Vocab for essays (Spanish-French-English)
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I had this list in Spanish and French, and I decided to translate it into English. So here it is, a trilingual vocabulary list for essays :)
Con tal que -  Tant que  - As long as Ni siquiera -  Même pas  - Not even Por eso -  C’est pourquoi  - That is why Mientras -  Pendant que  - While Mientras que -  Tandis que  - While Mientras tanto -  Pendant ce temps  - In the meantime, Meanwhile Resulta que -  Il en résulte que  - It follows that A raíz de -  À la suite de  - In the wake of, Following A partir de -  À partir de  - From Cabe subrayar que -  Il faut souligner que  - It should be emphasized that Desde luego -  Décidément, Certainement  - Definitly, Certainly De ahora en adelante -  Désormais  - Henceforth Ya no -  Ne plus  - No longer Ya que -  Puisque  - Since, As Sea como sea -  Quoi qu’il en soit  - Either way Desde entonces -  Depuis lors  - Since then A pesar de -  Malgré  - In spite of En vez de -  Au lieu de  - Instead of Desde hace tiempo -  Depuis longtemps  - For a long time Tan pronto como -  Dès que  - As soon as A medida -  Au fur et à mesure  - Progressively   En efecto -  En effet  - In fact, Indeed Entonces -  Donc, Alors  - So Además-  De plus  - Besides, Moreover A continuación-  Puis, Ensuite  - Then También -  Aussi  - Also En particular -  En particulier  - In particular Especialmente -  Notamment  - Specially 
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Any modern poetry recommendations? Your blog is perfect :)
thank you.
Morning in the Burned House by Margaret Atwood
What The Living Do by Marie Howe
Glass, Irony & God by Anne Carson
Spells: New & Selected Poems by Annie Finch
Darling: New & Selected Poems by Jackie Kay
Engravings Torn from Insomnia: Poems by Olga Orozco
Stag’s Leap: Poems by Sharon Olds
The Branch Will Not Break: Poems by James Wright
After: Poems by Jane Hirshfield
Louise in Love: Poems by Mary Jo Bang
Smoke: Poems by Dorianne Laux
Selections by Nicole Brossard
As Ever: Selected Poems by Joanne Kyger
Thirst: Poems by Mary Oliver
Magic Animals: Selected Poems by Gwendolyn Macewan
Red Suitcase: Poems by Naomi Shihab Nye
New Selected Poems; 1984 - 2004 by Carol Ann Duffy
In A Time of Violence: Poems by Eavan Boland
Walking to Martha’s Vineyard: Poems by Franz Wright
Bright Dead Things: Poems by Ada Limón 
Migration: New & Selected Poems by W.S. Merwin
The Great Unknowing: Last Poems by Denise Levertov
Songs and Stories of the Ghouls by Alice Notley
Wild Iris by Louise Glück
EDIT (IMPORTANT): I’m afraid I misread the question. Obviously, this list includes contemporary poetry, not modern. I’m very sorry, anon. My mistake, completely.
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Good psychological games masterpost?
No One Has To Die: Talking will spoil it from the start. Amazing concept and brilliant ending. Takes about 20 minutes to complete, browser game.
Off: You’ve probably already seen bits all over tumblr from this (as well as bits, if you know what I mean ;]); French game that starts with a strange man “purifying” ghosts from a world with weird rules and elements; quickly becomes a twisted, confusing ride. At least worth a play, and you should probably check out an LP afterwards (I sure did). Takes a few hours.
The Grey Rainbow: Don’t be thrown by the art - this game may start off in a fairly usual RPG manner, but the story, though short, will draw you in and may even make you cry. Make sure to check all flavor text. Takes about an hour.
The Color Tuesday RPG (TCT): Starts off with kids randomly chosen to save the world/town/whatever, like many RPGs, but actually takes a look at the burden placed on the protagonists. Interesting if sometimes frustrating combat system, a compelling story, and an almost laughable but actually rather tragic spin on the weird rules of many RPG worlds. Beautiful in every sense and left me wanting more. Takes a few hours - LOTS OF FLASHING, epileptics take care! Make sure to play with the sound on.
Bastion: If you haven’t played this yet, I’m already judging you. But seriously, it’s an incredibly beautiful and heart-wrenching game with wonderful sound, graphics, and story. Most definitely play with the sound on, and buy the damn soundtrack. The only non-free game on this list, but well worth it. Takes a few hours, very streamlined story.
