hiiraethus · 11 months
❝ why don’t we do something fun tomorrow night? ❞
andor sentence starters. // accepting
Arched ears perked at the little proposition, and Elvóthien's features were quick to brighten considerably. How long had it been since she had a real, proper night out amongst friends? Much, much too long in her modest opinion. Most oft was she cooped up in the confines of the bar, working late through the night and into the wee hours of morning. She needed the rupees, though, and was usually more than happy to pick up any and all extra shifts that Telma was willing to throw her way.
But...maybe Elvóthien could allow herself to be selfish, just this once. One fun night out surely never hurt anyone. Besides, Nalya somehow seemed to be privy to all the happenings in town.
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❝ And what, pray tell, will this fun entail, hm?❞ She really couldn't help but to tease, if even just lightly. Really, whatever the other woman had planned, Elvóthien was more than happy to join in. ❝ A festival coming to town? Live music, dancing -- a performing troupe of some sort coming to town, perhaps?❞ Pointed ears nearly wiggled in excitement with each thought that quickly rolled off her tongue.
❝ Actually, wait -- do not answer my excessive inquiries. I want to be surprised with whatever you drag me into!❞
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hiiraethus · 11 months
❝ what’s the hurry? got some place to be? ❞ ( andor sentence meme! )
andor sentence starters. // accepting
One could never be too careful whilst traversing the city streets once day gave way to night and the stars twinkled high in the sky. Even with the lamp posts casting their gentle glow on the cobblestones and the guards out on their predictable, monotonous patrols -- Elvóthien wouldn't exactly describe it as safe. Even so, these hidden threats skulking in the shadows did little to deter her when the itch to stargaze became too much to be ignored.
Cloak and hood wrapped tightly around her form, the woman hurried through the meandering streets. Soft "excuse me's" were given to the few souls who dared to be out in the dead of night, and there was little heed to any other voices who called for her attention. However, it was one voice in particular that made her stride slow and come to a halt as she neared the gate.
Chestnut curls tumbled out from under the hood as she canted her head towards the source of the unfamiliar voice, perhaps against her better judgement. Still, her curiosity gripped tightly and refused to relent until it was properly sated. Truth be told, the queries had caught her off-guard, and it even amused her to some degree.
To anyone observing, it surely must have looked as if she was headed somewhere rather urgently with how briskly she'd been walking. Not that it had been anyone's business but her own, but still. She could humor this stranger, if even for a moment. The smallest of smirks upturned the corners of her lips, and a hand rested upon her hip as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
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❝ Maybe,❞ came her curt, drawling reply. What little light from the lamp posts echoed in jade hues as she observed the voice's owner. ❝ Everyone has somewhere to be if they dare to be out at this time of night, do they not? Important places to be and all -- people to see.❞ A lie, though she wasn't naive enough to tell a stranger in the night what she was really up to, even as innocent as it was.
❝ What is it to you, though?❞
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hiiraethus · 11 months
andor sentence starters
❝ i don’t like seeing you nervous. ❞ ❝ the risk of doing nothing becomes the greatest risk of all. ❞ ❝ i’m gonna do us a favor and not mention this happened. ❞ ❝ you’re gonna get us both in trouble. ❞ ❝ i’m not moving. you want it, you take it and i walk away. ❞ ❝ if it’s not important, why not tell me? ❞ ❝ don’t tell anybody you saw me. don’t tell anybody you know where i am. ❞ ❝ you don’t look so good. ❞ ❝ you need to get as far away from here as you can. ❞ ❝ you’re like me. we were born in a hole. all we know is climbing over somebody else to get out. ❞ ❝ it’s all about you, isn’t it? it’s always all about you. ❞ ❝ ah, you’ve remembered how to mock me. ❞ ❝ that’s as close to an apology as you’re gonna get. ❞ ❝ maybe we should quit while we’re ahead. ❞ ❝ welcome. and just in time for dinner. ❞ ❝ there’s no way out alive. of that you must be sure. ❞ ❝ my anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight…they’ve set me on a path from which there is no escape. ❞ ❝ i’m struggling to understand why my faith doesn’t calm me. i