husky-twst-and-obeyme · 11 months
Asking for their type
Dorm leaders asking (reader) they’re type in a guy , in which they respond describing the leaders
Riddle had deep feelings for you but he wanted to know you more
So he had an idea to ask what type of guys you’re into, he’s not going to change himself but more so adjust
like if you’re into sporty guys, he’ll try playing more sports and such
“Y/n, i’m curious because of what i overheard from ace and deuce -lying- what type of guy are you into?”
“What guy am i into?.. welllll”
You first described someone who is well mannered and a good student
Perfect he thought, he’s already someone like that so that makes things easy
“ i also like shorter guys because of how huggable they are”
A little offended but it’s not like you said it directly to him
It was all normal until you started getting into more detailed
“I’d like for him to have red hair.. beautiful grey eyes .”
(Wait a minute.. are they talking about..?)
“And he needs to be the dorm leader of Heartslabyul~ “ you looked directly at him
Riddle.exe has stoppped working
Legit he froze because he KNEW you were talking about him
Then he started blushing like mad
“W-well what a Coincidence...my type just so happens oens to be you y/n”
Let’s be honest, he doesn’t care, so he says at least~
He kept thinking how he wanted to keep you to all himself but that got him thinking
What you like a guy like him hence leading him to ask what guys you like
Just a “genuine “ question *cough**cough
“My type of guy? Hmmm..” you had thought for a moment.
“Well.. if i had to choose, someone who has pride and very strong, who doesn’t like a guy with muscles?”
He smirks only a little to not be notiable
He already knew he’d have a chance, he was prideful already and had muscles due to workouts
“ i also like guys that have nice tan skin especially if he has brown hair “
A little weird but a lot of people do have a type with tan people so he shrugged it off until..
“I’d also liked if he had beautiful eyes , like staring into emeralds.. and petting his fluffy ears”
“Wait... what do -“
“And i hope he’s the Savanaclaw dorm leader~”
Blank. He’s blank and then he gets up
“Leona?- ah! “ you get picked up by him
You try to struggle to get out of his grip but he’s too strong
“Im sure you’d like to nap with “your type” wouldn’t you , herbivore?~ “
Azul is for sure a people pleaser , whether people like him or not
So of course, he'd be interested in what type of guy you're into
He wouldn't change himself but more so adjust to your taste
' (y/n) - san!~ " "oh hey azul!"
he loves his conversations with and to not make things look super obvious, he talked about his day , other topics that people would usually discuss and THEN go for the fish. heheh-
" now out of curiosity..is there any men you are into??" " "huh-" "I apologize but it's just a typical question and i'm curious as well! you know me ~ " he hoped that he was playing off well
after you recovered from being off guard you thought to yourself for a moment "Well I often like guys who wear glasses and are intelligent . "
Azul felt pride, he already had these traits and he was fully aware of it
you continued on you started to get detailed , he didn't noticed until one key word.
" it'd be cute if he was a nice octomerman..~ "
"haha that's.....wait a f**king minute- "
as soon as he realized you were talking about him, he absolutely melts
he doesn't even need to confirm it, like what other octomerman do you know??
you tried to calm him down but all he kept doing was hiding his face ,somewhat squealing and just laying on the floor
yes this was in private but there could be a chance he would do this even in public -
Kalim had a major crush on you and it was like " I like them so much and i want to do everything i can to get their attention " kind of crush
So he just casually talks to you when he bumps into in the halls
he talked normally at first so that his true interest wasn't revealed
" so (y/n)/nickname do you have any guys of interest ? like what kind of guys do you like? "
now he made it obvious in a way but he thought he was being sneaky , you knew but played along
"well I like guys who are fun and charming in a nice way like helping others "
ah what a coincidence kalim thought , he tries to be fun and does his best to help others!
" I also find it cute when they have light colored hair ..closer to being white ."
it should of clicked but it didn't -
you actually kept giving hints of his appearance and stuff that's happened but he did not catch on AT ALL
so with one last shot -
" wow (y/n) you expect a lot from a guy! ahaha! "
" yeah but one last thing.."
