hypfic · 3 years
Ikebukuro Otome 109: Ch. 5 Ramuda’s Single Blanket Strategy
You nearly threw your phone like it was an active time bomb as Ramuda’s annoying, preppy ringtone rang from the speakers. After fumbling with the device in your hands for about a minute, you managed to pick up the phone.
“Yahoo! Y/n-chan~ hihi! You said to call?”
“Yeah… hi.”
“Hmm? Is everything ok? You sound… hmmm anxious?”
“I’m fine, I think?” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “I think I just agreed to go on a date with Ichiro on Friday?”
“You WHAT?!?!” Ramuda’s screech pierced your ears. “He asked you out already?! I’m gonna have to lecture that kid…”
“Well, I mean technically it was me who asked…”
“I mean I didn’t directly ask to go on a date, I just invited him over to come watch a few movies and he’s bringing dinner.” You shrugged, laying down on the sofa and draping your legs over the side.
“Y/n oh my god!!! That is such a date! Eeeek! This is so exciting!! What are you gonna wear? What’s he bringing for dinner?” Questions continued to roll off Ramuda’s tongue. “I’m sure he thinks it’s a date… hmmm but he can be a bit oblivious at times…”
You chuckled, “That’s actually what I was calling to ask you about. Well, besides kinda freaking out. I have no idea what to do or anything… you know it’s been years since I’ve done this.”
“Hmmmm, true, true,” you could hear Ramuda hum in thought. “Ok! Well, he’s already seen you in sweats when you moved in, so the fashion department isn’t something we’re worried about… hmmm…. Oh! Make sure your place is nice and clean and cute! Decorations as well! Make sure you have drinks! Oh but Ichiro is underage… drop the drinks! Make sure you have lots of blankets, wait no only one so you eventually have to share! Ehehe~”
“Ok, ok, I think I got it now Ramuda,” you couldn’t help but smile at the stupid thought of it all.
“Mmhm! Mmhm!” He sang, “Oh! Hold on y/n, I’m getting another call! Gasp! It’s Ichiro! I wonder what he could possibly be calling me about?”
“Ramuda” you hissed, “do not.”
“Ehehe~ well! I’ll let you go so you can start planning for your little date tomorrow~”
The call dropped, causing you to let out an exasperated groan. That man better keep his mouth shut.
The living room had been tidied restlessly, your hands nervously fixing a lopsided pillow on the couch or straightening the books on the coffee table. You had roughly ten minutes before Ichiro was to come over, and you were losing your mind.
It shouldn’t be this big of a deal, if a deal at all. He was just a friend coming over to hang out and watch a few movies, nothing more and nothing less. At least that’s what you thought before Ramuda called you the day before and rambled on and on about how much Ichiro seemed to like you, how he fondly spoke about you in his texts, and how he totally saw romance blooming. Typically when your best friend did this, you’d just roll your eyes and ignore it, but this time you didn’t necessarily want to. The designer told you not to worry about it and to just go with the flow, to let things happen as they happen. Was he stupid? He knew you could never just let things happen! Especially when it came to things like… this.
You had barely finished rearranging your bookcase when your doorbell buzzed. Well, here goes nothing! You slipped on a pair of slippers as you shuffled to the front door, smiling as you cracked it open, peeking your head through.
“What’s the password?” You teased.
“Oh man… hmmm,” Ichiro took a step back and posed like he was thinking before lifting up a bag, “How about pasta?”
The door swung open, “Pasta? Come on in, I’m starving!” You bounced on your heels.
You led Ichiro into your apartment, nervously toying with the ends of your hoodie strings. You hadn’t dressed up in any way, and you were glad he hadn’t either. The more casual this felt, the less butterflies filled your stomach.
He snickered at your eagerness to open the door and followed you inside, keeping a respectful distance behind you and taking time to observe the decor around the apartment.
“Wow, y/n, you did a really good job decorating the place! Unpacking everything so quickly too, I’m impressed,” Ichiro sung praises as he set the paper bags of food on the counter.
“Oh! Thanks, I don’t have much,” you blushed and chuckled nervously, “but I think it’s enough to make me feel at home, you know?”
Ichiro nodded, “I see what you mean. Sometimes having too much stuff makes a place feel crowded and cramped. I think you found the perfect balance.”
“Well, I am a designer at heart~ don’t forget that,” you smirked, helping him unpack the dinner bags. “Woah, this looks amazing, Ichiro! Where did you get it from?”