believe in something. why am i so unsettled? ❞ ❝ you don’t have to worry about me anymore. ❞ ❝ i thought you left without me. ❞ ❝ you have a different path, and i’m not judging you. ❞ ❝ it’s better you don’t know. ❞ ❝ you’re avoiding the question. ❞ ❝ hey. you know something i don’t? ❞ ❝ i told you, i’m doing everything i can. ❞ ❝ you might as well wear a sign that says, “i promise to disappoint you.” ❞ ❝ you’re bleeding on my floor. ❞ ❝ you knew where this was going. you’ve always known. ❞ ❝ i need to hear you tell me you can follow the plan. ❞ ❝ pull yourself together, all right? ❞ ❝ this time…you can’t stay, and i can’t go. ❞ ❝ i burn my decency for someone else’s future. i burn my life to make a sunrise that i know i’ll never see. ❞ ❝ i said i know you. i know all about you. ❞ ❝ why don’t we do something fun tomorrow night? ❞ ❝ i knew i could count on you. ❞ ❝ i am going to ask you a question. i expect an honest answer. ❞ ❝ i yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time i looked down, there was no longer any ground beneath my feet. ❞ ❝ that’s cold. even for you. ❞ ❝ you’ll stay with me. i need all the heroes i can get. ❞ ❝ i’m thinking clearly and you’re not. ❞ ❝ is that your defence? you’ve been ‘careful’? ❞ ❝ any civilized being knows an open invitation is no invitation at all. ❞ ❝ rule number one: never carry anything you don’t control. ❞ ❝ what’s the hurry? got some place to be? ❞ ❝ you come all this way to scold me? ❞ ❝ i’d never lie to you. ❞ ❝ you’re not here to save anybody but yourself. ❞ ❝ what, not happy to see me? ❞ ❝ i’ve never loved anyone the way i love you. ❞ ❝ i won’t have peace. i’ll be worried about you all the time. ❞ ❝ turning back will be impossible. ❞ ❝ there’s no room for doubt on the path to success. ❞ ❝ two guys jumped me. it went too far. ❞ ❝ you fall here, you fall alone. ❞ ❝ i’m just saying out loud what you already known. ❞ ❝ you love me because i show you what you need to see. ❞ ❝ it’s just me against everybody else. ❞ ❝ you don’t want to hear what happened? ❞ ❝ hey. i won’t forget this. ❞ ❝ you think it’s hopeless, do you? freedom? independence? justice? ❞ ❝ no one’s more at risk than i am. ❞ ❝ you wanted to leave? this is what it comes to. ❞ ❝ what are you staring at? ❞ ❝ we’ll die with nothing if we don’t put aside our petty differences. ❞ ❝ you’ll make an effort tonight if it kills you. ❞ ❝ i write when i can’t sleep. ❞ ❝ you haven’t been listening to me, have you? ❞ ❝ us? i don’t know you. ❞ ❝ i’m not gonna put my people at risk for someone else. ❞ ❝ your father’s looking for you. ❞ ❝ why would i go anywhere with you? ❞ ❝ i’m glad you’re here. no matter what the reason. ❞ ❝ that’s what a reckoning sounds like. you want it to stop, but it just keeps coming. ❞ ❝ come on. we need to get out of here. come on. ❞ ❝ being a leader isn’t just something you can turn on and off. ❞ ❝ it’s been a day of surprises for all of us. ❞ ❝ you lived because you ran. ❞ ❝ i imagine that no matter what you tell me or tell yourself, you’ll ultimately die fighting these bastards. ❞ ❝ you think i haven’t thought this through? i’d be the first one to fall. ❞ ❝ wouldn’t you rather give it all at once to something real than carve off useless pieces till there’s nothing left? ❞ ❝ you’re wasting energy. you know i’m right. ❞ ❝ i just want what’s mine. ❞ ❝ must everything be boring and sad? ❞ ❝ you have a problem, you come to me. ❞ ❝ i’m starting to think we’re in over our heads. ❞ ❝ everyone has their own rebellion. ❞ ❝ can one ever be too aggressive in preserving order? ❞ ❝ the day before is always hard. too much time to worry. ❞ ❝ don’t touch me. ❞ ❝ i wake up every day to an equation i wrote fifteen years ago from which there’s only one conclusion, I’m damned for what i do. ❞ ❝ i’m just trying to clear my name. ❞ ❝ working with other people is never easy. ❞ ❝ just being in your presence…i’ve realized that life is worth living. ❞ ❝ do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in right now? ❞ ❝ i knew you were lying. i knew it. ❞ ❝ losing hope? your mind? keep it to yourself. ❞ ❝ must everything be boring and sad? ❞ ❝ the axe forgets, but the tree remembers. ❞ ❝ perhaps my deranged belief that there was something better fated for me in the future was a dream worth clinging to. ❞ ❝ i’m not here for career advice. ❞ ❝ there’s a difference between fear and losing your nerve. ❞ ❝ you’re slouching. is that how you present yourself to the world? ❞ ❝ perhaps you should have a rest. ❞ ❝ i didn’t deserve what happened. ❞ ❝ you should go. i didn’t realize how late it was. ❞ ❝ i’d forgotten how sensitive you can be. ❞ ❝ you’re lucky to be alive right now. ❞ ❝ so, that’s it? that’s why you’re here? revenge? ❞ ❝ you