EDIT: Feel free to add your own!
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Hi Copperbadge! Really random job hunting related question. I remember reading on your LJ ages ago your suggested answer to that favourite interview question "Where do you want to be in five/ten/a year's time"? It was a terrific answer but I didn't write it down and now I can't find the link to it, darnit. Can you remember what it was? :)
I can indeed! :D I have a career path now that specifies more or less where I should be in five years, but I used to answer something along the lines of “I find that five year plans tend to force you into a rigidity that doesn’t allow you to recognize unique chances for growth. I prefer to focus on the job I’m in, and I know that when I work hard and stay focused, opportunities will open up for me.” 
This was, incidentally, the answer I gave in an interview six years ago that led me from receptionist to project manager to researcher. I was just bullin’ at the time but it’s not an untrue statement, as it turns out. 
Now, nine times in ten, this works, but I have had the odd person say that the interviewer got really angry at that answer because they thought it showed a lack of commitment. But if you give an answer that says basically “If I work hard I know you’ll promote me on merit” and they get angry about that, it’s probably a pretty dysfunctional place to work in any event. 
I suspect that most interviewers ask that question to get a sort of smug superior glee out of watching people flounder, and when some petty tyrant asks it and you answer with composure and wit, they feel cockblocked. 
If they’re asking you about one year’s time, that’s a little different, because you should be able to talk about that — for instance you might say something like “Well, it takes a little while to find one’s feet in a new place, but by the time a year has passed I expect to be an established part of the community and contributing to the team’s goals.” 
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people who say ‘oh you’ll change your mind about never getting pregnant’ are definitely some of my least favorite people
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Put together another fun little info post about lecture notetaking! (See my first post on lecture notetaking here.)This time I though I’d sketch it out by hand and scan it into my computer instead of typing it out. Hope it helps!
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site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition 
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
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Winter is approaching and there are several ways to keep yourself warm during the season. Long overcoats are always the classic choice and combining the right colors for inside layers is definitely crucial. I personally wouldn’t wear dress shoes for snow or rainy days. My choice would be the Balmoral boots because it always looks good in a suit (although still not suitable for harsh weather conditions). One of my favorites is Carmina’s Balmoral boots which is made in Horween cordovan leather. It is an extremely durable material that is water-resistant and will age a very long time. Another option would be Carmina’s Balmoral boots with Dainite rubber soles which prevents you from slipping on wet surfaces. This is a good choice for those who want to break the bank. coat / Zara tie / Harrison Blake Apparel sweater / Uniqlo trousers / Zara sunglasses / Gucci shoes / Allen Edmonds
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my night manager (who is a gay man) and i sometimes sit down and exchange stories and tidbits about our sexuality and our experiences in the queer cultural enclave. and tonight he and i were talking about the AIDS epidemic. he’s about 50 years old. talking to him about it really hit me hard. like, at one point i commented, “yeah, i’ve heard that every gay person who lived through the epidemic knew at least 2 or 3 people who died,” and he was like “2 or 3? if you went to any bar in manhattan from 1980 to 1990, you knew at least two or three dozen. and if you worked at gay men’s health crisis, you knew hundreds.” and he just listed off so many of his friends who died from it, people who he knew personally and for years. and he even said he has no idea how he made it out alive.
it was really interesting because he said before the aids epidemic, being gay was almost cool. like, it was really becoming accepted. but aids forced everyone back in the closet. it destroyed friendships, relationships, so many cultural centers closed down over it. it basically obliterated all of the progress that queer people had made in the past 50 years.
and like, it’s weird to me, and what i brought to the conversation (i really couldn’t say much though, i was speechless mostly) was like, it’s so weird to me that there’s no continuity in our history? like, aids literally destroyed an entire generation of queer people and our culture. and when you think about it, we are really the first generation of queer people after the aids epidemic. but like, when does anyone our age (16-28 i guess?) ever really talk about aids in terms of the history of queer people? like it’s almost totally forgotten. but it was so huge. imagine that. like, dozens of your friends just dropping dead around you, and you had no idea why, no idea how, and no idea if you would be the next person to die. and it wasn’t a quick death. you would waste away for months and become emaciated and then, eventually, die. and i know it’s kinda sophomoric to suggest this, but like, imagine that happening today with blogs and the internet? like people would just disappear off your tumblr, facebook, instagram, etc. and eventually you’d find out from someone “oh yeah, they and four of their friends died from aids.”
so idk. it was really moving to hear it from someone who experienced it firsthand. and that’s the outrageous thing - every queer person you meet over the age of, what, 40? has a story to tell about aids. every time you see a queer person over the age of 40, you know they had friends who died of aids. so idk, i feel like we as the first generation of queer people coming out of the epidemic really have a responsibility to do justice to the history of aids, and we haven’t been doing a very good job of it.
