hydrasstormfront · 1 year
She was the company’s failsafe. The Gifted were under surveillance by the research clinic, when they went rogue like Wanda Maximoff did, Stormfront came to terminate the patient. 
“This is your last chance.” Dead or alive, Wanda was coming back to Hydra’s research clinic. 
The scarlet light intensified, Stormfront relaxed in contrast to Wanda. She briefly admired her control over the power. “Shame,” electricity shot from her arms and out through her hands, knocking Wanda back several feet. She walked over to Wanda as she laid there paralyzed.
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“I was rooting for you.” Stormfront knew the case intimately. Twelve months of tracking Wanda Maximoff down had taken a mental toll on her. She underwent extensive Gene-mods to be equipped to handle a Gifted like Wanda Maximoff. 
Stormfront reached over and grabbed Wanda when her wrist was grabbed. She shrieked from Wanda’s searing touch as intense waves of electricity shot through her. She froze as Wanda leaned in and seemed to seize her thought. 
“Stop breathing.” Said Wanda.
Stormfront collapsed to the ground, her eyes wide with terror as she clutched her throat. She gasped and choked, tears running from her face as she suffocated. Stormfront could only stare in horror up at Wanda’s cold face as she lost consciousness.
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It was better. Pietro's murder was less painful and she was starting to find normality again. It never went away, you can't unsee your twin brother being shot by a mass killer nor can you forget the feeling of plunging a knitting needles through the shooter's throat.
Wanda sat across the room from her therapist, by now she'd found the pattern. This was the terms in which to avoid being indited on killing the shooter-- strange how one gets in trouble for being a hero.
"I'm better! I'm holding down a job at a local preschool, the kids love me and I love them. I've also met someone, he's really sweet." Wanda and the therapist started with her work, discussing if she felt safe in a school with the rising danger of school shootings. "I'd protect the children like they were my own." She said. Wanda noticed how the therapist took notes on it. "Of course I'd follow protocol, but their safety is my priority." There was no argument in that statement, rather, how Wanda would handle the scenario.
Wanda was less forthcoming with her new romantic partner. She didn't want to "Jynx it." She was a hopeless romantic and a bit superstitious.
"He's a behavioral profiler." She began, "I was working for a clinic that treated SMI patients and his mother introduced us. Kinda funny now that I say it out loud." She mused. They both talked about the twists of fate. Wanda thought it ironic she who'd blamed the United States government for her parents' deaths, now had butterflies for one of their agents.
Wanda casually thumbed a small crystal pendant she wore. Tuning out the therapist and thinking about her date later that night. She wanted to ask him to go steady, but, she was nervous. They were going to see a ballet later that night and she wanted to look her best. Wanda couldn't decide whether to buy a new dress or wear one she had in her closet.
As she drove home, Wanda couldn't recall the conversation with the therapist. She'd been lost in her own daydreams again; a safe haven from intrusive events that could trigger her. It wasn't uncommon for there to be gaps in her memories. She considered herself a bit more forgetful than others. Her thoughts of living in different realities, ones where superheroes like herself could solve the worlds' hardest obstacles.
In this "better world," she could have a family of her own and problems could always be solved without the lingering pain of grief and regret.
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Wanda couldn't recall exactly when she started fantasizing these things. Gotham, her "better world" was her sanctuary. The place inside her mind was a home away from home. It wasn't real. As much as she wished it was, it wasn't. While conflict existed in her mind, Wanda always had a fantastical and Supers way of solving every problem. She could think of several ways to save Pietro from the mass shooting; with powers like hers, she could've simply made the gun fire flower petals instead of bullets or used her magic to detain or kill the shooter. There was always a way to overcome the bad things, here, it was too permanent. Here she was powerless to fight back.
Her eyes burned with tears, tears she didn't realize she was shedding. She quickly wiped them away and shook her head, confused by her body's reaction.
"You try to escape your grief rather than face it. You've suffered a serious trauma, Wanda, nobody expects you to just smile through it."
That's what Wanda remembered most from her therapy sessions. It was true, she never doubted the reality of her pain. But what good would crying do? It wouldn't bring Pietro back and it wouldn't have stopped the shooter who ripped him from her. She couldn't save Pietro but she stopped the shooter from taking more lives.
Wanda slammed on the brakes, her tires screaming to a halt as a car barreled through a red light and was heading toward her. She raised her hands as they ignited in a scarlet light. She hit the ground, rolling to a stop as metal smashed and roared behind her. She sat up, looking herself over with confusion, then up at her totaled car. Wanda took several deep breaths, piecing together how she got from her car then outside in a split second.
With her hands glowing she stood, her heart raced and nerves ignited in a torrent of adrenaline.
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This was no accident. Woman emerged from the car, like Wanda there was only scrapes on her. She was one of them, a Gifted.
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hydrasstormfront · 2 years
The Asset
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triggering mentions such as mentions of torture, rape, drug use, chronic illnesses, and other below. Reader discretion is advised.
The Handler:
Canon History
The past of Klara Risinger is shrouded in mystery. Although she appears to be in her late 20's to early 30's, she physically ages at a much slower rate to a normal human. She was born in Berlin, Germany in 1919. According to her, she had an overbearing, snobbish mother named Adele. By 1933 Klara Risinger was seen to be in social gatherings of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party) members, including Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Joseph Goebbels. During her time in Germany, she was married to Frederick Vought, who gave her the first successful injection of Compound V along with a daughter, Chloe. This made her the first supe in the world.
After moving to America with her husband as part of Operation Paperclip near the end of World War Two[3], when the US Government Took in leading Nazi Scientists [4], Klara adopted the name "Adele Vought" (possibly to hide her real identity due to anti-German sentiment at the time) and operated under the moniker of "Liberty" as early as the 1970s. During this time, she committed at least one racially motivated murder. In 1972, Liberty stopped a black man named Myron Hunter (the brother of Valerie Hunter) on the road during a rainstorm. She wrongfully accused Myron of being involved in a robbery in a fit of racial profiling and proceeded to punch his jaw off.
At some point around this time, Klara was a member of the Church of the Collective, but left after they became racially inclusive. As Liberty, she took part in commercial endorsements for Budweiser beer and Autumn Breeze feminine hygiene products. By 1979, Liberty disappeared from the view of the media and her fans. It is unknown where she was and what she did all these years. It can be assumed that Vought gave her at least one other superhero moniker between 1979 and 2020.
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The Winter Soldier Program went through various stages over the decades. Through that end, Hydra needed handlers to monitor potential defectors who were strong enough to neutralize them. Being the first successful female super soldier. Klara enthusiastically accepted the offer to be an "asset handler." Bucky was the Winter Soldier who'd seen the most missions out of all of them. At his side, Stormfront watched and ensured his missions were carried out.
She took pleasure in what Hydra called "Conditioning Hour." A daily routine where she and other handlers brutalized, raped, and tortured Winter Soldiers before they were prepped for their mission. Bucky quickly became her favorite victim. Out of the Soldiers that had been conditioned, Bucky was one of the few who fought back.
Taking thrill in how he defected the longer he was out of cryo, Stormfront would extend his missions, using that time to for her own pleasure. She goaded him into fist fights, only to later use that to fuel her torture during conditioning hour. Her sadomasochistic tendencies fueled her interest in Bucky. When left unattended, Stormfront took unauthorized measures on Bucky to subjugate him. She often would take him out of cryo secretly, using his Cryo-haze to overpower him or coerce him into various acts. Bucky has little memory of the encounters that weren't vividly violent.
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