“I made it myself,” he admitted shyly, offering to take the containers from your hands to place in the fridge.
“Seriously?!” you exclaimed, “Man, what can’t you do?”
“You’d be surprised.” Ichiro chuckled, “I just know how to make a few things because of my brothers, nothing crazy.”
“Ichiro, this is like, fancy stuff! Are there mussels in here?!”
“Hmm?” He looked up after closing the fridge, “oh, yeah! Pescatore is my youngest brother’s favourite. He did really well on his final exams so I made it to celebrate. I hope you don’t mind that I brought the extra…”
“No, no! Of course not! This is wonderful, really! I’m just very impressed!”
“Oh! Hahah, thanks!” Ichiro bashfully scratched the back of his neck. “I guess I don’t think much about cooking, I’ve been doing it for my bros for a while so it’s almost natural.”
“You really take good care of them, huh?” You smiled, resting your elbows on the counter.
“It’s nothing impressive, really. I’m just doing what my old man couldn’t…” he paused, “a-anyway! What did you have planned for our marathon tonight?”
Upon seeing Ichiro’s expression as he opened up, your heart fluttered. He was already trusting you enough to say such personal things, even if it was just a small sentence.
“Hmmm… I was thinking we could start off with the classic ‘54, then we can always skip around to the more modern Hollywood films?”
“Hey, you’re the master here,” Ichiro grinned and placed a hand on your shoulder, “I’m but a simple student.”
You blushed and rolled your eyes. “Go ahead and have a seat on the couch, I’ll grab drinks and put some popcorn on.”
Admitting that Ramuda was right was always something that begrudged you. But… the single blanket strategy was impeccable. Ichiro was the first to take it and drape it across his shoulders, but halfway through the second movie, he offered to share. Your heart raced as you shuffled next to him, his arm resting respectfully behind you. By the end of the night, you had fallen asleep on his shoulder with his arm around you. You had awoken up when you felt something rest against the top of your head. It had startled you at first, but then you sighed in relief after noticing it was only Ichiro’s head. Wait. What?!
Your mind was racing and your heart was pounding. Yes this was the plan in the back of your mind but you didn’t really think it would play out! It was just a fantasy! Oh man what were you going to do? You didn’t want to wake him up and embarrass him, but you also knew that if you stayed here like this… Luckily, a phone ping saved you. Well, saving was a stretch. Ichiro had awoken when his phone went off, to which he naturally moved away, unaware that you were awake. He himself was still half asleep and was unaware of his position. He looked at his phone, typed a reply, then got comfortable and draped his arm back over your shoulders. There was a beat of silence before his arm moved away and he jolted up, causing you to wake from your doze. You sat up next to him, hiding a yawn behind your hand.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry,” Ichiro stammered, the tips of his ears flaming red. “I-I didn’t realise I had fallen asleep! Or that you had fallen asleep!”
“I-It’s ok!” You blushed, feeling just as flustered, “I didn’t notice… or mind that much.”
“Ah… ok…” he fidgeted with the rings on his fingers. “Uhm… it’s getting kinda late, and I think it’s fair to say we’re both pretty tired?”
“Mmmhm, yeah,” you nodded, holding back a yawn.
“I should probably head home. It was a text from my brothers that woke me up, I hadn’t realised how late it’d gotten!” Ichiro said sheepishly.
“Time flies, huh?” you stretched your arms above your head. “Man, it is late. Sorry about that! I’ll walk you to the door.”
“That would be lovely,” he smiled, folding the blanket over the back of the couch.
You followed him to the door, leaning against the wall as you watched him pull on his jacket and shoes. It really was a super fun night, despite the embarrassing sleeping incident (which you really didn’t mind). Ichiro patted his pockets to make sure he had all his belongings before turning to face you.
“Thanks for stopping by, Ichiro. I had a really good time! Ya make good company,” you smiled. “And! Thank you for dinner as well. You’ll have to show me how it’s done next time. Uhm! If you’d want to have a next time…” you looked shyly to the floor.
Ichiro’s chuckle made you look up. “I’d love for there to be a next time, y/n.”
“Ok! I’ll text you then!” your cheeks blushed as you looked at him. “Text me when you get home too, okay?”
“I will,” He smiled softly, hand resting on the doorknob.
“G’night, Ichiro.”
“Goodnight, y/n.”
☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ←pretvious │ next→ ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆
T A G L I S T: @mguqiis @hynosis-mic-smuts @erigaur
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hypfic · 3 years
Headcanons for ichiro and samatoki seeing their s/o wearing their clothes and taking pics to send it to their friends
🧃 shut up this is literally one of, if not my FAVOURITE, thing to hc with characters!!! Especially Ichiro (personal bias 🥰)
Ichiro [山田一郎]
Ichiro absolutely adores seeing you wear his clothes, especially his jackets
The first time you’d worn one of his, it was due to a sudden rain storm. You weren’t even dating yet, he was just being a gentleman
After that though, he knew that he truly had feelings for you
So, every time Ichiro catches you wearing one of his t-shirts or snuggling yourself into his jacket, he thinks about that rainy day and it makes his heart swell
He’s also the type to get bashful and blush when you wear his clothes. It reminds him of how much smaller you are compared to his tall frame and it makes him giddy
Ichiro is very much a couples picture person, despite your possible objections. You’d think something was wrong if he didn’t ask to take a picture of or with you
His favourite thing to do when you’re wearing his clothes though? Is sneaking pictures when you’re sleeping. He was afraid it’d come off as creepy at first, but after some reassurance a whole photo album grows
He also likes having you spin around and model his clothes, even if it’s just one of his old t-shirts
Wearing Ichiro’s clothes reassures him that you’re his :> he usually captions his photos sent to his friends with “mine ♡”
Samatoki [ 碧棺 左馬刻 ]
Samatoki’s wardrobe is mostly composed of button ups of every length, size and colour. It’s not a difficult task to sneak into his closet and find one to throw on over a tank top in the summer
He finds it really cute when you wear his stuff. He can be a bit of the possessive type and wants to protect you from any wandering eyes; what better way than flaunting his clothes!
You once mentioned how you liked being able to smell his cologne when wearing his shirts, so now he always makes sure to spray them every time they come out of the wash
His favourite time to see you in his shirts is early in the morning when you’re wearing little underneath. Samatoki takes pictures of you like this, but doesn’t send those around
Samatoki didn’t start posting or sending photos of you in his clothes until he saw a rival ichiro do something similar. After that, he made sure to occasionally plan dates and outfits to match
He always warns you when he’s taking a photo, to which you without fail, manage to strike a pose that makes him chuckle
The first time he sent a picture of you in his clothes to a friend was on accident. He’d meant to send a picture of a possible target to Jyuto, but sent a picture of you in nothing but one of his shirts instead… whoops!
Prior to that incident, Samatoki saw it as an opportunity to flaunt you to his teammates, commenting on how cute you looked today, or how the colours of clothing complimented eachother
He’ll never admit it, but Samatoki has a secret album on his phone full of sneaky photos of you in his shirts that he’s sent to friends, often accompanied by flustered paragraphs of adoration and endearment
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hypfic · 3 years
Hi everyone! Sorry for the lack of activity as of late. I’ve started a new job that takes up a good amount of my time, but I hope to get drafts finished soon!
The inbox will be closed for requests now, but the page will stay open for questions and comments!
I plan on having the next chapter of ikbkot109 published by the end of this week!
xoxo 🧃
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hypfic · 3 years
Hi there bb gorl I just wanna say ur writing is *chefs kiss* I hope all ur grapes are seedless cold and crunchy
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omg this is the best form of a compliment I’m gonna eat the crunchiest grape just for you
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hypfic · 3 years
Hii! Could I request (Headcanons or short fic you can pick!) Saburo with a (preferably fem) s/o who gets along really well with Ichiro and Jiro?? Like they have similar interests in anime and such! Tysm!!!
okay this request is really cute. i don't mind writing fluffy stuff for sabu! - mod ramuda 🍬
-Saburo kind of found it a little annoying at first with how much you get along with his brothers. Not because you do, but because you mesh so well with their interests
-Saburo's still figuring out how relationships work and really, he's still figuring out his feelings for you too! So he may actually end up being a little cold while he does so
-Not to say that he doesn't like you, he's just seeing you have so much fun with Jiro and Ichiro too that he's not sure he can compare.
-If you do catch on to this, reassuring him would 100% help him in this situation. He looks up to his brothers a lot but he still has small moments of living in their shadows. You reminding him that you're in love with him makes it easier for him
-He will try to at least learn about your interests though! He's eager to understand the things you like, because he wants to connect with you too!
