"what are you even talking about? i never said anything about you changing?!"
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"trash. you're trash, augustine."
/ ooc, omg they're fighting
"what's wrong? you're acting weird..."
[winnie asked, looking at you with a worried look.]
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' Why are you acting like you care about me?! '
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"i never stole anything from you augustine! what are you even talking about anyway..?"
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"what's wrong? you're acting weird..."
[winnie asked, looking at you with a worried look.]
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' Why are you acting like you care about me?! '
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"what do you mean?!?! i never stole anything from you!"
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"you've changed augustine."
"what's wrong? you're acting weird..."
[winnie asked, looking at you with a worried look.]
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' Why are you acting like you care about me?! '
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"because i'm your friend, auggie! why are you acting like i dont care?"
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"what's wrong? you're acting weird..."
[winnie asked, looking at you with a worried look.]
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' Why are you acting like you care about me?! '
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you're bisexual?? more like bi yourself!! gottem guys
"huhh..? i mean, i don't think that's true since i get a lot of love letters and confessions.. but i guess you're right since i always turn them down.."
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Why did you stop talking to Auggie? College is starting soon right? I get giving space, but...
"i stopped talking to him because i thought he hated me after my accident in the winter.. but i have a slight feeling it's something else.."
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"sometimes i wonder what went wrong.."
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"....is it really because of me..?"
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Copycat. You'll only hurt him by trying to be like him.
"wha.. what does this mean.. what do you mean???"
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chomps on your arm
"ow- that's hurts..."
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In his eyes, you see him as trash. In his eyes, you are embarrassed by him.
You are ashamed to be near him. He is like the matted dog that follows you around. You have friends. You have hobbies. You are successful. He is nothing.
"no no no, there's no way! he doesn't think like that, right? i thought.."
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You are such a silly guy
Would be such a shame if you knew what your little friend of yours would do to you if you weren't so fortunate.
Shoved away purely because you're better.
Discarded the moment he realizes his worth, that he's below you, that you are the only thing making him significant, yet you steal his significance like a leech sucking blood
"huh? what do you mean? are you talking about auggie?"
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"if you are, are you sure? augustine doesn't think that i think of him like that, right?"
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"i was just wondering! would you still love me if i turned into a worm?"
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"auggie! would you still love me if i became a worm?"
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"..ah....Winnie , what kind of question is this.....? "
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"let me... s.. sit down and.. warm my hands.. a bit."
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ooc under the cut!
hallo!!! this is a winnie rp blog!! if you noticed something has changed, that's because this used to be a unused rody blog! ask rules
nothing nsfw - winnie is 18 but we are a minor! silly jokes are okay
anon magic is okay! go crazy!!!
try to keep things light-hearted, this blog is just for fun!
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