can wear a ball gown if you’d like. ❞ ❝ this is the last place you should be. ❞ ❝ so much going wrong, so much to say, and all of it happening so quickly. ❞ ❝ it’s easier to hide behind forty atrocities than a single incident. ❞ ❝ what were you gonna do if i wasn’t here? ❞ ❝ i’ve been worried you might do something like this. ❞ ❝ don’t you dare talk to me like that. ❞ ❝ the very worst thing you can do right now is bore me. ❞ ❝ if you’re not willing to risk your conscience, then surrender and be done with it. ❞ ❝ we’ve come a long way from where we started. ❞ ❝ i show you the stone in my hand, you miss the knife at your throat. ❞ ❝ people blame you for what happened. ❞ ❝ i think about you constantly. ❞ ❝ i dreamt you came back. ❞ ❝ you pull in the net and the easy thing, the quick thing, is to assume that everything you’ve dragged to shore is a fish. ❞ ❝ i should…i should say thank you. ❞ ❝ i’ve given up all chance at inner peace. i’ve made my mind a sunless space. i share my dreams with ghosts. ❞ ❝ don’t die until you put up a fight. ❞ ❝ you came here to kill me, didn’t you? ❞ ❝ i’ve been shamed enough for one night. ❞ ❝ if you wanna say something, you should say it now. ❞ ❝ i would rather die trying to take them down than giving them what they want. ❞ ❝ is that meant to scare me? ❞ ❝ i’ve been turning away from the truth i wanted not to face. ❞ ❝ you’re bleeding. ❞
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hiiraethus · 11 months
if you start a ship with me i go from 0 to SIGN ME THE FUCK UP in no time flat.
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hiiraethus · 11 months
❝ Hey! First of all, rude. Second of all, I might have a hidden aug or something to help drag you out of here,❞ Elvóthien quipped back, her voice alight with playfulness. It was nice to hear him joking and laughing; things felt a little more normal this way. The banter back and forth, the sound of their intertwined laugher bouncing off the walls --  in the moment, Elvóthien truly believed that everything would be alright. Adam would be okay given time.
A slight nod was given, and the smile she wore grew oh so slightly. ❝ Don’t worry -- I’ll be over there for a week catching up with them. I wish it could be longer, but y’know, we’re only given so many days off. It’ll be nice to see them regardless.❞ Of course, upon moving to Detroit and taking a job at the prestigious Sarif Industries, Elvóthien had been all alone in a new country. It had taken time, but she’d been able to make friends, Adam included, and kept her little circle tight. Truth be told, she’d always been a little envious of Adam and Megan, although she would have been hard pressed to admit to such a thing. Her time would come, and that was that. It wasn’t something she dwelled too much on.
❝ Briefly?! Oh c’mon, Adam, you know that’ll be torture! I promise to not let it interfere with my time off, just let me know how it’s going. Please. Just a text here and there is all -- I’m not asking for you to give me an entire debrief of events.❞ Another laugh then. Elvóthien knew she was being stubborn just for the very sport of it, but Adam seemed to enjoy the back and forth regardless. 
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❝ You know, that’s not a half bad idea, though. Sure, then -- I’ll take you up on your offer. I can tell you all about my trip, and you can tell me about the presentation over lunch when I’m back. How about that?❞ It would be a nice change of pace instead of being cooped up in the office all day, that was for sure. And in any case it would give them time to catch up.
        ❛   Yeah, yeah, I’d like to see you try, El. A tiny thing like you couldn’t even lift Pritchard’s scrawny ass.   ❜   Now this got Adam really laughing, his baby blues glowing with mirth. He could never turn down an opportunity to make fun of Pritchard. The hostility ran deep between the two with no end in sight. At least it didn’t disrupt their respective work ethics although just the sight of one another was enough to ruin their entire day. Even so, beneath all the hatred and shit-talking, if they needed each other for something, the other would be willing to help, albeit begrudgingly. 
  ❛   Back home, huh   ?   That’s nice. You should definitely spend as much time as you can with your family.  ❜   It must’ve been hard for her, being here all on her lonesome. It certainly was for Adam and while he had tried to build a new family of his own, that didn’t pan out the way he expected it to. He wondered if Elvóthien was trying to do the same thing, but he didn’t dare ask her such personal questions. He respected her privacy too much. On the other hand, if she brought it up, he would listen. 
