hermit-pistol · 2 years
Every time I change my age in my bio I have to fix the links smh... thank you guys for all the support! I still see that I get notes now and then hehe, and they are very much appreciated! Newly 23yr old me thanks you all~ now it's time to do birthday stuff on animal crossing 😤😤😤
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hermit-pistol · 2 years
sugar and spice (mista x reader)
This is a piece I wrote for @theladysexpistol for the SDL discord server Secret Santa event! Happy holidays everyone, have another fluffy Mista fic~ :) 
You looked the kitchen over one last time before grabbing your apron off the hook. Checking the clock, it would only be a few minutes before your boyfriend arrived, and you wanted to make sure that everything was absolutely perfect. The ingredients were placed on the counter, and the radio was playing Christmas tunes which would have bothered you on any other day, but you were too busy on cloud nine anticipating your soon-to-be visitor.
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hermit-pistol · 2 years
anonymous asked: You asked for seasonal??? OHoh yes yes 😊What about Abbacchio and reader finding themselves underneath a mistletoe Bruno so expertly placed, reader has a crush on Abbacchio and vice versa but ofc neither of them know. The whole gang is just staring at them to see what’ll happen 👀
ANON, HAVE YOU READ MY MIND!??! I’m going to write a fic similar to this for a secret santa in the discord server I’m in!! I love this idea~ 
Abbacchio most likely wouldn’t even want to go to the gang’s holiday party in the first place, but when Bruno mentioned that you would be in attendance he quickly changed his tune. Meanwhile, on the other side of things you had picked out your outfit ahead of time in the hopes that he would be there
Bruno was slick, that was for sure. He made sure that everything was perfect the night before, but chose to add his best addition for a few hours before guests would arrive: a small leaf hanging above the kitchen doorframe. He knew that you and Abbacchio had quite the infatuation with one another, but both of you were too shy to act on your urges. Hopefully the incorporation of his “help” taped to the kitchen doorway would aid him with his mission.
You are actually one of the last to arrive, and Bruno opened the door, offering you a warm smile, which you returned. Cautiously stepping inside, you saw the rest of the gang enjoying snacks and making small talk. All except for Abbacchio, who was sitting on the couch with a glass of punch by himself.
“Why don’t you keep Abbacchio company? he seems a little lonely over there.” You were too flustered looking at the man chilling on the couch to see Bruno’s wide grin.
You sat down on the couch next to him, giving him a shy smile. He grinned back, albeit quite awkwardly. You chatted about life and barely noticed all of the eyes that were fixated on the two of you.
Narancia, who was clad in an ugly Christmas sweater was visibly sweating watching the display, “Are they gonna kiss yet?” This caused Fugo to promptly slap his hand over his friend’s mouth, a threatening glint in his eye.
“Shut up, if they hear you the surprise is ruined.”
Later at dinner, everyone is seated and is having a generally good time until you notice your empty glass. “Aw man, I ran out of Diet Pepsi.” Abbacchio stood up abruptly, “Allow me to get some for you.”
What followed was an awkward exchange witnessed firsthand by the rest of the group. You decided on getting the Diet Pepsi together, which happened to be in the kitchen. Conveniently, Bruno moved the dining room table earlier in the day so they would have the perfect view of what was about to go down.
You crossed the threshold with no problems, but once Abbacchio came to join you Mista and Narancia started whistling uncontrollably. “WOOO LOOK ABOVE YOUUU!!!” they laughed and pointed at the plant dangling above his head.
“What is this…” his eyes darkened. “Bruno-” The man in question smirked, waving him on to carry on the age-old holiday tradition of mistletoe. Even Giorno and Trish couldn’t hide their giggles.
You grabbed his hand, “It’s okay!” He noticed your visible blush and shaking hands, “Just one on the cheek wouldn’t hurt, right?” Once he did, the group let out a collective, “OOooOoHHHH~~!!” and you wanted to hide under a rock. Now both of you were flushed red. Maybe this would be the embarrassing event that would break the ice between the two of you.
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hermit-pistol · 3 years
patient (mista x reader)
Here’s a fall-inspired Mista fic! He’s so silly but what a guy. Please like and reblog to show love, I loved writing this : )
“You never carry a pumpkin by the stem, you idiot…” You grabbed the pumpkin that your boyfriend Mista was carrying. He offered you an apologetic look before turning away to look at the rest of the selection. You cradled the pumpkin from the bottom, the *right* way. “You’re the reason why we can’t have nice things.”
