hypnoticharlequin · 5 years
Glad to see you survived!
Who said I did anon?
(But seriously you’re better off following me on twitter as I’m unsure how much will be posted to this blog in the near future)
Tumblr media
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hypnoticharlequin · 5 years
So..while looking for a place to migrate to, I’ve just joined everything and I’ll see which works best in the long term:
Twitter: @Hypno_Harlequin Then as hypnoticharlequin I’m on MCstories and bdsmlr.
(and maybe pillowfort once that becomes free to join)
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
So..while looking for a place to migrate to, I’ve just joined everything and I’ll see which works best in the long term:
Twitter: @Hypno_Harlequin Then as hypnoticharlequin I’m on MCstories and bdsmlr.
(and maybe pillowfort once that becomes free to join)
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
I tend to keep all of those posts backed up anyhow (alas I need to reformat them if I want to re-upload them due to having to use workarounds with images to make them look okay on Tumblr). I might end up splitting my stuff in two and moving that “clean” content to its own blog, just so it is easier to host. 
So..while looking for a place to migrate to, I’ve just joined everything and I’ll see which works best in the long term: 
Twitter: @Hypno_Harlequin (I posted something from my massive folder of cuttings earlier) Then as hypnoticharlequin I’m on MCstories, Sharesome, bdsmlr and Reddit.
Also, 5 people have now mentioned to me about setting up a Hypno-Content Creators discord channel..is this something people want? Because if they do I can look into doing that.
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
So..while looking for a place to migrate to, I’ve just joined everything and I’ll see which works best in the long term: 
Twitter: @Hypno_Harlequin (I posted something from my massive folder of cuttings earlier) Then as hypnoticharlequin I’m on MCstories, Sharesome, bdsmlr and Reddit.
Also, 5 people have now mentioned to me about setting up a Hypno-Content Creators discord channel..is this something people want? Because if they do I can look into doing that.
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
So, what with the impending crash of adult Tumblr, I’ve moved to Twitter. You can find me at @Hypno_Harlequin
I’m also exporting my posts onto a Wordpress site but that will take a few days to get set up properly. 
I also have a discord, but I’m trying to avoid adding a lot of friends (as I struggle to keep up with my current ones).
If anyone has any leads on other places to go, feel free to message me. 
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
Apparently written erotica is still going to be allowed after the purge (at least that's what they say)
Yeah, frankly I trust Tumblr about as much as I trust a chocolate teapot. 
Their wording is so vague and contradictory that it could mean literally anything and honestly, if they remove adult content then they also remove a lot of my audience. 
I’m moving stuff onto a few other platforms right now. 
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
Best seasons of power rangers?
I’ve never actually seen a single season of Power Rangers. Never got into it really, mostly because I ended up watching Sentai. 
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
So..what with Tumblr purging adult content, it seems like it is time for me to start posting stuff somewhere else...
Anyone know of any good alternatives? 
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
Top 5 MC Stories fics?
To be honest, it is hard to think of 5 off the top of my head, so have two of my favorites instead. 
- The Adventures Of Silver Girl by @madamkistulot - I loved this story so much and I still do, it is on Amazon now and very much worth your time. Honestly, I could likely make a list of just her stories but that feels a bit like cheating.
- Canary by @chelicerate - Dark and clever, quite long, but totally worth the trip. 
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
top 5 tranced-out facial expressions (sleeping, drooling, happy trance, kaa eyes, etc)
1. Sleepy
2. Happy Trance
3. Big Smiles
4. Blankness 
5. Rolled Eyes
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
The top 10 best adjectives for describing a hypnotized person
1. Entranced
2. Mesmerized
3. Zonked
4. Enthralled
5. Enraptured 
6. Entrapped 
7. Held
8. Spellbound
9. Charmed
10. Bewitched
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
How do you know when a story is ready? Every time I think I'm close I read something that says "don't do X" or "stories are generally better when they do Y" and then its back to rewrite and it never ends!!!!!
Michelangelo (the artist, not the turtle) is often quoted as saying: 
“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free” 
And that is the approach I take, a story is done when the words on the page match the image in my head.
In general, most advice that says “don’t do X” is rubbish. There are no hard and fast rules when creating something, sometimes subverting commonly followed rules makes for a better piece. 
There is nothing wrong with saying “This is finished in my eyes” and throwing it out there. In many ways, it is often better to put something out than constantly rewrite it, because seeing how an audience reacts to it gives you really useful information that you can use to improve future work. 
There is a reason a lot of comedians swear by workshopping, as sometimes something that doesn’t follow conventual rules goes down really well with an audience, but the only way you would ever know that is to show your idea to an audience. 
And in general, it is always better to put something out, than to rewrite it so often you come to hate it and then give up entirely. 
If you want someone to look over it or give you feedback anon I would be more than happy to take a look!
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
Top 5 blog recommendations?
Well, this is slightly awkward as most of the blogs I follow are vanilla and I don’t want to randomly link them, so have Top 5 porn blogs.
1. @sleepystephbot 
2. @bannableoffense
3. @rolld6toporn
4. @pol-manning
5. @pasteldaemon
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
Top 5 species of mollusc.
1. Octopus 
2. Squid
3. Whelks
4. Mussels
5. Scallops 
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
Top 5 Journey songs
While I do like a lot of music, I’m not the biggest Journey fan, so this is less a Top 5 and more, “Top 5 songs I’ve actually listened to by Journey”.
1. Feeling That Way/Anytime
2. Someday Soon (Departure) 
3. If He Should Break Your Heart
4. Any Way You Want It
5. Wheel In The Sky
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
Favourite Roman emperors
1. Hadrian
2. Tiberius 
3. Geta
4. Pius
5. Augustus 
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