        Adam shook his head with incredulity, sighing through a grin.   ❛   Geez, you really are a worrier. I don’t want to bother you with work related things while you’re visiting your family. You’re telling me to relax, but you’re the one who needs to chill once in awhile.   ❜  He wasn’t malicious with his words at all, just pointing out the obvious.   ❛   I’ll keep you updated. Briefly.   ❜   Neither one of them would know just how badly things would turn out within the next few days though.    
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        ❛   When you return, we should go out to lunch for once, and catch up in a nicer looking place than this. My treat. With any luck, the presentation will go well, and Sarif Industries will be a lot more profitable. Maybe we’ll even get a raise.   ❜   Adam figured he would need a break by the time she returned from England. He’d likely get tired of staring at the same four walls of his office.     
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hiiraethus · 11 months
what color character are you?
dark blue
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Dark Blue characters are kindhearted and responsible, driven to care for others around them. They are good at strategizing in the heat of the moment, but are also quite impulsive and rush into things without a plan when they are fired up. 
While calm people and patient teachers, they are quite hotheaded and not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. Their sense of morality guides them, both into battle, and into healing. They get along with a wide range of people, but do have a temper that causes them to get into short-lived disagreements. They don’t like to be seen as inferior, as much of their strength comes from the softness inside of them. 
They like being needed and helpful, and want people to agree that they know what’s best for them, although others can get annoyed at what they perceive as nagging. They take turns being the voice of reason and the reason for the voice. They can hold their own, and believe in respecting everyone as long as everyone is respectful in turn. 
They often had to grow up fast and mature early, which they both take pride in and resent. They are likely to join a just cause on a whim, and do what it takes to develop the skillset they need to best help the cause, although they prefer to be at the center of the action. If they feel no one is doing anything and it needs to be done, they’ll step in. 
They are often close to prodigies, having some sort of incredible skill that they can expertly hone. They are inspirational and have a lot of emotional maturity. They can both maneuver people through their hardships and inspire them to rise up. They can often ignore their own feelings and needs in the process of being a sort of martyr for others, however, and can grow resentful when no one pays attention to them like they do for others. 
Dark blue characters need people in their lives who will encourage and uplift them in whatever cause they choose to support, as well as give them space to talk out their feelings. They also need others who will recognize when they are taking too much responsibility on, and take some time to give them care and support and affirm their willingness to care.
tagged by: @darksails ( thank you!! ♡ ) tagging: @valorborn​ & @oasisborn​
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hiiraethus · 11 months
Adam wasn’t wrong, he’d undoubtedly have much more time on his hands, but a part of her knew he’d take up all the extra work and overtime he could possibly get if only to distract himself. It wasn’t a healthy coping mechanism by any means, but she wouldn’t argue with him. If that’s what he wanted to do, then it was best let to let sleeping dogs lie. It wasn’t like he was asking for advice, anyways. At least he seemed to be in better spirits now, made evident by the slight upturn of thin lips and that dry humor she liked to hear. ❝ Well, you’d better take advantage of it, or I might be liable to pull you from your chair here and drag you out of building,❞ she replied, tone lilting and playful.
❝ I know you’ll be fine. You know me, I’m a worrier, and I just want to make sure you’re hanging in there okay.❞ As any good friend should in situations like these, she thought. His words earned him a bright and chiming laugh, Elvóthien then shaking her head with a smile. ❝ If you have to, I really wouldn’t mind. Our apartments are, like, what -- a block away from each other? If you really needed me for something dire, I’d be there, you know that.❞ She held up her phone then, gently wagging it in her hand. ❝ Or, you know, a call if you really think you’re inconveniencing me.❞ Which he wouldn’t be; not really.
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❝ Ah, yeah, that’s right. I’m surprised you remembered,❞ Elvóthien teased, shifting on the couch. ❝ Nowhere nice or exotic, no. I decided to take some time off to visit my family back home in England. I have a niece that I’ve yet to meet, and it’s been quite some time since I’ve flown back to see them. I thought I’d go now and then again during the holidays, just so I get to see them more than once this year.❞ 
A sigh blew past her lips then. ❝ It’s really coming at the worst time though with the presentation with DC happening while I’m gone. You’ll keep me updated on that, won’t you? Let me know when you’re there okay and how everyone’s doing?❞ 
        Elvóthien was incredibly stubborn, this was something that Adam knew from the start of his friendship with her. Arguing with her or trying to disprove her points wouldn’t end well and would likely just leave her upset with him. He didn’t want that. She was only trying to help him, after all, and to stay positive in the face of despair since he could not. She truly was a good friend, an irreplaceable one, really. She always seemed to be there for him which he appreciated more than anything. Time spent with her was always appreciated even if they were just on their short lunch breaks. 
