Thinking about the hope/despair Vampire AU again, because like...
Just to recap, the blood of especially despairful humans increases the appetite, and the blood of especially hopeful humans causes the vampire to find only hopeful blood palatable. And the more hopeful or despairful the human, the more true this becomes.
Besides his many talents and the innate enhanced abilities that come with being a vampire, Izuru is particularly dangerous because he has an extreme appetite. Junko had him drink her blood, and because she is extremely despairful, Izuru's appetite became very difficult to satisfy.
This means that, pragmatically, Izuru should never drink Makoto's blood. For someone with such an insatiable appetite to then have his taste narrowed to not just hopeful blood, but the most hopeful blood, would pretty much put them in a situation where Makoto is one of the very few people whose blood appeals to him, and he wants to drink all of it.
If Kamuegi happens in this AU, it's probably a situation where Izuru deliberately avoids drinking Makoto's blood because he knows how dangerous it would be, but then something happens where Izuru will die if he doesn't get human blood right away, and Makoto is the only one who can provide it, so we end up with an Edward Cullen "Will Izuru's love for Makoto help him to stop drinking before he kills him?" scenario, and then they have to deal with the fallout.
Or, maybe initially Izuru tracks down Makoto because he already has an unmanageable preference for hopeful blood from draining Chiaki dry a long time ago, and their relationship forms on a foundation of Izuru planning to keep Makoto for his blood and carefully ration himself so he doesn't kill him. (Like, drain ten normal people and then just a pint of Naegi for dessert.)
Just imagining Nagito captured Makoto and his friends first, for their hopeful company and their hopeful blood, and then Izuru came in like "I'm stealing your prisoners. And your house."
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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Okay, the trans headcanons are like... one of the only level 4 stuff I can get behind. Because why not!! If someone wants to project onto their fave, who am I to stop them?
This also leads into more "obscure" disorder headcanons, which I can also understand from the projecting standpoint!!
But if people just pull demeaning stuff out of their ass that destroy the pre-established character entirely... that's not good!
For example, erasing his dementia and cancer for the sake of him living longer. Or having him fully heal from a few sessions of therapy. Or act completely normally because he's in therapy and ignoring that his brain is decaying and literally KILLING his ability to think rationally AND all of his trauma AND luck that's preventing him from living a normal life
Sigh. I am very passionate about him
And Izuru but that's another topic
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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wait you can’t just say that and not expect me to go insane
can you draw me transfem Izuru 😔🙏 /nf
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here you go, took forever to draw all my flowers 😭
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Regarding the opinion that Nagito is a relatable character, I totally agree! He is very contradictory, but that makes him relatable. I think the reason he was looking for something absolute was because he didn't want to get hurt emotionally. I really like the following part of the line he says at Nagito's ending of Island Mode, and it made a strong impression on me:
I thought I would finally be released from the cycle of good and bad luck, but I was clinging to false hope...
(I took this quote from the Danganronpa fandom wiki, so I'm not sure if this is the exact line in the Englsih version).
I didn't pay attention to that line the first time I played the game, and for a while I even forgot he said it. But when I replayed DR2 from the beginning and reached that ending again, I was really surprised because this line reveals his honest feelings quite well. I think that he said things like "luck is an absolute good thing" in the Free Time Events, and even seemed to be proud of his talent, but in reality he felt that his life, being at the mercy of bad luck and good luck, was painful. (Since he says "finally be released".) In other words, you can see here that he has an ordinary mind, at least originally.
He had to think that his life was very happy to protect his heart. In reality, he felt that his life was a mess and not going well. Thinking about that makes me really sad, but that is the line he says just before he asks Hajime to be his friend, and Hajime immediately accepted, so I hope he feels happy to be able to enjoy the ordinary moment of spending time with someone he likes for the first time!
Hi Asaka!!! :D yes that's the exact line in the english translation don't worry!
Nagito is such a complex and wonderful character, he is the result of horrible circumstances and horrible continuous tragedies. He clings onto his coping mechanism to have something to live for, and I think to some degree he's aware his life is quite miserable. He cares about his life but has developed in a way where he doesn't have to think about things like anyone else would, and in turn these coping mechanisms became unhealthy, obsessive, and causes him to act morally gray for the sake of so called hope.
I really do love that line because it really does show he acknowledges there that it is a horrible cycle! Usually he wouldn't come to terms with that exactly. Any time anything bad happens he knows good luck for him will strike again, he knows hope surely will happen soon, so he lives on. When good things happen he's scared of the bad luck ahead but appreciative of the moment, and especially if the good is hope he's thrilled because it's what he lives for at that point.
