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Ekundayo ~ “The Pace of Things”, 2015
Ekundayo is a Hawaii based artist whose mixed media work harnesses the visual power of the subconscious through hyperbole and juxtaposition. Owing to his mastery of a surreal grotesque and his early beginnings as a graffiti artist, Ekundayo’s work is monumental and larger than life. The artist’s intuitive recombinations are uncanny and haunting, and betray an understanding of life’s most aberrant and disturbing dimensions. Ekundayo channels the sordid and the abject, but mobilizes the imaginary to attenuate its ravages through fantasy. The artist combines the human with the animal to explore a conflicted interconnectedness, and creates imagery that is allegorical and even mythological at times. Much like an idyllic nightmare, beauty exists with deformity in its midsts. Ekundayo combines the monstrous and the teratological with the beautiful and the redemptive, to convey a profound empathy for the duality of the human condition. <source>
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I can't smoke them. But I can re blog pictures of them. \m/
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Super Swirly Cinnamon Buns - Recipe here
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Another life-changing gif, taken from BUB’s groundbreaking new video: An Intimate Look at BUB’s Fascinating Eating and Cleaning Methods , complete with excessive drooling and extreme purring.
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Another life-changing gif, taken from BUB’s groundbreaking new video: An Intimate Look at BUB’s Fascinating Eating and Cleaning Methods , complete with excessive drooling and extreme purring.
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hotprocessingxx-blog · 10 years
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kitten wiggles ears while eating
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hotprocessingxx-blog · 10 years
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hotprocessingxx-blog · 10 years
Dentist: do you smoke? Me: why you Tryna light up?
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hotprocessingxx-blog · 10 years
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A 90-year-old man is facing up to 60 days in jail for feeding the needy due to a new law that bans people in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, from meal-sharing with the public. Arnold Abbott risks being fined $500 and spending time in prison after police officers apprehended him while he was handing out meals to homeless people in a park on Sunday. He was arrested and charged along with two ministers from the Sanctuary Church, which prepares hundreds of meals to dish out every week in their kitchen, while onlookers shouted to officers “shame on you!” Mr Abbott said: “One of police officers came over and said ‘Drop that plate right now,’ as if I was carrying a weapon.” He added: “These are the poorest of the poor, they have nothing, they don’t have a roof over their heads. How do you turn them away?” In 1999, Mr Abbott sued the City of Fort Lauderdale after he was banned from feeding the homeless on the beach and the court found that the rule was against the Constitution. The new law - which has come into effect or is planned to in Seattle, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas, and Philadelphia - was passed last week. Ron Book, a city lobbyist, told the US newspaper Sun Sentinel: “Whatever discourages feeding people on the streets is a positive thing.” Mr Abbott, who describes himself as his “brother’s keeper” who believes “love thy neighbour as thyself”, is planning to sue the city again and intends to continue his good-hearted deeds. The new regulations require groups to be at least 500 feet away from residential properties and food sites are restricted to one per city block, but charities have criticised the rules as forms of implementing social cleansing. Michael Stoops, community organiser at the National Coalition for the Homeless, told NBC News: “Economic development and tourism don’t mesh well with homeless folks and the agencies that serve them.” Mr Abbott set up Love Thy Neighbour in memory of his late wife Maureen in order to continue the humanitarian work they both did by regularly making and sharing food at Holiday Park and Fort Lauderdale Beach.
Source: The Independent
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hotprocessingxx-blog · 10 years
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Paolo Nacpil Orlando, FL Canon EOS Rebel T2i
Your time lapses capture such beautiful serenity of time in such beautiful bite-size motion images. Does your thinking process behind these moving images differ from your still photography?
The technical and compositional aspects of it are pretty much the same. What influences my decision to create the moving images is if the scene is something that will greatly benefit the impact of seeing actual movement. An example of this is that a single still image of long star trails is beautiful in itself but sometimes seeing the movement of the sky across the horizon makes it a whole different experience.
Tumblr: @capturedphotos Instagram: @capturedphotos Flickr: @mudwrestler
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hotprocessingxx-blog · 10 years
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hotprocessingxx-blog · 10 years
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hotprocessingxx-blog · 10 years
So much encouragement and <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 to you! xxxxxoxoxoxxxoxoxoxo~~~~
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When I first began practicing yoga in January 2013, I promised myself that one day my feet would touch my head in scorpion pose. It always seemed impossible to me because I was so inflexible when I first started practicing.. With love, dedication, and patience, my feet touched my head for the first time taking this photo! Once I felt hair on my toes I gasped and tumbled over in excitement and my eyes filled with tears💕yoga brings my life so much joy & fulfillment💕
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