“I’m sorry! I just thought that it would look cool…” He would never admit that he wanted to see if he could pick up the pumpkin by just the stem to show off his gains. You just shook your head in disappointment.
It was a blustery mid-morning in October when you decided to once again participate in your annual tradition of pumpkin carving. This year would make the first time you were accompanied by your partner Mista. He was goofy but he meant well, or so you thought. It was still going to take you a while to get over the incident that occurred earlier.
“And this one-” Mista picked up a rounded one and grinned wide, “will be mine.” You couldn’t help but smile as you looked on. He may have been an idiot, but he was your idiot.
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hermit-pistol · 3 years
anonymous asked: Can I ask for la squadra with a singer, musician an artist s/o, but they are unsure of their talent? >< have a nice day! ❤️
@twinkletwinklelittlestarss asked:  Heyy, I'm sorry If I bother you but can I ask  headcanons with la squadra (separately), with an s/o who confesses to them through a song? Like she is in a talent show and sings something for them (but not explicitly telling them that the song is for them but they understand anyway), she plays electric guitar ( La squadra's members are in the crowd watching them). TYSM, have a nice day ❤️ ( and I'm sorry if it's too tricky ><)
Since these are pretty similar requests for the same characters I decided to combine them into one! Hope you guys enjoy, these were fun to write~ Headcanons under the cut!!
Risotto Nero: 
Secretly loves when you play! You could just be jamming out to one of your favorite songs, or hesitantly fumbling through chords while reading tabs off of a website, he'll still listen either way.
He likes to sit on the couch in silence and listen to you. It's one of his favorite ways to unwind after a long mission or a hectic day of answering to his bosses in Passione.
He doesn't do much verbal reassuring you of your talents, but if you were bad at playing you would probably see his sour expression. (Don't worry, it's not there)
Thinks it's awesome that you can play an instrument, really! He remembers in his youth he didn't really get a lot of those kinds of opportunities so he's glad his s/o can get a chance to shine.
Whenever you're feeling down about your talents he'll reassure you whole-heartedly. He can't have his rockstar feeling down.
He also requests songs all the time, even if you haven't learned them yet. He just wants to see your sight reading skills
A bit similar to his pal Risotto, there's a good chance he won't actually tell you that your playing is good. That doesn't mean that he doesn't think you're amazing at what you do, though.
He'll listen to you play from the comfort of a mirror when he's feeling shy.
If he's feeling sassy he'll stick his hands out of the mirror to give you a round of applause. You giggle and appreciate the gesture all the same.
He's old so the electric guitar might be a bit too loud for his aging ears.
He will ask you to break out the acoustic when he's ready to hear the tunes that you have to offer. It's always nice to have background music when you're smoking a cigarette.
Bonus points if you know any classical guitar. Prosciutto will eat that shit up. He finds it so much more challenging than the pop tunes that "kids are listening to these days".
Pesci loves hearing you play the guitar! Whenever you play in front of him he's in awe.
Whenever you begin to doubt yourself, he'll say that you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. "You've just had a bad day, it happens to the best of us."
I see Pesci as a "glass half full" kind of guy, so during a playing session you're not particularly fond of he'll make sure to point out what he liked the best about each song or riff that was played. He makes sure to put in extra detail just for you!
He'll say he's always been into musicians, so no matter how well you play you'll have no issue impressing Melone.
He probably has the ability to play an instrument as well (most likely piano or keyboard). He picked up the hobby since ladies love men who can play a instrument or two.
He'll ask you for a duet. Being proactive, he'll look up all the guitar and piano duets that he can find. He'll make sure to pick out some flattering solos to showcase your talent.
Last but not least, Ghiaccio will complain about you playing late at night sometimes, but he is honestly enamored by your skill.
A few months after knowing you, he actually went out of his way to purchase a cheap acoustic guitar for himself. He's still shy to ask you to teach him a few things, so he spent a few late nights trying to figure out chord shapes and not so silently cursing when they're incorrect.
Later, you do find him in his room on one of these late nights and smile. You're really flattered that you influenced someone else to try out guitar too! You offer to give him a few proper lessons, and it really validates your ability as a musician for you!
