honeyandspells · 26 days
i just did a simple spell with tea for the first time and it worked amazingly well, i definitely feel like i need to utilize it more often now.
All i did was brew the tea and use the teabag to stir the intention into it (clockwise to “bring in” and invite the desired intention). I “visualized” the outcome of the working by mentally focusing on glimpses of what i wanted to happen. it was less actual visuals but moreso focusing on the intended “conversations” that would be happening between myself and others when the working manifested as intended. i said “it is done”, then made sure to drink the entirety of the drink in the cup. it was super cool because it was one of those workings where you intuitively know it is working right after the spell is performed.
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honeyandspells · 7 months
anyways i dont always use my deity deck but when i do my heart just fills with this warm lightness and i almost always get emotional…it’s really nice to be able to have that to go back to and its always very gentle 😭 i have my other decks that give it to me straight and to the point if i need it, but sometimes i just need gentle assurance and that one always helps
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honeyandspells · 7 months
made this blog so i could stop spamming my socials with my witchcraft stuff without making my mutuals uncomfortable so :]
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