hxpe-eyes · 1 year
one night, so late it was technically morning, you caught bakugo hunched over the crib, watching the baby sleep, tearing running down his cheeks. youd never seen him cry before- not at your wedding, not at the birth.
"fuck," he whispered once he saw you, wiping away his tears with stiff hands and snotty inhales, "I just-"
He pointed at the baby, who's sleeping through the nights for what feels like the first time.
Actually, as you thought about it- this is the first time. Ever. You'd have to remember that later, when your husband isn't having a meltdown.
"What's wrong?" you whispered.
"Am I supposed to fucking love him this much?" Bakugo's face was scrunched up with true disdain as he talks. "Because this is brutal."
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
— crush’d
You’re Bakugou’s one true love, but you’re curious to know if he’s had any crushes before you.
Warnings: fluff, established relationship.
Word Count: 0.9k.
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You’d known when you first started dating Bakugou that you were his first proper relationship. It was something that never really bothered you, in fact it was quite the opposite. It felt nice knowing that you were experiencing things together for the first time, and with no real expectations you both formed the perfect bond. But there was always an inquisitiveness in your mind about Bakugou’s previous love life, and whilst there weren’t any previous girlfriends you were curious to know about the crushes he’d had before you.
“You must have had a crush on someone” You sat beside him on the couch, snuggled beneath a large Dynamight fleece blanket as you debated which movie to watch for date night.
“It’s only ever been you” Bakugou replies simply, his left arm slung over your thighs as his right hand holds the television remote. Sinking himself deeper into the couch as he relaxes after a long day at work, the slightest smudge of black from his hero mask still streaked beneath his eyes as his hair sits damp after his quick shower.
“Yeah, but you can still have crushes on people!” You pressed.
“I don’t have crushes,” Bakugou scoffed.
“I told you, silly.” You roll your eyes, “You must have had a crush on me before we started dating, right?”
You thought back to the times where Bakugou would appear at your workplace between shifts, spending a little longer than necessary on his patrol route in the same area in the hopes of catching a glimpse of you.
“Nah, you just annoyed me until we started dating.” He snickered.
“I think it’s the other way round, mister.” You gave him an incredulous look, “Do I have to remind you when you sent Kiri in to ask if I hated you because I didn’t see you when you waved that one morning.”
“Wait— I annoyed you?” Bakugou gave you a defensive look, his eyes widening in worry as he looked like a kicked puppy, “You said you liked when I came in to see you.”
“I’m only joking,” You snorted, “You’re too cute.”
“Shut up.” He grumbled, hiding his face back inside his hoodie as he gave your thigh a soft squeeze. Continuing to scroll aimlessly for something to watch on television.
“No, but seriously. There must have been a girl you fancied before me.”
It wasn’t that you were insecure in your relationship with the number two hero, it was quite the opposite really. Bakugou made you feel more wanted and loved than anyone before, even with his demanding career he made it abundantly clear how much you mattered to him. A fact that had your heart racing whenever you thought about it.
“Not really,” He shrugged, clicking onto one of the action movies on the screen to read the synopsis, “Didn’t have time for that shit.”
“Come on, Katsu. There must have been someone,” You squeezed his arm, “Not even asking a girl to marry you when you were five?”
“Nah,” He smirks, “Most girls were scared’a me.”
“So who was the first proper crush you ever had?” You continued, “Even just the first person you thought was cute.”
Bakugou stopped scrolling through the list of movies, nose scrunched slightly as he was deep in thought. You knew his friends would tease and taunt him for you being his first girlfriend in his thirties, the life of a Pro making it difficult for him to form any lasting connections— not that he seemingly wanted to anyway, too focused on his career goals than trying to settle down. But there had to be people in his past life that he found attractive, or at least crushed on growing up. Thinking back to the crushes you had when you were younger, drawing silly hearts around their names in workbooks at school or dreaming up fantasy scenarios of you getting married and having kids.
“Didn’t really get a crush on anyone until I was fifteen, sixteen.” He thinks.
“Yeah? So spill-“ You poked his side playfully.
“Off, woman.” He made a feeble attempt of batting you away as you yelped playfully, “Mirko.”
“Mirko?” You grinned, “The rabbit hero?”
“Yeah,” He chewed the inside of his cheek.
“That’s so cute,” You continued, “No wonder you have those action figures of her in your room.”
“They’re collectibles.” Bakugou corrected you with a scoff.
“Oh I’m so sorry,” You replied, sarcasm oozing from your voice as you gave him puppy dog eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. So what about you?” Crimson eyes look to the side to shoot the same question across to you, “Who’d you like?”
You thought back to all the crushes you’d had over the years, the older Pro-Heroes that used to cover your walls as a teenager, and the musicians that held your heart in their hands whenever you heard their songs. But you couldn’t think of another guy that had the same effect on you that Bakugou had, no one else felt the same.
“I don’t think I had a proper crush until I was a little older either,” You think back, “I did ask a boy to marry me when I was five though.”
“I woulda married you first.” He replies simply.
“Katsu, I was five.” You laugh, and Bakugou is certain you’ve never sounded prettier.
“So?” He scoffs, “Reckon I woulda known back then you were the one too.”
“That’s sweet.” You lean onto his arm to press a glossy kiss to the stubble against his jaw, the slightest tinge of pink glowing against his cheeks as he stays facing forward.
“Wait, who asked you to marry them?” Bakugou whips his head to the side to lock eyes with you, brows furrowed in irritation.
“Katsuki I know you’re not getting jealous of five year old me being proposed to.” You grin.
“I’m not,” He grumbles, pausing for a moment as you take the control out of his hands to start scrolling through movies, “But you said no right?”
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
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They’re hitting up the 7-Eleven after school
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
bakugou would be uncharacteristically quiet when you get sad. not out of spite or discomfort—he just thinks that maybe the space normally taken up by his brashness could be better saved for something else—something softer. when he sees you curled into yourself on top of the comforter, he doesn’t say anything—doesn’t poke fun at you, doesn’t berate you for not getting into bed the right way—he just pulls another blanket from the foot of the bed to cover you with. he molds himself to you, not pulling or pushing you any which way, but sliding into place behind you like he was born to fit there. he drapes an arm over your waist—lightly, in case it’s too much—and rewards you with a gentle kiss to the back of your shoulder when your fingers intertwine with his. he breathes deeply, slow and rhythmic, hoping you’ll start to mirror him, and he thinks that maybe he needs it more than you do. thinks it’s a way to feel connected to you right now. he doesn’t say anything—not that it’ll be okay, not that he loves you—he hopes that you know that both are true and that you’ll be able to see it a little better when the sun comes up tomorrow.
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
cw. menstruation, menstruating!reader, prohero!katsuki, aged-up characters, mentions of reader as 'girlfriend'
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Thinking about first-time boyfriend Bakugou Katsuki and him finding you in your apartment, during your regular Friday night stay-ins, in bed and writhing in discomfort from your menstrual cramps.
The second he sees the pained expression etched across your face, he rushes out of your building in panic and with no second thought, blasts through the city in his regular clothes and into the nearest pharmacy to get something—anything—to help you out.
He ends up buying basically one of each product in the women’s hygiene aisle, plus all varieties of painkillers, chocolates, and comfort food he knows you like. Just, dumps everything into the too (“fuckin’”) small grocery basket with no hesitation.
Meanwhile, he’s scaring the bystanders with the air of frenzy that follows him, and for a second they think some villain is within proximity and start panicking themselves.
Annoyed, Bakugou barks at the catatonic (or starstruck) cashier and murmuring shoppers.
“Quit yappin’! My girlfriend needs this shit now, so hurry the fuck up.”
The moment he’s handed the three bags of goodies, he’s out of the store in a flash, blasting back to your apartment with one hand expertly propelling him and your care packages in the other.
All the while, he’s berating himself for not looking this up and preparing for this in the first place. Hell—he was supposed to be the best (and possibly, if he could have things his way, last) boyfriend you’d ever have.
He never learned how to take care of menstruating people in his life. He could blame this on Masaru having shit under control with Mitsuki growing up, resulting in his never having to step in and look after the old hag.
And well…you’re his first girlfriend. This is all new to him.
He arrives and bursts through the door in record time, and is surprised to see you fast asleep in a fetal position, beads of sweat decorating your forehead.
He sighs, in relief or disappointment, or both. He’ll wait to give you the products when you wake up. And maybe apologize, too, for walking out on you without a word and possibly making you feel abandoned.
Anyway, he ends up reading so much about menstruation and other girl problems that by the time the next month’s blood bath comes around, he’s practically an expert. Aside from his militant barring of everything that makes the pain worse—from your trusty caffeine, chocolates, to salty snacks—having Bakugou Katsuki around when you’re menstruating is great. The best, even.
Meanwhile, the media does end up going into madness the day Bakugou got formally introduced to the world of menstruation. Not because of a villain scare, but because… Because who knew the brute hero Bakugou Katsuki had a girlfriend?
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
I really love the todobaku shoulder touch scene!! Is this bakugo's way of showing support? Can i get your personal interpretation about this scene?
I love that scene. I lived off on that scene for a long time after it came out in the manga. I think the anime did a good job of it, though it didn’t quite show in the animation how angry Shouto was getting. In the manga it’s so much clearer that he’s barely controlling himself.
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He’s TMP-ing his feet here.
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So I think Bakugou is stepping in to calm him down - but it’s like a really supportive gesture too. It’s like an “I got this”, “I’m with you” - it’s comforting and reassuring and gives Shouto space to calm down.
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Bakugou stepping in also helps to keep the confrontation focused on Deku - before it devolves into a Todo-fam argument.
I think what’s remarkable is how easy that contact is between them. How naturally and unselfconsciously the gesture comes from Bakugou, how it helps Shouto to calm down, how he doesn’t shake it off.
So to me, this touch just also implies how close they got in the meantime offscreen. Neither of them are very touchy people, but the distance in this episode, in these chapters is shown to be disappearing.
They are comfortable and finding comfort in each other’s presence. The whole class overall, but it’s very apparent with those two because of how both of them always kept a little distance.
I don’t necessarily mean it in a shipping sense, but I feel they got really close, where they are much more open and much more openly supportive of each other than before.
Like I remember how this chapter hit me at the time thinking what must have happened in these few days, what conversations took place, how they must have helped each other through the heartbreak, the initial shock and anger and to be able to show such remarkable unity.
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
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x : KISS ME ! :*+゚ whisper what your heart shows, all i want is you
in which: a stealth mission gone awry leads to a chain of events (or kisses) where you question your relationship with bakugou.
warnings: 8K WORDS, FLUFF WITH ANGST, so much kissing lmfao, slowburn, sfw steamy scenes + suggestive ending- starts intense and ends intense, pining idiots, lovesick idiots, soooo much swearing because it's bakugou, platonic friendships with todoroki and midoriya, all characters aged 22+, gn!pro-hero!reader, bad writing pls excuse me.
a/n: SEVENTH ATTEMPT AT POSTING THIS!!!! GOD this took six days to write, i am exhausted. if you don't like it i will cry bc this drained me, goodness, so reblogs appreciated! i'm so insecure abt this fic so pls tell me i did well, anyways. missed writing for my skrunkly boi!