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hermit-pistol · 3 years
anonymous asked: Can I ask for platonic Mista headcanons? Thanks I LOVE YOUUU
Here you go! 
Mista, upon meeting him, radiated sibling energy. His constant teasing and antics made you realize that he wasn't really into you, but rather just wanted to annoy you as much as possible.
He's very protective over you, in the way that a sibling would, of course. Show any bad intent and you'll be dealing with a mafia member at your throat.
You both have your fair share of inside jokes, that often leave you rolling around on the floor clutching your stomachs. The other members just wouldn't understand your humor, aside from possibly Narancia.
The three of you will also craft the perfect practical joke from time to time. More sophisticated than the average whoopee cushion. You still reflect on the time when Sex Pistols lodged themselves in the milk carton in the fridge and exploded it in Bruno's face. Good times, good times.
Being young and bottomless pits, you and Mista will frequently buy food together as well. Sometimes you'll buy more food than necessary, and challenge each other to see who can eat the most. Extreme mukbang content.
You also bounce music suggestions off one another. Who would have known that Mista had a really great taste in music? You both have god-tier Spotify Playlist, and laugh when your "Only You" personalized songs are influenced from the other's song choices. You've listened to them so many times.
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hermit-pistol · 3 years
@sunnyday-mayday asked: Hello! I was wondering if you could do Okuyasu, Narancia, Kakyoin, and Polnareff with a gender neutral S/O who’s afraid of thunder and lightning? they just make my heart swell and im in a rough patch rn since my family gets mad at me for being afraid. but uh— yeah! love your writing btw!!
Hello, hope you enjoy these! Your fear is valid, and I hope you can imagine these scenarios whenever the next storm rolls around :>
Noriaki Kakyoin: 
Kakyoin would console you before the storm even began. With his attention to detail (aka checking up on the local weather), he couldn't help but notice the severe storm that was headed your way.
He makes sure that you are away from all of the windows and are as comfortable as possible when the storm arrives. With a mug of hot chocolate in your hand, you sit together on the couch, snuggled together in a blanket.
Knowing that Kakyoin is there to make sure that you're safe during the tumultuous weather really means a lot to you.
I could also see him telling you about the science behind storms and how you can count the seconds between lightning strikes and the subsequent thunder. Once you understand your fear, it might not bother you anymore.
Jean Pierre Polnareff: 
Polnareff will simply not accept your fear of storms, so he decides to curb your anxiousness in his own special way.
Given his touchy nature, whenever a thunder boom could be heard he would envelop you in his arms. You inhaled the scent of his cologne that he always wore while waiting out the loud sound. Being squished in his chest muffled the sound.
Cuddling through the rest of the storm is an absolute must for him. He wants to make sure that you know he will always be there for you when times get tough.
Okuyasu Nijimura: 
Okuyasu will honestly be just as terrified as you are. He also gets spooked by the noises that come with the storm, so leading up to the event you can see his eyes nervously dart around the room.
In a way, you're kind of glad that Okuyasu can understand your fear since he also shares it.
During the storm, you'll be holding one another under a blanket or smooshed in the closet. At least you have some snacks to wait out the storm.
Narancia Ghirga: 
Narancia loves the rain and the loud storms that rarely hit the area, but he understands why some people can be frightened by them. He decides to fight fire with fire by bringing his stereo system into the mix.
He definitely has a "storm playlist" with louder and atmospheric music that can drown out even the most insistent of downpours.
You are at ease as the storm rolls through, listening to the heavy beat pulsing from the music player as you play a round of cards with Narancia. This would probably be one of the only scenarios where his obnoxious music would end up coming in handy.
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hermit-pistol · 3 years
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OH man... after reviving this blog through a dead winter, I’m pleased to say we’ve hit the 900 babey. Thank you all!! 
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hermit-pistol · 3 years
anonymous asked: Heyhey!!I love your writing hermit! can you please do a request of josuke playing mario with a female gf who wants to get romantic but he is too focused on playing the game. i think that josuke can’t catch a gorl’s hint and he is oblivious to the fact that she wants to get steamy. Thank you soo much!! ;)
Thank you anon, I appreciate the kind words. I hope you like this request! Remember that requests are open everyone, I would love to see what ideas you have! 