        ❛   Yeah, well, looks like I’ll have a bit more personal time back now.   ❜   He tried to say this with some humor, a subtle smile pulling onto his lips. Even so, he would probably spend that extra accrued time drowning himself in his work, much like Megan had. Work was a distraction from personal feelings and that’s exactly what he needed to get through this. Besides, important events were coming up, and fast. Adam had to be prepared for the worst. Elvóthien didn’t have to know that though. It would only worry her.   
        ❛   I’ll be fine, El, you can trust me on that one. I always come through in the end. I don’t think I’ll be scheduling any emergency meetings in the middle of the night or anything, so you’re good.   ❜   That earned a laugh from the usually serious man. Something told him though that if he did, she would immediately accept it.       
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        ❛   Anyway, that’s enough about me. I heard you’re going on vacation soon?   Going somewhere nice or just taking some well deserved time off   ? ❜
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hiiraethus · 11 months
Elvóthien could have cringed with each furious click of his mouse. More of their head of cybersecurity’s wonderful emails it had to be -- especially if it was ruffling Adam this much. Lips pursed together, and she shifted in her seat to cross one leg over the other. The two men seemed to be at each other’s throats constantly, and it wasn’t something she could quite understand; even after hearing Adam gripe about it in the times Pritchard got on his nerves. Sure, he wasn’t her favorite person either, but she could avoid him well enough if she really tried. Really tried.
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Fingers nearly raised to pinch the bridge of her nose, but she suppressed the urge. Maybe he was right, but she damn well wasn’t about to admit it. What kind of pep talk would it be if she went along with his doom and gloom talk? It would have been all too easy to agree with it all, but that wasn’t what he needed. ❝ Her work comes first, but yours does too, doesn’t it? Late nights here cooped up in your office, taking on overtime that makes you miss a ball game and cuts into what little personal time you already have?❞ A pause. ❝ Just give it time, Adam. It might still work itself out.❞ Of course, there was no guarantee that it would, but there was still a chance. Let the poor man have a small glimmer of hope, she thought.
She couldn’t even begin to think how distressing it was for him. It was no secret that the two had planned to eventually settle down together -- so it had come at a complete and utter shock to Elvóthien the moment Adam broke the news. He had taken it better than most would have when thrust into this situation, but she could tell that he was still hopelessly in love with her. It was hard to watch the longing stares, knowing the pain it wrought him to even see her. On the other hand, Megan seemed...unfazed. As if nothing at all had changed. It wasn’t the reaction Elvóthien had expected, but in all fairness, she didn’t personally know the woman. Maybe she was hiding the grief and pain, bottling it in just as Adam tried to. The situation was convoluted at best, and she wasn’t about to try and sort it out in her head.
❝ You don’t have to be sorry. I’m glad to listen either way, my problem or no. It’s not healthy to keep it all pent in, anyways.❞ Elvóthien supposed, too, that there really wasn’t anyone else he could vent to. She didn’t mind -- it at least helped her to understand where his mind was. ❝ Anytime, and I mean it, okay? Even if you need to disguise it as a meeting or something so it’s under wraps.❞
        Adam sat at his desk, mindlessly going through his inbox as Elvóthien chatted with him. He also sighed, but this was upon seeing Pritchard’s various e-mails about cybersecurity and how everyone at the company minus him were idiots and were compromising their system. How he was able to get away with such hostile, ill-worded e-mails was beyond him. David Sarif must’ve really wanted to keep him on board for his alleged skills. Adam finally logged out once he had deleted them all, vigorously, nearly slamming his finger on the right-click. He leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest. 
     ❛   It is true,    ❜   he finally said, stubbornly, a frown twisting his lips.   ❛   This is no brief break, trust me. Megan made it very clear that her work comes first. It always did, right from the start. I was…. maybe, a bit too blind to that. We were never going to work out with that attitude.   ❜   He had always put a hundred percent into their relationship while it felt like Megan was always half at best, lower more often than not.     
        Adam was clearly heartbroken over the split. Even though it was amicable, and said to be mutual, it really wasn’t. Megan broke up with him and he hadn’t wanted it, but of course, what was he to do   ?   He wasn’t going to fight against her wishes. So, he had no choice, but to accept it. That didn’t mean he was over her or would recover from this anytime soon. He had been convinced that Megan was the love of his life and he had plans to marry and settle down with her. All of those plans were now shattered and he was thrust into despair. At least Megan seemed to be handling it well…..  