-While he may not be an anime/manga kind of guy, he does like games so that would be his soft spot for sure if you liked games too. He'd wanna play with you, he helps you level up and grind with his brothers.
-This whole thing actually brings him a lot closer to his brothers than before though! I can totally see the four of you watching the new episode of something together and everyone's enjoying it and having lots of fun.
-Saburo might have started out jealous but he ends up not only being closer to you but also to his brothers so it works out in his favor more than he'd expected.
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hypfic · 3 years
Oopphhhh inbox open yess! *dances*.
Right. Hmm can you do headcannons with MTC with an s/o,going on an shopping date? ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
oh absolutely! this is such a cute prompt i love it ;A; - 🍬 mod ramuda
-This man is taking you THRIFTING. He's a sucker for vintage designer so he's got all the best spots in town he knows about (out of town too)
-He doesn't mind going to bigger brand name stores or department style stores if you want to go there
-But he's happy to pay if you find a piece you like at one of his stops
-He's not one to flaunt his wealth, but he loves so much to spoil you rotten and then some
-If you're the one taking him shopping, he probably won't look around too much
-Not cause he doesn't care he just wants to spend more of the time with you rather than shopping
-Absolutely 100% here to hold your bags if you have one of those kinds of shopping days, even if he's a little huffy over it.
-Jyuto is a busy man, he does a lot outside of work so catching him on the rare times he's not working or doing something is a surprise!
-If he's the one who's sprung it on you, he'll take you anywhere your heart desires. He wants to make up for not getting to take you on dates often so this usually is an all day thing for you both
-He loves making you happy, so he's not got a favorite store or anything. He's just pleased to see you enjoying yourself, hand at the small of your back as you lead him around
-He does NOT hold back on getting you things either this man is gonna SPOIL YOU. He's also a nice dresser so he probably will try stuff on too, and of course ask your opinion! He likes seeing what you like him in.
-There may be times where he gets called in, so he always makes sure you're prepared for that. If that happens, he always calls for Rio or Toki to come escort you home, he'd never let you be alone out in the city like that.
-He does make it up to you, though. Shopping, dinner, whatever you want on the next date night. He always wants to make it up to you.
-Okay Rio doesn't really shop that much, so he kind of doesn't get the appeal.
-He'll go with you and tell you how you look in outfits but he usually doesn't really get too into it otherwise. He's not one to get as excited about it as others!
-The only thing that might spark his interest is a sporting goods store. If you find one while you're out and about he might quietly request you stop in there.
-In the age of H, there aren't any weapons but there's still items that he could use like ropes and tarps and things like that. Surprisingly there are still sharpening blocks sold, so he may grab a couple of them as well. He's stingy with his weapons he managed to keep, but he cares well for them!
-Him getting excited and showing you some survival items is probably one of the cutest things you'd ever seen Rio do. He's showing off heavy duty sleeping bags or some fishing nets and you're just enamored by how much he's interested in it all.
-You two do finish up your trip and he happily buys anything you might like! But seeing him light up about something he likes was waaaay more than worth it.
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hypfic · 3 years
Ikebukuro Otome 109: Ch. 4 What Makes a Date? [pt. 2]
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☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ←previous │ next→  ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆
T A G L I S T: @mguqiis @hynosis-mic-smuts @erigaur
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hypfic · 3 years
Ikebukuro Otome 109: Ch. 4 What Makes a Date? [pt. 1]
long time no update! and with another two parter!!let’s get this show back on the road! (🧃) part two here :D !!
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☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ←previous │ part 2→ ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆
T A G L I S T: @mguqiis @hynosis-mic-smuts @erigaur
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hypfic · 3 years
Can i request a short nsfw fic with amayado rei 🌹🙏
ohhh absolutely~ *cracks my fingers* as always, minors DNI nsfw under the cut - 🍬 mod ramuda
content: NSFW, public sex word count: 1,263 (oops i know you said short but uh....)
The date started innocent enough.
Lunch together at one of Rei’s favorite spots, walking about Osaka with his arm looped around your waist, and a small trip to the park to sit and people watch for a little while. (At least that’s what Rei called it, he was always looking for trouble).
The date started innocent enough, but this is Rei Amayado. Nothing with him stays innocent for too long.
You paused in front of a shop, staring at a dress on one of the store’s displays in awe. Gorgeous, red, sexy…expensive looking. Rei caught your stare and raised a brow, a grin immediately on his features.