"Ah, I got killed by another flying koopa!" Josuke was ready to throw this controller across the room. You lounged on the couch next to him, watching the display. After class, it had now become a ritual to boot up the old Nintendo Entertainment System and play Super Mario Brothers.
Although, these days you just gave your coveted Luigi run to Josuke, whose eyes were currently glued to the television screen. You didn't want to appear as clingy with your boyfriend and girlfriend status, but at the same time, you simply weren't content spending all of your time with his divided attention.
"Baby, c'mon! We've been playing for hours and you promised that we were going to get something to eat at Tonio's tonight!" You pouted, kicking the unused controller to the side.
"I know, I know. Just one more level, please. This guy that throws the spiny shits is really getting on my nerves today..." He bit his lower lip in concentration. Cute.
After minutes of begging, you decided to use your secret weapon. You wiggled your fingers menacingly, "Oh Josuke, put the controller down right now or else you won't be able to feel your ribs when I'm through with you~"
This could go either one of two ways: Josuke submits and puts down the controller, or he puts up a fight, the controller still tightly clutched in his hands. He chose the latter. He giggled as you dug your fingers into his sides; you were definitely affecting his game playing. Eventually, he died enough times on both sides that the GAME OVER screen appeared, much to your delight.
"Mercy! Mercy! The game is over!" He threw down the controller and attempted to curl up into a ball. You relented, sitting back on your knees, thoroughly pleased with yourself.
You always got exactly what you wanted, one way or another. Josuke was wrapped around your finger, and you absolutely loved it. “Good, I’m starving!”
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hermit-pistol · 3 years
Omg.my bad I was half awake at the time
No worries! Although, if you do have a request I'm always here!!
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hermit-pistol · 3 years
Question how many parts can we request for matchups case I don't wanna be too much I just want 2 3 and 5
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Hi there, you might have me confused with a different blog? I've never done matchups here! ;-;
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hermit-pistol · 3 years
anonymous asked: I could request hcs of Bruno and Kakyoin inviting their crush out, to finally declare themselves, they had planned everything from the beginning, it would be perfect. But everything that could go wrong turned out like a catastrophe, food falls on your head, it starts to rain (or whatever comes to mind) at the end of the date they are laughing at how disastrous everything was.
I had a lot of fun writing these, and they ended up being a little lengthy so I’m putting a cut on this one. Remembers requests are open everyone! 
Bruno Bucciarati: 
Bruno is a very meticulous planner, and with that he wants to ensure that everything is perfect when he prepares dates for the both of you. From the venue to the time frame, you're surprised that he doesn't have a schedule stashed away in his pocket somewhere.
Usually they were friendly outings, but this one was different. He was finally going to announce his feelings.
This night was set weeks ahead of time: Bruno would pick you up and would whisk you away to an extravagant restaurant. Afterwards, he would take you on a drive around town. He planned to confess while parked atop a local landmark, with the city's lights twinkling below. It was an utterly romantic idea and Bruno loved it.
He was on time to pick you up, and you were punctual walking out to the car as per usual. The ride was going smoothly until you could have sworn you heard a faint 'pop'. As he kept driving, something was clearly wrong with the car. Being the gentleman he was, Bruno pulled over to inspect the damage. Yep, you had a flat.
Most of the night was spent sitting on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck. To pass the time you played stupid games like "I Spy" and "Would You Rather", so it wasn't all that bad.
You observed the frazzled look on Bruno's face when the tow truck appeared an hour and a half later, with some ragged man behind the wheel. To try and salvage the night, you grabbed an Uber to the restaurant.
After arriving, your nice clothes a bit sweaty and tattered, you come to find out that not only is the restaurant packed, but they gave away your reservation and table to the sleaziest member of La Squadra, Melone. He was chatting up some random female over wine, clearly having a good time. It made Bruno's blood boil.
Outside of the restaurant you gently touched his hand, trying to reassure him that the night wasn't completely ruined, "As long as I'm with you this night wasn't a bust! We've just had some bad breaks, that's all."
