Evaluation - Question 4)
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Evaluation – Question 3 What have you learnt from the audience feedback?
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Evaluation - Question 2)
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Evaluation - Question 1)
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After a long period of time, from researching, to editing and finalising, we had finally come to our end result. From the very beginning my group and I knew we would like to execute a poster that demonstrated an element of evil and danger. This is because we wanted to develop a correlation between the acts of the perpetrator and the poster. 
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MIND MAP AND RESEARCH - Generation of ideas for Ancillary Product 2) - Poster
Due to the fact that we used the EastEnders poster for the inspiration of our poster, we decided to analyse this in detail and ensure we understood the reasoning behind each feature. This enabled us collate theme ideas and then consider if we should use these features within our own. We took into account typography, colour and the use of synergy. 
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Before creating our own poster, we needed to understand the codes and conventions of a typical Soap Opera poster. Due to the fact that we were aware of the theme of our Soap Opera trailer, we already knew that our poster would include low-key lighting and execute an element of danger. Therefore, the first poster I analysed was for the Soap Opera called “EastEnders’ and it was in relation to Lucy’s death. Similarly within our trailer, we have the concept of death and so I thought this poster would be the most suitable to take inspiration from. I particularly like the use of typography, the use of lighting techniques and tagline. 
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This is our final ancillary product 1). As seen within our front cover, we have incorporated the typical conventions of a soap opera magazine front cover, through the use of bright colours, engaging headlines, masthead and cover lines and effective facial expressions through the good use of camerawork. In order for us to allow our audience to familiarise themselves with the brand of the Soap Opera, we decided to incorporate the same characters upon the magazine cover and use a cover line that we can later include onto our poster. 
The analysis of this magazine cover will later be shown in my evaluation. 
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MIND MAP AND RESEARCH - Generation of ideas, layout and hand-drawn drafts for Ancillary Product 1) - Soap Opera magazine front cover
As part of my research and planning for my ancillary task 1), my group and I decided to create a mind map of ideas in which we would like to incorporate within our magazine. This included the use of titles, colour, main image, thumbnails and character choice. From looking a number of successful magazine covers, the main ones in which brought our attention were from ‘Inside Soap’ because it included effective use of cover lines such as “DOOMED” a “KILLER REVENGE” along with effective use of facial expressions. Therefore, as a group we decided to use these magazines as our inspiration for when creating our own.  In addition to this, we created an outline of how we will like our magazine to be like through the use of shapes. This made sure we had a basic idea of where we will place everything. Along with this, we have the drawn outline of just how we would like our magazine to turn out like. 
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Before creating the ancillary magazine product, I needed to research thoroughly the codes and conventions of a soap opera magazine cover. This is because, I needed to understand the different aspects in which will attract an audience effectively. From doing this, I discovered that the use of bright colours, an engaging main image with meaningful facial expressions, headlines and cover lines will immediately catch the attention of soap opera audience members. 
However, I also discovered that soap opera magazine hint towards any upcoming events happening later on in that week and therefore they correlate the main character upon the magazine with the character that will be involved in the main events upcoming. Therefore, for my own magazine, I will need to be very particular about who goes on the magazine and how this will relate to the upcoming events shown within the trailer. 
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Throughout this time, we had conducted two other production meetings. However, within these two, we discussed the title further and how this should follow the location/school in which our soap opera will be based around. Therefore, as we knew the soap opera trailer would be based around a school, and the school would be named ‘Hollowside Academy’, we ensured that our title had some form of correlation to towards this, and so decided to name the title of our soap opera ‘Hollowside’. Furthermore, we decided that this would be the perfect time to discuss who should play each character and whether they would be suitable for the role. And along with this, we quickly came to an organised plan of which character is available for filming at which time.
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During this day, our production meeting was very effective. It included elements such as characters, name, target audience, themes, plot, locations and scheduling. 
This production meeting enabled my group and I to develop a suitable plot that would be ideal for our Soap Opera Trailer. From analysing successful Soap Opera Trailers within the beginning, we were able to easily pin point which conventions should be included. This included an antagonist. We felt that adding an element of ‘evil’ would be increasingly ideal to add towards the drama as typically within Soap Opera Trailers, we see a point ‘disequilibrium’ (Todorov). Additionally, we needed to pin point just how we would attract our teenage/young adult target audience. We decided that this would be through including mature themes such as gun violence and conflict.  Although we spoke about many different aspects we would like to include within and throughout our trailer, we needed to outline one of most important aspects, which is which locations would be suitable for our target audience. Eventually, my group and I decided to base our main production within a school and include characters of which also went to school in order for the audience to personally identify themselves with the characters. 
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In order for my production to go smoothly yet safely, we needed to ensure that the locations we chose were agreed. This ensures that during our filming period, we will not face any problems when coming across a member of staff at this location. This is because they will already be aware of the fact that we will be using their location in order to film our Soap Opera trailer. 
Additionally, the soundtrack my group and I decided to use was ‘Devil’s Whisper - Raury’.In order for my group and I to use the well suited soundtrack that fit our trailer ideally, we needed to gain permission from the record label beforehand. Therefore, decided to create this permission letter. The need to ask for permission is incredibly important and could eventually become a problem if it had not been done.
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In order for our Soap Opera trailer to be successful, we needed to choose appropriate props that we felt suited our new idea and storyline.Throughout this time we needed to organise each group member with a responsibility for each prop, in order to save time when filming.
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Within this point of research and planning, I created an organised list of the different shot types for each and every scene in order for us to understand the flow of the storyline. This also included a brief description in which we will attempt to create. Therefore, my group and I can find it a little easier to film as we will have an exact idea of which scene will go where and have an organised reference to which shot to do. 
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