“Want it?”
“Rei that’s way too much to spend on me I couldn’t-“
“Nonsense. C’mon sweetheart, let’s get you in there to try it on~”
Before you could even protest, Rei had you inside the store and to the counter. He spoke with the woman behind it for a moment, who quickly went to the back only to be replaced by a man who seemed pleased to see Rei. The two chatted for a moment before Rei motioned to you.
“My angel here was looking at the dress in the window, and I’m keen on getting it for her. Could she try it on for adjustments?”
And of course the answer was yes.
It was a whirlwind moment of tulle and ruffles as the assistant helped you into the dress. It fit fairly okay on it’s own, but it was obvious that there were parts that needed to be adjusted for it to fit as intended. Measurements were taken and a few things pinned in place before the assistant started to help you out of the dress.
“Let me~”
The voice behind you sent a chill down your spine, it always did. The way he always sounded so hungry when he was wanting. The assistant had hardly managed the zipper down when Rei took their place. The door shut behind them as they left the two of you alone. Instead of the feeling of his hands at your back, you felt the warmth of his mouth pressing kisses to your exposed shoulders.
“Mmmh sorry, kitten.. I couldn’t help myself, you know.”
His voice was low, a growl in his tone as he spoke to you. He hummed as he slid the zipper down slowly and exposed more of you to the open air. He chuckled when you shivered. He couldn’t be sure if it was in anticipation or from the chill, maybe it was both? His hands found your waist, pushing the dress down and off of you and letting you step out of it.
“You just looked so good when you came out in that dress..” He trailed off, licking over his lips. “I think you look better out of it though.”
His arms came around your middle, pulling you closer to his chest as he readjusted your position to stand in the middle of the mirror. He watched you through the shade of his sunglasses and, even though they were hidden, you could feel his eyes watching every move you made. You squirmed against him, anticipation building in you and making you anxious for his touch. He drove you crazy, he always did. You felt, and saw, how your face and chest flushed, your thoughts slowly filling with as much want as Rei’s.
Your mind was just a bit too clouded to notice his hand dipped lower, under the waistband of your panties, fingers eagerly pressed against your clit. You started to squeak but his free hand clamped around your mouth.
“We still need to be quiet,” he murmured into your ear. He nipped at your lobe before kissing and biting downwards along the line of your neck. Between his mouth and his fingers you felt dizzy already, whining into his hand. Rei chuckled and dipped his hand lower, just enough to tease your entrance and test how wet you might already have been. Satisfied with his findings he pulled both hands off you to walk you forward against the mirror.
“I want you to see how much you come undone for me, sweetheart..”
Rei wasted no time unzipping his trousers and pulling himself free, already semi-hard from the interaction alone. “Forward,” he commanded, his hand coming to the small of your back to help position you. Using his foot, he positioned your ankles further apart, spreading you wide for him. You could feel the tip of his cock press against you through your panties and gave a sigh.
“Remember, kitten. Quiet.”
Without much other warning, Rei moved the fabric aside and pushed into you slowly. Painfully slow. You whined and pushed back against him in a desperate attempt to feel more of him, all of him. He chuckled, hips jerking forward to satisfy your want and burying himself fully into you with a grunt. He paused for a moment to relish in it, the feeling of you tensing around him in anticipation, the way you looked at him with pleading eyes through the mirror.
Your begging was all he needed. Gripping your hips, he was eager to fuck into you with a fairly even pace. Not too fast, not too slow, just enough to drive you crazy and want more. He kept his voice low, sighs and grunts escaping him with every thrust into you. You writhed, covering your mouth with one hand in hopes t keep yourself quiet but Rei always knew just how to make you fall apart. The quicker he got, the harder it was to keep yourself in check as your moans only grew louder and encouraged Rei on.
It did not take long for his pace to become almost unbearable with how sensitive you were becoming, your attempts to keep quiet failing you with every well placed slap of your thighs meeting his.
“Mmh..sweetheart,” Rei murmured, gritting his teeth to keep his volume low, “I’m so close, kitten.. Are you gonna be good and cum for me too~?”
