honeybeedewdrops · 1 year
A Friendly Game | B.Bridgerton
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Summary: You join the Bridgerton's for a little game of Mall Pall.
Warnings: None
A/N: I'm not very fluent on how things worked back then so please bear with me. If you have any information that would help feel free to message me thank you. Y/PN means basically how you want to be addressed
Benedict did not go into this season expecting to be courting someone but alas he did. From the moment he saw you at the presentation of the queen he knew you were the one. So when not one but two Bridgerton boys took to the dance floor everyone was shocked.
It had been a few weeks into the season and you had many suitors but the only one that had really peaked your interest was Benedict Bridgerton. So when he invited you to Aubrey hall for the weekend you were ecstatic.
"letter for Y/N" you get up from the couch "who is it from?" you little sister asks leaning over your shoulder.
Dear Y/n,
It would me my upmost pleasure if you and your mother would join my family and I in the country for the weekend.
-Benedict Bridgerton
You smiled "oh mother we must go" your mother smiled at you "if you wish my dear." You ran up to your room and wrote a response right away.
So when the weekend came and you were on your way to the country. The carriage came to a stop you looked out the window and you saw the most beautiful house "woah" you made your way out if the carriage as the Bridgerton's came to greet you. "Lady Y/LN" Mrs Bridgerton said coming over to greet your mother. "This is Y/PN Y/N" you smile as you curtsey she gives you the brightest smile. You step away and admire the house. It had such beautiful architecture. "Ah, Y/N" you look over and see Benedict approaching you "good afternoon Mr Bridgerton. Your house is beautiful" "thank you shall we" he says and you take his arm as he leads you in. You met the rest of his family as well as the Sharma's who would be joining you guys.
You took a tour of Aubrey hall and as you had guessed it was just as beautiful on the inside as out.
All of you stood around mallets as Anthony explained the game. You loved Pall Mall you played it with your siblings back home, and just like the Bridgerton's you all were very competitive.
"Last year we promised to let the youngest pick first" Eloise complained. "we pick based on alphabetical order" Anthony said which you thought was ironic since the siblings were named in alphabetical order. While everyone was talking you watched Benedict the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled the wind flapping his hair a bit. "Y/PN Y/N" your thoughts were interrupted. "I'm sorry what did you say" "it's just your turn to pick" you nod and grabbed the yellow mallet. After you grabbed yours everyone went for theirs making you chuckle as they all fought to get one.
You kept up really well with the others making sure to nock Benedict out a few times. You watched as Anthony missed yet another shot and got frustrated "he doesn't like to lose does he" Benedict smirked "no he does not but the whole family is competitive" you smile "reminds me of a family I know" Benedict turned to you confused "My family is just as competitive" you say walking away to your ball but not before sending him a wink as you hit his ball into the bushes making everyone ooo. "Now that wasn't very fair" Benedict joked "well I have learned from my siblings you play dirty or not at all" "that would also be the fact here" Daphne says as Benedict went to get his ball.
You smirk seeing Benedict come from the trees covered in leaves. "It seems you have a bit of a problem" you say pulling a leaf from his coat. "it seems I do and possibly you can help me with that" you gasp "Mr Bridgerton" "What" he says walking off with a smirk. The game went on a little while later Miss Edwina cut out and joined the mothers Anthony was going to go with her but she stopped him.
After a bit of mall pall you all went in to freshen up as well as have dinner. At dinner Benedict was acting very strange he even knocked over a cup of wine it was as if he was drunk. "Is your Brother ok?" you ask Eloise "which one?" "Benedict he is acting very strange" she smirked "well I think he's nervous he's very smitten with you Y/PN Y/N" you blush at that and go back to eating.
Benedict didn't propose until you guys were back in London. He did it the next night at the ball you said yes. Even after the whole sandal with Anthony and then Eloise you two had a beautiful wedding.
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honeybeedewdrops · 1 year
Benedict Bridgerton Masterlist
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A Friendly Game | B.Bridgerton
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honeybeedewdrops · 1 year
Matching | B.Floyd
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Summary: Bob and you have matching Tattoo's
Warning: Cursing, mention of sex's
A/N: Happy Valentines Day! Also trust me we all know Bob is a freak in the sheets.
On hot days when bob had off you two would usually just stay in and it would be just the two of you, but his Co workers/friends wanted to have a beach day so here you were in the car headed for the beach.
You never really talked to the guys only Phoenix so when you got the beach the guys went off to play some football as the guys girlfriends all tanned. "Y/N" Phoenix said as you walked up to the girls "Hey ya'll" you say laying out your towel and taking your robe off "How you--" Phoenix starts before spotting it "Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N is that a tattoo" you look at your ass before smiling "Oh yeah I got it a while back and Bob has my name" "You got Bob's name Tattooed on your Ass?" You laugh "yeah why not besides you can barley tell" "wait back up when did you get this?" you think for a moment "uh i'd say a month ago a few days after our anniversary" "How'd you convince Bob, sweet innocent Bob to get a tattoo" you snort "You guys Bob's not that innocent. He's amazing in bed a bit kinky but I like Kinky keeps me on my toes" "ugh Y/n" Phoenix says "what? it's true" "so where'd bob get his" "just on his shoulder" "man now I gotta see this" you smirk "maybe later" and you lay on your stomach and close your eyes to tan your back.
Soon the guys were done and joined you guys on the beach. "hey honey" you say kissing Bob. "hey" "so Bob tell us about this tattoo" Phoenix said "Bob has a tattoo? yeah i'll believe when I see it" Hangman said. You flash Bob a smirk "let's show em" Bob looks reluctant before you gave him your puppy dog eyes and he takes off his shirt making everyone whistle and cheer. "Does that say Y/N?" Rooster asks "yep and we got matching ones" you say. "where's yours" you smirk "my ass" the guys were shocked "How'd you do it?" Fanboy asks "Do what?" you ask confused "convince Bob to get a tattoo" you scuff "man you guys really think that Bob here is a sweet innocent boy. It was his Idea" Everyone looks at Bob who's a bit pink in the face "It's true" "dang who knew Bob had some balls" You roll your eyes "Bob has bigger balls than you Hangman" "oh really?" Hangman said trying to push your buttons he always did this tease you and Bob.