I think he hates his talent and doesn't see it as worth anything because it has killed everyone he's ever loved, but I also think at points he takes pride in it since it's the main thing he can say he has. He thinks he's worthless, but at least he's the ultimate lucky student, right? I think he believes that If he doesn't even live up to his awful talent then he's even more worthless than before. He truly can believe in his luck as the only thing occasionally valuable about himself, but even then he thinks it isn't that good.
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He's good at hiding his emotions for the most part when they aren't so extreme, and he has become partially emotionally numb to some extreme situations. But what I love is that, you still can tell when you analyze him enough how he thinks and feels. He's an honest person and even when he lies his emotions shine through if big enough or something usually spills out. One of the examples I spotted today when replaying and loved is when he starts to get really nervous after lying to Hajime so much when investigating.
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I think Nagito Komaeda is so relatable because he just feels so human, if that makes sense. His depth is really well done, the world and his coping mechanisms are unhinged but he himself emotionally feels real. We see him use coping mechanisms, have love languages, fear dying alone, be emotionally contradictory, go through struggles and trauma, see the impacts of said trauma, see him have complex beliefs, see him having an honest kindhearted personality, have good intentions while doing the wrong thing, have self esteem issues, have tonal issues, he is just so well written that I could list things that contribute to his depth forever. There is so much that makes him feel human, a lot of it is apart of the universal human experience, while other things are a lot more specific since it's fantasy. The thought of Nagito recovering, being able to finally live the ordinary life he's always wanted after everything, being loved, and not dying alone makes me so happy.
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i figured i would ask u bc ur the designated nagito komaeda blogger in my mind and probably have a better handle on his character than i do. but i was talking w my gf about how like??? silly he was during the tragedy??? i havent touched ultra despair girls in a hot ass minute but like. comparatively to everyone else i feel like he was kinda like. just hanging around ?? i was wondering if u could kind of provide insight as to Why he was acting the way he was at that point?? and how he had changed from before the tragedy. ?? :3 thanks in advance and sorry if uve already spoken abt this haha
OKAY, HI!!!! So, I think there's some of this lightly touched upon in my very somewhat older post on my opinion on servant since I think he's one of the better aspects of Udg! Otherwise your question is pretty specific and I'd be happy to thoroughly answer it. :)
Nagito's pretty silly as a despair I have to agree, for the most part though his influence shouldn't be understated.
What makes Nagito different as a despair is that normally he has a limit to how far he'll go, he obviously at both points believes anything is okay for hope though. He absolutely hates Despair but views it as a NECESSARY thing for Hope to happen, this is consistent but as a despair we see he's willing to become despair himself to cause hope to happen. He's the reason Komaru is there at all since he believes she may be like his brother and have a potential talent, or hope, inside of her like her brother did. He helps the warriors of hope with Despair and brings an element that may cause Hope so the despair turns into hope in the end. He doesn't find himself worthy and, of course, as usual is doing things from the sidelines. He appears to be a "servant" but he's the most in control of things only second to Monaca. That's a reason I actually do enjoy the "servant," aspect of his appearance here.
Servant is Nagito's absolute beliefs and coping mechanism pulled to its utmost disgusting and extreme. And it's interesting because the killing game ITSELF is impacted by this leading to his worst mentally. He's disgusted by the despair later on reading the file, his classmates being terrorists, him resorting to being despair himself, he hates it. The Nagito we see in the killing game hasn't developed the love hate relationship for Junko yet and is disgusted by all of it.
Basically, Nagito beforehand hates despair but thinks it's necessary for Hope so it has a valid reason to exist. Servant can wrap his head around loving despair and actively is okay serving for it himself all in the name of hope, and when that leans into the gaslit love for Junko it's so at fundamental odds with himself that he goes spiraling thinking about it. The main difference is how he's more willing to cause or assist Despair for the Hope himself and things being warped to the point where he "loves" Junko. His mind is warped into not hating Junko and he's more willing to actively love and serve Despair in the name of Hope.
Hope (hah) this helps! If you have any more questions let me know, I'm honored to be your designated Nagito Komaeda blogger and thank you for your ask!!! <3
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I talked about it in this post in terms of him dealing with socializing and interpersonal relationships!
It always bothers me a bit when Izuru is portrayed as someone who is completely devoid of any emotion, because it’s just not true.
He is perfectly capable of feeling hatred and contempt. All he talks about in his introduction is how much he loathes everyone he considers inferior, that the masses must be subjugated and ruled over in order to “fix” the rotten world that caters to “worthless” (read: ordinary) people. He is bored, yes, but he is also really fucking angry. And I wish more people would talk about this aspect of his character because for me that’s the most interesting part.
I suppose this could just be the result of Danganronpa 3 deciding that the people who caused the goddamn apocalypse aren’t allowed to be portrayed negatively in any way, so they turned Izuru from a fascist who murdered 14 teenagers into someone who just stands around passively while things happen around him.
