hvman-scvm · 9 days
Ik I've been gone 4 quite some time, I simply was unmotivated 2 write anything. N then finals came up. But, once they're done (only 3 left :]) I'll start working on the reqs I have ^__^ feel free 2 send in some more !
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hvman-scvm · 2 months
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hvman-scvm · 3 months
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MAINBLOG ;; @roadkill-bf
RENTRY (if yk who made the art I used in it pls lmk so tht I can credit them or remove it !)
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hvman-scvm · 3 months
Alejandro wears thongs next question
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hvman-scvm · 4 months
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LOOK! Gaz pics so y’all can stop using that tired ass “😟” photo.
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hvman-scvm · 4 months
Nooo cod fandom don't take the very surface of a character and how they present themselves and make it their only trait 2 where it takes away all their complexities and lovable traits n in return turns them in2 nothing more than your borderline abusive brooding Wattpad mafia bf you're too sexy ahahaha
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hvman-scvm · 4 months
Thinkin abttttt,,,,, stalker ! Reader n ghost who, deprived of proper love frm his male parental figure, just eats it up. He can’t deny the chill he gets when he sees pictures of himself doing various, average things scattered on his bed. He shld report you, he knows tht, but he can’t bring himself 2 when he gets so much sweet attention frm you. The letters, phone calls, pictures, all of it, is so precious 2 him. He almost wishes you cld reveal yourself 2 him, but the mystery surrounding your identity is part of the appeal. Although it makes him more paranoid than he already is, looking around frm the corner of his eyes 2 spot any1 who looks suspicious, he loves it. He needs more of it; your threatening phone calls and letters, the pictures you leave of him in his barracks, all make him feel desired, loved.
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hvman-scvm · 4 months
Thinkin thinkin thinkin thinkin abt this one cod mw reader insert fic idea I got while listening 2 kick the chair by megadeth. Hear me out (under the cut)
Reader’s some sort of war criminal or whatever, and a close friend 2 one of the tf141 members (cld b any1 of em). Once found out, they go thru the whole legal battle shit idk but manage 2 get away w it bcuz they’ve got their powerful daddy’s (literal daddy) money. So the member decide 2 take justice in their own hands and “get rid” of reader. However, they suffer frm the horrible guilt and grief of killing some1 who used 2 b so close 2 them. I wld write it but school fucking drains me I can barely even look at the reqs I have rn lmao.
Anyways, here are the specific lyrics tht made me come up w this mess
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hvman-scvm · 4 months
Lazy mornings w John price <33
Waking up with his head on your chest, snoring soundly as you softly scratch his scalp 4 him. Mdkxmkssjsjs waking him up w a soft call of his name and he stirs a bit b4 pulling you closer and mumbling a small “mornin’, dove.”
He’s the perfect thing 2 have in your bed on winter mornings bcuz he’s just so fucking warm ???? He’s like a walking heater and you shld def use tht 2 your advantage
Also little spoon bcuz I say so. Sometimes he needs some loving and 2 let his guard down, okay ? :(
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hvman-scvm · 4 months
your zombie!ghost/vampire!reader was dark and odd… and I was strangely into it… what have you made me discover about myself? 🧍🏽
This had me kicking my feet and giggling. The more I post the more you’ll discover abt yourself I suppose :)
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hvman-scvm · 4 months
SUMMARY ;; love beyond the grave ig
CW ;; Simon is kinda sick on the head but we love him anyways, borderline romantic necrophilia ?? I guess. No actual smut included tho, usual zombie stuff like rotting n whatnot, established relationship, kind of silly ngl ?
WRITER’S NOTE ;; the title is a mayhem song bcuz I’m a total poser. There’s so much stuff 4 zombie ! Ghost which - don’t get me wrong- I like, but there’s barely any love 4 zombie ! Reader, and luckily ghost is just full of it.
Simon sighed in focus, a medical needle in hand as he sewed up your jaw for what had to be the 100th time, not that he minded; he loved taking care of you. It was hard to keep your jaw in place with how soft your rotting flesh is, how it kept ripping with the smallest movements.
He shook off a maggot that crawled into his hand, tying off the last thread and leaning in to kiss the newly sewed up, slimy skin where your jaw connects to the top of your skull.
“Better?” He spoke softly, he knew you understood him, although you never spoke back. The way your clouded eyes landed on his briefly let him knew that you not only hear him, but understand what he’s saying to you. As you moved your jaw up and down experimentally, you rapidly moved forward, trying to latch your teeth on whatever of ghost’s flesh you would reach first. But he was faster, tutting as he put a hand over your mouth, not affected by the sight of your maggots crawling over his gloves.