" if would be nice if i shared his last name .. Asim.
it took a few seconds but then his face turned lightly red "ah-"
then we have jamil in the back , watched the whole thing mind you , and he's like " f**king finally- how are you that oblivious- "
Vil was someone who didn't really fish for attention that was until you came along
he's honestly confused on his feelings because he never really cared too much but why does it now with you here?
to save himself from getting his hopes high, he wants to know you're preference.
just to see if he even has chances but he's gorgeous of course he's high up on the ladder but anyways-
during one of your conversations
"dear potato, is there any person that catches your interest? "
he's clever to not specify but you actually catch on that he means " what kind of people do you like "
" well.. i tend to like blondes, not sure why "
He's already feeling confident but then again a lot of people prefer blondes sometimes anyways
"I'd also like if he was a bit of a fashionista , so we could go shopping and try outfits "
Vil smiled 'Is that so?"
He already can tell his chances are better now but when he heard this
"Now it would also be nice for him to have purple in his to highlight his appearance"
Vil looked at you "Wait"
and you looked directly back " As well as being the famous Vil Schoneheit~"
you both just stared at each other until Vil Spoke "Was it obvious..?"
You giggled "Very~"
Vil looked away in embarrassment but shortly after recollecting his thoughts "if that's the case..I would like to go shopping with you."
You all know for a fact , he does have confidence at all
So obviously he would struggle with his crush , you.
Now he tries to observe your interest and your likes so he can try to bond with you
but first things first, are you even interested in guys like him?
"H-hey Y/n chan. " "hm?" " A questionnaire asking about "Your Type" showed up. It kinda made me curious , what's y-your type?"
Idia is actually the only one where you don't pick it up right away that he's asking out of his own interest because he's often a curious guy so you don't question it
"Well. If I wanted a boyfriend he'd at least have to be a gamer "
Idia's hair flared up a little but not too much , he nodded
" I want him to be smart too , especially since i struggle with some subjects , we can even go on cute study dates "
Idia's hair turns a little pink , that catches your eye , after that you put two and two together and finally figured out his motive. you decided to have a little fun~
"I'd also like if he had color hair , makes him more interesting ya know? "
Idia's hair gets brighter but the nail in the coffin?
" but it would be nice for him to make me Mr/Ms/(Whatever gender neutral term ) Shroud ~"
He got caught and he knew it , he looked at his hair
Then looked back at you "..." he hid under his bed
"IDIA Nooo! " you tried to get him out "I'm sorry! It was too hard to resist! " you laughed but under the covers , he was happy to know you are interested
This boy is just precious
as much as he wants to be in a relationship with you , he wants to get to know you more then anything
What he heard from Lilia (dear god) is that to be sly with it, you'd ask your crush "What type of guy do you like" , you know Lilia is setting it up on purpose-
So that is exactly what he does
"Y/n. " "! ah- Yes Malleus? " you got caught off guard because he just suddenly appeared
"out of curiosity , what is your prefered partner? "
You can see the sparkles around him , you can tell why he asked but you don't have to the heart to call it out so you went along
"Well. I like guys who are taller , at least taller then me "
He nods , he already sees his chance but he considers you rather small to begin with , so it would be easy for others too
"i also find guys with pale skin and dark hair attractive "
He nods , though he seems to not notice that detail directly yet , so you push
"It would be cool if he had dark horns and was a fae"
He nods , How did he not even react? is he just that focused on you? So you try something VERY direct
" and also happens to be the next ruler of briar valley, currently the prince?"
He nods ".....wait" he snaps to reality "That's me-"
All you could do was laugh at how silly he was , this just confused him now , do you like him or are you joking? You do like him
Hope you enjoyed!
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Hello! I hope your reqs are open, if not feel free to ignore- also lil' spoiler warning for Obey Me lesson 16
But could you do hc's for the Dorm Leaders where Obey Me! Mc casually brings up that Belphegor straight up killed them that one time
Like Mc just brings it up like it's nothing
Does not blink twice when they say "well it wasn't that scary, I died once already so, y'know, near death experiences don't really effect me at this point, ya feel?"