You barely managed to nod, knowing if you tried to speak it would just come out in a broken moan and a babbling mess of begging. Rei bent forward, kissing your shoulder and stilling for a moment. “Mm you better~”
Rei slowly pulled himself almost all the way out of you and then roughly back in before continuing, his pace faltering just a bit and growing wonky as he feel himself closer and closer to the edge. He remained with his chest pressed to your back, hand snaking around to tease at your clit in hopes to push you well and over your climax for him. Your whimpers and moans grew to a point you couldn’t restrain even from behind your hand. You cried out, the heat building in you releasing all at once and making your skin prickle all over. Your vision splotched with speckles of light, you gasped and moaned as Rei continued to fuck into you for a few more trusts before pressing deep and spilling into you with a broken groan.
For a moment or two you both stood, catching your breath and looking each other over in the reflection of the mirror. Rei cracked a grin, kissing at your neck and shoulder.
“You did good, angel~”
He slowly pulled out, shuddering at the feeling. A sigh left him and he was quick to readjust himself back into his pants and help you back into your clothes before pulling you in for a kiss.
“We should go dress shopping more often, you know.”
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hypfic · 3 years
Inbox Now Open!
Yo yo!! Inbox is now open for requests! Please remember to read the rules before submitting a request!
~hypfic (🧃🍬)
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hypfic · 3 years
Player One- Re:start
Hello hello!! Mod Juice here! 🧃
Mod Numero Uno here! I realised I never formally did an intro, whoopsie! So here it goes!!
I’ve been in hypmic hell since launch in 2017, and I’ve been writing for as long as I remember. I’ve always wanted to run a tumblr blog and WOW it’s been an amazing ride so far! I’ve been through a whole rollercoaster of favourites within the franchise, but if you couldn’t tell by the blog’s theme, my favourite has evolved to be Ichiro ❤️
I’m so excited to start up the blog again and write more for y’all!
~xoxo hypfic (🧃)
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hypfic · 3 years
player two: start!
hey gang!! this here is mod ramuda!! i’m the new person here to help write some requests. i’ll give you a little background about me but i wanted to thank you all for giving me a chance to write some stuff for you!
so i’ve been into hypmic since august 2018, been on and off in the fandom for a while till recently when i picked it back up pretty hard! my favorite is ramuda, but i really love everyone in the series. i love writing imagine style things for people! i hope i can bring some smiles to your all’s faces by giving you some fun stuff to read!
if you are curious about anything, just ask! i’m happy to answer any questions anyone’s got! that’s all for now, can’t wait to do some requests for you all!
-🍬 mod ramuda
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hypfic · 3 years
Update 2: Electric Bugaloo!
Hey hey everyone! Long time no see! I dipped offline for a while because I was dealing with some mental health stuff, and also with finals. But! Now that that’s all sorted out and I’m free from academia (for now) I’m hoping to start up the blog again! Especially IKBKOT109! Along with that, I’ll be bringing in one of my super talented friends as a mod so we’ll have two whole writers!! The blog keeps growing and I’m so glad to have friends that want to help support!! So, hopefully with the introduction of another writer, we’ll have more content coming your way soon! Stay tuned for a mod debut and intro :D
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hypfic · 3 years
update! we have a title card now! which is AMAZING and I am so in love with it <3 big shout out and many kisses to my friend @mguqiis for being super talented and putting it together for me!! 
Ikebukuro Otome 109
by hypfic
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title card by @mguqiis​
author’s notes 
☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆
B A C K  O F  T H E  B O O K  —  After moving from Shibuya to Ikebukuro for work, your mischevious mentor takes it upon himself to set you up with a friend of his so you can have a friendly face to show you around town. He’s definately not trying to set you two up at all…. no way.