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        ❛   Anyway, I’m sorry about unleashing all of this on you. It isn’t your problem. I shouldn’t let this affect my job either.   ❜   He had to keep his head in the game. He was the head of security, after all, and if he fumbled there could be serious consequences.   ❛   Thanks for listening though, El.   ❜  
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hiiraethus · 11 months
Elvóthien lets out a laugh, soft and chiming. ❝ I would not say I am a mind reader, but I am flattered nonetheless. Anyways, what are friends for, hm?❞
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A smile is flashed before she turns her back to prepare the other woman's drink. Spiced wine, as she recalls Nalya prefers. Drink poured, back around did she turn to set the glass down.
❝ I suppose you could say that it is a tad boring in town,❞ she drolls, leaning against the counter. ❝ But safe is safe, and I am glad there is a little less trouble for those outside of the walls. Traveling is easier, and getting supplies in and out seems to be a breeze compared to during the Crisis. Though... it would help the bar if there were more drunks, I will give you that much.❞
She laughs again then, chestnut curls swaying as she shakes her head. ❝ What? Do you think I will go straight to the guard and tell them of your eerie premonition? Nalya, please. You know I would find some sort of amusement in it if you proved to be right.❞
She pauses briefly to let out a thoughtful hum. ❝ Have you yet given thought to what you are going to do since the need for sell-swords has diminished?❞
The Gerudo woman lets out another soft groan - this time more out of relief than exasperation. ❝ Din bless you for not making me ask - a drink would be amazing. Sometimes I swear you can read minds, El. You always seem to know just what it is I want. ❞
Nalya sits upright, twisting at the hips as she does so to stretch and take a look around the room. Propping her chin on a hand, she takes a moment simply to watch the spare few customers here and there as she waits.
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❝ Safer, maybe, but it certainly is more boring, too - even here, it looks like. No one wants to hire mercenaries to protect them, no one wants to go out and get drunk... sounds to me like we need something to happen to liven things up, maybe. Or at least get things moving again. ❞
She pauses, then frowns, pinning the brunette with a look. ❝ Don't quote me on that if something awful happens, though. ❞
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hiiraethus · 11 months
Only after searching his face, to no avail, did furrowed brows finally lift and give way to a softening of her features. It was in times like these that Elvóthien truly found him difficult to read. No answers, no trace or hint of any emotion to give him away. She could certainly fathom why he was being so secretive with the information surrounding his duties, yet still. How cryptic his words had been... She couldn't quite shake the feeling that something was amiss. That there were details he thought she was better off not knowing.
Her free hand reached to cup his cheek. ❝ You need not feel bad for making me wait, ever. Your duties are always to come first, this I know.❞ Prior to their commitment to one another, Elvóthien knew what it entailed; she knew what she was signing up for, for better or worse. ❝ But I do not mind. Not once have I minded. Nor have I grown tired of it, and I suspect that I never will. Dear Zelgius, you are worth waiting for, no matter how long. If I must wait a century, then it will have been well worth it.❞ Never had she felt that he was unworthy of her love -- she had always thought him much more than deserving. If all he could ever offer was his love, then she would remain content. Perhaps it was naive of her to think such things, yet she could not help it.
❝ This war is coming to its end, is it not?❞ Elvóthien made a haphazard stab in the dark, tying to circle back to the true meaning behind all of this, even as sweet as it was. He could not tell her, this much he'd made known, but it couldn't hurt for her to ask. ❝ Are you worried that something might happen that would halt or delay your return? I know... I know that you cannot reveal much, but Zelgius, if it concerns you, do I not have the right to know?❞
        There was a brief moment of silence after Elvóthien spoke, but Zelgius' face revealed absolutely nothing, his stoicism taking full root here. Truly, his intention was not to make her worry, it never was. It was more of a cautionary statement, a warning of what was to come, and that she should prepare for it. How he hated to keep her in the dark about what was occurring behind the scenes, but he had no choice in the matter. There could be no interference with his master's plans or his own personal goals.
       ❛ You always do and I look forward to it, every single time. ❜ Her arms were the only place in the entire world where he felt safe, content, and truly loved. There were no ulterior motives from her side. She never wanted anything from him, only him. In the eyes of the world he was nothing, but to her he was everything. And that was more than enough for him. She was the one beacon of light in these trying times. Someone he couldn't wait to return to.
       ❛ Perhaps, I feel bad for making you wait on me all the time. ❜ He certainly felt guilty for it all especially knowing that time for him was constantly winding down to zero. It was selfish to be a warden of her love. This was no way to have a proper relationship, though they made it work all the same. Their love never faltered, never diminished. ❛ Certainly, you must be tired of it. ❜ In his heart he knew that wasn't true. She would wait all eternity for him if she needed to. ❛ You deserve more than what I can offer to you, my dear. ❜ And yet he had chosen to continue being by her side. Selfish.
