hih7-blog · 5 years
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hih7-blog · 5 years
4 Common Instagram Marketing Mistakes That Can Limit Your Results
Instagram is a highly popular social media platform. Not only is it a hub for social media enthusiasts who want to enjoy it to the fullest but also for marketers as well. Every marketer today, is aware of how effective this platform is in terms of its viability to reach out to different customers and influencing them to engage in business.
As the modern business trend goes by, every marketer is aiming to utilize this platform for their own business benefit and while a lot of them are achieving their planned out goals, many businesses are unable to generate the desired results. What can be the reasons behind this? Well, among the many ones, there are certain Instagram marketing mistakes that these businesses end up committing.
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This blog will now discuss some of the most common ones below.
Some Instagram marketing mistakes that you should avoid
Stealing content from others
You should not steal or copy other people's content. It's not that good step and can also leave you facing legal problems. This is a serious mistake and may cost you highly. So, always try to provide original content as posts. Not only will it help you to make a distinct name for yourself, but also save you from such following issues.
Not optimizing the Instagram name
This is another mistake that most Instagram marketers end up committing. You need to use keywords so that there is an increased chance of being found in the “top” and “people” area in the search tool. This will hugely benefit you as more potential customers will be able to locate and access your posts. So, the reach and results can be tremendous.
Usage of the wrong hashtags in bio
Random hashtags won't get you the exposure that you are seeking on Instagram. There should be a clear strategy when it comes to the usage of hashtags on Instagram for your business purposes. The best digital marketing services in USA, UK, Australia like Hih7 Webtech apply the most suitable strategies to get the best results.
Using irrelevant content
Re-posting viral content in your feed that is irrelevant to your brand won't help you in the long run. Most likely you will have a lot of followers but a very low engagement rate. Content is an important thing and this is one of the main factors that define the success of digital marketing services and other cities.
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hih7-blog · 5 years
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hih7-blog · 5 years
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hih7-blog · 5 years
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hih7-blog · 5 years
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hih7-blog · 5 years
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hih7-blog · 5 years
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hih7-blog · 5 years
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hih7-blog · 5 years
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hih7-blog · 5 years
5 Ways To Improve Traffic For a Small Business Website
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Regardless of the business size, in order to stay a step ahead of competitors, it is quite important to strongly focus on SEO. A business should have good SEO knowledge in order to grow and flourish in a competitive market scenario. It is quite difficult for a business to survive the cut-throat competition that is currently prevailing in the digital world.
Search engines serve to be the go-to place for people to put their queries in and clear whatever doubts they have. So, SEO has the potential to make a business grow immensely profitable as well as successful. So, if someone owns a small business, a large part of their focus should lie on different useful SEO tactics that will let them gain the trust of their target audience and grow.
When done in an appropriate way, SEO strategies can bring an improvement in the site rankings and also lead to an increase in conversion rates. Traditional outbound tactics such as direct mailing can generate conversion rate up to 1.7%. But with SEO, the percentage rises to a whopping 14.6%. This speaks for their importance towards improvement in traffic!
SEO techniques that will facilitate a small business website
Mobile-responsive website design
Lately, the number of searches that originate from mobile phones has seen a significant increase. The reason for this can be stated as the increased usage of mobile devices and the greater availability of the internet worldwide. This year, it is anticipated that the number of mobile users will reach approximately 4.8 billion.  
Creation of content clusters
Creating content clusters involve having the main page that will act as the pillar page as the center of content with overarching topics. So, all of the content pages related to the main topic will link back to the pillar page and to each other. For instance, a website can have one pillar page on SEO and create varied pieces of content on the different SEO tactics and other related topics.  
Improvement in user experience
User experience has a direct impact on the rankings. As per Google's guidelines, web pages are needed to be created primarily for users and not for search engines. Therefore, a business should aim to provide an excellent user experience for its target audience. They can hire capable digital marketing services in Kolkata like Hih7 Webtech for this purpose.
Improvement in page load speed
The page load speed of a website can affect its rankings. If the web pages take too long to load, then it can annoy people. So, a business should put themselves in the shoes of their target audience and imagine their reaction of a web page loads extremely slowly. Acquiring the services of the best digital marketing services in India can do the trick.
Featured snippets
Featured snippets get a lot more visibility than other positions on the search engine result pages. It's a lot more prominent than the top position. So, these are some easy ways to bring more traffic to a small business website and thrive in the competitive market.  
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hih7-blog · 5 years
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hih7-blog · 5 years
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hih7-blog · 5 years
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