“Bad. No biting.” He said as if he was speaking to an untrained dog, before patting your head almost condescendingly. He reached around for the muzzle they keep on you and quickly attached it over your head, receiving a growl in response.
“You’ll be fine, love.” He said sincerely, looking at you sadly; he missed you. He missed being able to have conversations with you and feeling your warm skin on his own. He brought you to his chest, getting another growl. He sniffled, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as he kissed the top of your head. “They’ll find a cure, I promise.”
It was a daily routine; he’d patch you up, then getting overwhelmingly sad at your helpless state- at his helpless state. He wished he could find a way to bring you back. But a part of him, a part he buried deep inside himself, found enjoyment in this. He loved how reliant you were on him in your rotting state, loved the way your clouded eyes held eye contact with him and how incomprehensible growls would leave your rotting vocal cords whenever he would ask a question.
He caressed the top of your head, kissing it gently as he leaned his face on it. The smell of rot filled his nostrils, and he found himself taking it in by inhaling deeply. It was intoxicating.
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hvman-scvm · 4 months
if you erase gaz in fics i wont block you ill fucking kill you
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hvman-scvm · 6 months
zombie ghost and vampire gn reader literally eating each other out of love send message
YOUR MIND !!! you are so fucking real 4 this
!! CW ;; cannibalism ? Question mark ?, I am a bit descriptive w this, usual zombie n vamp stuff, zombie ! Ghost is somewhat sentient ig, self mutilation, I am not sure if this counts as deaddove but it cld so beware, this is honestly shitty as hell since it was rushed out of excitement so beware of tht too lmao. Not proofread. !!
You happily watched as ghost attempted gnawing your arm, his broken jaw slack as his top teeth pressed hard against your cold skin. You cooed at him, petting the top of his head as you watched his attempt at eating you. You were feeling a bit hungry yourself, you realized, the lightheadedness that comes with craving blood coming back as you smiled fondly at the sweet sight in front of you.
“Hungry, are we?” You asked him, receiving a nod and groan. Back when your Ghost was alive, you two would discuss this vaguely, talking about the possibility of consuming each other’s flesh. He dearly wanted to; it felt like the only appropriate way to show his love. It never went past discussion, however. Maybe a few deep bites and cutting each other up to lick up the blood, but never anything past that. You knew how badly he wanted to eat you, and you felt similarly. It was this deep ache, this hunger in you that you feel in your chest, to consume the one you love and have them be a part of you forever and vice versa.
The aching consumed you whole, and you decided that there’s no better time than now.
“Hold on, dear.” You spoke softly to him, watching him pull away from your arm and looking at you with his cloudy eyes. You reached for his knife, the one in his belt, and without hesitation, dug it into your stomach after lifting your shirt. You carved in a circular motion, gritting your teeth in pain as you felt the piercing sting of your muscle and nerves being cut up. He watched intently, groaning occasionally as you finished your job. You dug your fingers into the wound and ripped it off the small piece of skin it was hanging off, smiling at him as your bloody hand reached for his jaw, your other one placing the piece of flesh inbetween his teeth and helping him chew. It was a lovely sight, and an even lovelier feeling. Your fingers caressed his bottom jaw as you loved it up and down for him. Hearing him groan in appreciation was music to your ears.
You carelessly threw his knife to the side. Holding his jaw in place, watching him swallow with slight challenge as he went limp against your shoulder, leaning on it and groaning happily. You went back to petting his head, leaning close to his neck where his throat is and taking a deep breath, the smell of dirt and rot strong on him, making you groan. “Ready?” You said, though you weren’t asking; you were going to do it anyways. You sunk your fangs into the side of his neck where his carotid artery was, feeling the blood gush out of it. It was like nothing you’ve ever tasted before, before you ever sunk your teeth into him you’d known that his blood would be special. It tasted strongly metallic, so strong it was almost disgusting. You could feel the maggots getting sucked out of his artery, and you carelessly chewed them up, feeling the squishy creatures almost explode in your mouth was so disgustingly good. Luckily, the strong taste of his blood covered up the taste of the maggots, not that you would’ve minded either way.
As you got bored of sucking, another idea crossed your head; you sunk your fangs deeper into his neck, hearing him let out a groan akin to a quiet scream as you ripped open he side of his throat with your strong teeth. It tasted horrible and dear god did you love it. His whole weight was practically on top of you, and if it weren’t for the fact that you were sitting down you would’ve fell to the floor. Their was more maggots on his skin than his blood, and you were glad as you chewed the soft, rotting flesh. You felt nauseous from the taste, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You felt it go down your throat slowly, struggling to stop yourself from gagging as it went down.
