howlkissed Β· 12 hours
tomoe x kayleen drunk making lyrics together @chiryxushi
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howlkissed Β· 14 hours
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β€œ look at these nails - too expensive! ” yeah, she's running with the too pretty to fight bit until the wheels fall off. β€œ also im not fightin' the narc humans worship! ”
[ found here! ]
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howlkissed Β· 2 days
2 more Munday facts! Musical theatre does sound really cool to study :0
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omg (affectionately) you think im a cutie
wow you think im the coolest (/S)! hmm, i will say i'm left-handed living in a right-handed person's world. it's funny when people question me on why i do things so weirdly. for example, when im using scissors, i use my index finger and my thumb. sports don't help either. when i played in high school / do you euros call it secondary school?? i was the only left-hander person on my team. my coaches were right-handed, no one could help me, haha
one more! im allergic to blueberries! if consumed i'll bust into fucking hives/bumps. itchy itchy not fun. also an odd fruit to be allergic to as well!
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howlkissed Β· 3 days
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everytime i wanna get jazzy with a little cocktail my mutuals... them europeans are asleep... that's why I LOVE AMERICA (SARCASM) well. off to the little drafts i do have!
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howlkissed Β· 3 days
something: *is none of my god DAMN business* me: πŸ”πŸ‘€πŸ“
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howlkissed Β· 3 days
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you asked him for a light! and he said to fuck off. don is 6th born in line, and one of quadruplet brothers - sixteen years older than kayleen. oldest of the quad, the hot-headed one. introduced kayleen to alternative music, despite the large age gap! having the #blondiegene makes them besties because im biased
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howlkissed Β· 4 days
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you asked him for a light! and he said to fuck off. don is 6th born in line, and one of quadruplet brothers - sixteen years older than kayleen. oldest of the quad, the hot-headed one. introduced kayleen to alternative music, despite the large age gap! having the #blondiegene makes them besties because im biased
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howlkissed Β· 5 days
fun fact about the mun - go!
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almost went to school for musical theatre! not that im a great singer or anything. i really like the community of theatre - the rush and craziness that comes with getting ready for the performance! besides NOT being able to pay for living on campus, the cut-throat-ness of aiming to be the lead etc. is what through me off.
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howlkissed Β· 5 days
Munday-questions "How do you rp" edition
Send me a symbol for a question to the mun:
β—Š: Do you bing-reply or prefer reply-queueing? ●: Which time of the day, do you rp best? ☺: Do you prefer memes, or plots? ☻: Which genres do you find the easiest to play? (angst, fluff, smut, etc.) ☼: Which tropes do you find overused/boring? ♀: What is an AU, you really want to play with your muse? β™‚: Is there any kind of music, you hear while writing? What kind of music? β™ : How many muses do you have? ♣: Can you play more than one muse, at the same time, or do you divide your rp-time between your muses? β™₯: Are you selective, if yes, what makes you selctive? ♦: What can β€˜kill’ your muse/ your inspiration? β™ͺ: Name three things, that are absolutely mandatory for you, to be able to roleplay! β™«: Is there any kind of muse, you cannot play? β™―: Β Is there any kind of muse, you would like to play, but don’t dare? Why?
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howlkissed Β· 5 days
"I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT YOU" PROMPTS * Β assorted dialogue for potentially romantic thoughts, adjust as necessary
you've been on my mind for quite some time.
do you think about me that way?
i was just thinking about you, and here you are!
i've been meaning to tell you how often you've been on my mind.
from the moment we met, i haven't been able to stop thinking about you.
you've consumed my thoughts.
i'm not actually supposed to think about you.
i can't get you out of my head.
you've been in my dreams lately.
speak of the devil! i was just thinking about you!
everywhere i go, everything i do... it always reminds me of you.
i don't know how to stop thinking about you.
do you ever think about that moment we shared?
have you ever thought about me like that?
i think about you a lot, actually. more than i'd like to admit.
i've thought long and hard about what i'd say to you once i saw you again.
yes, i've had dreams about you. so what?
you make it very hard to think about anything else.
when i look at you, my mind goes blank.
i tend to dwell on the softer moments we had back then.
those were good times we shared. i think about them a lot.
think about the last time we crossed paths.
you've constantly been on my mind.
i saw you in my dreams last night.
i would hope you'd think of me the same way i think of you.
nothing could have prepared me for how often i think of you.
