hikaritakeuchi · 21 hours
cant tell you how bad it feels to constantly tell other artists to come to tumblr, because its the last good website that isn't fucked up by spoonfeeding algorithms and AI bullshit and isn't based around meaningless likes
just to watch that all fall apart in the last year or so and especially the last two weeks
there's nowhere good to go anymore for artists.
edit - a lot of people are saying the tags are important so actually, you'll look at my tags.
#please dont delete your accounts because of the AI crap. your art deserves more than being lost like that #if you have a good PC please glaze or nightshade it. if you dont or it doesnt work with your style (like mine) please start watermarking #use a plain-ish font. make it your username. if people can't google what your watermark says and find ur account its not a good watermark #it needs to be central in the image - NOT on the canvas edges - and put it in multiple places if you are compelled #please dont stop posting your art because of this shit. we just have to hope regulations will come slamming down on these shitheads#in the next year or two and you want to have accounts to come back to. the world Needs real art #if we all leave that just makes more room for these scam artists to fill in with their soulless recycled garbage #improvise adapt overcome. it sucks but it is what it is for the moment. safeguard yourself as best you can without making #years of art from thousands of artists lost media. the digital world and art is too temporary to hastily click a Delete button out of spite
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hikaritakeuchi · 1 day
Pikmin (2001) All Endings
Lol the audio and inspiration is from here
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hikaritakeuchi · 1 day
what are some contenders for best video of all time in your opinion
Asking me to choose nominees for the best ever is really hard, so have a list of some of my all time favorites:
They Found Out Ed Edd n Eddy stopped playin' on the TV
BYron. Come here to memy son.
103 Fever
SJW gets fucking owned
Top 100 Bloodborne Bosses
Here Comes the Sun
Leon mentions Undertale in Resident Evil 4.
Ey. I'm the bona guy, and I love to have a boner.
Dr. Pepper... the famous 23 flavor soda... has lots of spinoff products...
D̵̻͑Ḭ̴̍D̵̘̄ ̵̠͐Y̴͙̎O̴̲͂U̵͇̅ ̸͉͌D̶̲́Ó̷̻ ̶̨͠Ṫ̷̲H̶͎̒I̵͈̚S̴͈̿
Whole time rock n roll lyrics
Adult Baby Diaper Boy Explosion And House Fire September 28 2015
what i tell u bout that campbells chunky
Larry the cable guy kills himself
Yo Mama Jokes But The Punchline is Always Xbox Live Vocoded to Sirens
check your iphone at the door
GTA Guitar Bro
My Movie
Augh... why did he eat the bee?
My Bear Video
Prove Yourself in the Big Leagues
Just to name a few.
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hikaritakeuchi · 2 days
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Woah! The President! I feel bad for only thinking about Olimar so I figured I should flesh out the president and what comedic potential he could have. I shall post more thoughts on him soon.
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hikaritakeuchi · 2 days
PSA do not invite louie to cook for your family no matter how worried you are that he’s lonely (he is not)
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(was having a veeery rough day in terms of my confidence in my art so I forced myself to allow myself to make something shabby looking to try to help :’D)
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hikaritakeuchi · 2 days
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little break
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hikaritakeuchi · 2 days
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This was made awhile ago, but I thought it would be cool if Olimar had to make a new suit from creatures around the area.
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hikaritakeuchi · 2 days
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the hocotate freights freaks and louimar cuz its pride everybody
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hikaritakeuchi · 2 days
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i dont even like or care about this ship at all but the fact that i even drew it at all once before feels like a fever dream
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hikaritakeuchi · 4 days
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*grips Klug by the shoulders* what is going on with you in this game
I really thought I had it all figured out in my last post, where I determined that Klug is still very much aware of the demon in his book, and that it has some sort of connection to Sig. I even thought it was safe to assume that he still remembered being possessed by it back in Fever 2, because it was the only time it happened where he wasn't confused afterwards.
But then that scene in Schezo's story happened and I have so many more questions. Because this really sounds like someone who doesn't even know that there's anything IN that book?? Which he very obviously does???
I'm not even talking about previous games at this point, because there's been weirder cases of amnesia in this series before; Klug repressing the knowledge he has of his book isn't a farfetched idea. But the problem with it is that this is the only scene (so far) where he's this clueless, and it happens later in the timeline than this one in Risukuma's story (if I've been tracking it right):
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Klug's reactions here when Risukuma seems to be on the trail of What's Weird About the Book are absolutely about him wanting to keep Ayashii (whatever he remembers about it) a secret. I mean, would he really be that nervous if all he thought he was going to say was "it's got powerful magic inside of it"? He never really tries to hide that part, seeing as he casts spells with it.
It's even less obvious where in the timeline Accord's conversation with him happens, but he directly references "the tome" being ill at ease, once again suggesting that he at least sort of knows what its deal is. Plus, he says this to his teacher, so the idea that his book has feelings isn't even something he's
And lest we forget, he even gets in an argument with it off-screen. What's up with this "how can a book be fussy" nonsense?? He's not even saying it to cover up Ayashii's existence to other people, he's saying it to himself.
