honduranthings · 6 years
To be honest I don’t tend to make much political posts for I don’t really dedicate my blog to it as I intended more for inspirational stuff and or art references, but I’ve taken notice on how the #PrayForHonduras has been trending, the fact that people actually care and take their time to aid my country has been a really touching gesture, for those who may not know for I feel none of you are getting the full picture or history (Cause the tweets I’m seeing only shows fires and stuff and people gonna think we getting bombed or something else) we recently had our elections for the future president of Honduras from 2018 - 2022 the thing is one of the candidates, Juan Orlando Hernandez has been a manipulative man climbing his way to power and getting himself elected the previous elections (2013 - 2017) by disbanding people’s votes and ensuring the most for himself (similar to what happened in USA during the Clinton VS Trump elections) after his period as a president he decided to relaunch a campaign to be elected 4 MORE YEARS when it has been stablished within the constitution that a president may only serve ONCE as a president not twice nor get reelected, but somehow he cheat it his way in into this year’s elections representing the Nationalist Party, that aside thankfully most of the peoplw knew how corrupted and dreadful this man was… and WE THE PEOPLE tired of his constant abuse and negligence used our votes to elect a new president who actually heard our voice, who actually cared for us, the candidate the majority of the population voted for is known as Salvador Nasralla who proved to be an honest choice to make us achieve a better Honduras, election day was on November 26th where the votes got counted and we got advice he had won, but the corrupted network that Juan Orlando had built wanted to stop that, the corrupted president made the unthinkable he started delaying the declaration of the presidence ONE ENTIRE WEEK to stall for enough time so he could made a fraud in the elections and start falsifying votes so it would seem he won, but the people ain’t stupid, MY COUNTRY AIN’T STUPID we saw through this and we are fighting against this corrupt man who is trying to become a dictator on our peaceful land, betraying the morals and ethics of my country, betraying the trust of his own political party and lastly proving how corrupted and manipulative he truly is by showing his true colors now that he is cornered for his ultimate treason against Honduras, OUR LAND we are fighting against this utter evil menacing us, who in 4 years and years prior of manipulative destruction has cause more than enough damage to us, we ain’t letting him get away, WE AIN’T LETTING HIM DO FRAUD AND PROCLAIM HIMSELF THE DICTATOR HE IS!
So thank you all who have supported my country in this times of need whether it was through Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, the fact other countries care, the fact other countries are aiding us, is one of the most beauitulf hopeful things I can witness, for too long my people have been hopeless and stepped on but now? We have awaken and we want our country to be better… THAT’S WHY WE ARE GONNA KEEP FIGHTING TILL JUSTICE PREVAILS
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honduranthings · 6 years
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Traduction in English: " Narco Deputy Chocollos Rivera Callejas, relative of the corrupt involved in the FIFA Case, has stated that what the MACCI wants is to destabilize the Country, since this Organ receives funding from Venezuela, and that Vladimir Putin, would also be behind a macabre plan to violate the Constitution of Honduras."
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