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As a big thanks to everyone who has read and shared Check, Please!–It’s a Check, Please! giveaway! Thanks!
One winner  will receive a signed Check, Please: Year One hardcover book; signed Huddles Vol. 1 & 2., a full set of character magnets, a set of Samwell hockey stickers, and misc. postcards!
Another person will win a signed Check, Please: Year One softcover book, and a set of Samwell hockey stickers.
☆ Rules ☆ ✔ Ends Monday, November 30th! ✔ Enter by liking or reblogging this post. You can enter as much as you’d like. ✔ Winners must respond with a mailing address within 24 hours of notification. Prizes ship worldwide. You must be 18 or older to receive NSFW material. ✔ You do not need to follow this blog to enter.
What’s Check, Please! about? Check, Please! follows Eric Bittle, a former figure skater who joins his college’s ice hockey team. When he’s not trying to avoid checks–that is, hits–on the ice, he’s baking pies and getting to know his very bro-y teammates.
☆ Start reading here! ☆
Thanks a ton!
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Hamilton the Musical giveaway!
Hello everyone! It was been a while since I did a giveaway. With all this excitement about Hamilton, I thought it was a great time to do a new one.
 I will randomly choose 5 winners who I will send one of the prizes shown bellow of their choosing from the Hamilton Merchandise site. That’s right! You choose what I send you!  Don’t miss your shot (haha terrible I know) The rules are simple:
You can reblog this post up to five(5) times and like it.
You do not have to be following me =] Just want to contribute to the whole community
U.S and Canada only unless you choose the Digital soundtrack as your prize (Sorry my international loves =( )
Contest ends October 18th (may change)
Good luck! 
Here are the prizes!
1. One of any of the Hamilton tee-shirts on the merch site (Example of my favorite shown bellow hehe) Or the Hamilton Tank top.
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2. Hamilton Broadway OST Digital or Physical.
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3. One of 2 Hamilton Hats
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4. Combined prize of a Hamilton mug and water bottle
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5. Hamilton Tote bag
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6. Combined prize of Hamilton Pins and dog tag
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Here is a link to merch tee shirts that you can choose from for the first prize. 
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When I was beginning to discover languages, I had a romanticized view of words like “speak” and “fluency”. But then I realized that you can be nominally fluent in a language and still struggle to understand parts of it. English is my first language, but what I really spoke was a hybrid of teenage slang and Manhattan-ese. When I listen to my father, a lawyer, talk to other lawyers, his words sound as foreign to me as Finnish. I certainly couldn’t read Shakespeare without a dictionary, and I’d be equally helpless in a room with Jamaicans or Cajuns. Yet all of us “speak English.” My linguistics teacher, a native of Poland, speaks better English than I do and seems right at home peppering his speech with terms like “epenthetic schwa” and “voiceless alveolar stops”. Yet the other day, it came up that he’d never heard the word “tethered”. Does that mean he doesn’t “speak” English? If the standard of speaking a language is to know every word — to feel equally at home debating nuclear fission and classical music — then hardly anyone is fluent in their own native tongues.
Tim Doner (x (via laurencombeferre)
This whole piece is really neat. 
(via swanjolras)
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Dear appblrs if you want to save some money and not spend hundreds of dollars on prep books these are some nice alternatives. (Both these files belong to me. )
Spread the word! Good luck studying :) 
I may have some additional stuff in october (past sat & psat exams) 
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2/4/2015 // I love experimenting with pretty, new hand writing styles for my study notes! I made this info-graphic and scanned it in to show you some of the styles I am loving right now.