This is not a x Reader but if you intercept that way , you can
Also note, Y/n does explain the context but ends it basically with "so yeah i pretty much died "
he really had a god damn heart attack
he barely was able to speak , he was just so stunned
the idea of death is scary itself, so hearing someone die and then survive is..unsettling
now he clearly knows your fine-..physically- but he wonders how your mental health is. even with your confidence shielding it
later on the day, you'll notice how Riddle is more caring towards you
such as being a little lenient when you break rules(He still punishes you just not as bad as others) , offering to share a tart with you , having study time , etc
you literally just turned him into a worried mother
he wants to make sure you're comfortable at all times
"yeah yeah cool..............wait-"
he didn't fully process what you said until he pieced it together
after that, he just looks at you , like "how tf-"
you tell him that you're fine but he knows that's BS
after that he seems. a little nicer?
that might be pushing the term but you can tell he's at least not as mean as he usually is to you
sometimes, he seems to trying to comfort you in his own way
like sneaking you a water, checking up on you but in a tone where it's not obvious, or even using you as a pillow (He would purposely purr because purring can actually be therapeutic )
You would point it out but know he would stop if you did, so you kept quiet and just appreciated how he cared
"d-..darling- sweetie. Light to this school. are you..ok??"
he was very concerned, even if it already passed, surely something like this would take a terrible toll on your mental health.
he understands mental trauma but not to this extend
now he talks to you when he can, he's still busy but he tries to make time
he's often asking questions on your comfort "Do you feel ok? " " how are you physically ?" he knows people can try to cover how they feel so he hopes constant questions could help open them up
He's even more generous on offers , but these ones are more personal , like having study time with you
he doesn't even notice he's treating you like this but either way you still appreicate it
" you died??" "yes. But i lived! "
he jokes with you about it but he knows it's serious
but he sees you seem fine and joke about it , he probably sees it was a form of "cope" for you and goes along with it
now obviously you notice he spoils you a little more
he's even basically attached to your hip , usually jamil actually intervenes with this behavior but given what Kalim has told him, he let's it slide but knows when to pry him off
when you invites you to the dorm , it's a bit more peaceful
it was filled with calming flowers, some comfort foods you liked , and he threw blankets on you
Jamil brings you your favorite foods , even if Kalim didn't ask him, he would of . He can only imagine how you actually feel from that incident, so he wants you to be comfortable
Kalim nibbles a bit on your food because he loves Jamil's cooking
Jamil scolds him but you didn't mind, you loved to share with Kalim but understood Jamil's frusation
You did feel much more relaxed
utter shock doe not begin the describe what he felt at that moment
he doesn't even speak for 10 minutes, which did worry you a little
He eventually does break the ice and spoke his mind
he has a serious discussion with you , you reassured him you're fine but that doesn't make him stop
He tells you that you may seem fine but in reality, it's possibly just a coping mechanism or a trauma response
before you say anything else, he hugs you , not tightly , but firm enough to feel the warmth in his presence
it felt nice.
He then offers you a spa day (omg typical vil prompt but it's be real, spa day with vil would be AWESOME )
You usually don't do spa days but today..that really seemed really nice
how he responds ..a little unusual
"So yeah I died. but it wasn't that bad"
"So died but were "Techically " revived by a demon of time but not really because you're a version of yourself of a different timeline so one timeline DOES lose you but another gains you, Right? "
you were stunned "pretty much??"
"Damn , that sucks " and he just continues on his game "you want some snacks? we can talk about it more if it helps you"
Idia seems nonchalant about it but he shows signs of caring. Maybe because of his own trauma with death?
either way, you're kinda glad he's not too dramatic with it (not there's nothing wrong with it anyway) you just prefer if someone is calm about it
so you do talk about what bothered you about that situation and he just listens. He only talks if he feels the need to
he knows how hard it can be , so he's just letting you have a place to talk about it
he..was stunned
he's dealt with death many times but someone "Surviving " is new to him
Death is a very serious matter because once someone dies, they never return. which can be a traumatic experience for sure
so after that, he visits more often , especially after asking Lilia about death
you notice how he attempts to comfort you, by giving you random things
well they do have a pattern, it's stuff that you have mentioned having interest in. Like when you mentioned trying out the new cafeteria pudding but didn't have the chance to, he now has it for you
even for things you mentioned A LONG TIME AGO
it's really endearing how much he remembers and it really warms your heart
even if you know why he's doing it, you don't stop him because you actually love this gesture and how could you say no to him?