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hiiraethus · 11 months
❛  i used to believe in forever but forever’s too good to be true.  ❜ [ have some more angst kekeke ] @humanremained​​
winnie the pooh sentence starters. // accepting
Elvóthien heaved a sigh as she settled more into the couch in Adam’s office. It certainly wasn’t uncommon for them to take their lunch together, but it had become even more frequent following his amicable split with Megan. She didn’t mind, especially if it meant she could provide any sort of comfort or support for her friend. He would have done the same were their roles reversed.
Their conversation had been idle, pinballing from one random topic to another; from work, to weekend plans, to Kubrick, and anything and everything in between. Elvóthien had observed that he seemed broodier than usual, but she didn’t think much of it and attributed it to his current situation. The cards he had been dealt were certainly less than ideal.
Slender arms crossed over her chest as Adam spoke. Of course that was on his mind. She didn’t blame him. The poor man had quite enough to sort through, that was for sure.
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❝ Now, you know that’s not true.❞ Jade hues lifted to those of blue, and ever so did her head tilt to one side, curls cascading down one shoulder with the movement. ❝ You’re going through a lot right now, and... I know it’s hard. It’s going to be for quite some time, but that doesn’t mean that there’s not light at the end of the tunnel.❞
Shoulders animated in a light shrug. ❝ Besides, who’s not to say that you won’t patch things up down the road? Maybe a brief break was the best thing for the both of you right now. I know that you’re both under tremendous stress -- Megan especially with Mr. Sarif’s high expectations, and I know it hasn’t been easy for you with Pritchard breathing down your neck every second you’re here.❞ She didn’t have the heart to say it, but maybe the breakup was a good thing. He deserved better.
❝ What I mean to say is... Things won’t always be so bad, Adam. Keep your head up, keep doing good work. Things will get better.❞
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hiiraethus · 11 months
love at first sight
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let's be real, only children believe in "love at first sight." but you're a hopeless romantic probably sitting around in coffee shops waiting to meet "the one." and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. infatuation at first sight is more accurate. you are the moment when two people lock eyes, and the whole world stills. nothing is there but you and them. and there is suddenly a strong sense of longing. you love love, don't deny it. flowers, chocolates, the whole nine yards. because of this you are loved by many. hopefully you know it too: you are loved.
tagged by: @generalzelgius ( thanks, love! ) tagging: you! steal it from me ♡
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hiiraethus · 11 months
Delicate brows were quick to furrow in response, eyes echoing that of profound melancholy. His departures were truly always inevitable and came too soon, yet did each one hew her heart asunder all the same. His orders had taken him far from home, their home, many times prior -- only for him to return to the city some weeks or months later. This, however, felt so very different.
Zelgius' words and actions weren't out of the ordinary when they were met with the eve of his departure, but the undercurrent of it all felt wrong. It felt all too sad -- as if he knew or sensed something she did not. Elvóthien couldn't help the ice-cold dread that sluiced through her entire being, nor how jade hues searched his features, as if hoping to find some hidden answer there.
❝ We have been apart many times before while you have undergone lengthy assignments,❞ came her reply, soft and tentative. Dread slowly gave way to anxiety as it crept up her spine, and ever tighter did she clasp his hand. ❝ I will wait for you -- you know this -- however long it takes. Am I not always here to welcome you home with open arms?❞ Elvóthien knew it wasn't his intent to make her worry so, yet she could hardly keep her mind from racing about the true meaning behind his words.
❝ --You will make it back, you always do.❞ Her chest tightened. ❝ You always do.❞
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@hiiraethus | continued from here.
        The general's inevitable demise was drawing near, day by day, night by night, and he took it upon himself to visit his darling whenever possible. This night might well be the last one he would be able to fully commit to being by her side and thus the professions of his affection were at an all time high as well as reaffirming words and notions, something to be left in her mind even when he was long gone from this world.
       ❛ Always and forever, indeed, my love.   ❜ It was an oath made to each other, some time ago, murmured in between the sheets, said with the utmost passion and fervor. They had been dedicated to each other since their first meeting and their souls intertwined evermore. She held his hand tighter and he drew it to his lips, placing a ginger kiss on the back of her hand, letting his lips linger upon silky skin. A common gesture of his. ❛ You know that I am grateful for every second we are able to spend with one another.   ❜ It was more than he ever deserved in this life. Unfortunately, though, all times had to end eventually.
        ❛ I do not wish to worry you, but... this may well be our last night together.   ❜ Or day, for that matter, but he kept that under wraps. ❛ My orders will take me far from the capital and my return.... is unlikely for quite some time.   ❜ Or ever. ❛ I am sorry, dear, that I cannot continue to be with you in person.   ❜
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hiiraethus · 11 months
Turquoise skirts swish about the barmaid's legs as she makes her rounds across the lively, bustling bar. It's crowded and loud, yet Elvóthien's smile is bright as ever. Packed as it is, she finds that she likes it more with the small space filled with happy, jovial souls. She's able to take a moment's respite behind the counter when a familiar voice calls for her attention. Jade eyes meet with a face she'd recognize anywhere -- her dear friend, returned.