You turn to Bob and smash your lips to his taking him by surprise, but was kissing back in an instant. Soon you and Bob were having a full on make out session. "get a room" you both pull apart "Oh I think we will, bye guys were leaving" you say grabbing Bob's arm and heading home.
"I can't believe you did that" Bob said when you two were in the car. "oh come on Bob sometimes you gotta show them that you're not innocent at all."
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honeybeedewdrops · 1 year
Enemies to Lovers | B.Bradshaw
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Warnings: Cursing
You and Bradley had known each other for a long time and it all started on the first day of flight school. One would say you were enemies, you just couldn't stand his ego god it was so bad. That all changed when you started to develop feelings for him.
You walked into the class and Phoenix spotted you "Y/CS" she calls and walks up to you "We missed you at the Hard Deck last night" "Oh yeah sorry about that got caught up at home." You and Phoenix talk for a while and she introduces you to Bob her new WSO.  "Oh you have got to be kidding me" You say watching Rooster walk in "what?" Phoenix asks turning around "oh yeah Rooster." and Phoenix saw your look "Come on Y/CS be nice to him" "i'll start being nice to him once he get's that stick outta his ass" "were all the best of the best and we can't fail I won't fail so Y/CS don't cause trouble" Phoenix says walking away. "Rooster fancy seeing here I thought they only let the best flyers in" Rooster gritted his teeth "well fancy seeing you here Y/CS I thought you said the best" "I did and I am the best in fact better than you'll ever be" "we'll see because i'm going to be mission leader"  Rooster said "In your dreams bird boy" and you go sit down on the opposite side of him as Admiral Bates comes in and starts. 
When Maverick walked in you were shocked you had heard stories about him but had never met him in person. As Maverick spoke you found yourself looking over at Rooster from time to time who was glaring at Maverick. When you and Rooster first met you hated his guts, you never knew why you both hated each other he just had gotten on your nerves. Then one day everything changed it started small as giving small glances  to Rooster then any time you walked into the room your eyes would scan for him. You tried brushing your feelings off but it just didn't work. So when you both graduated Top Gun you were glad to not see him again until you did it was a few years back and your feelings came back stronger than ever but you masked it with a lot of teasing and competition. Skip to today and those feelings were still there it infuriated you why did you feel like this and you couldn't talk to anyone about it because you were scared your friends might tease you or worse tell Rooster about your feelings. 
As Maverick tested each and everyone in dog fighting the more competitive and stressed you got. Not once did you shoot Maverick down and you were pissed, it helped that no one else had won but you wanted to win. 
"Ok Rooster, Y/CS you're up" you get up and head to your plane but stopped Rooster before he got to his. "Just follow my lead" "No thanks" and he brushed passed you. While up in the sky any time you told Rooster to do something he'd do the opposite. This ended in you and him loosing and both of you having to do push ups "If you had just listened it would be Maverick down here and not us" You growl. "I don't take orders from you" "get your head out of your ass and be a team player" Rooster stood up "How about you be a team player. it's always you you you maybe try and not push people around" and he hit your shoulder making you stumble. "Your an ass" you say going to shower as everyone was finished for the day. 
The following day you sat in the waiting room as you had finished all your runs all ending with you doing push ups. The last group was up which was Hangman and Rooster which didn't end well as Rooster and Maverick broke the Hard Deck and could have been injured. After Maverick and Roosters tumble you were upset. The minute you saw Rooster land you ran out onto the tarmac "are you trying to get yourself killed?" "Why do you care?" Rooster says pushing past you. "Bradley Bradshaw you stop right now" "what do you want Y/N huh I bet you'd like it if I got kicked out" Rooster said pushing your buttons "God your such an idiot" "oh I'm the idiot what about you" "me you can't even seen what's in front of your face" "yeah, well at least I care about others" "I care about others" you yell after him "well you have a funny way of showing it. You're always a bitch" "God Damnit Bradley I Love you ok" that shut him up real quick.
"You l-love me" you freeze did you really just say that "Fuck" you curse. "Just forget I said anything" you say turning around and walking away but before you knew it Rooster had grabbed your arm and smashed his lips to yours at first it shocked you but then you relaxed and kissed back. 
You heard whooping and you two pulled apart. "Finally" Hangman said rolling his eyes "I thought you'd never admit it" "shut up" you grumble making Rooster chuckle. "Hey I love you too" you blush who knew Bradley Bradshaw would make you blush. 
After today you and Rooster dated and a few years down the line he proposed and of course you said yes but your banter and teasing never ceased, both of you were just as cocky as ever some say it got worse as you two got more serious.
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honeybeedewdrops · 1 year
Sick | J.Seresin
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Summary: Your sick and Hangman takes care of you.
A/N: This was requested by Cakey08 on Wattpad so I hope you enjoy. Also no your not sick with COVID lol.
It started out like any other cold a stuffy nose and a slight cough. "Babe are you sure you don't want me to stay home with you" you shake your head "no i'll be fine. Besides i'm doing my own work, and I feel better" Which was a total lie you still had a stuffy nose and your throat was starting to hurt. "if your sure but make sure to call if you need anything" you nod and Hangman goes in for a kiss but you stop him "I don't want to get you sick" he nods but gives you a hug and leaves "love you" he calls out "love you too"
You go into your office and get to work, you didn't bother getting dressed because you didn't feel good. As the day went on the worse you got it started with a pounding headache then you started to feel cold, then hot, then cold again. You got some water and a blanket and got back to work but before you knew it you were falling asleep at your desk.