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# ONE ! - the first kiss. 
this was not ideal.
you listen with widened eyes and a racing heart as you’re pressed against the brick wall of a dingey alleyway, bakugou’s warm palms holding your hips tightly as his chest is pushed up against yours.
he is not looking at you, but instead, looking off to the side so he can hear a little clearer. on the other hand, all you could see was bakugou’s killer jawline, his perfectly smooth skin, and one half of his violent scowl. 
the silence is disturbing, all you can hear is your heartbeat and bakugou’s heavy breaths, anticipation weighing down the air as you both try to suppress your breathing.
then it comes. heavy footsteps. multiple of them. they’re running your way and at this rate, you’ll be caught by the enemy. what, with bakugou’s hulking figure and the hoodie that just barely covered his spikey blond hair, one glance to their left and you would be caught. 
this was no good. there’s no way to get out of this alleyway in time either without attracting attention and being caught.
having a stealth mission gone awry was really embarrassing, especially when you’re pretty sure that bakugou can feel your heartbeat reverberating against him. you hope that he chalks it up to the nervousness you were currently feeling rather than the effect his proximity had on you. or, just the general effect he had on you.
“they’re coming,” you whisper so that only bakugou can hear. he finally looks you in the eye, sneering with fury in his crimson eyes. you almost flinch from the intensity of his gaze.
“i fucking know,” he retorts. “our only options are fight or flight, i’m thinking we take them.” 
with a drawled out exhale, an idea pops into your head. he’s definitely not going to approve, however.
“i’m gonna kiss you and you’re gonna need to like it.”
the footsteps are getting closer, you can now hear mumbling of the enemies chasing after you and bakugou. their leader is shouting commands and the subordinates are obeying, responding in kind with an ‘sir!’.
“excuse me?”
he’s so beautiful up close. 
“just, trust me.” 
more shouts, more thundering footsteps, all silenced when you lean in to catch bakugou’s lips with yours. his exclamation of surprise is muffled before he promptly melts into you, hands now travelling up your waist as your arms wound around his neck. there’s an element of stiffness still as his mouth moves against yours, but you doubt you’re any better. 
this wasn’t your first mission together, and most likely won’t be your last. however, the missions he normally accompanied you on were ambush, patrol, and dealing with general threats. stealth missions were a completely different story because bakugou was the loudest hero to ever exist. 
so what was he thinking when he insisted on going along with you? for safety? he was the threat-
“jump,” his words cut through your thoughts like a warm knife through butter and with the way his hands sneak down to the back of your thighs, you can’t help but give in to his demands like a programmed machine. 
you wrap your legs around his waist, deepening the kiss whilst doing so.
bakugou presses you harder against the wall, ignoring the way his mouth smirks against yours as one of your hands go to cradle his jaw. you’re careful to not remove the hood covering his very obvious blond mop of hair.
you’re letting him lead you through the kiss and it’s intense to say the least. you’re getting increasingly light-headed, but no part of you wants this to stop, screaming with bliss as he avidly seeks your lips, even when you lean back for a short moment to catch your breath.
for an interaction purposefully orchestrated, he’s really getting into it. would he kiss all his coworkers like this when they asked?
several heavy footsteps pass by and you’re just in your right mind to hear someone say ‘get a room’ before fading away. you were safe, you could run and make your escape now- a message bakugou hasn’t yet comprehended despite how honed his senses are. with the last bit of conscious you have, you physically drag his face away from yours (otherwise you don’t think you’ll ever be able to stop him). 
there’s a moment of silence where you both just stare into the other’s eyes, lips swollen and eyes wide with the realisation of what just happened.
“they’re gone,” you whisper, tearing apart the post-kiss euphoria. “put me down.”
with a grunt, he obliges, allowing you to slip away from him and into the main road again. 
“let’s go whilst we have the chance. get ready to fly, blasty.”
bakugou is surprisingly silent for the remainder of the mission. 
# TWO ! - the fleeting kiss.
surprisingly, there hasn’t been much mention of the incident you had with bakugou ever since you returned from your stealth mission. intel was acquired, shared with the people who needed it, and nothing was discussed again. to be frank, you don’t know how to feel about it.
on one hand, you’re relieved to not be able to relive the experience again but on the other, you’re disappointed to not be able to relive the experience again.
it’s been back to normal with bakugou. the occasional middle finger in the hallways, sticking your tongue at him during meetings, going into his office to bug him and him being very irritated despite not having the heart to remove you. everything fell right back into place, with an obvious piece now awkwardly attaching itself to the puzzle. 
when you simply think about what happened, your heart begins to race uncontrollably and you’re rendered stupid for a minute as you have to collect yourself. 
which is why you were throwing your head back in frustration as the cursor of your laptop blinks back at you, a sentence half-written in mocking.
“fuck off,” you whisper to yourself, punching your head even though you knew it would do nothing to stop the replay of the memory. your eyes were beginning to feel sore, mind slowly entering a state of numbness as the idea of taking a quick nap on your desk seemed more tempting than ever. 
oh well, it wouldn’t hurt.
pushing aside your laptop, keyboard, and papers, your submission to sleep is quick and effortless, not even complaining about the roughness of your desk jabbing into your chest as you doze off. 
the door to the office opens, revealing bakugou standing in the doorway holding some files and a cup of tea- your favourite, to be precise. he furrows his eyebrows in confusion, swearing that you were in your office, except the sight of a totally barren room greeted him made him stop in his tracks. where could you have gone? 
then, he hears breathing coming from behind your desk and as the blond approaches your space, he can’t help the sigh escaping him at the sight of your figure hunched over your work, head rested on your hands. you were just hidden behind your office desk and the massive company monitors. 
if being a hero doesn’t kill him first, then how adorable you were just might.
“you have a couch in your office for a reason, dumbass,” bakugou breathes to no one in particular. 
placing the items in his hand on your desk, the pro-hero takes his time analysing the best way to smoothly pick you up without waking you. assessing the situation in record time, he slowly wounds his arms behind your legs and shoulders, effortlessly picking you up to walk the short distance to the couch.
it’s with an unmatched gentleness that he places you down on the piece of furniture, briefly observing how peaceful you seem. bakugou didn’t have it in him to be mad at you for slacking off. with how you dedicate so much of yourself to your duties, he knows first hand just how hard you work. 
he’s seen it since knowing you at u.a and he sees it now as you work at his agency.
he hopes you take care of yourself properly as well.
it hits bakugou that he still has work to be done and that he really should get back to his office to minimise some of the load. so, with a grunt, he stands up.
as a bid of farewell, bakugou places a hand on the arm of the couch before leaning in to press a kiss on your forehead, lingering there for a second before pulling away, retreating back into the hallways where his agency’s top-heroes worked. 
the domesticity of this encounter leaves him wanting more. an innate desire to care for you when times get rough settling stubbornly in his gut; and as a pro hero, times always get rough. however, bakugou knows he’s capable of holding up your load simultaneously to his, he just hopes you can understand that as well despite being relentlessly independent.
# THREE ! - the kiss to silence you. 
you meet your gaze in the full-length mirror of your office with a huff, adjusting the neckline of your attire as you turn around to check your backside in the reflection too. 
this outfit was mediocre at best and you didn’t feel stunning in it at all. there was no way it would match up to the extravagant outfits you’ve shown up to hero galas and balls in the past, but since the gala was literally tomorrow, and you’ve delayed getting a dress to this point, it was impossible to go for another fitting.
“y/n, have you got the signed files- whoa.”
you meet bakugou’s fiery gaze in the mirror, turning around to greet him with a shy smile, somewhat embarrassed that he showed up at the exact moment you were all dressed up. immediately, you try to play it cool but scolded yourself internally for ignoring the gut feeling that someone would walk in whilst you were trying on your outfit- you just did not preempt for it to be the most attractive man in the building. 
“uh yeah, i actually do have them. what do you need them for?” you ask, shyly using your hands to cover some parts of yourself despite bakugou already having seen a lot of your skin because of accidents and injuries on missions. 
“i gotta send them off to deku’s agency,” he mutters, keeping his gaze low as he treks over to your desk. if you weren’t too caught up in your own feelings of humiliation, you would’ve seen the way his ears flared red, the tint spreading to his cheeks.
then you suddenly blurt out a question for him. “do you think i look good?” 
you meet his gaze in the mirror again, subtly feeling a part of you swell in pride at the way his eyes rake over your figure.
“you look amazing. is the dress for tomorrow?” he begins to approach you, stopping when he’s right behind you. 
“yeah. i don’t really like it that much.”
“don’t be ridiculous. you’re a sight to behold.”
“thank you,” you mutter half-heartedly, lips twisting with uncertainty. giving bakugou the necklace in your hands that complimented the bracelets you adorned, he immediately understands the message. you try not to react when his warm hands come in contact with your neck. “i just don’t think this outfit is flattering though.”
with nimble fingers, he clasps the chain successfully. “why?” 
“the colour, the shape, it doesn’t feel right, and i really hate it. i would go out and try to buy another dress but there’s so little time, every appointment is booked because i was stupid enough to avoid getting-”
a kiss behind your ear silences you effortlessly and you feel your breath being stolen when notice bakugou craning his neck down to meet your height. 
“calm down, you’re beginning to ramble,” he whispers and you just stare at him with an agape mouth, something that causes him to smirk. then, his hands find their purchase on your waist and it takes a lot of your resolve to not melt into his warmth.
ever since the daring kiss you shared on the mission, bakugou’s been less and less conservative about the affection he shows you. from openly admiring you when having lunch in the agency cafeteria, to manhandling you freely, to leaving kisses, you don’t know if your heart can keep up with his sudden change in behaviour.
worst part is, you can’t tell if it means anything to him like it does to you.
bakugou is japan’s most desired bachelor. maybe apart from his attitude, there is no public figure adored more than the blond who is standing right behind you. he’s always been known to do things his own way. no rules or preconceived notions can hold him back from doing what he wants. perhaps his shamelessness is a new symbol of how comfortable he is around you, 
you just wish it could be something more; something more… intimate.
but you could never reach bakugou, could you?
“i think you look beautiful but my opinion doesn’t matter. you want a new dress?” asks the blond and you nod wordlessly. “i know a place. let me give them a call, owner won’t ever say no to me after i saved her from her. got so many last minute pieces from her store. i’ll cover the bill too, just make sure you like what you wear.” 
he walks away with new swagger in his stride and you can only stare after him, dumbfounded. 
well, at least your problems were solved. 
bakugou might become a new problem. 
# FOUR ! - the kiss of adoration. 
the nerves in the limousine were uncontainable. as your sidekicks chattered amongst themselves, trying to rid any anxieties for the long night ahead, you couldn’t help but recall your first gala a few years ago. a celebration to commemorate the heroes of japan and everything they do for the peace and safety was always a big deal.
however, having done this several times ever since graduating from U.A few years ago, there’s little for you to be nervous about.
funny that you were only a few years older than your youngest sidekick (who was 18 years old), yet you were already exhausted by all the extravaganza and decorum. 
as the limousine approaches the drop off area where all the paparazzi were waiting, it didn’t take long for a tremendous tattle of inaudible words and shouts to erupt from them given that the windows were not totally tinted, meaning they could identify who was inside. being one of the biggest hero agencies would have this effect, especially when you were representing the name of #2 himself. but, even if it wasn’t bakugou stepping out of the car himself, your rank still placed you remarkably in the greedy eyes of the public.
as your sidekicks file out one by one, with camera flashes practically every millisecond, the hype only worsens when you emerge.
the paparazzi are respectful enough to avoid the path where heroes were walking by and as you wave, smile, and bow to all of them, compliments of how stunning you looked and shouts of ‘look here!’ all faded into the crowd. then, you made it out.