Bruno's heart melted on the spot. After all of this you still wanted to be with him? This was a sign. What followed was a usually composed Bucciarati shyly explaining his feelings, which you accepted. Since you were both starving, you celebrated your dating news by eating at the local McDonald's. 💖
Noriaki Kakyoin: 
Your first meeting was at the university's club fair. He was manning the gaming club's booth when he spotted you hovering around the area with your friends. He really hoped that you would talk to him.
And you did. You broke away from your group to excitedly write your name down on the email list. After a brief conversation, you learned you had some lecture classes in common. You really clicked, much to his delight.
The next day during class you spotted him in the hall full of students and sat together from that day on. You talked about video games, pets, and other hobbies over future meetings, dining hall meals and even study sessions in the common room at the dorms. It was time to take the next step: he invited you over to his dorm. His roommate, Jotaro would be out for the evening and he wanted to show you his new "antique" games he had picked up from the local shop.
You wore something simple, and brought a bag full of necessities. (Even a change of clothes for a potential overnight stay.)
You tentatively knocked on the door, and to your surprise it opened immediately. His room was quaint, a little small, but you were thankful that it didn't smell like gross man ™️.
He greeted you with a hug, (you were shocked at his forwardness) and saw that he had the TV already set up with two controllers, and snacks (ie totinos totinos hot pizza rollsss)
"I plugged in the first game so we should be ready to go." He patted the spot next to him on his bed. You took it, settling onto that sweet twin xl size mattress.
After the start up screen, you were greeted with a ghastly message: an anti piracy screen. "I've been japed! Damn those shopkeepers..." Kakyoin had been baited by the prospect of a good deal. Every other game he tried to plug in was the same; piracy is no party.
He got up from the bed and turned on his pc. They could at least watch or play something on the computer.
The pop up that appeared on the screen really triggered the boy's last nerve: YOUR COMPUTER HAS VIRUS. As if things couldn't get any worse, he proceeded to burn his tongue on the molten lava-like texture of a pizza roll.
You were watching Kakyoin unravel before your very eyes; it was very unlike him to be so unorganized. "It's okay! We can just talk and wait for those pizza rolls to cool down." You let out a lighthearted laugh, and his scowl lessened.
Through deep conversation he eventually revealed his feelings, and in turn you revealed that you felt the same. Maybe you would be utilizing that extra change of clothes after all.
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hermit-pistol · 3 years
Hi all, I've cleared out my ask box and am now accepting new requests! New post out tomorrow once I get back in town to format it! Make sure to read the rules before requesting as well~
-Alex 😌
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hermit-pistol · 3 years
anonymous asked: I hope this follows the rules! How about some scenarios where the JoJos pass out all of a sudden? And they wake up in their Jobros arms or lap? I hope this is okay!
Hello there! I made these general sleeping and cuddling headcanons if that’s okay! Parts 1-6 only you know the drill~
Jonathan Joestar:
Jonathan is a side sleeper, and when he falls asleep don't expect him to wake up anytime soon.
He's an extremely heavy sleeper who snores; this is a lethal combination. On several occasions you've had to sleep in the other room. You would much rather deal with muffled snoring than having it in 4k quality.
When you cuddle: Spooning is the way to go! Jonathan loves to wrap his arms around you, and it could even be the other way around. He finds it cute when you try to swing your leg over his large frame.
Joseph Joestar: 
Joseph cannot stay still. First he'll end up on his back, side, and then will roll onto his stomach. It seems like he can't get comfortable, but his soft snores tell a different story.
He's also a blanket hog. When he rolls around with his blanket he becomes a burrito.
When you cuddle: You don't. Seriously, you'd get mule kicked in your sleep. When Joseph is craving touch he'll flop onto you and pass out. He means well.
Jotaro Kujo:
Jotaro is a pretty light sleeper, actually. What he's endured in his young age leaves him susceptible to jumping at a light touch in the night. You could say he always has one eye open.
When he does settle into a comfortable slumber, it's on his back, with his hat pulled over his eyes.
When you cuddle: You mainly hug him from the side. It gives you the cuddling you desire, and it makes Jotaro feel protected. Nothing can harm him in your arms.
Josuke Higashikata:
Josuke is a mixed bag. He'll start out on his back one night, on his stomach the next. Although, whatever position he does choose he'll stick to it for the night.
On his stomach he'll grab a pillow to hug close as well.