"Y/N" Hangman calls walking in the door. He had managed to get the rest of the day off and came home to check on you. It was very quiet "Y/N" he calls again but no answer. He walks into your office and chuckles seeing you passed out with a blanket wrapped around you head on the desk. "Y/N" and he shakes you "mmm" you groan opening your eyes "come on let's get you to bed" "No i'm fine" you say but a coughing fit came over you. "come on darling let's go" and he scoops you up and you wrap your arms around his neck cuddling closer.
He places you in bed and kisses your forehead "Now get some rest i'll bring you up some soup and medicine" you nod and snuggle into the covers. Hangman walked into your guys bedroom and smiles seeing your sleeping figure. "Babe, Honey come on I brought you some food" you groan "i'm not hungry" you say sitting up "come on you need to eat" you sigh before taking the bowl and sipping it. "you really didn't have to come home" you say he chuckles "well obviously I did if you were falling asleep at your desk. Now take some of this it will help with your cough" he said handing you the cough medicine.
"Cherry" you say looking disgusted he chuckles "does little Y/N need Hangman to feed it to them" he teases "I mean it would help" and you pout. He takes the medicine and the cup before handing it to you and you take it making a face as it goes down. He took your temperature which you had a fever of 101.1.
You lay back down and Hangman starts to leave. "stay" you say "I'll be right back" he says leaving and coming back with some water and Tylenol to bring your fever down "here take this and make sure you drink a lot" you take it. "now get some more rest and if you need anything i'll be downstairs" "thanks" he smiles "Of course" and he shuts the door leaving you to rest.
You woke up and it was dark out, you were feeling a bit better but was still cold and had a sore throat. You wandered downstairs to find your wonderful Husband. You found him on the couch watching some old movie. "hey baby how you feeling?" "i'm cold" "Come here" he says opening his arms. You crawl right in "you hungry" you shake your head "not yet" Hangman nods before you two watch the movie.
"Are you staying home tomorrow?" you ask "yeah I got the next two days off so I can nurse you back to health" Hangman says "you didn't have to do that" you say "Oh yes I did" and he gave you a kiss "Jakeee" you whine "what?" "Now your gonna get sick" "no I won't" He argues. You sigh he was so getting sick. 
Hangman did in fact get sick a few days after you were feeling better, and you were right there with him.
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honeybeedewdrops · 1 year
The Hustle | B.Bradshaw
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Summary: You and Rooster play a little game of Pool and you end up hustling him.
A/N: Your call sign is Hustle because you had tricked many people. This is also gender neutral. Also sorry if the pool is not the right rules or whatever I have never played pool before.
The minute Bradley walked into the Hard Deck he didn’t see any of his friends but he did see you alone at the pool table so he took his chance. A pretty person alone he just couldn’t pass up the opportunity.
You were at the pool table just hitting some balls well attempting to. When he came up to you “you know your supposed to hit the ball right” he chuckles “I know but I just can’t seem to hit it” you say flashing him a smile. “Here let me help you” he comes behind you and positions the stick “it’s like this” and you hit the ball smoothly and the striped ball went in. You squeal “thanks” he shrugs “no problem I’m Bradley” you take his hand “I’m Y/N” for a while you and Bradley play well mostly him showing you how to play.
His friends had walked in a little bit ago and saw you two. They just let it happen knowing exactly what was about to happen. Rooster needed to be knocked down a few pegs in their opinion.
“Here’s an idea how about we play a game you vs me? We can even bet on it” You say “I don’t think so I don’t want to cream you plus I’d feel bad taking your money” “oh come on please. If not money around of drinks” you beg. “Ok fine a round of drinks but only us two” he says “yay” and you two shake. “You break” he says setting it up. This was always one of your favourite parts they always let you break first. You give him a light smirk before breaking you shoot stripes and make it. You look over to Bradley who’s in shock “Lucky shot” you shake your head before making every shot after except for 2 and the eight ball. Bradley was shocked how was this possible “your up pretty boy” he shook walked up to the table and took his turn only making 1 in. You next turn you won “ok pretty boy I’ll take a Y/D” “no beginners luck again” you smirk time to earn some money “ok $50 and a round on you” “your on” and you two shook hands. "You can break first this time" You spot Phoenix in the growing crowd and wink. To which she just rolls her eyes at your antics. She knew from personal experience what was happening.
Rooster did better this round but you still killed him. "Pay up" you say holding your hand out. Rooster grumbled and handed you a $50, "Hey Rooster I see you met Hustle" Phoenix say coming and patting him on the back "Who?" "Hustle they are joining our division" you smirk "yep Y/N "Hustle" Y/LN at your service" "Oh great now I see where the name comes from" Rooster says "don't worry pal she's done it to all of us. Her first victim was Hangman I think he lost like $200" Coyote says coming up behind them joining the conversation. "But about that drink" You say giving Rooster a look "i'm going i'm going" and he leaves to your drink.
"hey Penny" "Rooster hey your usual?" "no not this time just Y/D" "ah got played by Y/N" he makes a face "How'd you know?" "I saw you two playing and that's their usual" he nods pays and hands you your drink. "Thank you kind sir and your tip" you say handing back the $50 "no you won that maybe not fair and square but it's yours" you shake your head "nope I always give the money back" he takes it "thanks" "no problem besides I just like hustling people for their reactions not their money" he nods and walks away to Phoenix. "Hey Hustle you actually buy that one or hustle it out of someone" you smirk "oh Bagman when was the last time I actually paid for my own drink" he smirked "so whose the loser who got played" "well he's not a loser, I think he's kinda cute and he's right over there" you say pointing "oh Bradshaw" and Rooster looked over. "You fell for good ole Hustles trick here" Rooster rolls his eyes not wanting to do this "yeah but sounds like you lost $200 I only lost $50" "go big or go home"
You say stepping in between the two men "ok ladies now there's enough room for all of us. Now come on Bradley you can tell me about your call sign and I promise I won't hustle you" Rooster nods and you two sit down next to Phoenix and Bob.