“well, if it isn’t y/n,” a familiar, baritone calls out from behind you. 
at the sight of a kind, smiling face, you can’t help your grin from breaking out. “shouto. to what do i owe the honour?”
“no need to be so formal with me,” your dual-quirked friend says with open arms, ones that you rush into quite eagerly. shouto always gave such welcoming hugs, you’ve been weak to them since second year of u.a. you ignore the camera flashes in your direction. “i’m just happy to see you here tonight.”
“i’m happy to see you too.”
“knowing you, you probably want to escape from here as soon as possible through any means possible.”
“you are correct.”
“i hope you have room for another escapee.”
his questions causes you to recall fondly to the many galas and events both you and todoroki slipped out of- a feat easier said than done, especially when people are constantly on the look out for their top heroes. 
“i don’t know, i like to go solo,” you say with faux contemplation, “but you’re the only exception.”
“well, i’m honoured, especially since you look gorgeous tonight. your outfit is beautiful,” compliments todoroki before grabbing your hand to spin you around, an action you comply with readily and has you both chuckling to yourselves.
“thank you, shouto. you look irresistible as always.”
before he can reply, a familiar mop of green hair joins both yours and todoroki’s side and when you turn to see the face of the newcomer, midoriya’s smiling and bright expression greets you. he immediately forgoes all greetings. 
“y/n! you look like you came from a runway,” midoriya marvels before embracing you in a side hug, repeating the same action to the half-and-half hero in front of you. “stunning as always. you too, todoroki!”
you wave his compliment off, flattered at his honesty. “thank you, midoriya. i only managed to pull this look together yesterday if i’m being completely real,” you say with a small chuckle, “but you look very handsome tonight. love this suit, the colour fits you well!”
todoroki nods, “i agree with y/n, and, congratulations on your agency’s latest partnership.” 
“thank you! i’m excited to see what will come from it, hopefully a lot of good things because-”
“oi, cut it with the rambling, nerd!” 
ah, there he is. you never could really miss bakugou’s presence.
“you’re already beginning to soil my night,” the blond continues when he emerges from behind midoriya. they’ve grown to about the same height now, with midoriya still two centimetres or so shorter than bakugou, but it’s always funny to see how the latter acts as if he’s all big and intimidating (as if todoroki isn’t taller than him). 
“ah, kacchan!” midoriya greets, making room for the blond to fit in the circle as kirishima trails behind him. 
as soon as the red-haired notices you, he gawks, mouth and eyes wide. “y/n!” exclaims the hardening hero. “looking gorgeous, man!.”
“that’s what we all said,” todoroki deadpans and you feel a little flustered from all the eyes on you- especially with the addition of a certain crimson pair. “should we all head in now? the paparazzi is getting on my nerves.”
“sure,” agrees deku, who turns to you with an extended arm. “need any help?”
you’re about to take his offer and hold on before he’s unceremoniously pushed to the side by bakugou, who offers you his arm instead with a mean look directed to midoriya. a glance of knowing is shared amongst the rest of your former classmates as they all make their way up the stairs.
“i thought midoriya was perfectly capable of helping me himself,” you chuckle before latching on to his forearm. 
bakugou scoffs. “not as capable as me.”
“sure, because only the great, pro-hero dynamight can help me up the stairs.” 
“damn straight.” his pride is undeniably endearing, even if it’s a little pointless at times. 
as he guides you up the stairs, your heart flutters a little at the way he holds you so delicately, all of his attention directed upon you and your safety. when you reach the top, you’re about to enter the ball room and let go of bakugou to talk to more people, but it seems like the blond has other plans.
with a small tug, you’re directed back to him, about to collide with his chest until a hand on your hips stops your momentum.
“the stylist i gave you worked, huh?” he whispers lowly.
“yes she did. you really saved me,” you respond, feeling your heart skip a beat at the way his eyes rake over your body for a moment before he’s meeting your gaze again. “you think i look good?”
“i think you look fuckin’ breathtaking.”
you keen at his authentic compliment, trying not to let him see how it effected you. “well, this is all thanks to you so i owe you- money wise and everything else.” 
“you can repay me by bein’ my date for the night,” he suggests, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb before bringing it up to his lips, placing a delicate kiss there as he maintains eye contact.
you gulp, agreeing before you can even think about the magnitude of his question.
“you with me? you seem a little far away,” asks bakugou. far away was just the beginning of it.
shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you nod wordlessly before grabbing his arm to pull him towards the bustling crowd of heroes. every group if briefly silenced when you and the explosive hero pass by, eyes lingering a little too long at the arm that bakugou has around your waist.
this feels surreal. 
he stands behind you like an intimidating shadow as you both speak to a range of people from support tech ambassadors, business consultants, aspiring heroes and sponsors- a crowd that only grows with the years you’ve been working in the industry. 
surprisingly, no one is brave enough to question what is happening between you and bakugou upfront. 
eventually, everyone moves into a separate hall where dinner would be served. since you and bakugou were representing the same agency, your names were already on the same table. when realising that you were seated across from him, he scowls and shamelessly swaps the tags around, not at all remorseful when he sits down on his assigned seat and pats the vacant spot next to him. with an eye roll, you oblige dutifully. 
“hold still,” you command the blond before reaching over to fix his tie, tightening it and aligning it properly before sitting back in satisfaction at your efforts. “there. handsome and proper.”
“handsome, huh?” bakugou teases with a shit-eating grin and you scoff, pushing his face away jokingly. you mutter an unimpressed ‘whatever’, ignoring the laughter that rips from the blond. 
moving the conversation along, you sit up in your seat a little bit. “did you see who was sitting at our table when you moved everything around?”
“just a bunch of old geezers. there’s that one marketing manager of some support gear business who kept bugging me last year to consider partnering with him,” he scoffs. 
“your luck, huh?” 
“fuck off, i’m just gonna ignore him for the whole night.”
“sure, do whatever you want, big guy.”
“i will. these extras don’t matter when i’ve already hired all the best in their industries. you’re my first example of that.”
your heart flutters at his recognition, about to respond with a quip when all of a sudden, your table guests materialise in front of you. all of them take their respective seats, settling down with formal greetings as you adjust yourself as well. only bakugou was unmoving, leaning against the back of his chair whilst merely staring every down as they appeared; an attitude very in character for him.
the night goes along rather smoothly. you do majority of the talking, forcing bakugou to respond and answer questions here and there, which he begrudgingly does. at least the people that were on your table were talkative themselves and could converse amongst themselves, leaving you with enough mental space to not solely concentrate on the way the explosion hero was holding your hand under the table.
the occasional caresses he placed along the back of it was enough to slowly drive you insane. he was being really shameless about the whole physical affection ordeal. 
he acts similar to that a boyfriend should and the canniness has made you woozy. so much so that it strains your throat to breathe, hurts your heart to think about and makes your whole being itch with want.
what cemented your doom was the way he was willing to swap your plate with his if yours was a dish you didn’t like. he would offer to take the ingredients you weren’t fond of and give you the ones on his plate that you were. as if that wasn’t the most endearing thing he could do this evening, he would tell you that there’s food around your mouth before wiping it away. you owe a ‘thank you’ to mitsuki and masaru for raising him to be like this. 
when the final dish of dinner was served, many jumped from their seats with the opportunity to mingle around; something that occurred at your table too to your relief. as the representatives all place their business cards in front of you, you farewell them with a friendly smile before slipping the small slips into bakugou’s shirt pocket, something he allows you to do.
“dynamight,” an authoritative voice comes from behind and when you both turn around to see who the instigator is, you’re a little surprised to see a well-dressed man in proper business man attire. he resembled tony stark- even down to his goatee and moustache. “pleasure to meet you. my name is yuu noguchi and i am a specialist in support gear. may i have a second of your time?” 
your eyes widen in recognition at the name. the man standing in front of you was currently one of the most desired support gear directors in the industry and apparently, had the skills to benefit almost every hero, no matter how difficult their requests were. it was thanks to his quirk, something about limitless intelligence.
so it wasn’t only because of the tony stark resemblance that you recognised him. 
bakugou glances at you, inquiring for your approval which you give by ushering him out of his seat. as you watch him strut away with the yuu beside him, you can’t help but feel relieved because now your heart could have a chance to calm down and give your lungs a moment to breathe.
“am i right to assume that you and mr bakugou are an item?” comes a voice from your left.
it’s the old geezer your date was complaining about earlier. somehow he sneaked his way from across the table to right next to you, leaning over now-empty plates of food as he gives you a look that shakes you to your core. not in the good way that bakugou can do.
“only for the night,” comes your curt reply. “i am his date to this gala.” 
“what you find so interesting about that?”
“perhaps you’d rather i not say, but, to be truthful, my theory has been plaguing my mind all night.”
raising an eyebrow at him was his only indication that you wish for him to expand on his point.
he obliges. “well, you of course know about dynamite’s competitive spirit, and how he has been constantly battling deku in all realms of hero work? rankings, the amount of employees, even popularity.”
was mentioning midoriya necessary? their past history has never been the cleanest, and although you knew bakugou wished he could have a clean slate with the one for all user, sometimes their relationship brought a little awkwardness to conversations.
“i cannot help but assume that, in order to pass deku once again, he is using you to his advantage?”
you can’t help exposing your emotions through your microexpressions; something he catches onto. 
bakugou? using you? 
“right now deku is the hottest talk of the hero world with his latest partnership because of all the humanitarian advocacy he is partaking in. he’s gaining a lot of fans too. perhaps bakugou’s only way of upstaging midoriya is by using his well-liked status to the public a juicy scoop on his potential, new relationship, especially with one of japan’s favourite heroes. no doubt it will boost his name in the media, and give him a momentary push over the edge.”
you narrow your eyes at what his suggestion and although it pained you to admit, it had some credibility behind it. it even justified why bakugou has been acting weirdly attentive with you, and if you recalled properly, his sudden change in behaviour began around the news of midoriya’s initiative. 
but he’s not like that, right? your relationship can’t be reduced to simply article headlines and traction… right?
“that’s just my take as a specialist in the hero industry, specifically when it comes to brand and image,” the man ends, placing his hands on the table before standing up. “i hope the rest of the night treats you splendidly.”
when he waddles away, you’re left sitting at the same, empty tables. whilst the exterior may seem relaxed and collected, a whirlpool of thoughts erupt within, your thoughts jumbling and fumbling over one another.
without thinking, you end up at a table marked by todoroki’s agency logo, desperately searching for your dual-haired friend. in your haste, you didn’t preempt knocking into a body with hardened muscles and when you look up to see who was the glorified wall, you breathe a sigh of relief when it’s todoroki’s concerned face you see.
maybe fate was kind to you tonight.
“something wrong, y/n?” he asks in that caring tone of his.