I hope you enjoyed!
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New Twst ad at Tokyo Station
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Hey remember my ask for Alastor's kid!Mc? Well, how about this: MC returns for another year at NRC, but this time they look a little more like their dad and gained powers from them but they still have their personality. They even got their own shadow familiar and teeth like the tweels! Mc is like: "Half demons gain their powers when they turn 16." Dorm leaders reactions?
Hi ! Sorry this is majorly late, kinda had a slump- and kinda lost my will to write anything-
not gonna lie he was a little freaked, mainly because he didn't recognize you at first
but once he realizes, he's a little more adjusted. Though he's a tad confused
you explained that as half demons turn 16, they start to develop their demon selves. Since your dad is a deer demon, you're more than likely to have his traits and almost be a mini version of him
He was actually fascinated , purely because you've changed so much ! Which isn't a bad thing but it really makes him think
"Oh and I even have a shadow like my dad does!"
The shadow is behind Riddle and Riddle Goes "A what now-"
He screams if he turns around
When he saw you, he knew it was you
he'll always recognize your smell, demon or not
He was a little interested that you had antlers and joked how you could have a battle with savanaclaw students that had horns
You explained how you came to be and he was just like "huh "
like not judging but you could tell it didn't interest him at all
Still, he did find your new appearance interesting
Then he noticed the shadow around you "...I'm not even going to ask what that is- I'm not doing too deep into this bullshit-"
You just laughed
Azul at first didn't know it was you , just thought you were a new student
that was until you spoke and acted friendly with him
He straight up gasped, he did not believe it was you at all
He apologized for his demeanor , but his interest his now peaked
You explained that you're starting to gain more of your demon powers
Azul listens well and maybe plans how to use this to advantage
What he did like , is how your alters matched you well, even though they were small compared to normal ones
Then he noticed your shadow 'Oya..?"
"Oh! This is my personal shadow! They have a mind of their own"
Azul nods "I see..They don't cause trouble do they,,?"
You just give him a stare "Depends, don't use me. :) "
"Noted- "
Kalim (plus jamil kinda-)
Kalim was so happy to see you!
He knew it was you! he'd never forget one of his friends
Jamil was with him as well and he almost didn't recognize you but he had feeling it was you
Kalim was in awe and poking at your antlers, Jamil just quietly observed , he didn't seem that interested
You explained what happens when you turn 16 and Kalim was even more excited
Jamil listen because what if your powers accidentally hurt kalim? He'll be prepared if it happens so it's good to know these now.