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Hello Asaka! :D
I can't read Japanese but I know you can, I was wondering if you could translate Nagito's Student File? I've seen a few translations of it, and from those I know It's confirmation he was Lying ABOUT Lying in his free time events. Which makes me happy since me and many have already gathered that from context clues, but to have confirmation about something so theorized about is really helpful. But I was wondering if you could translate it since I've only seen rough translations, I trust your judgment since you're very skilled at both languages!
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If it's too much of a hassle to translate I apologize and you can ignore my ask! 😅Thanks for everything!💕
Hi Zen! 😃 Ohh, this is interesting. I never really read what is written here. Alright! To make it easy to see which part is a translation of which part, I will write the translation for each sentence:
The 77th students were chosen through a rigorous lottery process, a super high school level good luck.
数多の偶発的な事件に巻き込まれては、 その果てに才能の恩恵とも言える幸運な出来事を体験している。
He has been involved in numerous accidental incidents, and at the end of them, he has experienced lucky events that could be called as the benefits of his talent.
One of the most notable incidents was a hijacking that took place when he was a junior high school student.
---------- 彼と彼の家族が乗り込んだ飛行機がハイジャック犯により襲撃を受けた。
The plane he and his family were boarding was attacked by hijackers*.
(* I translated it in the plural form, but since the Japanese language tends not to specify whether the subject is plural or not, it is not possible to tell from the original text whether there was one or more people who hijacked the plane.)
---------- その飛行機に拳大の隕石が墜落し、彼の両親とハイジャック犯は死亡。
A fist-sized meteorite crashed into the plane, killing his parents and the hijackers.
With his family gone*, he was left with an enormous inheritance and freedom.
(* It is not clear from the original text how far "身寄りがない" extends. It can be translated as having "no relatives", but even if some relatives are still alive, if they do not take care of him, the situation is included in "身寄りがない", because this word means something like there is no place to rely on. So I am not sure to what extent Nagito's relatives are still alive, translated that as his family, which is definitely deceased, is gone.)
この事件を彼がどのように認識しているか定かではないが、 しかし彼が抽選に選ばれたのは、ある種の必然であると考える事ができるだろう。
How he perceives this incident is not certain, but his selection for the lottery could be seen as a kind of inevitability.
Maybe it's something like this! I hope this translation is helpful to you! :D
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hopefilledramblings · 10 days
Cool post!! the misconception people make about this scene here is in the same vein as "Izuru is emotionless and cold and blah blah" because people love to water him down to edgy emo overlord apathy 100 like... okay man you just didn't play/watch the same fucking thing
(In SDR2, he literally states directly to the viewer that he FEELS excited. So people who say otherwise...💀)
Tldr Izuru can feel things and only felt so strongly because he *knows* Chiaki is supposed to be important but he *can't* remember her, and she literally dies in front of him, so he gets SAD!!! yes he's apathetic but that's GENERALLY SPEAKING. He can and will feel things, it just doesn't show often because he's usually bored and can predict what goes on around him. The DIFFERENCE is that he isn't good with interpersonal relationships!!!! He can't navigate conversations in the same way as other people and that's like. Super interesting to me
In DR:S, he literally just. Waits for Aoi to run out of things to say to him💀 he said talking was boring but didn't walk away from her because of his constant impulse to serve and obey other people
And in SDR2 Ch. 0, he doesn't know how to really manage what he's feeling but understands the inevitability of boredom
It's cool!!! Silly guy doesn't know how to regulate his emotions, but he's also super logical and whatnot
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hopefilledramblings · 12 days
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*my fannon about his childhood
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hopefilledramblings · 15 days
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yass queen???? or smth???????
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hopefilledramblings · 20 days
just wanted to let you know i edited my rb of your post and sanitized out majority of the explicitly nsfw langauge and added some cw tags. no hard feelings i hope
No hard feelings at all! Thank you for understanding ^^
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hopefilledramblings · 20 days
Haha, hey, I'd prefer if you didn't talk about nsfw stuff on my blog since I'm a minor, but I do agree that the dynamic would work that way! Thank you for adding onto it, just don't talk about nsfw in the future please ^^;
I hate fanon kamukoma. I hateeeee it. I love kamukoma (especially non-despair) in general!! But fanon. Man.
Izuru would not want to control another person. That's what HE is meant for!! He's the one that's supposed to be controlled, not Nagito.
Nagito is "Servant" because he serves despair, and therefore hope, but really, he's always pulling the strings (see UDG). He's aware that he literally set up a death island for one (1) girl. How would he completely let go and allow someone else, especially someone with no ambitions, to control him?