“yes,” comes your quick and frantic reply. todoroki sees right through that frazzled expression of yours.
“is it bakugou?”
“yes- can we get out of here? i don’t care about propriety right now.”
“hold on, don’t get too ahead of yourself. the media will have a storm if they see us together after you’ve been accompanying dynamight the whole night.” 
“you’re right.” you’re could get a headache from simply imagining the repercussions you’re going to go through with your pr team if todoroki didn’t have his head on his shoulders. “do you have any solutions?”
“i could cause a fire and start an evacuation?”
“you’re ridiculous.”
“i was kidding. there is an authorised only back door escape near the bathrooms. i think it leads to the back of the building. does that sound better?”
“much. thank you, todoroki, i really appreciate it.”
“no problem. i’m looking forward to having a gossip ‘sesh’ about bakugou.”
you snort unceremoniously, amused by him and his deliberate choice of trendy language. if he was trying to cheer you up, it was working. 
following his instructions, you are more than relieved to see that the back door did indeed, lead to the back gardens of the site where gala was held. if you were correct, the parking lot for chauffeurs would be on the right side. 
minutes later, you find yourself ranting to todoroki, taking it from the whole beginning and recounting every, minute detail of the journey.
“-and then we kissed during our stealth mission which only made it worse because then i realised i was flipping in love with him!”
“only just then?” asks todoroki with a questioning look. 
“look, i had the hots for him in third year because of his growth spurt, i didn’t like him so don’t give me that look,” you justify, silencing him with a finger in his face. “anyways-”
“-is bakugou a good kisser?”
you press your lips together, unsure of how to answer without sounding ridiculous but really, your silence was the answer todoroki needed. he tilts his head to the side slightly, entertained by your sudden flustered behaviour before redirecting one hundred percent of his attention back your direction.
“find out yourself,” you finally quip. despite how delayed your comeback was, the half-and-half pro-hero still laughs. “so after that mission, bakugou’s been acting weird with me ever since. everything he’s been doing is just so unlike him. i find him staring at me from time to time and when i catch him, he doesn’t look away, just does that stupid, smug smirk of his! he’s been more handsy, and, this is the most confusing part.” 
“yesterday, i didn’t have an adequate outfit for tonight’s gala. i had something planned but it just wasn’t right and i was really down about it. well, bakugou walked in my office when i was trying it on-”
“-couldn’t you have done that at home?”
“shouto. come on. i was planning to go straight from work to the gala because the grind never stops, you know this. so i was trying it on and i was telling him that i didn’t like my outfit at all and then he kissed me on the back of my ear,” you explain, vividly using your hands to help your story. 
the way todoroki’s eyes widen a little makes you feel better that you have someone else also astounded by bakugou’s boldness. “he… kissed… your ear?”
“why your ear?”
“i don’t know, shouto!”
“but why did he kiss you?”
“i don’t know, shouto! that’s not something friends or coworkers do to one another.”
“right. i would never kiss your ear. or you.”
“i would never kiss you either, which confuses me so much as to why bakugou did that! and then he referred me to a personal stylist- who was amazing, i will absolutely be returning to her again- and when i showed up at the gala, he was just acting so… off!”
“like how he pulled you away from midoriya.”
“precisely! it got worse because when we arrived at the entrance, i was about to enter but then he stopped me by pulling my hand, which he then proceeded to kiss!” you exclaim animatedly, gesturing to the same hand. “then he asked me to be his date!”
“that’s odd. why not ask you in advance?”
todoroki hums in contemplation for a second, furrowing his eyebrows as he thinks- a habit he has not rid of since u.a. “if i was going to be honest y/n, i was about to say my theory is that bakugou has a crush on you, but asking you to be his date tonight? it feels a little off to me.”
“if he truly wanted you to accompany him to the gala, he would’ve asked beforehand. doing it tonight just feels a little… orchestrated, asking whilst you were all dressed up,” todoroki’s articulate words pierce you through the heart and you feel your chest deflate, understanding what he was saying. “i don’t want to assume anything of this because that is not in bakugou’s character, he’s never superficial about anything he does.”
you sigh, quietly muttering the next statement. “believe it or not you’re not the first person tonight telling me that bakugou has some ulterior motive with me.” 
your friend’s is taken aback, his hair jumping with his sudden movement. “who else?”
“some old, marketing guy from a support gear company that kept bothering bakugou at last year’s gala,” you huff, placing your chin on your hand as you fiddle with the bracelets adorning your wrist. “said something that really messed with my brain.”
now finding your nails a lot more interesting than your dual-quirk friend, you don’t think you can meet his eyes whilst repeating the embarrassing statement. 
“he said that since bakugou and midoriya have been rivals and competing against each other since they were young, bakugou was using me as a chance to one-up deku. especially because deku’s the hottest talk in the hero world right now because of that partnership. he thought that if i could stand and look pretty by bakugou’s side, it would boost his image and get him into the headlines,” you spit, sounding more aggressive with each word that leaves your mouth.
you want to punch a wall.
todoroki places a gentle hand on your shoulder, one that felt grounding and reassuring. kind.
“you’re more than just someone who can sit and look pretty,” he begins, “anyone who says otherwise is clearly stupid. you’re one of the top heroes in japan, simplifying your reputation to only benefit someone by being their date is offensive and incredibly ignorant.”
his assured words lifts your spirit a little, but there’s still that little bit of weight clasping at your ankles. “but what if bakugou doesn’t see it that way?” 
“then he’s an idiot.”
the laugh that escapes you makes your chest feel lighter; a remedy for the horrible emotions swirling in your gut. “you’re right. this is all just so frustrating,” you mutter into your palms. “i need to stop thinking about bakugou or i will obliterate him the next time i see him.”
todoroki huffs, entertained. “i don’t think you should hold any malice towards him. let the truth reveal itself, we’re both getting ahead of ourselves.”
“yeah,” you sigh before fishing for your phone. “please take photos of me, i look too good tonight to not post myself on instagram. i need a distraction from my wallowing.”
“as you wish.”
# FIVE ! - the kiss of confession. 
you did not take todoroki’s advice at all and instead, got ahead of yourself. the first day back to work since the gala, you began deliberately avoiding bakugou- as immature as that was.
it’s a task easier said than done because avoiding bakugou was really hard. like, really really hard. given that his office was literally right beside yours, it was hard to walk by his glass doors and pretend to not notice him in there, especially since he liked to weight lifts and walk around as he worked. you could probably draw bakugou’s build from heart with how many times you gawked at him as you passed by.
plus he’s the face of the wholeass agency, so. there’s that.
the only solution you fathomed was to pick up more patrols during work hours, leaving more often during the day to return exhausted and irritated at night whilst you dealt with office work. seeing your sour mood apparently was enough to turn bakugou- and everyone else, away. 
your assistant has booked you spa schedules for almost every weekend. multiple of them.
avoiding bakugou evolved from the root of two problems. the first one being the whole gala fiasco, the second one being that you genuinely don’t believe it’s good for your health if he kept acting as intimate as he had with you. however, the more you thought about it, you’re not even sure if he’d treat you the same way he did before the gala and you’re also not risking any chance of finding that out.
“you got another commission at downtown honei! join the cops in chasing down the assailant who claims to be ‘lava man’. police recommend to bring another hero,” a voice from your operator calls and you quickly reply with a ‘on it’. your first thought was ridiculing the villain name: ‘lava man’. wonder what his quirk was.
adjusting your hero gear as you walk out of your office, you run into the exact gorgeous face you’ve been avoiding. 
“y/n i need to- where are you going in such a hurry?” asks bakugou, scrunching his eyebrows upon noticing your haste. you continue walking past him and without thinking, he trails behind.
“commission. i’m going to get backup.”
“i can join-”
“-no, stay here. i’m calling kirishima on this one,” you say, sparing him a momentary glance to see a look of frustration appearing in his eyes. 
he looks like he’s bursting at the seams to say something, but the blond shoves all protests down and shouts out a ‘stay safe’ before you’re turning around the corner.
the commission is easy enough and you solved it before the clock could progress another hour. the hard part was that you kept receiving mission after mission, unable to catch a break to have some lunch or retreat to the agency when you had to keep reprimanding villains. seriously, why did they all unanimously pick today to be menaces to society?
your muscles were getting increasingly sore, your body was starting to feel the after effects of your quirk, and you were grumpy for how little time you got to rest. 
after reporting back your last commission for the day, you finally find some time to buy some food from your favourite ramen place. pathetically carrying the plastic bag all the way up to your office, you open the glass door with a grunt because of how much your body ached from one simple movement. you were going to be in even more pain tomorrow; maybe you should request a day off to see your physiotherapist. 
as you leant against the front of your desk to search for the contact of your trusted physiotherapist, you jump about 2 feet when the door to your office slams open, revealing a fuming bakugou.
blinking once, then twice in fear, you feel cornered.
“uh… can i help you?” comes your meek greeting.
“yeah you can fuckin’ help me!” he booms, crossing the floor to stand directly in front of you, face only a few inches away from yours. “mind telling me why you’ve been avoiding me ever since the gala? and why you didn’t respond to any of my texts since?”
you cringe at the mention of the texts. whilst you were complaining your heart out to todoroki, bakugou was asking where you went and why you didn’t tell him you were leaving. messed up move on your part, but it genuinely pained to even read his contact name, let alone send him a text to pretend like everything was okay.
now that he’s this close again, you realise just how much you’ve missed him.
your heart is doing laps again, and your arms suddenly itch with a desire to pull him close.
“don’t try to say something stupid like you haven’t been avoiding me, because you clearly have,” he scolds but the hurt in his eyes are very visible. it was time to just give him the truth, even if it still hurts you to think about.
with a sigh, you decide to surrender to your downfall through the form of a simple confession. 
“i like you.”
the tension in the room increases by tenfold. your lungs tighten from how suffocating his presence is, especially as he looms over you, allowing you no space to breathe.
then he does something incredibly unexpected: he kisses you. 
you feel your mind spinning and your heart picking up even more than you thought humanly possible. the way he curves himself around you is too much, the fire he ignites within your stomach, burning you from the inside out with his passion was too much, and the feeling of how desperately he was holding you against him was too much. he’s bleeding with love and need.
bakugou’s lips move against yours with a hint of urgency behind his actions, and you don’t have it in you to deny him. so, you fully give in to the unstoppable force of bakugou katsuki, allowing him to pick you up and seat you on your office desk.
somehow your hands end up tangled in his hair and his are roaming all over your body, unable to find purchase for even a millisecond as he commits learning you to memory.
you snap back to reality when a grunt of satisfaction slips past his mouth and into yours, causing you to abruptly jump back whilst simultaneously pushing him away. you miss his warmth already, grip steady on his shoulders to keep him away.
the look of hunger and yearning in bakugou’s eyes tells you that he’s not yet satisfied.
“hold on- stop- we need to discuss this-” you stammer before being cut off by the blond.
“-i have been waitin’ forever for this fucking moment. discussion over-”
“-no, bakugou-” you push his face away, even as he keeps inching forward, hands tugging your closer towards his toned body, “-katsuki.”
bakugou perks up at the mention of his given name, stopping his struggle completely. you only ever use it to capture his attention but he wishes that you would use it for more casual means rather than purposeful ones. it sounds so nice when you say it after all.
