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Not my best one but take it anyways.
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I forgot I even made this.
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Gotta say that I'm Amelia rn.
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I wonder if I know any flat earthers.
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Crushes are neat.
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I'm definitely 'confused *screams*'.
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Most of the characters have dumbass energy.
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Yes, they're all gay now.
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My second alignment chart about sneezing.
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Temporary Hiatus
Hello everyone,
The blog will be on temporary hiatus again, due to a lot of projects and tests that I will be dealing with this semester.... if I get some free time I might temporarily go off hiatus to answer some asks.... other wise I’ll be on hiatus until Thanksgiving break or Christmas break.
Fret not though, I’ll be sure to post lots of content when I get back!
- Your truly,
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John Mulaney is great.
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I really love Brandon.
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Do they even eat?
Also, Brandon is now officially part of the gang in my blog.
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I seriously couldn't fit all the character bacause they all want to fight.
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Holding and protecting your drink at a party meme
I hope most of you understand this meme! (If you don’t, it’s from tik tok).
Also, this is only my opinion! THIS IS NOT CANON!
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He will protect it if he has to, but you have to expain why he has to do it first. The young pharaoh will understand it immediately, of course.
Ahk will be dancing all night, so no one will be able to put anything in your drink. They just can’t catch his hands. Might spill it a little bit. 
He won’t believe anyone who says they came with you and if they insist, he’ll call Larry or just get everyone’s attention to them, so no one would be able to drug your drink. 
Kah does not believe he has to keep an eye on your drink at first, but when someone tries to put something in it, he literally stabs them. 
After that, he keeps your glass in his hands and if anyone tries to convince him they were with you, he would tell them how he would rip their heart out of their chest. That scares everyone away.
He’s a little bit too protective. In a way it won’t hurt his pride.
Will drink it afterwards. Right in front of you.
Amelia Earhart: 
She knows the drill. 
Amelia protects your drink with her life. 
If anyone tries to tell her you are their friends, she drop kicks them. Then goes away and waits for you elsewhere. 
No one will do anything to your drink, but she might take a sip. 
Napoleon Bonaparte: 
He guards it or orders his soldiers to guard it. 
If he sees anyone trying to do something, he’ll instantly yell at them and get the attention of the whole fricking party. 
The only reason why I took a point is because he’ll accidently spill it, so he has to buy another one. 
Al Capone: 
Come on… 
He knows what’s up…
Al orders his boys to look out for your drink and if anyone tries to do something, they will kindly take the person elsewhere. 
You won’t know anything about it and he just tells you there weren’t any problems. 
Nicky Daley:
Most likely he is the dj and no one will try to do anything to your drink. 
If someone tries to, however, Nicky will use the microphone to tell them to get away from your drink. 
He just embarrasses them in front of everyone. 
Probably will drink it afterwards. 
Ivan The Awesome: 
No one dares to go near him. Everyone is scared. He is so intimidating.
His soldiers are looking out for your drink too, not just him. 
Ivan is such a gentleman… He won’t let anything happen to your drink.
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