He isn't like that. Yes, he's willing to give himself to hope. But even if Izuru is meant to embody hope, he doesn't, and Nagito would easily recognize that. He's a false hope. He's a tool for others to use, and he was used for despair. He's not TRUE hope.
In the scenario where the two DO end up together, it would be incredibly one-sided. Nagito would try to use Izuru just as Junko did, but now for the sake of hope. Izuru, being the apathetic one who believes he IS a tool, would simply go along with it.
This thread really explains what I mean in words better than what I can come up with and explores the hypotheticals of a relationship they could have had in canon.
However!! I'd like to share my idea of them in non-despair. Specifically an au where they both attend Hope's Peak.
In canon, Hajime and Nagito are meant to be very intertwined, especially on Nagito's side of things when it comes to him healing.
When we push away the entirety of despair, as well as Hajime's identity, things are a lot harder to work with, but it's not impossible.
Izuru, fresh out of the lobotomy and training, is disinterested in everything as usual. He sees no purpose in life and considers everything useless and boring. Nagito, however, sees meaning in hope and despair and the Ultimates' ability to overcome harsh despair. He sees a chance for Izuru, if only he'd just believe in something.
So, Nagito goes about trying different methods to motivate Izuru to make him see light in his life. He believes in Izuru and the talent he has (not knowing that it's synthetic). In return, Izuru points out the flaws in Nagito's ways of thinking, making him start to question himself and his beliefs. He's faced with someone who has near infinite knowledge, after all. But still, he keeps pushing.
Eventually, Nagito would press the right button and manage to excite Izuru. Using this event, he tries again and again, guiding him to the path of hope. Making him see things the way he does, to an extent.
Yes, Izuru is technically still being used here, but in a much healthier context than canon. If given enough work, it can become MUTUALLY healing for them. Maybe Izuru's subservient nature would want to do things in return for Nagito by helping him get out of his flawed mindset.
Their dynamic is incredibly interesting, and I wish it would be explored more... not just watered down to servant x God.
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hopefilledramblings · 21 days
do you ever think about how nagito literally offers himself up to be murdered and no one takes him up on that offer. like everyone on that island doesnt like him (sad) and hes very much down to die (also sad) and even help plan it out and people go around and kill everyone but the guy that made himself the easy target like ????? like it makes sense, hes an importaint character, hes the foil he cant just Die and iirc everyone has motives to murder the specific people they did but its also a little funny to think about lol. they saw this guy saying he'll literally help them murder him and went nah let me kill someone else and make it harder to hide it was me actually lmao
HONESTLY LMFAO THAT IS SO TRUE😭 he literally gave himself up on a silver platter his worldview has him be morally gray and he thinks he's worthless so he is perfectly fine with dying if it's for the sake of what he believes is hope since ANYTHING is okay if it's for hope to him and they just... they don't even bother with him... haha!!! Same comedy goes for Genocider Sho where the literal serial killer didn't kill anybody loll!
It's a little funny Nagito's like the only guy who's genuinely upset he wasn't killed and then eventually he's the one to cause his own death like oh... oh honey... guys Nagito maybe a little messed up actually...
My love for Hajime and Nagito's character always has me thinking about how Nagito in his last free time event hoped Hajime specifically would kill him so he could create beautiful hope because he truly believed that Hajime more than anyone else would he able to create wonderful hope since Nagito's so fond of Hajime and spent time with "scum" like him.
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hopefilledramblings · 21 days
playing through SDR2 again and noticed this line
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it seems weirdly phrased, like, “on a side note”?
could it be Hinata feels anxious in hospitals because
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hopefilledramblings · 21 days
Another headcanon!
Nagito often likes to read, and Hajime, probably with Izuru super brain, finds book plots predictable and pointless, since he can figure out the twist easily...
But Hajime will rest his head on Nagito's shoulder and half pay attention to the words on the page Ko is reading and Nagito with share his theories of what's going to happen abd Hajime doesn’t say anything because Nagito doesn't want spoilers
YAHHHH i love how so many postgame komahina fics incorporate komaedas bookworminess and hajime who knows the ending from the start but wont spoil … komaeda who gets so engrossed in whatever he’s reading that he doesnt notice his own hunger, so hajime handfeeds him strawberries while they cuddle and komaeda eats them mindlessly and it becomes routine….. hajime can calculate exactly when komaeda needs a snack based on when he last ate now that he has Izurubrain
hajime asks komaeda to read aloud to him one day (komaeda soothing voice) but he notices komaedas hungry and starts handfeeding him strawberries and komaeda mindlessly eats them without pausing his reading and its the only time youll ever catch him talking with his mouth full .. he’s well mannered but learns not to care around hajime and hajime finds it cute
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