“i need a second to think,” you explain, rubbing your temples. 
“talk to me, pretty. i can only answer if you verbalise your thoughts.”
“so you genuinely like me? you’re not using me for, y’know, media rep and shit?”
the most flabbergasted, appalled, and astounded expression appears on bakugou’s face. he looks absolutely livid and you begin wondering why you ever assumed the things you did.
“the fuck?” comes his reply. “why the fuck would you think that? who the fuck made you think that?”
you feel small under his fiery gaze, unable to properly look him in the eye as you recount the conversation shared between you and the old, marketing representative of the support gear company. with each sentence bakugou’s scowl grows deeper.
one the story is over, you knew that you were in for a mouthful. in more ways than one. 
“that stinky, old geezer was why you were ignoring me? i thought i messed up or something, but this was because you actually listened to that extra? are you fuckin’ kidding me? i’ve been dyin’ because of you refused to even look at me and some asshole is the cause of that?” he asks. “i’m about to blow a bitch up-”
“-no, katsuki!”
would you look at that. he’s calm again.
“don’t do that. it’s my fault, i let him get to my head and suddenly some insecurities i didn’t even know i had started emerging. if it’s anyone that needs to apologise it’s me, i’m sorry for how i’ve been treating you after the gala, and for doubting you.”
“yeah you better be. don’t do this shit again,” the blond commands. “you really think that low of me that i’d use you to help my reputation?”
“i think it was moreso i thought really lowly of myself. to me, it didn’t make sense that you would ever be interested in me.” 
a beat passes. he flops himself against you again, letting you hold up majority of his weight. 
“you’re kiddin’, right? you’re a fuckin’ gem and i’ll kill anyone who won’t treat you like one because i just had the worst few days of my life from this bullshit,” he complains, burying himself into the juncture of your shoulder and your neck. 
the giggle of flattery escapes your lips before you can stop it, and you rub your hands soothingly along his spine before admitting a question that has plagued your mind ever since. “why’d you ask me to be your date at the gala and not beforehand?”
“i was nervous and chickened out every time i tried,” he confesses quietly, grumbling lowly into your skin. “when i saw you at the gala i swore i got a heart attack, and when that nerd almost swept you off your feet, i had to do something. i knew i’d lose you otherwise.”
“what, don’t want to lose to deku again?” you ask with a teasing tone. bakugou bites your skin. you yelp.
“watch your mouth.”
“you’ll be relieved to know that i don’t want anyone but you, katsuki.”
“ya sure?”
“i’ve been sure for a while.”
the blond laughs, murmuring a ‘you’re perfect. too good for me’ before connecting your lips again. you hum into him before muttering a ‘yeah i am’ against his mouth. it makes him smirk. 
when you part, you pat his shoulder as a sign of surrender. “i need to get to working on some files so if you don’t mind-”
as you try to shuffle off your table, bakugou stops you before your feet can even touch the ground. “are you kidding?” he challenges in an accusatory tone. “you’re not doing shit, you’ve been on commissions all day. have you even had a meal?”
“i just bought some ramen for myself,” you say whilst gesturing to the bag on your desk. 
he grumbles. “want me to warm it up?”
“no, it’s okay,” reaching around you to open the laptop sitting on your desk, bakugou’s quick to shut it close again.
“what part of ‘you’re not doing shit’ do you not understand? fuckin’ rest!”
life is a little surreal right now, especially with bakugou’s aggressively ambiguous way of nurturing people. then he grabs the noodles and rips opens the packaging, fishing for the chopsticks also provided before ripping that apart too. so shameless in everything he does, that’s a habit he’ll never lose, you suppose. 
you unknowingly smile when considering the prospect that bakugou’s shamelessness is something you have to deal with even more now.
a small cat fight erupts when you realise that the blond had full intentions of feeding you the ramen himself and your dignity refused to let him. he eventually coaxed you by saying he’ll take your commissions for the next three days and the soreness of your muscles found the deal a little too tempting. with a huff, you give in.
“ramen smells good,” he comments absentmindedly.
“it’s my favourite place. not too far away. we should go someday,” you say in between mouthfuls.
he scoffs in dismissal but the pink tint of his ears contrast his reluctant attitude. “it better not let me down.” 
you stop for a second, grabbing your phone and searching through your contacts again. “i need to book a session with my physiotherapist.” 
“she gives the best massages and my body is so sore right now.”
“i think i can help with that.”
“don’t underestimate me,” bakugou says, paired with a wink. you can’t help but assume there’s a not-so-innocent undertone to his intentions, especially with the way he smirks. “i could help you relax in more ways than one.”
goodness, were you in for a ride.
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
(gender neutral reader, reader went to middle school with bakugou and midoriya, reader can make chocolate, and reader bent their back for the making of said chocolate, not that much beta read /derogatory, i got carried away 😭)
bakugou katsuki is a feared, but admired guy— especially during valentines day.
it’s interesting.. when he was a younger boy— he’d take gifts from admirers (usually girl classmates or other kids that frequent the park he goes to) with widened eyes and a scoff, snatching the gift away from them with quick hands, and mumbling how valentines day is stupid— that it’s lame and he doesn’t understand it.
but refusing gifts are rude, he’d remember his mom say, after he refused to accept something his dad made for him— and back then, he’d listen to his mom like his life depended on it. so, for a year or two— he’d take gifts.
but as the blond boy manifested a quirk and became just a bit older— he started ignoring her words altogether, having had grown out of the “listening to mom all the time is cool” phase.
his features started defining themselves, and he was starting to become taller. before he knew it— he had a sudden wave of admirers crashing down at him almost everyday of the year.
and it almost excluding valentines day.
because he’d sneer at anyone willing to offer their affection in the form of sweetened confectionary, and resorted to blowing up love letters into smithereens.
if his personality wasn’t obvious enough, this was precisely the reason why his admire-from-afar to get-personal ratio was obviously imbalanced.
of course, no one really learns— even as he grows older, enters UA for highschool, and retains his personality even after some realizations, because bakugou katsuki is quite beautiful.
so there’s at least a handful of admirers that are willing to risk it all— even if it meant some form of humilation or intimidation.
but not you.
you’ve prepared a little something for everyone in your class— yes, even the forbidden grape haired classmate and him. your hands practically hurt from stirring, and you feel like if you’d even bend up slightly, you’d hear multiple cracks amass from your back.
but you think it’s all worth it. your work tastes good, looks good and cute, and you’re certain everyone would enjoy how their chocolates varied in flavor, even if the change was just slightly noticeable.
you hand out chocolates to each respective person as soon as they pop into the common room.
the girls of your class perk up in interest and clamor around you— smiles adorning their faces as they line up to receive their chocolates.
mina, kyouka and hagakure compare their flavors together, momo asks you how you did it, because she’s “bad at cooking”
ochako’s already munching on the sweets, when he starts thanking you. finally, tsuyu just looks at you silently, and gives you a warm side hug.
midoriya goes beet red when he realizes that you personally gave everyone a slightly different flavor (you don’t know how he blushed over that, but you find it endearing.) todoroki, tokoyami, shoji, sato, koda, and ojiro look a little confused and dazed at first when you give them your chocolates, but they end up accepting it with gratitude.
kirishima, iida, kaminari, sero, aoyama and mineta accept your chocolates rather quickly, wasting no time in giving their thanks (excluding mineta— who just teased you about liking him, which was and will never be the case)
but through it all, you managed to avoid eye contact with your snarky blond childhood friend and classmate— who was silently trailing you with crimson eyes the entire time.
for a moment you think he’s mad at you for not giving anything, which you’d understand— if it weren’t for the fact that he is valentines day’s #1 public enemy. but you exchange this thought for something else.
he must think that you’re strange for making the class chocolate, and you wouldn’t blame him. usually, it’d be sato making stuff like this. not to mention, you heard him remark rather loudly about the kitchen smelling strongly of chocolate, in his usual bakugou tone.
you made the right choice not to give him the chocolates you made, you think to yourself. not to mention, how amidst it all, you might’ve showed a slight bias to his chocolate’s design— and revealing your crush on him on today of all days is less than ideal.
and you think nothing of his behavior—
“s’ i’ve got nothing, huh?”
he jumpscares you when you close your locker, and he lets out a snort when your shoulders rise in reflection of your surprise.
your gaze trails to his locker, which cannot close due to a lump of chocolate and letters preventing it from properly doing so. “you’ve got plenty, though. i don’t want to give you diabetes or anything.”
(which was half true because wow the amount of chcolate—)
“you gave all of them chocolate. why’da do that?”
“because.. it’s valentines day..?” you start walking away from your locker— and to which he follows all the way. you try not to think much of the action
“but what makes you think that i shouldn’t get any.”
normally, one would state that as a question, but the way he said it, the tone of his voice— it wasn’t said like one.
“i know you, kachaan,” you reason while making use of his childhood nickname, which gains an eye twitch from the blond. “if i was told to count how many letters you’ve burned and chocolates you either gave away or thrown out, i wouldn’t have enough fingers on my hands.”
“‘cause all of them were fuckin’ store bought?”
“and what if they weren’t?”
“then they were horrendous.” he states, matter of a fact. then, his eyes narrow, “and it’s not like you’re giving me a damned letter.”
you feel your cheeks heat up. that’s not the case— but the idea of writing him a love letter has your mind going into haywire.
“it’s not. but you’ve never showed interest in this sorta thing in a long time.”
“what— eating chocolates?”
“pretty much.”
he blinks, unamused. “you can be such a dumbass sometimes. can’t take the fucking hint.”
you’re pretty sure he meant to say that quietly, but he didn’t. you’re unphased at this point.
but you don’t get what he means, so you try to defend yourself. “but—” your words come to a sudden halt, as you realize the uselessness.
“wait, why am i trying to reason with you?— look, i actually did make something for you too. if i didn’t then that’d be such an asshole move of me to exclude you.”
“really. you’re not bullshittin’ me?”
“no.” you reply, firmly. “but you have to promise not to laugh. you can insult me, but laugh? no way.”
he raises an eyebrow.
then, you shift onto one leg and start looking for something in one of the front pockets of your bag. the search doesn’t take long, because you pull something out— medium sized chocolate in clear wrapping, with an orange bow tying it together.
it’s clearly slightly bigger than the rest of your classmates, and you hope he doesn’t notice.
he silently unwraps the chocolate, and gets eye to eye with your creation. it’s three pieces of chocolate shaped as explosions— the middle explosion being bigger than the other two. anyone who sniffed it could smell orange first, as the middle (biggest) piece has a swirl of orange and milk chocolate, the left piece is simply milk chocolate, and the right piece is white chocolate.
he takes the middle one and bites half of it, and chews. you observe, like he’s a top chef reviewing your latest work, and when he finishes, he says—
“not bad,” he remarks, flashing that heart racing smile. “wanna taste?”
you gulp, stupefied by his offer. words don’t have real meanings for a second. “huh?”
then, he’s reaching up and popping the other half into your mouth, thumb pressing against your lips.
you almost choke— and it wasn’t from the chocolate. you bite, taste the flavor, the mouth watering taste of orange and chocolate swarming your mouth.
to twist the knife into the wound— he cups your face and presses a deep, but quick kiss against your lips. his soft lips linger onto yours, and this intensifies what you can already taste.
and then, as quick as he kissed you, he pulls back— gaze still lingering on your lips.
a toothy grin starts to grow on his lips, and he pats your shoulder— beginning to create distance between you two by walking ahead.