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honeybeedewdrops · 1 year
Remus Lupin Masterlist
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The Hogsmeade Trip | R.Lupin
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honeybeedewdrops · 1 year
The Hogsmeade Trip | R.Lupin
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Summary: The Marauders spot you in The Three Broomsticks and can't help themselves.
A/N: Y/H means your house.
You had many friends in Y/H but sometimes you found going to the three broomsticks and reading a fun time for a Hogsmeade trip instead.
You walk into the the Three Broomsticks and order a butterbeer. Sitting down at the bar and pulling out your book. Your butterbeer was placed in front of you and you smile and thank the barmaid before going back to your book. Many people came and went but you stayed enjoying the quiet but that didn't last long.
You look up and see the oh so famous Marauders. You knew them pretty well but who wouldn't. James Potter the main ring leader his parents knew your parents very well so they'd always be coming to your house or you going to theres. It also didn't help that you had a huge crush on Remus Lupin.
You went back to your book and sipped your butterbeer before James potter sat down next to you making you groan. "Fancy seeing you here Y/N" "is it? Is it really?" you asked annoyed "yeah we thought you'd be with your friends" Sirius says "Well-" "speaking of friends where is my Lily-pad" you roll your eyes "I don't know probably avoiding you" you say continuing to read your book but it was taken from your hands "hey give it back" you say getting up trying to take it from James but he held it above your head. "Now wait just a minute." "Ugh James Potter you give me back my book right now" you say jumping to get it "I will if you tell me where Lily is" You roll your eyes "I don't know where she is and even if I did why would I tell you" "oh come on now." "Seriously I don't" "please we all know you guys tell each other everything. Just tell me and i'll give you your book" he says waving it in your face making you sigh. "All they said was they were going to Honeydukes first. So try there" you say desperately trying to get your book back.
"Thanks Y/n your the best here's your book" James says handing it back to you "come on boys let's go get my girl" he says ruffling his hair and walking away but Remus stayed "Moony you coming?" Sirius asks but he shakes his head "Uh no I think i'm just going to enjoy a butterbeer and some time with Y/n here" You blush at his statement he wanted to spend time with you. They all shrug and leave. You smooth out the over of the book as James had bent the cover.
It was quiet before Remus spoke "I'm sorry about James. I told them not to disturb you" "It's ok James Potter has been a thorn in my side since we were babies, but in the end I know he'd always be there for me" Remus nods "he has a tendency to be like that" Remus mutters making you snort before it got quiet again.
"So Y/F/B do you like it?" you look up at Remus who had sometime ordered a Butter in between the boys leaving and now. "Yeah its one of my all time favourites" you say "I guess i'll have to read it. Would you let me barrow it sometime" you nod "yeah here you can read it now" You say closing the book and handing it to him "really?" you nod "yeah here" he smiles "thanks" "anytime. You're really the only person who shares my love for books that I can talk to. Lily likes them but she does not read nearly as much" Remus lets out a chuckle. You two spoke about books for hours before heading back up to the castle.
"thanks Remus I really enjoyed the rest of my day" "Yeah I had fun to" and you turned to head back up the stairs before Remus stopped you. "Y/N hey um.." he paused before taking a deep breath "would you want to go on the next Hogsmeade trip with me?" you blushed and looked down "I would love to" you said "goodnight Remus" "night Y/N"
About a week later Remus had given you your book back making you shocked he had finished it that fast. However it was refreshing to have someone to talk to it about.
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honeybeedewdrops · 1 year
The Doll House | J.Seresin
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Summary: Its Christmas Eve and Hangman is tasked with putting together the barbie dream house. Unfortunately for him it's a lot more work than he thought.
It's Christmas Eve and to be honest Christmas was on of your favourite holidays. The best part Santa now that you had kids you could make it just as magical as your parents did.
Your two boys Alex and Archie were already asleep now was your daughter she was a little more tough. "Mommy can you read to me?" she asks as you tuck her in "Of course" you say pulling a Christmas book from her shelf and begin to read. You finish up the book and kiss her goodnight "Mommy when's Santa coming?" "When you're asleep" "but I can't sleep" "well then Santa won't come" "what no he has to come" "then close your eyes and rest" she sighs and does but opens then right back up. "can you lay with me" you nod and stay with her rubbing circles and playing with her hair anything to get her to sleep.
You leave her room and head downstairs seeing it's 12:00am. "Ok she's finally asleep. So i'll start on the stockings and you can start building the small cars set up for the boys, then we'll finish up with the barbie dream house" "ok but once done with the cars set up i'll start the Barbie dream house" Jake said. You walk up to him "hmm it's a lot of pieces and very confusing are you sure you can handle it?" "Baby I can handle anything you throw at me" "If you're sure" You say leaving him to the cars track and Barbie dream house.
Jake put together the cars track in no time "Ok Barbie dream house lets get this done" Jake says getting out a knife and tearing the box opened. He pulls out the pieces and gets to work, about 10 minutes into building it he was letting out a stream of curse words. You walk into the living room and see Jake sitting on the floor getting very upset. You chuckle before walking over to him "I told you to wait" "Yeah well this shit is stupid" He says holding up a piece. You lean down and give him a kiss on the lips "how about you take a break for a second and then we'll get back to it" He sighs and rubs his face before getting up. You stand up with him and cuddle on the couch as well as making out a few times "ok you ready to finish this for our girl?" "ok let's go" and you both get to work.
"this is stupid. God damn the things we do" Jake says getting frustrated once again. "Ok take a chill pill" you say taking the instructions from him. "you sit" you say pointing at the couch. Jake sat on the couch and watched. "Ok" you say looking at the piece you were holding "what the shit is this" Jake just smirks but it falls as he watches you take apart all his hard work "what are you doing?" "This piece is wrong" and you take others and continue to build.
Soon you finished the doll house "How?" He asks shocked you chuckle "It was quite simple sometimes all you need is a little help" "But i'm the man i'm supposed to build things" He jokes "Shut up you fool we all know i'm the man of the house" "Oh really" he says coming after you. "Jake no stop" you squeal "Shhh don't wake the kids" he chuckles as you two kiss.
