houndofsevenhells · 21 days
Colin is that frat jock that went to “Europe” one summer and now insists he “caught an accent”
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houndofsevenhells · 21 days
Honestly the worst moral of this season—do not go for the hot eligible bachelor that likes you from the start. No, no, no, instead try desperately snatching the insufferable bloke with his head up his arse; one who would not deign to pay ANY romantic attention to you for 3 seasons.
Penelope being taught “charm” by Colin while Benedict is RIGHT THERE????
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houndofsevenhells · 21 days
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houndofsevenhells · 28 days
dorian pavus is literally the most character ever. he's a gay mage. he escaped his hometown. he's a necromancer. he was a child prodigy. he's too pretty to die. he invented time travel. his father was assassinated. he was chucked out of school for fighting multiple times. he constantly argues with a nun. he hates nature. he's an alcoholic. his best friend died from the plague. he used to play with a wooden duck. his last name is latin for peacock. he has excellent teeth. he likes bondage. he was supposed to have an arranged marriage. he loves to read. he is allergic to strip weed. some of his best friends are murderers. he gets sea sick. he got so excited sleeping with bull that he set the curtains on fire.
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houndofsevenhells · 29 days
Bulls so funny like his response to "you've never been in love?" Is "I got pegged once????" And his idea of therapy is "get my friends to hit me with a stick". Also he wants to fuck dragons. Like. My dude. My man. Don't ever change.
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houndofsevenhells · 29 days
8 in the morning and I am deep in thought about the Iron Bull and his whole quest line because. his problems are so complex narratively speaking. Because if you pull him out of the qun…that’s it for him. He can’t go home. He can never go to Seheron or see his old friends or the people he’s cared about from his old life. To them, he’s effectively dead - or worse, a traitor. He has to figure out what to do when those old burnouts and trauma creep back up on him, because the methods he considered a safety net (re: reeducators) are no longer available to him. He’s an adult that has to figure out how to actually live again without something he’s considered pivotal all his life.
but it’s treated with all the gravitas of my buddy’s not going to church anymore in the Inquisitor’s dialogue. The response of ‘ur a good guy. its their fault if they can’t see it‘ says nothing about where he is emotionally or what he needs, it’s a platitude, a feel-good player response that doesn’t actually reach anything he needs to hear. sure, him being worried about self control without the guidance of the qun might warrant something feel-good, but even that only scratches the surface as a response. we’re never allowed to truly connect with that emotional vulnerability he needs to work out the gravity of the things he’s lost, and it really hits me how dispassionate his ‘thanks boss’ is as a response, whether or not that was intentional.
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houndofsevenhells · 1 month
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you know, the qunari hold dragons sacred.
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houndofsevenhells · 1 month
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houndofsevenhells · 1 month
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houndofsevenhells · 1 month
Thinking many Iron Bull thoughts because this one post where someone said bull never really made the decision to leave the Qun keeps coming back to haunt me; I’ve always disagreed with it but couldn’t articulate why BUT NOW I CAN.
And it goes right along that narrative theme of the pc/inquisitor coming in to help people deal with a mess that’s already happened (aka aftermath).
Iron Bull has already separated himself from the Qun as much as he possibly can without your help, before he meets you. He has left the Qun in all but name. “But he’s still Ben Hassrath” in name only (even that is stretching it—he chose a new name for himself outside the Qun, and he loves his name). “But he still reports to the Qun on Inquisition business” ish. See, the whole Ben Hassrath thing was Bull’s bargaining chip to get in on the inquisition, but he probably knew it had to go both ways for the Qun to be in on the deal. He didn’t join on behalf of the Qun. He joined because Krem convinced him it was a good idea. The chargers, and Krem, are the crux on which everything hinges for Bull.
One of the very first conversations you can have with Bull is about that one time he almost left the Qun, but chose to go get brainwashed because leaving was terrifying. He was convinced that it was stay with the Qun or become a monster. It’s significant that he tells you this story because that is exactly where he finds himself again in his personal quest.
Bull has already emotionally left the Qun by the time he starts his personal quest—not officially, because of his fear. If he’s “officially” still Qunari, he’s not a monster. That’s the truth he holds onto. But when it comes down to it, he doesn’t rely on the Qun for really much of anything anymore. When the big decision is upon him, he doesn’t look to the voice of the Qun on his right, he looks to his left, to you. When the voice of the Qun says “don’t do this,” he doesn’t say “you have a point”. He says “But they’re my men.” Bull’s people are not the Qunari, not by the time this quest happens. His people are the chargers. They’re his world. He wants to save them, even if it means sacrificing his connection with the Qun, it’s written on his face, it’s in his hesitation. He’s at that same place he’s been before, ready to give up the Qun, but that fear is still there.
The question for him isn’t “should I keep being Qunari”. It’s “would doing what I want to do, being who I want to be, make me a monster?” That’s what he’s really asking the Inquisitor. “Would saving them, choosing them, make me a monster?”
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houndofsevenhells · 1 month
and on the fifth day god invented people who are younger and more successful than you in order to teach you some kind of fucked up and evil lesson
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houndofsevenhells · 1 month
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me @ my mutuals
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houndofsevenhells · 1 month
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                                don't call 
                                                             H I S S R A D
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houndofsevenhells · 1 month
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Dragon Age: Inquisition/Firefly
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houndofsevenhells · 1 month
Iron Bull lost his eye while saying trans rights and he’d do it again.
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houndofsevenhells · 1 month
The “oh I could definitely write this fanfic in under 5000 words and it really wouldn’t take me that long” voice in your head is actually the devil speaking
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houndofsevenhells · 1 month
Fanfic writers are like crows. If you give them treats (comments) they will bring you shiny things (fanfic)
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