heroing · 16 hours
life is very busy atm and i just haven't had the energy/motivation to write very much the past week and i don't know when it will be back. i might be around every few days ooc but i'm not sure.
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heroing · 1 day
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@1mpulsee asked: // I’ve only written with you for a small bit but your interps are SO peak, i obviously love how you write Tim, he’s like everything to me and ur writing is always so vivid and emotional . Peak stuff how's my portrayal? || accepting
thank youuuuuu! part of what takes me so long is trying to put as much emotional punch in everything all the time XD
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heroing · 1 day
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@rebelpuff asked: i  love  seeing  people  suffer  when  they  wrong  me,  even  if  it's  minor!  /  @  Jason  
he  snorts  and  rocks  back  on  his  heels,  spreading  his  arms  wide  in  an  expansive  gesture.  “we  can  make  that  happen,  if  you  really  want.  i  love  a  bit  of  petty  revenge.”  see,  explosives  on  the  batmobile. 
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heroing · 1 day
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@49125 asked: How dare you ask how your portrayal is as if it’s not amazing to the highest order. It’s obvious that you have spent a lot of time, energy and thought into all of the characters that you write. And all of them are so well fleshed out that you might as well just call them your own at this point. how's my portrayal? || accepting
;-; i try my best to make them very distinct. and i always make sure i've read a lot of a character's content before i write them. it really allows me to flesh them out a lot more because i can pull a lot from canon and then just fill in the gaps with my own stuff. which i LOVE to just sit around and fill in canon gaps. i do this for characters i DONT write. it's just a hobby of mine.
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heroing · 1 day
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@rebelpuff asked: We haven't written much together yet but we've talked and you have such a great handle on all of your muses that it's both impressive and intimidating, especially when you have so many. They all have their own voice and you're amazing at distinguishing them. I really love reading your threads and I can't wait to write more with you
waaaah this is so sweet. character voice & distinguishing characters is always something i worry about with as many muses as i have so it's nice to hear i'm doing a good job of it!
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heroing · 1 day
「   ASK MEME :   HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL?   」  * send anonymously or not. feedback is appreciated!
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heroing · 1 day
Sonic Riders Real Time Fandub Sentence Starters
40 starters 
« can we be friends now? »
« just because you hold it it doesn’t make it yours! »
« i will punch you! with my fists! »
« i love stealin’ shit! »
« whoah, he’s bisexual, i didn’t know that! »
« by the way, i’m bisexual. i forgot to announce it. »
« i missed my therapy appointment today, and i’m a little upset about it. »
« sorry, i had to scream. »
« watch where you’re going, shithead! »
« i love seeing people suffer when they wrong me, even if it’s minor! »
« i hear womanly emotions. »
« not very impressive for someone of your reputation! »
« we’re your friends, right? you would never replace us with somebody else… you promise? »
« welp. i’m out. done with this shit. »
« i’m gonna win, bitch, i’m gonna win! »
« there’s nothing that can stop me now! especially not some sort of unforseen disaster event! »
« hey audience, i know you’re wondering what the fuck is going on! uhh… me too! »
« you motherfucker, you just left me to die! »
« top 30 anime deaths - number one: Your Fuckin’ Ass RIGHT NOW!!! »
« i just wanted to say thank you for giving me content for my villainous backstory. »
« i’m gonna die! i’m not ready to die! »
« you know, i know you spent like a weekend in france, but you don’t have to, like, pretend you’re french. »
« you are not attractive enough. die. »
« do you ever think about death and stuff? »
« “never go outside your comfort zone”, that’s what i always say. »
« i’m impressed but also very disturbed. »
« how many concussions does it take to get to the center of your fuckin’ head? the answer is “a lot”! a lot of concussions! »
« shut the fuck your mouth you piece of shit!! »
« we just doing this now? we all standing around? a bunch of assholes, standing in a line? congratulations. »
« i’m gonna cause problems on purpose! »
« hang on, wait a minute, we need an attractive person, step aside. »
« wait, i’ve been joking this whole time, do you really think i’m mean? »
« okay, i’m gonna do some soul-searching, but i don’t really think i need to do lotta changing. »
« wait! why am i being blamed for everything? »
« i will follow you anywhere. just tell me where to go. »
« do you think i’ve been a dick to everybody? »
« bitch? you have been SO fucking rude. to everyone. all the time. »
« i’m sorry for being a stupid smelly little bitch! »
« you’re gonna have to beg a little harder than that, motherfucker! »
« now you can be a good boy, just like me! »
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heroing · 1 day
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heroing · 1 day
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Pinterest tag game The first character, real person, outfit & quote when you open pinterest is your vibe.
stolen from: @dramatisperscnae tagging: anyone who wants it lol
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heroing · 1 day
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@rebelpuff asked: multiples of five for the topic thing rpc topics meme || accepting
5. dash commentary
i think it's cute and fun for the most part but it can be a little confusing when you don't follow the people involved/being commented on. that being said, i do occasionally do it myself.
10. anons
i like ooc/headcanon anons! or any kind of questions, really. i don't rp with anons, though.
15. animated icons
not a fan, honestly. i like my icons pretty plain in general.
