huythere · 7 years
Past Few Days
The past few days have been pretty rough. The stress has gotten to the point where I have had to remain in bed in order to stop my blood pressure from sky rocketing. However, I'm back and I'm ready to get back down to business. I have still been working out even though I am supposed to be in bed rest. I have two main workouts that I have been doing and alternating each day. Workout 1 BOOTY -20 squats -30 fire hydrants -40 front lunges (20 each legs) I used this set as a ladder. As soon as I get to the 40 lunges I go back down. I do this twice with 3 minutes rest in between. I used the previous abs workout as my second workout. I have eliminated all of the soda out of my diet. I bought a 2 liter water bottle and am forcing myself to drink at least one full bottle a day. I have been so freaking sore from cheer so it's been hard to really get moving everyday. It even hurts to stretch the muscles out!!! I've been on a heating pad schedule trying to loosen them up. However, tomorrow I plan to get up and get moving. I am so excited to explore the world of skin care tomorrow even more than I already have! Will update tomorrow with a FULL report!
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huythere · 7 years
6/12/17 (day late)
Posting yesterday's entry today since I was so tired! Yesterday was Graduation day and I had SO much fun watching all of my friends walk across the stage! Congratulations to the class of 2017! May the odds ever be in your favor! Watching graduation made me SO sad because I still have one more year! Class of 2018 for the win!!!! Anyways, I am patiently waiting for my Aztec healing mask to come in the mail. It is supposed to arrive today and i am starting to become inpatient. I'm so ready to try this makes out! I've been slacking on the workouts lately so today is going to be my catch up day. I will be doing a gluts and abs workout. I have cheer practice later today so I will be stretching quite a bit as well. I will post the workout down below and an update on the arrival of the mask in a later post!
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huythere · 7 years
I woke up with some nice dark circles under my eyes 😒. When I finally got out of bed and started to move around they faded but are still a bit noticeable even 3 hours later. I've decided that I am going to go without make up for the day. I have a fundraiser and multiple grad parties to get to today and won't have time to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes to put powder on my face from all the excess oil production. I also haven noticed that when I don't wear makeup, my blemishes do not turn as red or become inflamed as easy. I think going without make up for a while will give my face some time to breath, and it will help me build up my self confidence (of course I did put on a little mascara so I didn't feel totally naked 😉) I'm starting to slowly pull together a daily skin care routine. I have an odd skin type due to the medication that I take for my acne and various other medical conditions. I recently went to my doctor and she prescribed two topical treatments, one for the morning and one for night time. Without the topical treatments my skin type is extremely oily. I always have a huge supply of oil blotting sheets in my purse or backpack. However, when I use the topical treatments, my face becomes so dry that even if I put a huge layer of moisturizer on, I still end up pealing! I contacted my doctor and she recommended that I use a hydrating face mask once or twice a week to try and restore some moisture in my face. I asked one of my closest friends who happens to be a huge beauty guru and she recommend the "Elf Hydrating Gel Mask" I have seen amazing results with this mask. It keeps my face moisturized for DAYS. At the moment I use it once a week, however, I have a feeling that I am going to need to use it twice a week due to being outside in the sun for long periods of time. Skin Care Routine ---In the morning I use the "Clinique Acne Solutions Foaming Cleanser" This cleanser is gentle on my sensitive skin and doesn't dry my entire face out. I used to use the Acne Solutions three step system but because I was using such strong prescriptions, my face was literally starting to peel off. I am running low on my Clinique cleanser and am not sure wether or not I want to continue with it or choose another cleanser. Clinique cleansers tend to be a bit pricy depending on where you get them. ---Right after I pat my face dry, I apply my prescription topical treatment. In the morning I use "Clindamycin and Benzoyl Peroxide Topical Gel 1% and 5%" At night I use "Adapalene Gel 0.3%" Not everyone has access to prescriptions so I do have a dupe for those who desire a ALMOST prescription strength acne toner. I have had good experiences with the "Nutrogena Acne Stress Control Triple Action Toner" as well as the cleanser. The toner does not dry your face out and does not leave residue on your face after applying. This toner is particularly good for hormonal and stress related acne (duh). I also have amazing results with the "Clinique Acne Solutions System" all three steps (Cleanser (mentioned above), toner, and moisturizer) are easy to use, apply, and are great for people with sensitive skin. Like I said before, Clinique can get a little pricy, however, many of my friends with all different skin types and acne types have had amazing results with Clinique. Within 2 weeks of using the three step system I saw a significant change in my acne. Blemishes looked smaller and were not as inflamed. ---Moisturizer After I let the prescription set into my face (or toner) I moisturize my entire face with a thick layer. INVEST IN A GOOD MOISTURIZER!!! I am currently using the "Shea Moisture African Black Soap Problem Skin Facial Moisturizer" Any moisturizer form this line will get the job done. The best thing about the "Shea Moisture" line is that there are so many options to choose from to fit your skin type. They have every skin care tool available for every skin type. "Shea Moisture" is made up of pure, natural ingredients so you know you're not putting random chemicals on your face. Yes, this line is a bit more expensive however the moisturizers tend to come in big containers and one container will last you at least 3-4 months depending on how often you moisturize. I repeat this process again right before I go to bed. Always make sure when you are applying your toner and your moisturizer that you have clean hands. Bacteria can hide up to weeks in your nails and on your skin. Putting on toner with dirty hands defeats the purpose of trying to stop acne and can make it worse. Also, make sure your pillows are clean. I'm a bit of a neat freak and wash my pillows once a week (usually on Saturdays). Bacteria can hide in your pillows and give you acne while your sleeping!!! Sleeping on a dirty pillow means you're sleeping in dirt and dead skin cells!!!!
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huythere · 7 years
Day one of many.
I just ordered off of Amazon a new deep pore cleaning mud mask called, “Health and Beauty Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay” Many of my friends have recommended it to me to include it in my daily skin care routine (lol I don’t even have a proper one yet oh my). The description says that the mask soaks deep into your pores to remove all of the dirt picked up throughout the day. I am very excited to start using it. I will leave the amazon link to purchase the mask.
Daily Exercise After working a 14 hour shift at work today I am feeling very tired therefore did most of the work out in my bed (I’m fully aware that it isn’t exactly the best to work out on a bed). I also kept it rather minimal since I am just starting out and am very fatigued. My goal the next two weeks is to really tone my abs area. -20 Crunches -20 Bicycles -20 Russian Twists —–Repeat 3 times 1 minute rest in between
Links: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0014P8L9W/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=AF1EQV58NBGM0&psc=1
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huythere · 7 years
The Beginning
Ever since I was in middle school I have struggled with body image, acne, overall confidence, and physical/mental health. I've decided that finally, I'm going to turn things around. I invite you to join me on my journey to discovering new ways to clear skin, eat healthier, and finding new ways to relax and enjoy the little things in life. I've learned the hard way that there is no "one size fits all" plan to getting in shape or clearing skin. I'm ready to make a change. I've created this blog to track my progress and as motivation to stay on top of my goals. As always I invite you to look around! Welcome! Let's do this! -Rachel Green
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