Her heart jumps, and Elvóthien swears her face will split in two with the giddy grin that quickly overtakes her lips. She can't quite recall the last time he was in town, yet that somehow makes this reunion all the sweeter.
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❝ I have all the time in the world for you,❞ she replies. ❝ What can I get for you, Blondie?❞
starter call! @hiiraethus
            A smile plays at his lips as he approaches the bar, gaze seeking out a familiar head of brunette hair flitting between patrons. She hasn't noticed him yet, though Link doesn't mind. It's been a while since his last visit to the tavern - since his last visit to Castle Town - and he wanted to surprise her.
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            Taking a seat at the far end, he rests his forearms upon the bar and says, "Excuse me, miss. I'd like to order, when you have a moment."
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hiiraethus · 11 months
Despite the hour, Telma's Bar is unusually quiet -- all save for the gentle chatter of a few scattered patrons. It's on slower evenings like these that Elvóthien wishes she had given half a thought to bring a book to devour, but she supposes that there is always work to be done; especially with Telma away on a trip to Kakariko. She leans against the counter, and no sooner after does the oaken door open. Arched ears perk, and a subtle smile pulls at Elvóthien's lips the moment that the cloak is shed.
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❝ Oh so dramatic, Nalya,❞ comes her sing-song voice, tone lilting. ❝ Truth be told, I think it is due in part to the Twilight Crisis' end. Less monsters to contend with on the road and all. Inconvenient it may be to your poor wallet, 'tis at least safer outside of the city gates.❞
A moment's pause, and her gaze softens. ❝ Would a drink, perhaps, make you feel a little better, my friend?❞
starter call // @hiiraethus.
The door to Telma's bar swings open wide; revealing in its frame a rather beleaguered looking figure, wrapped head to toe in a dusty cloak. Her day has clearly been a long one, from the way her shoulders slump and how she walks simply to the nearest open seat at the bar. The cloak is shed, placed across her lap like a blanket, and barely a moment has a chance to pass before she lets out a weary groan and lets her head fall with a solid thunk on the table.
After a second of remaining this way, she turns her head to the side; focusing bright emerald hues on the brunette barkeep only a few feet away.
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❝ Why is it so hard to find work as a sell-sword, these days? I mean, I guess it's a good thing overall - but it sure is inconvenient as hell on my wallet. ❞
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hiiraethus · 1 year
❛  you’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.  ❜ - xander
winnie the pooh sentence starters. // accepting
Since first arriving to Nohr it had been quite the uphill battle; from the arranged marriage, to leaving her home and family, even to her lessons to learn more of the country she was expected to rule alongside her new husband. Some days proved to be too much, resulting in the poor girl being reduced to bleary-eyed mess.
She'd not known that Xander would happen upon her in a forgotten corner of the library after a particularly grueling day, still wiping at the scattered tears that deigned to cease. Elvóthien certainly didn't feel brave, strong, nor smart -- even despite Xander's gentle encouragement. Even still, it was appreciated, and it helped to calm her if only a little.
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❝... Thank you,❞ she managed, jade eyes finally lifting to meet his gaze. ❝ I...apologize that you have caught me like this. I do not mean to worry you -- I will be fine.❞
A pause, then followed by the tiniest of queries, ❝ How do you deal with the stress, Xander? The crown is heavy, and yet you wear it with grace daily, and rarely stumble.❞
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hiiraethus · 1 year
❛  if there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, i’ll stay there forever.  ❜  [ hi there ❤️ ]
winnie the pooh sentence starters. // accepting
Elvóthien always looked forward to Zelgius' return to Sienne, whether it be on official business or no. So long as she was afforded even a minute of his time, she was content. His most recent trip to the city had been unusually lengthy. Of course, she'd not been given specifics, but Elvóthien could only surmise that war councils and meetings with the Prime Minister took up much of his valuable time.
Tonight, though, they had been granted a few hours together before he had to leave and rejoin his men on he battlefront.
Zelgius' words were always sweet and sentimental, yet somehow even more so when his inevitable departure would loom closer. It almost sounded like poetry when said in his rich voice, and Elvóthien couldn't help but to clutch his hand a little tighter. She knew better than to argue that a day such as that would never come to pass -- even if her heart screamed it in reprise.
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❝ If that day ever comes, I will keep you in my heart. Always and forever. ❞
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