you even introduced your little shadow , which freaked Jamil out just a wee bit
Meanwhile Kalim is over here "NEW FRIEND :D "
Jamil need to take more headache medicine now
He thought you were a new student
so he was surprised to know it was you, he hardly recognized you
you've changed...in a good way, he thought your appearance made yourself more mature
he actually loves how your antlers look , so many ideas for accessories to try, like dangling jewelry
one feature he noticed right away was your teeth, which threw him off a bit
not even for the reasons you think, he knows your part demon but a deer with sharp razor teeth just didn't fit for some reason for him
Now he noticed your little shadow but he chose to ignore it. he respects you but not enough to be involved in..whatever that is
nonetheless, he's glad that your maturing well
oh boy
out of everyone he is more puzzled if anything
he knew other creatures could change but yours just seemed puzzling
like you showed no signs of antlers or even little buds forming at your head and now just...antlers are there now-
don't get him wrong he still loves and appreciates you , he just needs to adjust to this change is all
he would politely ask to touch them, more so because he never really got to see antlers up close
you allow him and he's just like a toddler seeing something for the first time
Then he took notice of your shadow, he was very intrigued. he knew it wasn't threat because it shared your presence as well as appearance
He takes a liking to it real quick , though he's not sure if it's like a pet or just a friend for you to have of your own
either way, it's welcomed in his eyes
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I'm not dead I promise- Just lack of motivation
So Arson has a disguise in RSA ~ He named this disguise Cupid Celeste
Arson sneaks into RSA to observe their students and targets Zephyr as someone to get close to , in order to have someone familiar with the place so he creates Cupid as a way of having common ground being a pegasus with Zephyr. Little do both of them know, they fall for each other. Arson is the only one who doesn't realize it , even when he comes off as flirtatious
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First off, I'd like to apologize about my inactivity. A lot has been going on, Writer's block , feeling down about my writing in general , and as well as my art work. I'm juggling a lot at the same time , so I'll try to switch to her as often as i can because i know a lot of you guys like what i write for TWST and Obey me
So I am going to answer questions / requests that have been in the inbox right now! and Yes, I'll still be open , but please be patient. :)
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hahaha lol i crave chaos so i present to you how about headcanons with the dormleaders and a child of obey me! asmodeus, originally i thought of a child of mammon but then i remembered it will be a tug of war with the only braincell amongst the first years
Ohh interesting!
to give an idea of what the Child is like , They are flirty and loving with no idea of what personal space is but not sexual at all. Another they're very encouraging person especially with beauty
Riddle is already easy to fluster
So you often flirt with him left and right just to see his cute little face turn red
but other then that , you're very encouraging to him
More so help him with his temper and comfort him , if he needs it
"Y/n..Could you please knock it off." Riddle huff
"But Riddle-Kun~ you look so cute as a little tomato !"
That just makes him red while steam comes out the ears, almost making you think he might be mad
He doesn't care that you're a demon, even as the child of the demon of lust
You're more playful than anything
doesn't make you any less a pain in the ass-
'Arugh..you again." leona sighed
you tried to pet his ears "you seem grumpy~"
he growled but didn't stop you , he can tolerate you at least
he finds you most interesting
more so since you come from a underground like world , so he feels a connection of being from a bizarre place
you two are mutual but on a line of being good friends
he doesn't mind your flirting whether it's serious or not
"azul~ my handsome prince of the sea~" you cooed
"Very Funny Y/n, you know that won't work on me~"
"hmhp " >:/
He's just a pure baby
You struggle to flirt because it usually goes over his head
you just give him more compliments and it just brighten his day , which melts your heart
"Kalim! I absolutely love how much you're glowing today!!"
"hmm? Ah Y/N!! "
he'd be happy just to see you at any time
He's hard to make a dent
no matter how flirty you are to him, he throws it back 10x harder and flirtier
He does it purposely because he's aware of how you get flustered and annoyed that he outmatched you
"Aw , What's wrong sweet potato? ~"
You huffed "nothing."
He laughed "You'll get me next time~ "
He is your number victim
you never leave him alone XD
He's somewhat used to it but his reactions are always the same
"Idia Senpai!~ "
"Oh dear gods help me- "
You'll tone it down if you need to , you care about him after all. Maybe make up all your little pranks with game time?
He finds you curious indeed
Not only were you afraid of him but had the guts to flirt with him
He admired that greatly and would flirt or at least attempt to flirt
"There's My sweet prince of the night~"
"Well hello to you too strange one "
"It's ok malleus, you're skills will get better-'
Hope you enjoyed!
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Sorry for being inactive rn, graduation is pain, here I offer math scribbles ppl from discord requested🧎‍♀️
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Malleus: -being evil in chapter 7-
Yuu: -sprays him with a water bottle- bad Tsuntaro
Idia: did you really just spray him with a bottle -
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Spoiler to Chapter 6 below
SO We all know ortho is releasing real ortho BUT when Real ortho said "big brother will be free" I did not think anything of it UNTIL I RELAIZED. What if he meant breaking the curse? the curse is why he's doing STYX because the curse makes him immune. So by "Breaking him free" is there a way for the real ortho to break that curse and when idia is unprotected, he overblots purely by being surrounded , no matter if he has a motive or not. I wonder if he'll even have a flame on one eye like the others
But that's what i think for now but if ortho/ real ortho overblot, I won't be surprised but that's what i can think if IDIA is going to overblot
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sd sprites of my NRC OC’s ✨✨💖
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OMG I ALREADY HAVE 600 followers!? Thank you guys so much!