You break away "ok come on let's go to bed we need some sleep before the little grimlins are up" you say heading up to bed. You looked at the clock and see that its 2:30am. You sigh knowing it's going to be little sleep for you. If it weren't for the doll house then you'd probably be in bed sooner, but you knew it would be worth it to see your little girls face.
The next morning your kids were up at 6:00am and boy were you guys tired but the looks on your kids faces were amazing. Your kids were so excited and couldn't believe it. The look on your daughters face was priceless. You couldn't be happier, you had a wonderful family. "I love you" You say walking up to Jake and wrapping your arms around him "I love you too"
"Daddy come play" your daughter says dragging towards the house. "Ok ok i'm coming" You smile seeing your twins playing with their cars and your husband and daughter having the time of their lives.
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honeybeedewdrops · 2 years
Sunburn | P.Mitchell
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Summary: When Maverick comes home from playing dog fight football you can't help but laugh because he's all sun burnt.
You woke up to someone moving around the room "Mmmm Maverick" "hey honey go back to sleep i'm just off to work sorry for waking you" "what time is it?" you groan "uh 6:30" "ugh" you say turning over. "Just go back to sleep you have a couple more hours to sleep" you close your eyes but open them again sitting up "where you off to so early?" "beach i've got a new lesson plan." "Oh boy those pilots are in for a treat" "sure are besides team building" Maverick leans down planting a kiss on your lips.
"Love you" he says "Love you too. Now don't forget your sun block" "I won't" He says "Why don't I trust you?" "I promise I will put sun block on now I gotta go bye" and Maverick leaves.
You laid back down and closed your eyes, you thought about getting up but your body said no so you just laid there, soon sleep came over you. The next time you woke up the sun was high in the sky and it was 8:30. You got out of bed and showered before moving on to make some breakfast.
After breakfast your grabbed your purse and keys heading out to run some errands. You stopped at the grocery store first and got some stuff for the week. While driving down the street made you kinda miss this place but you for sure didn't miss the traffic. Normally you would walk but carrying a boat load of bags home not fun.
When you got home you put some groceries away before changing into some work out clothes. You went for a run and as you were running you thought about going to the beach but decided against it as you didn't want to ruin the team bonding.
Finally after what felt like forever you had a little time to sit down and watch something before Maverick would get home. So that's what you did somewhere down the road your eyes drooped and you fell asleep only to be awakened by the door opening and shutting. "Maverick is that you?" "yeah it's me Y/N" you got up and started walking to his voice.
as you walked the stairs and into your room you were shocked at what you saw.
There Maverick stood with his back to you which was bright red. You let out a snort. "babe did you put sunscreen on like I told you?" "Yes" "Really?" You say going right behind him "because your backs a little red" "well it's kinda hard to get my back alone now isn't it?" "You didn't ask for help?" "No" and he turned around. You burst out laughing "Oh honey you didn't put sunscreen on because your like a tomato" You say taking his face in your hands "Ok ok you caught me. No I didn't we were just having too much fun" he say. "I bet now shower up and once your done I have the perfect Solution" you say smacking his shoulder Maverick hisses in pain. "Oh shit i'm sorry babe" "Y/N" he whines "Oh be quiet besides I did remind you" you say walking out to get the aloe for when he's ready.
After Maverick's shower you spread the aloe all over his burnt skin. "mmm" you chuckle "does that feel good?" "yes" you finish up and for a while you two just cuddle deciding to just order take out instead of you cooking.
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honeybeedewdrops · 2 years
Lost Friends | P.2
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Summary: You are Mavericks kid and had a falling out with Bradley when Maverick pulled his papers. Years later you meet up again at The Hard Deck.
Part One
You walked out onto the beach blowing out a puff of air who does he think he is saying sorry.
You sat on the beach looking out as the sun went down. The memories flashed through your mind. Bradley driving you to school, late night stops for food, but what stood out most was the day you realised you had a crush on him. It was just after your 12th birthday and Bradley came home from training and god you just fell in love. The next year you never heard or saw him again.
You felt the sand dip next to you. You looked up and saw Penny. “Sorry for walking out like that…” she shakes her head “no no it’s ok I understand. For what it’s worth he watched you leave, he looked…sad” you huff. “Sad..sad Penny he can’t be sad because he needs to remember he’s the one that walked out” “look, he watched you walk out and there was this look in his face like he missed you” you rolled your eyes. “Missed me yeah right” “Just maybe talk to him” Penny stands up. “Penny” “nope don’t want to hear. Now you take the rest of the night off I’ve got it covered” she walks away. You stay on the beach a little longer before getting up and heading home.
As Bradley left the bar he saw you sitting on the beach. It took everything in him to not walk over to you. Instead he got in his car and took a breath, he really did regret not saying goodbye.
Over the course of the week you worked and every afternoon you saw Bradley. You avoided him at all costs Penny would always shoot you a look but you ignored her. She’d always take his order and a couple of times you’d hear her apologies to him.
Eventually your dad caught on and questioned you “hey what’s going on with you and Bradley, Penny tells me your avoiding him” “yes but it’s nothing” “nothing? Really?” “Yes really” but maverick didn’t believe but he knew better than to push you. “Ok I won’t push but one day you’ll tell me” “shut up” you say and start eating dinner.
“So how’s that love life of yours coming?” Penny asks “just fine” you say “just fine really? When was the last time you had a date?” “Uhhh…” “see” “oh yeah and what about you huh” “I’ll have you know that your dad and I” “wait I forgot about him. Shut up” you say covering your ears. “Stop. Stop. I’ll spare you the details” Penny says pulling at your hands. “But put yourself out there.” You knew that look, it's the same look she gives when she wants you to talk to Bradley.