P A R I N G: Ichiro Yamada x Reader(she/her)
W A R N I N G S: n/a
S T A T U S: ongoing ║ home
☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆
I N D E X:
K E Y:
[TC] = Text Chapter
[WC] = Written Chapter
[CC] = Combination Chapter
ch 1. [TC]  moving in the rain
ch 2. [WC]  one of those friends
ch 3. [CC]  first meeting
☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆
T A G L I S T: @mguqiis @hynosis-mic-smuts @erigaur
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hypfic · 3 years
-DJ Khaled voice- anotha one
yet another annoucement/update!! I have recently started training at a new job and have had minimal time to work on requests as well as school ^^’ 
so, I’ve decided that I’m going to void my inbox of the v-day requests :( I really wanted to get to all of them, but it just doesn’t work with my timeline rn. However! Whenever I do open the inbox again, feel free to remember those reqs and send them in, ok? :D
I really want to focus on ikbkr109 so! That’s what I’m gonna do! I have so many ideas and fun things planned for it! thank u all <3  xoxo ~hypfic
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hypfic · 3 years
12 for valentine with bb and mtc??? 💕
hihi!! I’m planning on making one big post for MTC since they got quite the pile of requests (ya simps) so I’ll be posting just the BB ones in answer to this ask!  That being said, I didn’t write anything for Saburo bc my man is 14 and it’s a bit strange for me to write anything that isn’t platonic for him ^^’  Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy! I couldn't help myself so these turned into lil drabbles :)
Ichiro [ 山田一郎 ]: What an Ichiro thing to do, practice in the mirror. Being the hopeless romantic that he is, he wanted everything to be picture perfect. Every day it was the same routine, wake up, get ready for work, and spend five extra minutes (much to his brothers’ annoyance) rehearsing his lines in the mirror. He’d always wind up a mess, red to the tips of his ears and shaking his head. Just why was this so hard? Why couldn’t he have the balls to just… ask you out like a normal person? Was it his fear of losing you? His fear of rejection? Imperfection? Ichiro ran his hands over his face before staring at himself in the mirror. He gripped the edges of the vanity and took a deep breath. He could do this, nothing could go wrong, right? Except everything could. He stood nervously outside the cafe the two of you had agreed to meet at for lunch, rocking back and forth on his heels. Ichiro’s stomach only knotted tighter when he saw you turn the corner. Right, he could do this. He could do this. No big deal.  “Hi baby~” you approached him and pecked his cheek but you noticed your boyfriend’s worried expression. “Hey, Ichi, are you ok?” “Y-Yeah, I’m fine, don’t worry about me!” Ichiro chuckled as he reached down and took your hand in his. He led you down the street, walking straight past the cafe you had arranged to share lunch at.  “Ichiro, babe, we walked right by the cafe….” You squeezed his hand.  Ichiro’s shoulders tensed, “I know we planned on going to that cafe we had our first date at, for old times sake, but I thought you know, we could change it up a little?”  You didn’t buy it, “Mmmhm…” “W-What?! I’m being serious! Don’t look at me like that!” he stammered nervously.  “Ichi, look at me,” you moved to stand in front of him, taking his hands in yours. “What’s going on ?”  “I… god you always can see right through me, you know?” Ichiro smiled as he shook his head. “You’d think it would be me who was the confident and level-headed one, but it’s always been you,” he leaned down to press his forehead against yours. “I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror, I was a nervous wreck, but you let me take my time and were so patient.” You opened your mouth to respond but he shook his head and kept talking. “You know, I still haven’t broken that habit, being so nervous around you, especially when it comes to asking you things. Not like, where you want to eat or what anime to watch, but… bigger things, you know?”  You grinned, “Like when you asked me to move in with you and it took you two hours?” “Yeah, like that...” He blushed. “A-Anyways, I… I haven’t stopped practicing asking questions to the mirror, and it’s a lot harder when you live with the one you’re so nervously in love with.” Ichiro let go of one of your hands and reached into his back pocket. “Especially with this one. It’s been destined to be a perfect surprise,” He slowly started to go down on one knee, “But, through my years with you, I’ve learned to ditch the script. All of this has been genuine at the moment, but just this one line I’ve practiced saying in the mirror over and over again for years.” Ichiro looked up at you and smiled, squeezing your hand as he flipped open the box to reveal a slim, silver ring. “Y/n, will you marry me?”
Jiro [ 山田二郎 ]: “Ji-chan, where are we goin? I thought you were walking me home, we passed the block we needed to turn on minutes ago.” You glanced over to him.  “Yeah, yeah I know I just… I wanted to spend some more time with you if that’s ok?” He blushed, moving his hand so it was fully intertwined with yours, continuing to walk.  You smiled, squeezing his hand and pulling his jacket closer around yourself with your free hand. “Of course it is, ya goof,” you nudged his shoulder with yours, “anywhere in specific you’re taking me?”  “Hmmm,” Jiro furrowed his brow in thought, tapping a finger to his lips. “Oh! Yeah! I know!” his face lit up as he pulled you along, heading for the train station. “Wh- Jiro where are you taking me?” “You’ll see! Ya need to meet someone important!” He grinned. 