20. violent threads
i LOVE violent threads. i love writing fight scenes. i love writing my character (or others) getting the shit kicked out of them. i love writing whump in any form. and i don't thing any violent topics should be off limits, provided they're properly tagged.
25. your character
given i've got a lot of characters, i'll talk about my general type. i love a character with a facade. and i love forcibly breaking that facade. i also tend toward angry characters, though this isn't always the case.
30. your choice
i'm choosing to answer number 1 (longer threads). i LOVE a longer thread. i'm incapable of keeping anything under two paragraphs and tend to write 4-5. but they do tend to take me a little longer to reply to then, say, memes.
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heroing · 1 day
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics!
it can be a praise, a complaint, a good memory… anything that comes to mind!
long threads
roleplaying with yourself
multiple people threads
dash commentary
excessive ooc
DNIs in rules
reblog karma
personal blogs
magic anons
animated icons
dash games
fanon interpretations
violent threads
your current RPC
another RPC you’re part of
another RPC you’re no longer part of
your first RPC
your character
another active muse
an old muse
your first muse
your choice!
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heroing · 1 day
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@peranarkia asked: music — do they like to play music while having sex? what kind of music? is the music for vibes, aesthetic, or simply to drown out the sounds they and their partner(s) make (or even a mix of all three)? -for Harvey? nsfw headcanon meme || accepting
potentially very soft music, something with a nice bass, just for the vibes. but not loud enough to drown out any sounds because he does like to hear his partner’s sounds. two-face, however, would not have any music on. he doesn’t feel the need to set the mood at all.
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heroing · 2 days
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@peranarkia asked: afterwards — what kind(s) of aftercare do they like being given? do they like giving their partner aftercare? do they fall asleep quickly after sex? -For Tim? nsfw headcanon meme || accepting
starting from the back forward on this one. he doesn’t fall asleep quickly after. in fact, sometimes he feels energized after, especially if he was domming, and needs to come back down/be brought back down from that hyperalert state. 
aftercare he likes to give tends to the more practical. cleaning his partner up, giving them water. food, too, if it was a longer, more strenuous scene. only after that will he do things like cuddles. 
aftercare he likes to receive tends to be verbal. reassurance that he did well. especially after scenes. he likes to be told that he was a good dom and his partner enjoyed what he did. and this is doubly true if the scene included anything like gags (harder to express dislike while gagged) or cnc (for obvious reasons).
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heroing · 2 days
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@peranarkia asked: drive — how high is their sex drive? are they hyposexual, hypersexual, or somewhere in between? does it change depending on the circumstance? how often do they have sex? -For Jason? nsfw headcanon meme || accepting
his sex drive is pretty high, bordering on hypersexual. this is namely because he’s absolutely desperate for connection and physical touch and sex is a cheap and easy way to get that. he’s probably one of the more likely of my muses to seek out casual sex fairly regularly. he also tends to seek it out more when he’s emotionally unstable as a sense of connection and grounding. how often he has sex varies but without a partner he probably seeks someone out once every week or so. with a partner, he’d be down to have sex every day if they could match him.
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heroing · 2 days
adding something to this. another turn on is partners who are bigger/stronger than him but submit to him anyway. nothing quite like that kind of power trip.
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@1mpulsee asked: // top or bottom / turn on for Tim ?? 😇 nsfw headcanon meme || accepting
top or bottom — are they more of a top or a bottom, or are they more versatile? does it depend on their partner(s)? do they like penetrating or being penetrated more? do they like giving oral or receiving oral more? do they like stimulating or being stimulated more?
tim is pretty solidly verse. he tends to top more just because he’s almost exclusively a dom and it’s kind of expected of him. but he loves to dom from the bottom when his partner is into it. it’s pretty close on penetrating vs being penetrated, probably about 55/45. he prefers to give oral in general because he likes to control the situation, though an exception is made for fucking someone’s face. he prefers to be the one doing the stimulating. 
turn on — what turns them on?
as far as turn ons, he has a lot but here are a few. play fights or sparring. biting/scratching/marks, both giving and receiving. partners teasing him, particularly in public or particularly with the intent of making him snap. partners begging or asking for something specific.
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heroing · 2 days
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@1mpulsee asked: // top or bottom / turn on for Tim ?? 😇 nsfw headcanon meme || accepting
top or bottom — are they more of a top or a bottom, or are they more versatile? does it depend on their partner(s)? do they like penetrating or being penetrated more? do they like giving oral or receiving oral more? do they like stimulating or being stimulated more?
tim is pretty solidly verse. he tends to top more just because he’s almost exclusively a dom and it’s kind of expected of him. but he loves to dom from the bottom when his partner is into it. it’s pretty close on penetrating vs being penetrated, probably about 55/45. he prefers to give oral in general because he likes to control the situation, though an exception is made for fucking someone’s face. he prefers to be the one doing the stimulating. 
turn on — what turns them on?
as far as turn ons, he has a lot but here are a few. play fights or sparring. biting/scratching/marks, both giving and receiving. partners teasing him, particularly in public or particularly with the intent of making him snap. partners begging or asking for something specific.
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heroing · 2 days
*seduces you with my deranged behavior*
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