hidrogen · 6 years
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well played
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hidrogen · 6 years
My boyfriend just broke up with me for talking about video games to much, what a stupid thing to Fallout 4
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hidrogen · 6 years
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hidrogen · 6 years
porn blogs stop following me 2k18
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hidrogen · 6 years
My boyfriend just broke up with me for talking about video games to much, what a stupid thing to Fallout 4
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hidrogen · 7 years
i never talk about these things but i can’t remain silent.
i know tumblr doesn’t give a SHIT when things happen in countries outside the “most popular ones” (such as the usa & england). it’s true, don’t lie to me. y’all don’t give A FUCK. not every issue and problem in said countries gets the appropriate exposure but in general shit shows up on the news WORLD FREAKING  WIDE. you set up donations, you help out, your spread the word, you say “pray for x”……
southern europe is burning. 
my country is burning.
people are dying - at home, on the road, trying to run away, in their cars.
yesterday my country had 300 active fires.
people are losing EVERYTHING they own.
i have a friend that is on a train right now passing through places that have been burnt to the ground and she says the smoke is so intense it’s getting inside the train and she can barely breathe.
and yet, even though several people (myself included) have been trying to bring awareness to what has been happening in southern europe… what we get from most of you, those not part of the countries suffering, is silence. we don’t ask for money, we don’t ask for shit other than a reblog to spread awareness… something you can delete in 24/48hrs if you wish. 
i don’t know what to tell you. i’m angry. i’m frustrated. i’m disappointed. i feel like i’m screaming into the void. “a reblog does nothing” - you know that’s a damn lie, you know exposure always helps, you know people start paying attention when posts on social media become popular. my country in particular is a small one, we get ZERO exposure. y’all are only starting to figure out we even fucking exist bc of the shit we’ve been winning lately. 
but hell, if the EU doesn’t give a shit, why should some user on tumblr dot com?
again, i don’t know what to tell you so i’ll let the images speak for themselves: 
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An image captured by a Nasa satellite shows a thick plume of smoke blowing southward from the Greek island of Chios over the island of Crete
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Torneros de Jamuz, Spain
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Duca, Croatia
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A helicopter from Italy’s civil protection service drops water on a fire near the railway between Venice and Trieste
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Residents take refuge on the beach as a wildfire burns on the mountain next to the village of Lithi, on the Greek island of Chios
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Men gather cattle during a forest fire in Vieira de Leiria, Marinha Grande, Portugal.
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Charred trees are seen on the hills above the Cloister of Thivaidas on Mount Athos, a World Heritage Site in Greece
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hidrogen · 7 years
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hidrogen · 7 years
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summer party small talk 
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hidrogen · 7 years
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fast messy little thing about teenage insecurity that I just wanted to scribble out cause it was on my mind for some reason. (be kind to people because you never know how your words might impact them!) To everyone else who’s ever hated their appearance (which let’s be real, is probably everyone reading this right now), I feel you. there’s good days and bad days but hopefully more good than bad. have a great night! best, Kat
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hidrogen · 7 years
I guess I didn't really expect you to be happy for me. It would have been nice. But it's okay. I'm happy for me.
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hidrogen · 8 years
The flat earth society has members all around the globe
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hidrogen · 8 years
Dick-flavoured condoms
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hidrogen · 8 years
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hidrogen · 8 years
Another tumbleweed rolled into town yesterday- the third of its kind this month. This time around, the professor’s trap finally worked: we found the damn thing snagged in a tangle of barbed wire, screeching loudly, trying in vain to unfurl its hungry tendrils. This one was at least thirty feet in diameter, so we figured that something good had to be buried under all those thorns.
With the professor’s help, we managed to tether it to the ground, branch by putrid branch. He showed us where the tumbleweed’s mouths were hidden, those vague, toothy grooves that fingers never returned from. After around three feet of untangling, we came across a hoof: the beginnings of a frightened buffalo, still alive, though stored for later consumption.
“This is how the giant tumbleweed survives,” he told us. “It rolls across the prairie at night, snagging whatever prey it stumbles across on its way eastward, anything from jackalopes on up to people. It doesn’t swallow them right away, though; it keeps the same creatures bound up for weeks, and leaves them to graze on its inward facing branches.”
“Is there any way out?” I asked.
“For most creatures? No. For humans? Some claim that they’ve pulled it off, anyway. The best creatures at finding their way out, though, are goats.”
“Seriously. They aren’t native to North America. They were brought here by settlers, so wild tumbleweeds had never needed to deal with them until a few centuries ago. A tumbleweed unlucky enough to pick up a goat will find itself chewed straight through in a matter of hours.”
After peeling our way through another yard or so of sinewy vines, we came across a much more unexpected discovery: an intact human head. It was clearly attached to a pair of shoulders, though we knew that it would be hours before the rest of the body could be successfully removed. After a few gentle slaps, the head actually opened its eyes. Somehow, he was still alive.
“Can you hear my voice?” The professor asked. “Are you alright?”
“Oh, me?” The weary head grinned. “I’ve never felt better, though I must say, you’ve got your work cut out for you. You see, there’s still a damn fine horse down under me.”
The old west is full of strange tales.
Certain cheap diners will sell a tumbleweed slaw.
Tumbleweeds envy the stillness of the saguaro.
North of Reality is an explorable fiction space written by Uel Aramchek. You can receive these pieces overnight via email by signing up here. This is entry #223. Learn how you can receive secret stories via physical mail here.
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hidrogen · 8 years
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hidrogen · 8 years
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I wanted to make a post about the magical properties of tumbleweeds, but had a difficult time finding any resources.  So take this all with a grain of UPG: Salsola tragus, Goosefoot Family (Chenopodiaceae) Commonly called Russian thistle, as this American desert staple actually originated in the Ural Mountains of Russia. Tumbleweeds are actually trees with very shallow roots.  Their branches grow very low to the ground and in a round shape, holding in thousands of seeds.  When the wind is strong enough, the tree dislodges from its spot and rolls across the landscape and the seeds scatter - kamikaze propagation.  Larger tumbleweeds can cause terrible destruction in high winds, as rolling dries out these trees and they shatter explosively upon impact. A tumbleweed will see many remarkable things on its travels across the desert, only to continue the cycle of shallow roots and self-destroying reproduction.  Would one come to rest on rock rather than sandy soil, the cycle would be broken. Tumbleweeds often symbolize emptiness or a pause, the passage of time. Because of the nature of their propagation, they also show the way to cutting toxic ties and moving on.  Spontaneous travel, adventure rather than a secure journey. Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tumbleweed http://babyorange.com/blog/2011/wind-witch-tumbleweed http://www.adobenido.com/blog/2011/albuquerque/from-russia-with-love-tumbleweed-an-american-west-icon/ 
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hidrogen · 8 years
i cant believe that people who appreciate their lives are dying every day, swept away by illnesses, accidents, MURDERERS… and here i am, fine and alive as Bee Gees, even though i wish for nothing else but to be fucking terminated asap?? seriously when are we gonna talk about how warped and unfair that is
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