The like clock work the pilots walked in “hey look it’s lover man” Penny motions to Bradley. “Stop he does not have a crush on me” Penny laughs “Honey no man looks at you like that and not love you” “Penny stop” you say pulling your apron off. “Ok fine but I see it your eye you love him” that makes you blush. “Whatever” “get out of here” Penny says and you leave giving your dad a hug and a kiss on the cheek on your way out.
Hangman whistles as you “looking good Y/N” “Kiss my ass Hangman” “anytime” he says. You turn back to the door and walk out but not before flipping Hangman off earning a lot of snickers from the others.
It was a Friday night and you had the night off, well you have had the last 3 Fridays off but you were sure it was Penny’s way of saying go get a date.
However here you were eating ice cream watching chick flicks. Just as you were about to start the next movie your door bell rang. “Ugh who is that” you groan and get up. You open the door and there stood Bradley.
“Hey—“ he starts but you start to close the door. “Y/N please stop just listen” “what?” “I’m sorry I left you truly I am. I was pissed off at your dad he had pulled my papers and everything to do with him pissed me off.” Wait pulled his papers you didn’t know that. “I’m so sorry. I know it must have been hard” “Bradley stop just stop” “no I need to get this out. Your dad said that he never told you he pulled my papers. Every day I regretted the way I walked out and never talked to you again. I didn’t realise it then but I do now, Y/N I like you hell I love you”
You were speechless “Y/N say something” but you don’t so he turns to leave. “y-y-you loved me” “not loved, love. I love you Y/N” tears were falling from his face. You thought about it you were sure going to regret this later. “Do you want to maybe uh come in and talk about it” Bradley nods “yes I’d like that” “how’d you get my address anyway” “uhh private source?” “Penny gave it to you?” “Yeah” “I’m gonna kill her” you say and Bradley followed you in.
In the end you and Bradley stayed friends but ended up dating a few weeks later. When your dad found out he was a bit mad but what can he do nothing you're an adult. He was happy that it was a man he knew and trusted with his life but he’d never admit that out loud. A few years after you and Bradley started dating you got married and eventually had three kids.
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honeybeedewdrops · 2 years
Drunk | B.Floyd
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Summary: Your drunk and are a bit clingy to Bob
Normally for a drink you'd all go to the Hard Deck but Hangman wanted to spice it up and so you all went to a club. "Come on Phoenix let's go do shots" you say and pull her away from the group to the bar. Phoenix gives the group a pleading look because she knows how much you drink when you can. The group chuckles Hangman, Rooster, and Coyote go on the dance floor and see if they can pick up some ladies. Fanboy and Payback goes god knows where leaving Bob alone who just sits down at a booth ordering a water.
about an hour later you were drunk off your ass "ok I am cutting you off" Phoenix says "Noooo" you whine. "yes now come on" and she drags you over to Bob you giggle. "Here Bob watch em I'm going to the bathroom" and she sets you down and you grab onto Bob's arm "Hey Bobby your looking mighty fine tonight. Can you buy me a drink" "oh yeah sure" "No Bob no more drinks for her" and Phoenix walks away "she's no fun" "Phoenix is fun" "Mmm hey we should go dancing" you say stroking his hair "dancing?" "yeah come on" and you pull him up on to the dance floor and dancing very badly.
Bob just stood there "come on Bob dance" and you grab his hand and moving it. You dance with Bob for a while before you started to get tired "let's go sit down i'm tired" you moan and take his hand and start leading him to the table where you say your friends. "Ahh Rooster" you say letting go of Bob and throwing yourself on him. "Yeah hi" and he looks to bob for help "she had a bit too much to drink" "I have not" you say letting go of Rooster and going back to Bob.
You lean on him and your eyes start to droop "Tired?" you nod "yeah" "ok i'll take you home" "but I don't wanna go" he chuckles "come on" and helps you stand "bye guys" you say and walk to Bob's car.
"where are your keys?" Bob asks "Pocket" he grabs them and brings you in. You walk in and make your way to your room "come on pretty boy" and Bob follows you. Once in your room you get undressed and search for Pj's "woah" and Bob closes his eyes "It's ok Bobby you can look" "no i'm good" and you finish getting dressed now a bit more sober.
You climb into bed and Bob turns to leave "No stay" you say grabbing his arm. "Y/n" "Bob come cuddle" you say begging he sighs and climbs into the bed. He's on the edge of the bed "Closer" and he scoots closer and you latch onto him "mmmm better. Goodnight Bob I love you" "what" he says shocked but you were already asleep.
The next morning you woke up with a wicked headace "ugh" you groan. You turn over and hit something making you let out a scream "what, what i'm up" "oh Bob it's just you" "yeah it's me" he says rubbing his neck "not to sounds rude but why are you in my bed" "Oh um last night you got drunk and asked me to cuddle" you groan "no i'm sorry Bob" "It's ok" "I didn't do anything stupid did i?" "Not that I know of" you nod "good well i'm going to shower your welcome to shower after me" "Nah i'm good i'm just going to go home" "Ok thanks Bob for you know looking out for me" he smiles "anytime" and he leaves with one thing on his mind.
Did you really love him.
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honeybeedewdrops · 2 years
Wedding Bells | B.Bradshaw
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Summary: You and Bradley are getting married
When Rooster first laid eyes on you he knew you were the one.
So here you sat all dressed in white the nerves really kicking in. "Nervous?" Phoenix asks walking in with your mum and two best friends. "Yes it's kicking in now" "Don't be nervous you'll be just fine" your mom says doing some last minute touch ups of your hair. "Easy for you to say mum you're really confident and love the attention plus you had a small wedding" You say "Honey relax" "but what if I trip or forget what i want to say or fumble my words" "Just speak from the heart if you forget and you won't trip you've walked in these heels millions of times" your best friend says. "Besides Rooster will probably fumble more than you. Oh man I can't wait to see Rooster cry." Phoenix says "How do you know he will cry"
"Honey all men cry at their weddings" you mum says making you roll your eyes. "Ok all done now come on let me see you" your mum says and you stand up "You look beautiful my baby all grown up" and she starts crying "mum come on the wedding hasn't even started" "I know I know but I can't help it" "Hello! Knock knock." and your dad walks in "Hey dad" and he takes one look at you "darling you look beautiful" and he kisses your cheek "thanks dad" "ok ladies time to go" your dad says ushering them out. Phoenix sends you a wink before leaving last. Your dad turns to you "i'm so proud of you" he says "why are you proud?" "Because you've turned into this beautiful young lady and I have to let you go" "dad i'm not dying" you chuckle "I know now come on I can hear the bells" you grab his arm and walk out the door.