You were shaking; if there was a feeling shove euphoria this was it. He let out another, quieter groan, nuzzling your neck as you pulled away from his. Kissing the top of his head with your bloody lips, you told him how much you loved him. And although all he did was groan back, you knew he meant to say it back to you. You both were more than just happy at fulfilling this fantasy, you were on cloud 9.
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hvman-scvm · 6 months
Hi, I heard you were taking requests. Do you write for Krüeger (cod) by any chance? If so, do you have any headcannons Yandere Krüeger x male military reader and how such a relationship might work out?
I do !! :) I didn’t mean 4 this 2 b so short but studying squeezed all the creativity out my brain
!! CW ;; typical yandere stuff, krueger is a bit manipulative, I went by the traditional / og meaning of yandere !!
🔪— yandere ! Krueger who, unlike lots of other yanderes, needed some time for his obsession to flow. It started when your units were sent on a mission 2gether and naturally, he gravitated 2wards the unit’s leader; you.
🔪— he treats you like you belong to him, even if you aren’t in a romantic relationship yet, because he decided you belong to him the moment he felt the nauseating feeling of lovesickness in his guts.
🔪— a relationship would b so hard because of your busy schedules, and he despises it. He’s highly considered kidnapping you but paranoia crept up on him, making him worry abt all the possibilities of you getting hurt while he’s away on deployment.
🔪— he’s always hovering over you when he can, scaring away any potential recruits tht might get a little too brave w you. And even if they did, this sets a target on their head.
🔪— he’s a very straightforward man, and he straight up told you how he felt; no matter if you accept or not, you’re his. This man is not afraid 2 lyk tht he’ll kill 4 you (and he prob did)
🔪— can b cruel and manipulative; lovebombing you, feeding you paranoid thoughts tht others are after you and only he is capable of protecting you, gaslighting you in2 thinking tht his obsession is your fault. But he won’t hurt you physically, you aren’t one of his enemies, you don’t deserve tht. Unless, yk, you like being hurt then he’s more than happy 2 oblige.
🔪— if you accept his love, as intense and insane it is, it wld b easier 4 you then if you didn’t; he’s not afraid 2 use force. You will love him. Doesn’t matter how much manipulation he has to use, or how many rivals he has 2 kill, he will have you. And by openly accepting him before it gets to tht point, you spare yourself a whole psychological battle between you and him.
🔪— not the jealous type, but he’s extremely possessive, and is very open about it.
🔪— like I said in one of the previous HCs, a relationship w him wld b hard bcuz of you two’s job. He’s alway sending you letters tht may or may not b stained w some blood whenever one or the both of you are deployed, and expects you 2 send letters back giving exact details on yourself, like your location and mental being, etc.
🔪— once both of you are free, he makes you cuddle w him. Like, bro just wraps his strong ass arms around you and keeps you in place so tht you can’t move a muscle.
🔪— it’s a possibility tht he’d use trackers on you, especially since he can’t keep an eye on you w your schedules n all.
🔪— uses force 2 get his way, whether it’s physical or not.
🔪— uses your fears against you and then disguises himself as your “savior” 2 get you 2 b reliant on him. As in, he’d put ypu in situations where you’re faced w your fears and come 2 your rescues. Doesn’t matter how irrational or bad the fear is. Scared of the dark ? You get trapped in a dark closet after “some rookie” pushed you in, only 4 Sebastian 2 come help you out. Scared of dying ? Your unit is killed off one by one by a “sniper” and you get fatally shot due 2 a lack of coverage, luckily Sebastian has came 2 cover you and practically saved your life. Scared of bugs ? Suddenly a lot more seem 2 appear in your room, and (rather suspiciously) Sebastian seems 2 b always around 2 kill them 4 you. At the end he’d always remind you in his thick, German accent tht you need him around, etc.
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hvman-scvm · 6 months
I was wondering why I wasn’t receiving reqs until I checked and realized I had the damned thing turned off. Anyways, send reqs :3 the nastier the better but I’m not picky ^_^ make sure to check my rules first ! (pinned post)
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hvman-scvm · 6 months
Listening to some Motörhead or slayer with ghost to unwind after a long day <33
Each of you doing your own thing in each other’s space, not needing 2 fill the silence with conversation. It’s become a routine of sorts, to listen 2 music in silence as you enjoy each other’s company. Ghost usually reads or rests on the couch (which, btw ! Is a sign tht he trusts you enough 2 sleep around you, meaning he knows you won’t try 2 hurt or do anything 2 him in his vulnerable state.) while you indulge in one of your hobbies or interests. It’s comforting, it’s safe, it’s relaxing. If his day had been bad, he might curl up next to you, seeking comfort and affection which you gladly give him.
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hvman-scvm · 6 months
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König is full now!
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