“next time, give me the chocolates first, will ya? tastes fuckin’ good.”
you have a feeling he isn’t talking about the chocolate.
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
after the many, many years of being bakugou’s friend, kirishima could say he has never seen his best bud so in love with someone before—so deeply and irrevocably smitten with you.
it was the little things, mostly, that piled up and up until it was so blatantly obvious that bakugou had fallen—and he had fallen hard. making you bentos, hanging around your desk, walking you home… he’d never behaved like this with anyone before, kirishima mused. it was jarring, in a way. but kirishima was happy for his friend, and he couldn’t help but to keep an eye on the two of you whenever he was in the vicinity (whether bakugou knew he was there or not).
lovestruck, was the word that came to kirishima’s bewildered mind the first time he saw bakugou trailing after you. following you like this great shadow around the agency. he never seemed to leave you alone for too long and he’d always have this little pout on his face whenever you’d shoo him away so you could do your own work. kirishima didn’t think bakugou even knew about the extent of his own feelings—not at first, anyways. and when he tried to confront the blond, he’d act all gruff and grouchy, his ears tinted a violent pink.
bakugou could deny it all he wanted, though. kirishima saw right through him.
what really cemented everything for kirishima—really hammered it in that his best friend was finally getting some of the happiness he deserved—was the time bakugou had caught you from falling off a ladder.
you’d been trying to hang up some decorations around the agency—to “brighten things up a bit” you’d said. kirishima had been too far away at the time—but he still saw the moment you’d leaned just a bit too far to the right. the moment your foot had slipped and you’d tumbled off that tall ladder with a small yelp.
bakugou had been exiting his office at that precise moment. and kirishima swore he had never seen his friend run so fucking fast before in his life. a small explosion propelled him forward—charring the wood and frame of his office door. just so he could catch you before you cracked your head open on the floor.
kirishima watched—from his position across the agency, his legs tensed—as bakugou held you tight within his arms and looked down at your shaken form. he watched as bakugou played off his breathlessness as though he hadn’t just dead sprinted across the hall to get to you on time. you wouldn’t ever know, kirishima thought to himself, how desperate bakugou would have to be to move that fast. and kirishima finally relaxed his stance once he saw bakugou set you carefully down on the ground, hovering over you as he scolded you for being so inattentive. you only rubbed the back of your head as you smiled sheepishly up at him. if bakugou hadn’t been smitten before, he certainly was now.
kirishima couldn’t have been happier, really. and he found himself quietly slipping away, a smile on his face at the idea of bakugou finally, finally being in love.
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
𑊡˚+₊🍼✦ — yakuza!bakugou + katsuki bakugou.
૮ ͈>◡< ͈ა warnings — angst, fluff, sfw. bakugou leaves the yakuza for you and it hurts for him to realise how much he loves you. gn!reader.
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katsuki bakugou never grovels. he never cries.
he can’t remember the last time he felt tears in his eyes. it must’ve been back when he was a kid, when his parents kicked him out and put him on the street— when the adults in his life failed him time and time again or when he’d gone so long without food he could barely lift a finger let alone keep his eyes open.
“i need an out, boss.” bakugou fights back a sob, head bowed so low that his chest feels tight and blood rushes to the top of his skull. his blood red eyes sting like they’ve been doused with acid rain, his lips quiver faster than he can keep up with— katsuki can’t remember the last time he cried and begged for mercy like this. “can’t go on like this.”
he feels pathetic, more than he ever has in his entire life. much worse than when his boss had taken him into the family, beaten some sense into him and taken a chance on a ruthless kid that ruled the streets with nothing but murder on his mind.
“and why’s that, first lieutenant?” jeanist, the head of the family and the closest thing the blonde has to an old man, asks— seated across from him on the tatami flooring, swaddled in his robes.
katsuki hates this feeling of pain that lodges itself in his chest and blossoms like the sakura trees representing his yakuza family crest. the pain of having to choose what he knows and loves and the love that the future holds for him. he’s not felt pain like this in a long time— emotional, mental pain. physically…he’s been through a lot worse, taken had metal pipes to the head and ribs, stab wounds and bullet wounds galore too. heck, even the yakuza tattoos bound to his wrists ( that seem more like shackles more and more each day ) hurt a fuck tonne.
but nothing is more agonising than seeing the emotional pain katsuki’s inflicted on you.
his knuckles turn white as he grips the fabric covering his knees— grinding his teeth, holding his breath, willing himself not to fucking cry. “i finally got somethin’— someone— damn worth livin’ for,” katsuki spits out, shifting the words around underneath his tongue. bitter and thick as if he’s swallowed a cap full of bleach. “they need me. beg me to come home in one piece. cry when ‘m cut up and bruised, harder when my knuckles bleed.”
“you’re in love,” the old man whispers from in front of him, wistful and wise. katsuki doesn’t speak for a while, he doesn’t have the strength to deny it.
because it’s true, he loves you more than he loves the thrill— the rush of being alive, being a part of this family where no tomorrow is guaranteed. he loves you more and hates the part of him that came home to you beaten and bruised, a bloody pulp so selfishly asking for your help because your hands were soft and you spoke to him softer. katsuki hadn’t seen the tears in your eyes back then, he hadn’t known how much he was hurting you. but when you ask him to make a choice between his family, the yakuza and yourself…
well, the answer is simple. the answer is always you.
“i’m in love,” katsuki repeats, admitting the truth. to his boss and to himself. he’s always known that he loved you, as clear as day, as true as fact— you make cherry blossoms bloom in his chest when his heart stops just from seeing you. you make his world come to a stop just by looking at him— is if you’ve stopped it’s rotation just so he could spend a little extra time with you. katsuki would die for you, but you’d want him to live for you instead.
and he wants to live for you too, wants to live to see you smile.
“i need an out, boss, please just give me a way out,” bakugou sucks back a sob, breathing uneven and shaky. “i need ya to let me go so i can protect ‘em better, be there for them. put a ring on their finger and keep them safe.”
best jeanist let’s a hand fall to straw blonde locks, patting the lieutenant on the head affectionately. “you’ve done a lot for this family, katsuki. i can’t ask you to stay when all you’ve done is put your life on the line for us.” he says, fond of the boy he raised and the man that he’s become. “be free, look after them. they’re your family now.”
katsuki lets out a relieved, strangled breath of thanks and best jeanist hums.
katsuki bakugou never grovels, he never cries but tonight he does. because when it comes to you his emotions are uncontrollable, strewn all about the place.
even the strongest, most dangerous men fall— and it just so happens that katsuki bakugou, a member of the yakuza, had fallen for you.
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
Kaminari watched with a quirked brow as you walked straight into the common room and plopped right down next to Bakugou, who opened his arm to allow you to curl into his side.
Sure, it amazed him that Bakugou even had the means to score a partner, let alone one would could just come in and plop next to him, interrupting whatever game he was playing on his switch, but…
Kaminari was moreso interested in whatever you two were doing than thinking about the other complexities of your relationship.
“What do you want?” Bakugou asks, his nose burying in your hair.
Bleach blonde eyebrows furrow in frustration, “you do realize it’s almost 10 pm, right? I’m not doing that.”
“Mmmnn!” You push your head against his shoulder, and he snarls at you.
“Don’t you ‘mmmnn’ me! It’s fuckin’ dark out.”
“Do you have any lick of a clue what the hell is going on?” Kaminari whispers, a hand covering his mouth in an attempt to keep his question between himself and Kirishima. Kirishima tips his head as he watches you and Bakugou… talk? to each other on the loveseat just feet away.
“Honestly man,” the redhead sighs, tipping his head in thought. “No idea.”
“You want Aizawa to kill me?” Bakugou mumbles, gently rubbing your arm with his thumb. “Dumbass. Because he will.”
“Yeah, I should’ve expected you to say that.”
“Say what?” Kaminari whispers, the pitch turning into a whine, gentle fingers tugging at Kirishima’s tee-shirt. Kirishima shrugs and continues to watch the… conversation.
“Come on,” Bakugou pleads, “can’t I just give you some of my chips? I’ll take ya to get some snacks tomorrow, I promise-“
Bakugou groans and tips his head back, blinking up at the ceiling as if trying to work up some strength. “Hey, idiots,” he grumbles, making the two of his friends tense up in fear; Kaminari visibly trembles, he hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, he just really wanted to know if you were okay-
“What time does that stupid convenience store close for the night?” The blonde asks, and Kirishima watches as your lips, peeking from Bakugou’s neck, curl up into a smile.
Kirishima shrugs, “I… think they’re 24 hours. Or at least open until real late. I think they stop making food at 1 am though.”
Bakugou groans. Kaminari sees you stifle your giggles, your fingers curling on his shirt. You grunt again, and Bakugou rolls his eyes.
“Fucking- fine.” He turns back to his friends with a snarled lip. “You dickheads want anything?”
“Uh…” Kaminari begins. “I’ll… take a strawberry juice, if you’re offering.”
“I’m not, but my insignificant other is.”
Kirishima chuckles, “I’ll take an egg roll. Thanks man.”
Bakugou gives a subtle nod and turns his head back down to you, “you’re coming with me-“
“Oh hell no!” He barks. “If I go down, you’re coming with me, you shitfuck!”
Once again, you laugh into his neck, and even if kaminari and kirishima don’t understand the dynamic, it feels good to see Bakugou smirk in your hair and nuzzle into you.
“Yeah yeah… love you, too, or something.”
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
When Mitsuki walks in the room for the fourth time since her son took on the arduous task of making homemade chocolates, the latter finally regrets the phone call he made earlier this week. 
“Just make sure you leave my kitchen like you found it,” she says, leaning ever so slightly on the kitchen island. Katsuki considers a sharp remark, but is too nervous counting down minutes and seconds in his head before turning the chocolate on the stove. She also has a good reason to be concerned - the kitchen is now as cluttered as the recesses of her perfectionist son’s mind, mixing bowls of various sizes and shapes strewn all over the place, along with strawberries, smears of white, milk and dark chocolate and wooden and plastic spoons, measuring and otherwise. 
“Got it,” he replies, gruffly. She crosses her arms and readjusts her position as she watches her son work. His apron is coming loose and he has a worried expression on his face as he moves from surface to stove to other surface. She would fix it for him but that would only serve to prickle him further.
“I thought it was odd you asked to borrow the kitchen, but now seeing all this-” she waves vaguely at the scene with one hand - “I think I get it.”
Bakugou narrows his eyes at her but gets back to work. Mitsuki is frankly quite fascinated at how diligent he is at the task - while she’s always known him to be careful, for once he seems… stressed. It’s in the wrinkle in his nose as he turns melted chocolate over and fiddles with instructions and powdered sugar, and it’s in the way that he looks carefully at assorted molds and prepares his dipping sticks in advance… she wonders if you are the first to make him feel this way… this anxious to impress.
She walks over and with the tiniest of spoons scoops a bit of chocolate out of the pot which earns her the rise she’s been trying to poke out of him for the past hour.