The familiar tune of here comes the bride comes on and you start walking down. You make eye contact with Rooster and he look dashing and you could already see him dabbing at his eyes making you think back to Phoenix's comment.
Here you stand in front of Bradley and it felt amazing. When it came time for the vows when Rooster spoke you got a bit teary eyed and he did get a bit choked up. when your turn came you were a mess and ended up forgetting what you were going to say so you spoke from the heart.
Bradley, do you take Y/n to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?
I do
Y/n, do you take Bradley to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honour and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?
I do.
And you both kiss and you felt yourself falling in love all over again.
After the wedding was the reception and it was a ball of fun. Starting with eating Y/F/F and some embarrassing stories.
"Gather round all time for the toss" you yell and all the ladies lines up. You toss it and to your surprise Phoenix caught it. Watching her race after Hangman was so funny he sprinted away like his life depended on it.
At the end of the night you and Rooster were off to the airport for your honeymoon which was going to be in Greece a place you've always wanted to visit. Ridding off into the sunset in Bradley's bronco made you think back to you first date.
"what?" He asks looking at your smile "I love you soo much" "I love you too"
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honeybeedewdrops · 2 years
Cookies | P.Mitchell
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Summary: You're making cookies and Maverick comes home and just won't keep his hands out of the cookie dough.
On your days off you usually cleaned the house or baked and today was one of those baking days.
You turned on some music before getting out all the ingredients and started putting them all together to make your oh so famous chocolate chip cookies.
While you had a batch of cookies in the oven you sang and danced placing new dough on the cookie sheets. You spun around and jumped seeing Maverick smiling at you. "Hey you when did you get home" "about 5 minutes ago" "and you didn't say hi or anything" "Nope you were putting on quite the show" "Oh shut up" you say and Maverick walks over to you.
He holds his arms out and starts walking towards you. You wrap your arms around him but he doesn't hug you his fingers are in the cookie dough. "Hey I thought you wanted a hug get your crusty ass fingers out of my dough" you say pulling the dough away from him.
"but it's so good" "Yeah well if you eat the dough then we won't have any cookies" you say going to the oven and taking out the cookies before putting in another batch and setting the timer. You turn back around and Maverick has his hand in the cookie dough. "MAVERICK!" he jumps back "I wasn't doing anything" He says "Yeah right now go wash up" "Fine" and he leaves.
You hum and continue the baking after cooking one more batch you just needed to put the dough on the sheet. You turn back around and see the bowl of cookie dough gone. "Maverick" you call no answer "Maverick I know you have the rest of the cookie dough give it back" god he was such a child you think.
You find Maverick with the bowl on the couch and a spoon "Maverick give it" "No I don't think so" "your really going to argue with me over a bowl" you say "Yep" "your such a child" "No i'm not" he says taking another spoon full of cookie dough "Give it back Mav" "If you want it come and get me" and he takes off down the hall you hot on his tail.
"babe get back here" you say chasing him all around the house. You were in the kitchen and you had cornered him. "Mav seriously stop eating it it's not good for you" "But it's so good" you then smelled something burning "Shit no" you cure totally forgetting about the cookies in the oven already. You race to the oven pulling them out "No look now they're burned" You pout. "They're still good see" Maverick says taking one "wait--" and he takes a bite but spits it out immediately "Hot hot" he says running to the sink and taking big gulps. "Babe are you ok?" "i'm fine just those were hot" "yeah i tried to warn you. Do I need to kiss you to make you feel better?" "yes" you chuckle giving him a quick peck before grabbing the cookie dough and finished off the cookies.
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honeybeedewdrops · 2 years
Ranting | B.Floyd
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Summary: You love the show stranger things and after a long day Bob just lays there watching you Rant on about the show.
Just like every other night you sat on the couch waiting for Bob to get home. As soon as you heard the car pull up and jingle of keys you squealed Bob was finally home.
"hey cupcake" he said placing his stuff down and coming to lay in between your legs. "Hey" you say running your hands through his hair. "you hungry?" "No I had a late lunch. Now tell me about your show" "really?" you say "Yeah it calms me your voice" "Ok so there's these 4 boys who play DnD in one of their basements his name is Mike and one of them goes missing his name is Will"
Bob zones out listening to you rant your voice relaxing him. He watched as you had such a spark in your eyes and used you hands explaining so much more, it made him smile seeing how passionate you were about this show. Most people would think it's dumb but Bob finds it so hot. His grin gets wider and you notice he's not really paying attention anymore.
"What?" you question "Nothing you just get so happy and the way your face lights up it reminds me of when I come home from a mission and sometimes just coming home" You blush "Stop your making me blush, besides I miss you too much every time you leave I get lonely." "well I won't be going anywhere time soon " "good" you say and kiss him. "Besides we can get you a cat" "No" "why no" "Babe I can't take care of a cat were both so busy" "Aw but to come home to you and the cat snuggled up on the couch would be so cute" you shake your head "Sorry bubs no cat and plus animals are expensive i'll tell you what when we actually want to start a family we can start with a cat and then kids" He smiles "deal"
"now how about instead of me explaining the show we can just watch it" you say "but then I don't get to hear your voice" Bob complains "well 4 seasons is way to many words and not to mention the details it's too much" "ok i'll watch it but not tonight I want to keep hearing your voice tell me about your day" He says "ok well I read, cleaned, and cooked so the usual" He chuckles "sounds boring but I love you" You smile "I am not boring" "Never said you were" "yeah but you implied it" He rolls his eyes "none the less I love you too now let's go to bed I can practically see the sleep radiating off you" "ok but cuddle after" "always"
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honeybeedewdrops · 2 years
The Tattoo | Top Gun Maverick
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Summary: You have some tattoo's that no one knows about until they see them and can't help but be curious.