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hello everyone! i know some of you will be going back to school soon, so i decided to make a huge masterpost that will hopefully help some of you out!
how to take pretty notes
notetaking from a textbook
how to make mindmaps
different types of notes
99 mindmapping resources
tips for taking efficient notes
effective notetaking
staying organized
organization tips
get organized in high school
ten tips for staying organized
colour coding organization
tips for keeping your desk clean
form your habits
study and revision planner (2)
student planner
daily and essay planners
poetry terms chart
exam studying pack
loads of printables
2015 calender
chalkboard style to do list
free online library
read free classics
what should i read next?
test taking guide
how to make a study guide (2, 3, 4, 5)
study tips (2, 3, 4)
study techniques
how to get straight a’s
how to study
making study schedules (2, 3, 4)
preparing for an exam (2, 3)
the basics of efficient studying
how to be an efficient test taker
how to review in less time
things NOT to do when studying
on test anxiety (2, 3)
study skills assessment
how to pull an all-nighter effectively
tips for answering multiple choice
how to answer exam questions
develop your characters
essay-writing (2)
academic writing tips
create a bibliography (2)
math practice
math resources
free math help
learn basically anything
graphing calculator
learn any math
a bunch of calculators
square root calculator
cube root calculator
how to wake up earlier
how to have a productive day
stop procrastinating (2)
how long to nap?
time management tips
tips to help you focus
energy throughout the day
how to manage your stress
bedtime calculator
power naps
film scores
you’ve got this
essential indie
pencil lead and lined paper
love that aesthetic
space race
sunday morning
bullet journal setup (2, 3, 4, 5)
minimalist bullet journal
bullet journal in a binder
pages to start
health tracker
how to use a chronodex
diy school supplies (2, 3, 4)
back to school supplies haul (2, 3, 4, 5)
finals survival guide
top secret study tips
how to take the best notes
study hacks
journaling 101
what to put in a sketchbook
100 sketchbook ideas
119 journal prompts
50 art journal prompts
lists to make
how to collage in your art journal
collaging for beginners
how to start a sketchbook
art journaling 101
how to start a journal (2)
what to put in a blank notebook
keeping creative diary pages
turn an old book into an art journal
how to journal
what is an art journal?
must have art journal supplies
journal themes
art journal techniques
art journal inspiration
annotating a book
get back on track after missing school
convert just about anything
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Ooooh, I LOVE this question!
Lots of people keep journals with systematic diary entries, but I understand that it doesn’t work for everyone.
Here are some cool/interesting/fun/motivational/productive things you can do that don’t necessarily include keeping a diary:
Turn a Moleskine (or other notebook) into a planner/organizer/PDA/productivity system
52 lists
30 Days of Lists
Answer “50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind”
Start a gratitude journal
Create a “life handbook”
Keep morning pages
Start a scrapbook
Use journal prompts to answer questions when you feel like it
Participate in the 7-week Life Cleanse (new link! should work now!)
Keep these 9 lists updated — REALLY useful things to keep track of!
Take notes as you learn something new
Use a notebook to keep track of goal-setting and productivity: 60 Ways to Improve Your Life in 100 Days
Keep a recipe book
Keep a reading journal/movie journal/music journal/fashion journal
Start a quote book
Make a travel journal — use it to plan your trip/vacation, then glue in transportation ticket stubs, itineraries, maps, photographs, dinner receipts at fancy restaurants, and write about your adventures
Doodle in it
Write poetry
Cut out and glue pretty pictures
Create a bucket list journal and record each item as you complete it
Keep a dream journal
Journal your goals with the prompts, motivation, and advice I offer in my own self-published ebook
Does that give you enough ideas to start with? :)
(Made rebloggable by request.)
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Condoms are only 98% effective when used correctly.
Sugar can cause infections in the vagina. This means things like chocolate sauce, honey, and lubricants with glycerin can be harmful.
Having sex with an intoxicated person is legally rape in most US states, even if the person verbally consents. In the eyes of the law, drugs and alcohol impair your ability to consent to sex.
Unprotected anal sex is the most dangerous sex act when it comes to spreading STIs.
Not everyone can climax from oral sex or even likes oral sex. Don’t assume—ask your partner what they want!
Condoms expire! Check the date on the wrapper. Also, storing them in wallets is not a good idea (see #8)
If someone with a vagina has unprotected anal sex, semen can drip down into the vagina and pose a (slight, but still real) risk for pregnancy.
Do not keep condoms in your wallet. The friction and heat exposure of keeping them there can make them ineffective. Keep them somewhere cool, dry, and out of sunlight.