I dunno what to use for a celebration.. if you guys have suggestions I’d really appreciate!
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This is just what I was thinking , just trying to figure how Idia could Overblot. WHAT IF- Ortho didn't die from possible lighting from twst zeus but rather died from overblot? I have nothing to back it up but it can be connected in a way- What if the Phantom that killed ortho is locked up and if locked up what if it escapes and it tries to go to idia (Maybe because they're related or something along the lines of that ) and when we see Idia just accept the shadow in the trailer , what if he just lets the phantom comsume him into overblot as well because he might blame himself for what happened to ortho Im sorry if this doesn't make sense but when my mind just clocks with these, they click XD
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Kero gives PCR 👌
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Chapter 6 Theory
Ok so i heard people saying that the 5 captured will all overblot or at least one of them will again.
But we all Know Idia will but what if it's not from overblotting himself with magic or another source?
What if he uses the other overblots, like maybe absorb/ take them somehow to "Enhance" himself when being back into a corner.
Im just taking an idea from hades from God of war because his power was from taking souls to power himself up, so i thought it'd be an interesting point to bring up
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Thanks for doing my request!!💕💕
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No prob uwu
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If that's okay can i request the dorm leaders with a demon MC? Just curious to see their reactions
Ohh that's an interesting idea! but these will be short :0
he didn't really think of you as strange at all
now he kept a closer eye on you as much as Ace and Deuce because you were a demon, purely because he wasn't sure how you would act
but he's learned better and knows you're more proper than that
Sometimes you can still be a little mischievous
you sometimes just tease him a little just for a reaction
He honestly doesn't mind you but that doesn't mean you don't mess with him
if you had wings, you'd use them to escape leona because you'd use your tail to tickle him from a distance
ticklish or not, he'd be annoyed because you woke him up
Other then that, you're his pillow because of the heat you give off (I dunno i just feel like demons would have a high temp. in their body
sadly you can't bite him because he doesn't care
Automatically wishes for a contract
Purely because of your demonic abilities of course
Whether you agree to is up to you
Other then that , he's interested in you because a demon of course is something he's never seen
He's heard of how they're associated with evil but you were harmless and innocent
but with that , you purposely be mischievous and be like "but i didn't mean to~ " The tweels can catch that BS but Azul falls for it every single time
Kalim is Kalim, he likes you no matter what you are <:)
But Jamil- he doesn't trust you- at least leaving you alone with kalim
It's not that you're a bad person , Jamil just has a gut feeling about what you couldn't control as demon. He at least just takes safety precaution with you
Other then that, Kalim is still very friendly towards you
he even asks you about your history as a demon, what you deal with and etc. Obviously nothing personal but still
You don't have the heart to do anything sneaky with him
Vil is very eh-
He's not afraid but that doesn't mean he can predict what you'd do
luckily he has rook keeping an eye on you
he's more much calm with you , the more you get to know each other
If you have long horns, he wants to see what sort of fashion he can use , like ribbons or jewelry to enhance your look
he still wants to show you your best self after all
The one who's actually more chill then the rest
He has servants at home who are imps, so you being a demon is no big deal to him (This is a personal headcanon)
but with you , it's a little different since you're not someone he knows too well , so he's still being his normal self
He does find you lowkey cute though , in a weird way, as in your horns and wings somehow make you look cuter then if you were a human
Plus you remind of this one imp character in an otome anime-
You are no different to him if you were any other species
Also , he takes interests in your horns
More so because he doesn't feel alone on that
Bonus points if your horns are the same ish style or length of his horns
Other then that, are you dear to him and he's willing to protect you , even if you're powerful in your own right
Hope you enjoyed!
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