A/N: This was requested by @itzyogurl92 and they wanted one where the reader has a tattoo no one knows about and when they find out they all have questions. If you wanted some specific I can re write it. Also Y/P means Your pet.
The first time Phoenix saw the tattoo on your back was after training. while in the locker room you were changing and she saw the humming bird. "Hey Y/N" you turn around "Yes?" "oh nothing have a good night" she stopped because didn't want to pry. "Thanks you too Phoenix" and she was then left wondering.
Like any other day you all went down to the Hard Deck for drinks. You all stood around the pool table having some good jokes when your drink was running so you get up to get a new one. Then all of a sudden someone crashed into you spilling the liquid all over you. "I am so sorry" The person apologies "uh it's all good" you say pulling your jacket and shirt off. You hear whistles from the guys making you glare at them. "Can I buy you a drink" the person asks "no really it's ok" "dry cleaning?" "I'm fine and I can do the cleaning myself" "I am sorry" and the person walks away. Not in the mood for another drink you go back to the group.
"Get hold up somewhere?" Hangman jokes "hardy har har" You say placing you jacket and shirt down. "Woah Y/CS when did you get that Tattoo" Coyote asks. You freeze "Oh that I got when I was 23 think" "did it hurt?" Bob asks "Oh sweet Bob no it did not I actually fell asleep in the chair" "You feel asleep?" Bob freaks "yeah it was a long day" you say.
"What does it mean" Rooster asks "to everyone Humming birds mean different things. Like some people think it's a signal of rebirth or overcoming and joyful. but to me it means Hope, Good luck, and Determination."
"that's dope" Phoenix says "Yeah thanks however it is not my first" "You have more?" "yeah 3 more. My first is on my ankle I have the date I graduated from Top Gun with a little jet" you say pulling up your pant leg and pulling down your sock showing them. "And then for my parents I have a little Elephants hooking trunks on my ribs and lastly a matching 2 little stars with my sister on my collar bone"
"that's cool" Bob says "Cool? I say that's badass" Hangman says admiring your tattoo's "Yeah makes me want to get one" Rooster says "I say go for it but remember they are on your body forever" "Unless you get them removed" "Yeah but hurts way more" Fanboy says. I nod "so you going to get more" "yeah later down the road but I don't know what yet" "Maybe do something to do with your callsign" Phoenix suggests "Maybe but I already have something to do with the navy maybe my next one will be for my Y/P" You say "Y/P? Hangman asks "yeah I love them besides maybe i'll get a random one could be fun"
"now enough about me you guys got any ink?" they all shake their heads (Idk i'm sure they do but for the point of the story they don't) "oo it could be so fun if we all get tattoo's my guys he's amazing he did all of them except the one for my parents" You say "oh and Phoenix you could get a small phoenix in fact pretty much all of you could" "woah slow your roll Y/N I don't think all of us want to get a tattoo right now" you shrug "worth a shot besides I didn't mean right now, but if any of you are down to get a tattoo sign me up" you say getting ready to call it a night.
"hey all you tattoo's a dope as hell I have to say the Hummingbird is my favourite. you smile "Thanks Phoenix" and you walked out of the bar into the night.
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honeybeedewdrops · 2 years
Welcome Home Kicks | B.Bradshaw
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Summary: Lately your baby has been kicking more anytime you'd mention Rooster and when Bradley comes home your baby kicks even more.
A/N: Hey guys thanks for all the follows up next post will be on Sunday I hope, Both posts will be requests. Also Posting some more Smut fics soon if you're interested.
Being five months pregnant was hard but it was even more hard with your husband away on a mission.
You woke up to being kicked you groan as you look at the clock 6:30 am. You sigh and get up "come dude I just want to sleep past 7" you start the shower and step in. You felt yourself relax as the water hit your muscles. You wash your hair and body before getting out of the shower and cleaning the house because Bradley was coming home today. You did some laundry and vacuuming before moving to the kitchen.
After a load of dishes you were tired so you sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. "you are for sure giving me a run for my money and i'm only half way through" you say rubbing your stomach. "But Daddy's coming home today i've missed him" that get's a kick "I already know it your going to be a daddy's boy" You say before closing your eyes.
You woke up and saw it was 2:30 "Huh I guess it's time to welcome Rooster home" the door bell rings "just a minute" you call slowly making your way to the door. You open it and Penny stood there "hey there you ready?" "yep and so is this little guy he's been non stop kicking" "well let's go don't want to be late" You nod and she helps you in the car.
The closer you got the less you could sit still the excitement was too much. You get out of the car and wait watching the plane land. "Daddy's coming" you whisper.
You see him step off the plane and your heart rate increases just seeing him. He spots you and smiles walking right up to you "hey honey i've missed you so much" and he kisses you "I've missed you too. It was too long" "I know i'm sorry but how's the little guy" he asks leaning down to kiss your stomach "Missing you too he kicked me way to much. Oh and speaking of which" You say as he kicks you just below the rib making you hiss.
You place Rooster's hand where he was kicking "he knows your home" "Yeah and he better stop giving his mother a hard time" You chuckle at his words "I said he's definitely gonna be a daddy's boy" "Is he now" "yep" "well I take pride in that. I'll be the favourite parent" you scuff "yeah right i'm going to be the favourite parent" "well see about that" and he starts walking to Penny's car holding your hand.
"Hey Penny it's good to see you. Thanks for pick me up and driving Y/N" "It's no problem but it's good to see you home" she says "I'm glad to be home" You and Rooster sat in the back. You laid on Roosters shoulder happy to have him back in your arms.
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