What changed? Is this just some accidental inconsistency, or should we be expecting a scene in a future update to explain it?? I'm losing my marbles over here
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hikaritakeuchi · 5 days
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struck with an uncontrollable urge to paint cress and verna i tried a different method of painting in monochrome first, applying a gradient map to it, and then filling in the colors underneath. i think i cooked here
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hikaritakeuchi · 5 days
Honestly it's weird that roleplaying as we know it evolved from historical wargaming.
Like for example DBA rules contain some suggestions for running campaigns with narrative and "propaganda" so I wouldn't say that it's something incompatible, and 0E looks way more like wargames than say PbtA games do, but storytelling games were a feature of artistic salons for way longer and they appear much closer to roleplaying than rulesets for reenacting ancient battles on tabletop.
Salon games didn't have skill checks but neither did wargames and it's strange that nobody came up with simplistic skill checks to add uncertainty and realism to the game
I think the line is a lot clearer when the role of dice and rules in tabletop roleplaying games is correctly understood.
"Uncertainty" and "realism" are, at best, secondary to what the dice are actually doing. Even most tabletop RPGs get it wrong when they try to explain themselves – they'll talk about the rules as something to fall back on to prevent schoolyard arguments (i.e., "yes I did!/no you didn't!") from derailing the story, when in fact it's the exact opposite.
If we look at freeform roleplaying as an illustrative parallel, we see that, while newly formed groups may in fact fall to bickering when a consensus can't be reached about what ought to happen next, mature and well-established groups tend instead to fall prey to excessive consensus-seeking: the impulse to always find an outcome that isn't necessarily one which everybody at the table can be happy with, but at the very least one which everybody at the table can agree is reasonable – and that's a lot more constraining than one might think.
In this sense, the role of picking up the dice isn't to build consensus, but to break it – to allow for the possibility of outcomes which nobody at the table wanted or expected. It's the "well, this is happening now" factor that prevents the table's dynamic from ossifying into endless consensus-seeking about what reasonably ought to happen next.
Looking to the history of wargames, this is precisely the innovation they bring to the table. Early historical wargames tended to be diceless affairs which decided outcomes by deferring to the judgment of a referee or other subject matter expert, but the use of randomisers increasingly came to be favoured because referees would tend to favour the most reasonable course, precluding upsets and rendering the outcomes of entire battles a foregone conclusion. This goes all the way back to the roots of tabletop wargaming – people were literally having "rules versus rulings" arguments two hundred years ago!
(This isn't the only facet of tabletop roleplaying culture which has its roots in wargaming culure, of course. For example, you can draw a direct line from the preoccupation of early tabletop RPGs with punishing the use of out-of-character knowledge to historical wargaming's gentleperson's agreement to refrain from making decisions based on information that one's side's commanders couldn't possibly have possessed when re-creating historical battles.)
To be clear, I don't necessary disagree that salon games could have yielded something like modern tabletop RPGs. However, first they'd have had to arrive at the paired insights that a. excessive consensus-seeking is poison to building an interesting narrative; and b. randomisers can be used to force the breaking of consensus, and historical wargames had a substantial head start because they'd figured all that out a century earlier.
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hikaritakeuchi · 5 days
The real problem with contemporary Captain Kirk parodies is that they're mostly parodying a specific pop-cultural distortion of the type where an accurate parody of the Kirk who actually appears in the Original Series would be much funnier. Like, come on – an old-school Manly Intellectual™, fashionably sensitive, always ready with a pithy aphorism, weirdly proficient with violence in spite of his professed distaste for it, forever ending up in sexually compromising positions with hot alien babes through absolutely no fault of his own and having to let them down easy because Duty Calls? You can get a lot more mileage out of making fun of that than any number of Zapp Brannigans.
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hikaritakeuchi · 5 days
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Reposting my single favourite piece of official Star Wars media for no particular reason.
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hikaritakeuchi · 5 days
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In Super Mario 64, positioning Mario underneath the lowest rotating platform on the bottom of Tick Tock Clock at the highest clock speed will result in the platform continuously squishing Mario for extremely brief periods, without actually harming him.
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hikaritakeuchi · 5 days
If you're lamenting the fact that you used to be able to shoot through a 500-page novel in like a day when you were in middle school and now you can't, it's worth bearing in mind that a big part of that is because when you were in middle school, your reading comprehension sucked. Yes, mental health and the stresses of adult life can definitely be factors, but it's also the case that reading is typically more effortful as an adult because you've learned to Ponder The Implications. The material isn't just skimming over the surface of your brain anymore, and some of the spoons you used to spend on maximising your daily page count are now spent on actually thinking about what you're reading!
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hikaritakeuchi · 5 days
shoutouts to pannenkoek. she walked so he could run
Wrong: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because she was Lord Byron's daughter.
Right: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because that was the closest you could get in 1850 to being a Super Mario 64 speedrunner.
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