their worship, or over-routine their worship.
this isn't even the beginning of what can happen, but just know i'm proud of you.
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helpolnix · 10 days
i think it should be mentioned that its perfectly normal to feel disappointed when it comes to deity worship or work. sometimes things just don't go your way or how you wanted it to. sometimes gods don't respond or they don't assist you in your issues. sometimes they disappear for a little while. you shouldn't feel guilt over natural feelings in regards to your desired results and you shouldn't feel ashamed. it may just be a sign to redirect that energy or reconsider what you are pursuing. deities are not pawns to be commanded whenever you'd like but they also don't disregard you for the sake of doing so. some deities won't hold your hand and it isn't because of a lack of warmth. it's to show you your own power and strength to be able to do things on your own. remember: your spiritual journey is a tool not a crutch.
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helpolnix · 10 days
There is no such thing as a beginner deity.
There is no necessary changes you need to make to your life in order to worship a deity.
There is no psychological preparation that needs to be done.
You don't need to break a habit. Reframe your psyche. Finish medical treatment. Reach a life 'milestone'. in order to worship a deity.
If anything you should approach a deity to help you through these things.
Learning the religion can occur at the same time as worship. They can be parallel events.
You can begin worshipping a deity the day you read this. There is no future point in time where you will somehow be more ready to approach a deity.
You are already ready.
Edit: *excluding closed cultures
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helpolnix · 11 days
Me saying prayers or trying to talk to him aloud:
“Lord Hermes-uhm, our guide and messenger..uhm.. uh.. can I talk to you? Sorry.”
imagine worshipping a god of communication while having the shittiest communication skills known to men
i'm so sorry, Lord Hermes
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helpolnix · 11 days
It has gotten significantly more and more informal. Started with a candle, name+epithet and now it’s just “hey [insert deity here] I really need to talk to you. You around?” LOL
How do you all reach out to deities? I tend to go for the yell at the sky (talk to my ceiling) method.
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helpolnix · 11 days
Oh my god is this a common thing among Hermes devotees? CTFU
I'm a Hermes devotee of course i don't know how to drive
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helpolnix · 11 days
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Helios, he who glows lovely and bathes our skin in warm sunlight.
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helpolnix · 12 days
“In the worship of the latter [Dionysos], women found a religiously approved vehicle for venting their feelings in an ecstatic manner that contradicted and transcended the male-defined mentality of the Greek city-state. When possessed by the madness of Dionysos, women suddenly found themselves free of the patriarchally imposed definitions of self, womanhood, and sanity. Hence, from a nonpatriarchal perspective, the madness of Dionysos had a certain logic after all.”
[Arthur Evans, “The God of Ecstasy: Sex Roles and the Madness of Dionysos”, 1988, p. 18]
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helpolnix · 12 days
If you ever feel unsure in your practice, remember that you are keeping Hellenism alive. You. You are. You’re a driving force, and you’re important.
You matter, whether or not you stick with it.
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helpolnix · 12 days
Being so afraid of being wrong that you can’t move is actually the worst thing you could do for your practice.
You aren’t imposing on anyone.
You aren’t insulting the Gods. Arguably, you don’t actually know what would be considered insulting unless you’ve actually asked Them.
You’re not going to be beaten up and told you are the worst devotee ever.
You aren’t going to be told by any Deity you are morally imbalanced or impure.
The only thing the Gods are actually concerned with is the ability to get you to listen to Them which means peeling away layers and layers of trauma, biases, and patterns that take you away from Them. They would not forcibly remove you from Their attentions just because you wanted to try something new or do something that no one else is doing.
The ultimate goal of any Divine relationship for either side should always be to draw nearer to Them, not be pushed away because your discernment is inaccurate while you are learning.
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helpolnix · 12 days
Zeus and Hera devotees who feel intimidated by them
Poseidon devotees who live far from the sea
Demeter devotees who live in the city
Hades and Persephone devotees who fear death
Dionysus devotees who are perplexed by madness
Aphrodite devotees who struggle to love themselves
Apollo devotees who struggle with inspiration
Artemis devotees who are saddened by animal death
Ares devotees who are too tired to keep fighting
Athena devotees who are easily manipulated
Hestia devotees with unstable home lives
Hermes devotees who get anxious over new things
Every one of you is so valid and so loved by your gods. They love you, and they want you to know it.
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helpolnix · 12 days
Hearing the loudest fucking cracks of thunder ever and just being like.. “oh hi Zeus” LMFAOO
[I actually said hi Zeus and then saw lightening immediately after. I screamed]
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helpolnix · 12 days
a tip for beginners since it worried me when i first started: its important to note that while there are deities that are heavily connected to each other, you’re not obligated to work with both of them.
many people speak on specifically married deities (ex: hades & persephone, zeus & hera, odin & frigg). a lot of people refer to them as a “package deal” since they are heavily entwined. but it’s important for those just starting out, this does not mean you have to work with both.
as someone who works with hades, some of my offerings to him are related to persephone but i don’t worship her. in fact, when i had the opportunity to meet her and ask, she smiled and said, “you’re not mine”. we both mutually understood that we didn’t have a connection to one another but we have mutual respect and kindness for one another.
the “package deal” part is where i offer my coffee that is too sweet for hades so he said he’ll hand it to persephone instead. which is the cutest fucking thing btw omg
this is all just in an effort to say, please do not worry about having to work with two deities rather than one. don’t get overwhelmed.
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