this is just a childish infatuation, nothing more. i have to stop thinking about it.
i haven't stopped thinking about the last thing you said to me.
i can't focus around you.
maybe i should be focusing my efforts elsewhere, but i can't. not with you around.
you've taken over every thought in my mind.
maybe they're thinking about you, too.
no matter how hard i try, i can't seem to stop thinking about you.
surely you don't think of me the same way.
what you said to me... it's mattered more to me than you know.
day and night, i'm constantly thinking about you.
your smile is glued to my mind. i can't stop thinking about it.
i replay the day we met in my head all the time.
you're irritatingly easy to dream about.
i just keep hearing your words repeating in my head all day.
so i've been thinking about what you said.
a little bird told me you've been dreaming about me.
does anyone else know you've been thinking about me?
i can't tell if this is obsession or love that i'm feeling.
from the moment you looked at me, i've been consumed.
when was the last time someone took over your thoughts to this level?
just the person i wanted to see! i've been thinking about you!
it's actually quite annoying how often i think about you.
you make it very hard to focus on what i'm supposed to be doing.
you're distracting me. please leave.
have you thought about me at all?
have you considered what i said the last time we spoke?
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howlkissed Β· 5 days
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im getting really overwhelmed thinking how i've known some of you since i was sixteen. and im 24 now! and how atrocious my edits were then too, haha. time really does flies when you're having fun
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howlkissed Β· 6 days
this has always been an agenda of mine, but never written out. i'll call this my own interp of a interest tracker.
im very guilty of invading your archive from time to time! i'll go as far back as what's available. can i dig up older headcanons, etc. and send you questions?
banter on the dash? kayleen's a nosey person too, ngl. it could have nothing to do with her. can she hype up your muse during shitposts?
my only art medium is the sims 4, unfortunately! if im feeling inspo'd can i attempt creating your ocs?
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howlkissed Β· 6 days
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dropping a pinch of sauce!
kayleen lost her virginity at a cemetery... which is categorized as romantic / cliche from her hometown.
she has a fascination with hands. could be one pair or multiple - kayleen was filming a shot for a film student, and the horror factor involved hands and well. she got really turned on by it!
shibari! she's never tried it but the visual of being tied up (this way) is sexy! she's normally caged up during full moons, so variations of rope play fits that box.
but that's something she'll try with someone special.
eye contact and touch. are very important seeing as she's hard of hearing.
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howlkissed Β· 6 days
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a friend and i were joking about our character types and oh my god!! the consistency! i like mean bitches! or those that wear black. likes to fight. yikes!
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howlkissed Β· 10 days
I really like the word β€œsmitten”. because at first glance you just think of sappy lovey-dovey stuff but also you have to remember this is a word that’s born of the word β€œsmite.” a devastating word. a word that, summarized, means stricken. smitten means stricken as well β€” struck with devastating affection.
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howlkissed Β· 11 days
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it's all about atmosphere. kayleen's has always found comfort in darker settings. it's like her eyes register as nigh vision goggles. when you're a supe - short for supernatural - you don't have much to fear. and if you sense more than you can hear. well - anyone might feel invincible in the dead of night.
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howlkissed Β· 12 days
"AUNTIE!!!!!" As if he wasn't a grown man and over 6ft tall, Orion literally ran at Kayleen. His arms spread wide, his smile bright like the sun itself. There were plenty of scents on him, from booze to certain drugs, yet he had absolutely no clue she'd catch all of it. He wasn't ashamed of everything he gets up toβ€” but he didn't necessarily want her to know either.
Once his arms are wrapped around his aunt, he easily lifts her from the ground. No matter his age, he'll adore her always.
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it was foreign and a reunited feeling. kayleen's nose picks up on the voice along with a mixture of scents. β€œ oreo..? ” his face seemly hadn't change; maybe the same could be said about herself. the second her grocery bags hit the pavement, kayleen takes off in orion's direction at a similar speed. when orion lifts her into the air, he's ambushed with kisses immediately. kayleen verbalizes mwah! after a new lipstick stain takes up space on his cheeks. she takes in another look over adult oreo paired with a relieved sigh. she word vomits the following:
β€œ look at how big you've gotten are you working out ? i could've told you your momma was right about 'baby chub' - you were always so healthy - look at your arms they're massive - aw you're still so handsome, how many years has it been !? ” are you safe and happy?
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