“Jiro-kun why are we in Shinjuku? Who do you know all the way out here?” You asked while looking around the city’s night lights.  “Nah, it’s not too far, y/n. I come here for jobs often, come on, follow me!” He grabbed your hand and ran. “Agk! Jiro! I can only go so fast!” You couldn’t help but giggle as you followed after him, “Where are we going anyway?”  “Rightttt here!” Jiro came to a halt in front of a neon bar sign.  “A bar? Babe, we’re both underage can we even go in there?” you looked at him confused.  “Nah, it’s fine we can go in, they serve non-alcoholic drinks! Well, to me at least,” He scratched the back of his neck. “Anyways! In we go!” Jiro quickly put on his usual act of annoying confidence, pushing you inside after opening the door for you.  “Welcome in~” the bartender behind the bar didn’t look up from the glass she was cleaning. “Oh! Jiro-chan! I didn’t know you were stopping by! Who’s this? Hmm?” “Yo Urumi!” Jiro waved his hand across the bar before reaching for your hand and making his way to the counter. “Uh, Urumi, this is my partner y/n. Y/n, this is Urumi, she’s uh a really good friend of mine.” “Hi! It’s nice to meet you, Urumi… san? kun?” “Just Urumi is fine, dear,” The bartender, Urumi, slid two glasses of cola across the bar with a smile before lighting a cigarette, “So you’re the one Jiro’s always blabbin about and asking advice for?~ It’s nice to meet you finally! This one always takes his sweet time when bringin people down here~” She leaned over the counter.  “Y-yeah…” Jiro blushed, “I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror here… and Urumi just had to walk in on me, then she made me explain everything so she could help…” He admitted bashfully, looking at you, “Ever since, each time I come here she begs me to bring you” “Well, I’m glad you did! Practice asking me out in the mirror and bringing me here to meet your friend, it’s really sweet,” You blushed and looked down into your drink. “Mmhm! Isn’t Jiro-chan the cutest? All traditional and not taking you to meet his friends till it got serious~” Urumi chuckled.  “Oi… don’t go embarrassin me now…” 
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hypfic · 3 years
hey there! can i request number 5 from your valentine’s day event with Ichiro? bulleted list is preferred but short fic is ok too! thank you sm in advance! :)
I am so deep in the Ichiro loving void I had to limit myself with how much I wrote </3  but!! I really love how these played out and I hope you enjoy! 
Ichiro [ 山田一郎 ]:
It isn’t hard to make Ichiro blush, which was a bit of a surprise to you. You knew he was a bit on the dorkier side but well… you didn’t think it would be this easy.
There were of course a few specific things you would do, but most of the time it would be so adorably random. You could do as much as glance his way and his cheeks would burn.
You could smile at him, wear a specific outfit or your hair a certain way and he’d be red from his neck to his ears.
Sometimes it would be the smallest things like making the first move to hold his hand or kiss him on the cheek. Other times, you would purposefully make him blush by matching outfits or better yet his clothes.
Of course the easy succumbing to blushing was a mutual battle. So much so that the two of you decided to make it a bit of a competition. 
In theory, it was a good idea, in practice? Well, in practice it destroyed you both. The pair of you happened to be hopeless romantics and easily flustered by the other.
After your boyfriend had an embarrassingly successful win by choosing to sing a love song during family karaoke night, you began to scheme your revenge.
One thing that never failed to make Ichiro turn into a blushing mess was when you wore his clothes. So, naturally, you could go for the low-hanging fruit and indulge in that which never failed… Or you could take that easy answer and expand on it… which is exactly what you did.
You were supposed to meet your darling odd-job extraordinaire for lunch that afternoon, and you decided that was the perfect time to get revenge
After digging around in Ichiro’s closet, you assembled the perfect boyfriend-destroying outfit. You had one of his t-shirts that was at least three sizes too big for you tucked haphazardly into a pair of jeans, a set of rings you had purchased in your own size to match his own, and to top it all off, one of his sports jackets. 
“I~chi~kun~” you grinned deviously as you snuck up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist. He was distracted by something on his phone as he stood waiting outside the cafe you agreed to meet at and hadn’t seen you coming. 
“Agk! Y/n you startled me!” He jumped, yet a chuckle bubbled in his throat as he turned around to face you. “How are you doing todaaayyy– o-oh,” Ichiro’s face was already warm from your surprise attack, but now it burned. His eyes were glued on you, cheeks pink as he took in what you were wearing. 
You giggled at his cute reaction, standing on your toes and pecking his lips, “Take a picture baby it’ll last longer~”
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