When you cuddle: (see last point) You ARE the pillow. It may not be the same as full fledged cuddling, but you love the way he pulls you close with his arm. You know you aren't going anywhere in the night.
Giorno Giovanna:
Giorno is also a light sleeper, but at the same time he needs his sleep. He is the boss of Passione after all. He sleeps on his back with his arms above the covers.
He sometimes wears a sleep mask to bed please don't come for me.
When you cuddle: You don't want to have Giorno losing sleep, so subtle touches will do. A hand on his chest, or your legs touching still help you drift off yourself. Matching sleep masks? I think so.
Jolyne Kujo: 
Jolyne likes to sleep on her stomach, usually with one of her legs hanging off of the bed. It’s her form of temperature control. 
She also mumbles in her sleep sometimes, and you find it utterly adorable. It could be random sounds, or maybe your name. What are you dreaming about, Jolyne... 😳
When you cuddle: She’s all about physical touch to the point where she won’t be able to sleep unless you’re right there next to her. You’ll be pulled into a hug and once she settles down you still won’t be able to escape her iron grip. You don’t mind, though.
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hermit-pistol · 3 years
@arthurkirklandswaifu asked:  Headcanons for the JoJos and potato chips? 🥔
This isn’t months late what are you talking about... PLEASE, everyone, send me requests I thank you kindly :) Only did JoJos 1-6 for this one! 
Jonathan Joestar: 
Did Jonathan even have potato chips around in his time? He would be thoroughly shocked by the concept for sure.
"So, you're telling me...that's a potato all crisped up?" It would take at least a solid hour of explaining for him to fully get the message.
Imagine his expression when you take him to the grocery store. He'll be so surprised when he comes to find that humanity has progressed to the point of perfecting the potato chip, going so far as creating different flavors and shapes. Blown away is an understatement.
Joseph Joestar:
Joseph loves potato chips, or crisps as he calls them. He's young, so while he maintains a strict workout regimen, he feels the need to hoard as many bags as possible in his room.
He would also have low-key food aggression. You can only eat some with his saying so. If you so much as look at his stash you'd be condemning yourself to an early grave.
All that being said, when he's in the mood to share, (during dates, meal times, snacks), prepare to be spoiled. He wants you to try at least one of each!
Jotaro Kujo:
Jotaro eats, contrary to popular belief. Most of the time he'll blow off school to wander the streets of his town. During his solitary travels, he found his guilty pleasure: the potato chip.
In the unlikely scenario that he shows up to class: Holly knows that he'll eat the meal she prepares for him if there's a little incentive in his lunch bag, so she'll sneak in a few chips now and then.
Also before the events of Stardust Crusaders, I could see some potato chips being snuck into jail as well. She just wants to make sure that her son is well-fed.
Josuke Higashikata:
Josuke is a growing boy, so you know that he will be a bottomless pit when it comes to food.
He and Okuyasu will raid the vending machines after class, shoving yen into the coin slot as if their lives depended on it. They'll be reluctant to share. (Koichi can have some, but forget about Shigechi.)
Tomoko needs to hide her chips in a special cupboard with a padlock. She has created a chip-eating fiend.
Giorno Giovanna:
In all honesty, Giorno just finds potato chips too messy. Not to mention greasy.
He'll see them laying around the base or watch Naranica and Mista scarf down a bag in five minutes with a look of distaste.
He probably indulges in those veggie sticks with the salt on them....ew...
Jolyne Kujo:
Jolyne loves potato chips! She takes after her dad in this way. When she was younger Jotaro would dish them out as a special treat. Since then, they've become one of her favorite snacks.
In prison, they're a bit hard to come by, but sometimes she'll sneak a bag or two out of the dining hall. 
Since her cell is checked often, her bags are often confiscated. She’s resorted to putting them in her pillowcase. Jolyne is so dedicated to the cause that she’ll eat potato chip dust.
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hermit-pistol · 3 years
Happy one year anniversary to this blog! I've met so many amazing people through the community, and never thought that this many people would love and interact with my work! I appreciate you all~~ 🤠
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hermit-pistol · 3 years
general question because maybe I’m not on the right side of tumblr but is anyone still active in terms of writing for the JJBA fandom? I’ve noticed it’s died down a lot from when I peaked (late 2019-2020) but it sucks because I want to converse with other content creators and I only know like 5 that are active!
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