“I need every bit of that, what are you-”
Mitsuki smacks her lips together then tosses the tasting spoon in the sink. It’s delicious, as she expects, and she knows you’ll love it but it still needs something.
“Try a little bit of vanilla,” she offers. “I have some in the pantry… premium stuff, if you’re interested.”
Bakugou blinks, then deflates back to normal. And yet somehow, he seems to light up as he asks:
Mitsuki shakes her head.
“You don’t visit enough,” she says instead, bopping him gently on the head, but as she rolls her eyes and turns, she smiles. “Let me go grab it.”
As she runs to the pantry, she thinks about how much she can’t wait till he brings you home.
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
new relationships have that type of fragility that requires care, patience, restraint, and temperance. and, well…katsuki has never been known to be gentle.
or, katsuki struggles with the thought that he’s being too much, too soon.
2.8k+ | no warnings. now this one i actually like :D i luv writing new beginnings yall 😔 i think theyre so cute. anw. reader alluded to as being smaller than bkg. sorry all i j think he's beeg. like massive :(
“would you quit that?”
katsuki pockets his phone, looking up at kirishima. “quit what?”
“bringin’ out your phone, lookin’ at your texts and putting it back in your pocket every thirty seconds.” kirishima replies, gaze straight ahead, occasionally nodding and smiling politely to passersby who wave hello. “and get that look off your face. you’re scaring these poor people.”
they’ve been patrolling the city since the early afternoon. the sun has set about an hour and a half ago, lights from buildings and streetlamps alike lighting up the city, and in all the hours they’ve been walking around, there hasn’t been anything worth paying attention to. not that he wants a particularly busy and grueling day full of fuckers seeking to wreak havoc, he’s just…antsy. and not in any way connected to his job.
katsuki scoffs. “don’t fuckin’ tell me what to do.” his hand drifts to his back pocket to once again reach for his phone, but he catches himself. “‘sides, the point is to intimidate any asshole who wants to start shit. don’t plan on stretching this shift any longer than it needs to be, nip it in the bud and all that.”
“another date night?” kirishima asks, his tone far too teasing for katsuki’s liking. he knows the redhead’s just as bored as he is, and it’s starting to sound like he found something to amuse himself with.
“no.” he grumbles. it’s the truth. this is one of the nights where you’ve made no plans to see each other.
“ah, that explains it.”
“explains what?”
“the whole can’t stop looking at your phone, everything sucks, this day is too long thing you’ve got going on.” kirishima laughs. “clinger.”
the last word earns the redhead a forceful shove from katsuki, even alerting some of the people around them. “i’m fucking not.”
“weren’t you just with her the other day? you’re already acting like you haven’t seen her for months.” kirishima goes on, dodging his hits with a grin on his face. “ever ask her if she’s tired of you yet?”
“fuck you. you wanna end this shift early, settle this somewhere with far less people?”
if kirishima or anybody else must really know, he’s not a clinger. your relationship, new as it is, is very much healthy with good boundaries, thank you very fucking much. is it killing him, making him feel like he’s going through withdrawal going a few days without seeing you? sure. but take this night for example, you’re out with friends for dinner and he’s doing his job. you didn’t make plans to see each other. you have your own thing and he has his. that should be evidence enough that he’s not a clinger.
kiri just barks out a laugh. “i’m bored, but not bored enough to want a beating, so no, thank you.”
he gives his friend one last shove, not bothering to reply as they go on walking through the busy streets on this particularly calm night. the temperature is just right, with a slight breeze that cools the heat left over by the sun earlier. he wonders if you’re having fun at your dinner, is the food good? and how are you gonna get home? you took an uber to go to the restaurant, and he wonders if you’ll be taking one to get back home, too, or if one of your friends will drop you off.
he reaches for his phone again, flipping kirishima off when he snickers. he debates on texting you the questions running through his mind just now, maybe even giving you a call if it’s not too much. your last text was a picture of you and one of your friends, your face lit up by the warm ambient light in the restaurant, with “here! be safe while patrolling tonight please 💗”
he taps on your contact photo, leading him to the screen that gives him the option to call. what if you’re still in the middle of eating, talking to your friends? your last text wasn’t even two hours old. surely he can go one more.
he lets out a sigh. he should probably think about what he’s going to eat after work. something he already has the ingredients for, because he’ll be damned if he has to add the tedious task of grocery shopping to this already tedious day.
“you know, if you’re gonna keep acting like it’s gonna kill you if you don’t, just call her.” kirishima comments.
“what did i just say about telling me what to fucking do?” he takes a few menacing steps towards his friend.
kirishima raises both arms in surrender, a nonchalant expression on his face. “just trying to help out. you’re obviously struggling.” 
yeah, is it that fucking obvious?
to some degree, he already expected it from himself. he wasn’t known to half-ass things, so why should something this important be an exception? it’s a glaring neon sign—the delicate beginning of a relationship is the worst time for someone like katsuki; all in from the very beginning, already brimming with certainty that this—you are it, already devoted to the bone. his patience is already hanging by a thread with how much he’s holding back how viscerally he feels for you. he’s not here to play games, dammit, but he can’t spring all that on you after a couple of months now, can he? even if he’s been sold the moment you talked to him.
his phone buzzes in his pocket, and he feels like the gods have smiled down on him when he sees your name on his lock screen.
we’re getting ready to head home, had a few drinks. how are you?
I’m good. Only an hour and a half left until switch over.
Did you have fun?
i did!! the food was great
Are you taking the uber home or is one of your friends dropping you off?
one my friends will drive us all home 😉
Any plans when you get home?
his palms start to sweat. he knows that there’s a slight implication to his question, but he hopes you don’t take it the wrong way. well, whatever the fuck the wrong way is. he does want to know what you’ll be up to and he’ll be fine if knowing is all he gets, but he does also want to go see you. either way, he's fucked.
maybe read. or watch whatever i find
do you have any plans once you’re done? i take it it’s slow if you have all this time to text, pro hero dynamight 😼
Whip up some dinner and knockout early, hopefully.
And yes, it is slow.
you and your old man bedtime
he can just picture the teasing expression on your face, and it makes a smile pull at his lips. fuck, he wants to see you so badly.
“you’re fuckin useless like this, you know that?” kirishima breaks through his thoughts. “villains could get the drop on you so quick. hell, probably even regular civilians. what then? that’s something for the headlines—prohero dynamight dead at 25, attacked while texting during patrol.”
“yeah you’ve got a bright future in journalism with that fuckin’ headline. try that, since you’re so good at bein’ on my fuckin’ ass all the time anyway.” he doesn’t even glance at kiri, too busy typing and deleting five simple words.
Can I come see you?
ever since you started going out a couple of months ago, you’ve been seeing each other every weekend, and some weekdays, if both of your schedules allow it. it might seem excessive to some, but they have no fucking say in what he does at the end of the day. he wants to get to know you and spend time with you, so, with the exception of emergencies, of course he’s gonna make time to see you as often as he can.
he plans out each time you see each other meticulously, whether it be simple lunches or dinners, going to aquariums, concerts, the park, the mall—whatever it is that strikes your fancy. the thing with all of those dates, though, was that they were all planned days in advance. he’s asked about your own schedule first before planning anything. 
you’d gone on a lot of dates, but you’d never gone to see each other spontaneously. he doesn’t know if it’s too early for that, or if you’re at the level where he can drop by your place when he feels like it with just a text as a warning.
kirishima is right, as much as he hates to admit it. you were just together the other night. this night is supposed to be one of those nights out of this week that he’s not spending with you. some semblance of taking things slow, of giving you space and making sure he doesn’t suffocate you with his presence. just one night to miss you, and he’s already fucking it up.
a text from you pops up before he starts another cycle of typing and deleting.
looks like you got busy, don’t wanna distract you too much. goodnight, katsuki. take care.
followed by a picture of you in your pajamas, fresh from the shower and blowing him a kiss. and fuck, the thought of going home to his empty apartment gets less and less appealing by the second.
if he could, he would make the world spin faster with his bare hands, just so the next hour or so passes by quickly so that he can finally get to you.
kirishima must’ve gotten sick of him running his hands through his hair and sighing every five seconds, because he gives him a shove this time. “go. a rookie would be more willing, and frankly, more useful, at this point.”
he gives in with one last sigh, tapping kiri on the back and heading to the opposite direction, back to his agency for a quick shower before going to see you. finally.
“this is going on your record, by the way!” kiri yells after him.
he flips the redhead off. “it’s my agency.”
“it’s mine too!”
it’s not until he’s ringing the bell to your place that his thoughts catch up to him. there he was, rushing through packing his things and freshening up, thinking of his pretty girl—all cozy and warm in her pajamas, ready to go to bed for the night—that he didn’t even remember that he hadn’t replied to her last text.
and now he’s standing in front of her door like an idiot, no warning whatsoever.
he freezes when the door opens, revealing you—even prettier in the flesh—so close that he would feel your warmth if he just reaches out. you look just as shocked as he probably does.
“are you— were you already asleep?” he digs his hands into the pockets of his joggers to hide his habit of clenching and unclenching them when he’s nervous, even tilting his head down to hide his face behind the bill of his cap.
“no, i wasn’t. i—you didn’t reply, i thought you got busy.” he sees your bare feet shuffle on the rug before he finally summons the courage to look back up at your face. “and, didn’t you have like, a half hour left?” you turn your head, probably looking at a wall clock.
“i got out early.”
you nod, eyes going back and forth between his, like you’re looking for something. an explanation, probably, as to why the guy you’ve been seeing for less than two months is at your door unprompted. there’s also warmth there, along with the surprise, or maybe he’s tricking himself into thinking that this wasn’t that terrible of an idea after all.
“do you wanna come in?” you ask, taking a step back and biting your lip, eyes bright.
he nods, taking his hands out of his pocket and taking a step inside, closing the door behind him.
he stays on the entrance for a few seconds, and you do, too, looking at him through your lashes, fiddling with the hem of your pajama shorts. you just look so soft, so warm, so…his, that he reaches out to touch your face subconsciously, but then he pauses midway.
and the question is all there—in his eyes that long to take you in, his hands that seek your warmth, his very being—asking, is this too much? can i do this now? can i have you like this, do we have it like this now?
you catch his hand, squeezing it in your own smaller one, and you gravitate towards each other like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
“hi,” you say, looking up at him with gleaming eyes, and this time, he’s sure it’s not just his mind playing tricks on him—you’re happy he’s here.
“hey,” he finally lets his hand rest on your face, thumb rubbing up and down the curve of your cheek.
“you went to see me,” you whisper.
he chokes out the question with a little more courage now. “‘s it too much?”
you shake your head. “no. was me sending pictures too much?”
his eyebrows scrunch together, but a small smile stays on his lips. “that’s not nearly comparable to what i just did, princess.”
you shrug, leaning your chin on his chest and wrapping your arms around his neck as you look up at him with big eyes. “i feel silly sometimes. what if you don’t like it? you never send any back.”
and it’s then that he realizes, you’re just like him, with your seeking hands and soft eyes; toeing the balance between wanting the other and the fear of being too much—feeling too much, too soon.
and with that knowledge, everything else be damned, he’s all in. it’s not his fault he has amazing discernment. not his fault that he just knows, just as he did with what he wanted to do with life, as he did with everything that matters to him, he just knows that it is you.
he grins, wrapping his other arm around your waist and pulling you even closer. “that’s just ‘cause i can’t pose for shit, baby. can’t look all cute like you do.”
your eyebrows furrow. “you’re cute.”
he barks out a laugh, dropping his forehead to yours. “never been called that, but if you say i am, then i am.”
you smile up at him, tilting your head a bit more so the tips of your noses meet. “it’s not too much then?”