You should be tested for STIs with each new partner you have. Annual appointments are not enough protection if you have multiple partners in that time.
Having anal sex does not lead to a gaping asshole unless your partner is literally an elephant.
Sex with elephants is illegal. Don’t do that.
Masturbating while wearing a condom can help people with penises get used to wearing them before sex.
Penis size does not define your worth. It is not the be-all, end-all factor for most people.
In fact, lots of people with large penises have trouble having sex without hurting their partner since the average vagina size is 6”-8” when aroused (it’s only 3”-4” when not aroused!).
Your first time will almost definitely not be your best time. That’s okay, I promise.
Herpes and pubic lice can still infect you if a condom is used if testicles come in contact with a vuvla.
Only one out of three people can orgasm from receiving vaginal penetration alone. You’re not broken.
People with penises can orgasm without ejaculating.
The muscles in a vagina can be abnormally tense and cause intense pain when penetrated with a toy, penis, or tampon. This is called vaginismus and treatment for this includes relaxation therapy and using medical rods to help the muscles relax.
The number of sexual partners you have does not define you. This rule applies to all genders.
A diet of lots of dairy and meat can cause ejaculate to taste bad. Fruits that are very sweet (like pineapple) help combat this for some people. However, due to body chemistry, medications, and other factors, it might not always do the trick.
Dental dams make oral sex with someone with a vulva safer. They are thin sheets of latex and can be home-made by cutting the ends off a condom and slitting it lengthwise to make a alternative option if you don’t have access to dental dams.
The clitoris has 8,000 nerve endings in it. That’s twice that of a penis! So, go gently until encouraged to do otherwise.
Sex does not have to stop when someone ejaculates. Remove any condoms or clean up any mess, and keep going until everyone is satisfied!
Communication is the number one factor to a better, healthier sex life.
The hymen is not a bone, and does not break. It is a membrane layer that stretches. It can tear, which can lead to pain and bleeding. However, sex for the first time (or ever!) should never hurt. Go slower and focus on foreplay to increase natural lubrication.
Sexuality is fluid for a lot of people. Don’t worry about labels until you’re sure in your sexual and romantic interests. Explore freely and worry about terms later.
Orgasms release hormones that are natural pain-killers. This is why some menstruating people masturbate when they have cramps, because the body naturally reduces pain after an orgasm.
The hormones released also account for why some people cry or get very emotional after an intense orgasm. It’s totally normal.
There are limitless kinks in the world and so long as they are safe and consensual, there is nothing wrong with them.
Medications and mental health disorders can mess with your sex drive. Talk to your doctor if your sex drive has suddenly increased or decreased after starting a medication—there may be alternatives.
There is nothing “un-manly” or “gay” about enjoying anal pay. Most men who try anal enjoy a little sensation in that area. People with penises also have a p-spot (prostate) and can have intense orgasms through anal penetration.
Always use lubrication generously to avoid vaginal or anal tearing.
Urinating after sex can reduce the risk of a UTI in people with vaginas.
Enjoying casual sex does not make you a bad person if you are up-front with your intentions and don’t maliciously seek to hurt others.
Condoms come in multiple sizes! It should never be loose or painfully tight.
Being sex-positive does not mean that everyone needs to enjoy sex. It simply promotes the happiness and sexual exploration (or non-exploration) of others.
Porn is not an educational guide to sex.
Certain positions feel better than others. Switch it up and find out what works for you and your partner(s).
Condoms are more likely to break if you don’t leave a reservoir tip for ejaculate.
Labia are often asymmetrical. Your long/uneven/poofy/dark labia are beautiful and there is nothing wrong with your body.
Up to 80% of people with a vagina can squirt with either g-spot or clitoral stimulation.
Drug store pregnancy tests are just as effective as brand name ones. In some cases, they’re even MORE effective.
Elevating your butt with pillows can make missionary sex easier for those of us with a big tummy or thick thighs.
Plan B does not work on people over a certain weight (160-175lbs).
There are safe alternatives to condoms or oral contraceptives. Talk to your doctor about your options.
Sex toys can open up a whole new world to folks willing to explore.
Orgasms can be highly psychological. Most people can’t climax when they’re upset or distracted.
Birth control can cause people to miss periods or spot in between periods.
Sex doesn’t have to be gentle if you don’t want it to be. There are healthy ways to explore rough sex or BDSM.
xx SF
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