“no, it’s not. i like seein’ your face.”
“that’s why you came to see me, huh?” you tease. “can’t go a day without seeing it huh?”
“yeah.” he agrees seamlessly.
you decide to push more. “you missed me, huh?”
he can only nod dazedly, eyes soft and searching, like he’s waiting for you to say something. maybe that you missed him, too.
you decide to string him along a bit more, pressing a soft kiss to his lips without answering, one that he eagerly returns.
you pull away with a grin. “i’m kind of getting tired of your face,” you say softly, teasingly, no bite at all to your words.
a spark of challenge lights up his eyes. “yeah?” he asks as he splays his hands behind your thighs, lifting you up to wrap your legs around his waist. “i take it the next time i come knockin’, you’ll slam the door in my face then?”
“yeah, surely,” you barely finish your sentence before his lips are on yours again. this kiss is hungrier than the last, his tongue delving in to meet yours in a tangle that says everything you never verbalized—you missed him just as much, you need him just as much. you’re just as scared of being too much, too soon, but by god, you can’t hold back if your life depended on it. 
you’re just as sure of him as he is of you.
“‘m just gonna have to scale your building and come in through your window then, huh?” he pants after you break off the kiss, pressing a few more little kisses on your swollen lips like he just can’t get enough.
“uh-huh, you can try,” you say, sounding just as winded as he does. “i’ll call my big, bad pro hero boyfriend on you.” you grin.
“your boyfriend, huh,” he grins, big and proud, one he tries to stifle as he presses his face against your shirt.
and it’s not like his certainty wasn’t bone-deep from the very beginning. but god. god. now it’s like the first time he realized over again. it’s you.
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
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Shouto spending his free day with:
- writing letters to his mom
- hanging out with his besties
- hiking with the Bakusquad
This makes me so happy.
He was so lonely and isolated and now he isn’t anymore. He gets to have positive bonds and friends and fun experiences.
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
clingy, kinda soft bakugou <3 no pronouns are mentioned!
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it's late.
in fact, at this hour of the night, bakugou katsuki would be in bed, peacefully resting his body to prepare for another day of pro-heroing.
or rather, that should be what he's doing. instead, he's dragging his sore, tired self out of bed to find wherever you could be that's not in his arms. he's dearly missed the warmth that came from the other side of the mattress, which you occupied.
footsteps softly trudging along the planks of your home, bakugou discovers you in the kitchen, sitting at the island with your laptop underneath a singular, dim light source that hung over your head. the bluelight glasses that accompanied your face illuminated the screen of the laptop, and in his delirium, the blond notices that you're typing away on some sort of document.
he huffs, hoping that it would capture your attention... but to no avail, and bakugou is absolutely flabbergasted. how could you ignore him?
what could be more important than your lover that just wanted your attention to come to bed?
he tries over and over again, and it's not until bakugou coughs that he finally captures your attention, unfortunately for his impatience.
"you scared me," you sighed, hand going over your heart, "what's up?"
"come to bed, doofus," he grumbles, walking over to where you sat and draping himself over your body freely. you ignore him as if there's no problem, pretending as if there isn't some muscular hero splayed across your back, placing most of his weight onto you.
you continue typing away, irking bakugou to no end, "i'm almost done. go back to sleep without me, i'll be there soon."
"it's 3am."
"and you're not where you're supposed to be, which is sleeping beside me."
a laugh filters through bakugou's ears, and he looks at you with an inquisitive stare, "katsuki, you have work tomorrow. go rest."
"and you have to visit me tomorrow on your day off, and i refuse to talk to your tired-ass that should've listened to me."
that's a lie. bakugou would do anything for you, regardless of whatever state you're in, because even though it seems like he hates taking care of you, but he's always at your beck and call regardless of the teasing he endures from you.
"wow, you really do care about me," you muttered, pretending to act touched as bakugou rolls his eyes, moving his arms to wrap firmly around your waist.
"as if. i just can't sleep without ya there. 'tis all," he grumbles through his teeth, "i don't care about your health."
a smile adorns your face. it's so obvious he's lying, judging by the way he's pressing his face against your shoulder and holding you tightly against him.
you fuel the fire, "and you wonder why i'm not going to bed."
"y/n," he groans, borderline whining.
"bakugou," you mimic, not tearing your eyes from the laptop screen.
"you can't pull out the last name on me, you little shit!"
"i can do whatever i want, bakugou katsuki."
"if you don't get up and come to bed in peace, i am going to resort to violence."
"please don't blow up the house again-"
in an instant, you're being picked up effortlessly and bakugou is carrying you out of the kitchen, shutting your laptop lid and turning off the lights simultaneously, before bringing you to your shared bedroom.
he throws you on the bed in an undignified manner and climbs in not too long after, pushing you down by leaning most of his weight on your body. the ironic part is that he carefully plucks your glasses off your face, gently putting them on the nightstand before flopping back over you, arms wrapped securely around your middle
bakugou sighs contently, melting into your warmth completely when your hands have found their home in his ruffled hair. he shifts his leg to rest over your hips, making sure that you couldn't escape as he continues basking in his paradise.
you almost want to scold him but you know that bakugou does this for you because he knows it's what is best for you. when you forget to take care of yourself and succumb to the feeling of never having motivation, he'll always be there to pull you back.
he's corrected multiple of your deprecating habits; such as going to bed late by forcing you to sleep when he does since he can't sleep without you. on the contrary, you've softened his edges a little, showing the explosive blond what it's like to be able to rely on someone else for a change.
as much of a pain in the ass bakugou was, you wouldn't have it any other way.
"i lovb youu, shtupid," he whispers against your neck, muffled. "shay it back."
a small laugh echoes through the space, "i love you too, katsuki."
"good, now go to shleep, or i will be mad."
and as rough as bakugou katsuki could be, he always made you feel loved, even in the darkness of your bedroom with him laying half on top of you.
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
in which: bakugou only shows his dimples around you
sfw, fluff, dialogue heavy, humour, this is a quick drabble i whipped up from an idea i created ages ago bc my 8k word bkg fic WON'T POST AGHHH!
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"i love dimples, they're so cute!" mina squeals from beside you whilst you were hunched over the dorm's coffee table, finishing outstanding calculus questions you hadn't completed during class.
"me too," you absentmindedly murmur, reaching for your calculator to input a definite integral. "people say that they are kisses from angels, as if that isn't the cutest thing ever."
the pink-haired wails, "stop it! i wish i had dimples."
"if you try hard enough, then maybe," you snort before turning the page of your maths textbook. "i remember people would press pencils to their cheeks to make it appear. it would work for like five minutes."
"well, duh they're not gonna be permanent, i'm not that stupid."
"you always ask me what two plus five is."
"uncalled for, that's not the same!" mina slaps the back of your head, causing you to hold it whilst hissing in pain.
"okay, i'm sorry!" you exclaim, shielding yourself in case she hits you again.
thankfully, mina is pacified again, returning her chin to her palm as she fiddles with her nails. she remains quiet for a few minutes, allowing you to concentrate on your work before she pipes up again. "jirou has cute dimples."
you hum in agreement. "yaomomo too, on both cheeks," you add.
"kaminari too!"
"and bakugou."
mina darts up, back now as straight as a pole as she gawks at you with the weirdest expression. did you grow two heads or something? what was so weird about bakugou having dimples?
"no he does not!" counters mina.
"he does! on his right cheek!" you even point to it for good measure. "surprised me too when i saw it for the first time but it's actually really prominent! i don't know how we never noticed it before."
"you're lying to me. bakugou katsuki could never have dimples, he's too evil for that."
"he's not that evil."
"are we talking to the same bakugou? he threatened to blow me up the other day."
you laugh at the memory, an action mina doesn't appreciate. "i was there for that. anyways. his dimple is just something he's born with, it's not ordained by personality, what's the big deal?"
"what part of bakugou being too evil to have something as pure as a dimple do you not understand?"
your homework now lays unfinished and forgotten as you begin having a quarrel about your classmate and the mystery surrounding a feature that was given to him from birth. the blond shows it quite often, how come mina's not seeing it?
she then begins pulling up numerous photos and selfies; none of which have the evidence of bakugou's dimples. you furrow your brows in confusion, swiping through and zooming in to no avail of finding any remnants of a dimple.
you know you can't be imagining this.
"yo mina, y/n!" a deep, raspy voice comes from the entrance of the common room. you both turn around in shock to see your fellow red-haired classmate approaching.
immediately, you turn off mina's photo to rid any evidence of your previous conversation. because wherever kirishima is, bakugou normally follows.
"i'm gonna kick your ass in mario kart!" comes an explosive voice from behind. there he was.
kirishima leans over the couch where mina was sitting on. "what are you both up to?"
"oh y/n and i were just chilling. why?"
"oh bakugou and i just wanted to play a round of mario kart, that's all! hope we're not bothering you."
you pipe up from where you were still trying to figure out maths equations, "mina talks my ear off whilst i'm trying to solve these questions. i think i'll be okay with you two."
before mina could slap the back of your head again, a shadow looms your textbook and tufts of blond hair appear in the corner of your eye.
"you got that wrong," bakugou says after not even two seconds of reading your equation.
"eyes off my book," you exclaim, about to cover the pages with your hands when the explosion-quirk user snatches it away from under you. he continues reading through it like it was some newspaper article.
he does this all with a proud smirk on his face. "question 2 wrong, question 7 wrong, question 15 wrong," rambles your classmate, ignoring the way you were demanding it back.
"i'm going to fuck you up. give me back my book."
"damn your handwriting is messy."
your punch his arm lightly. he laughs at the impact, uneffected. "yours is illegible!" you shout back, challenging him with a nasty glare.
mina and kirishima watch with amused expressions at the disputation occurring in front of them. however, the pink-haired feels the world stop for a moment when she notices something very interesting.
a dimple. on bakugou's right cheek. just like you said.
something she has never seen before.
then she notices the way he looks at you. despite teasing you and making fun of you, there's an undeniable look of fondness evident in his eyes, one that grows the more you threaten him with unspeakable acts of violence.
his smirk grows softer, becoming that of a lopsided grin when bakugou gives you your textbook, confessing that none of the questions were wrong and that he was just 'messin' around'.
as it turns out... bakugou katsuki does have dimples, but they only appear around you.
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hxpe-eyes · 1 year
i just KNOW that if you praised Bakugou about being a good boyfriend, he would be putty. not even in any sort of sexual way, just that if you kissed him on his cheek and thanked him for doing some simple ass chore for you he would be whipped (looking at you all lovey dovey.)
just imagining cuddling together in the most comfy clothes, laying on his chest. "you're so good to me, 'tsuki, " you kiss him on the jaw, "the best." you lay your head back on his chest before you're smothered by kisses all over your face. ending up with the both of you giggling all happy and domestic <3
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