i-asra · 3 years
((i promise i exist sometimes-- i haven’t used tumblr as a platform in a while but i am down to rp! i’d add you on discord if you like, but my settings prevent people from randomly adding me at this time :) ))
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i-asra · 4 years
Starters on Boredom
“What do you want to do tonight?”
“I’m tired of being bored because being bored is BORING.”
“Want to go somewhere tonight?”
“Did you do anything today?”
“I don’t feel like doing anything…”
“I’m so BORED.”
“I desire something more.”
“Let’s go do something!”
“I hate boredom.”
“Let’s do nothing.”
“Wanna do something random?”
“I would rather die in your arms than from boredom.”
“You make things interesting.”
“I hate being an adult. Adulthood is boring.”
“I WISH I was bored.”
“Everyone needs a little boredom in their life.”
“I need stimulus.”
“Boredom can be lethal.”
“I like boredom. Boredom means nothing is happening, which means I can recharge before the next thing happens.”
“I’m bored with all this…”
“Boredom is the cure for overwhelming excitement.”
“I’m never bored.”
“Boredom is fear of one’s own mind.”
“This is boring. Can we do something else?”
“You don’t live a boring life, do you?”
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i-asra · 4 years
Soft Sunday meme
Favorite way to receive affection? 
Favorite way to give affection?
Non-sexual thing that always makes the muse melt?
Places they don’t like being touched non-sexually?
Do they like giving nicknames to their significant other?
Do they like being called a nickname?
What’s something their significant other can do to make them feel safe?
What’s the best way to calm down your muse when they’re angry?
Little things your muse does to show their significant other they care?
PDA that’s a definite ‘no’?
Does your muse want to have kids? If so, how many and what’s the reasoning behind the number?
Are they loud and proud about their relationships, or do they keep it private?
Do they workout or put on makeup for their significant other?
Do dirty jokes go over their head, or are they the one making the dirty jokes?
Do they find a need to be in a relationship, or do they have a ‘if it happens it happens’ feeling?
What food or drink can be given to them to show that their partner really cares?
Is your muse good with kids? What ages?
Would your muse be the one doing most of the cooking or not?
Is your muse good at housework? 
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i-asra · 4 years
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i-asra · 4 years
hi i have a bad habit of disappearing when the going gets tough for any reason, but will you marry me anyway?
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i-asra · 4 years
please reblog this if you are an active arcana rp account who will rp with fan apprentices
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i-asra · 4 years
over a year ago, i made this meme & since then, it’s blown up. so, over a year later — i thought i would make a new one. so here it is, after several requests & a pile of brains,  THE PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP MEME 0.2
send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
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i-asra · 4 years
Haru had a bright smile when Asra agreed to buy the instrument for him. “Yes it will be nice to place some music together.” He felt over his mandolin and found it had a strap attached, perfect to sling over his shoulder as they continued their afternoon through the market.
When everything was paid for he took Asra’s hand and let his master lead the way. At the questions he turned his face towards Asra even though he couldn’t see him. “It was a lullaby from my country to help the drakelings go to sleep. They’re small feathery serpent-like dragons, they’re about Faust’s size with two to eight legs and one to two pairs of wings. They come in every color you can think of and some colors you’d never see in nature. I had a special one, it hatched the same time I was born and was given to my mother and me…” The apprentice explained but then trailed off, a small pout on his lips as he couldn’t remember what happened to his childhood pet.
“I don’t remember many songs, but I think my fingers remember how to play.” He said brightening back up. There had been a few instances where his body remembered what his mind had forgotten. Like cooking and making potions, every time he touches Asra he can feel the strong bond they share. Smells also brought back some memories and right now he caught a whiff os something delicious. Hatsuharu held Asra’s hand firmly as he lead the way, weaving through the market and around people with no trouble at all and brought them right to the bread maker. “There’s fresh pumpkin bread Asra.”
Curious as Asra was, Hatsuharu’s story of the drakelings trailed off to nothing, leaving him wanting to know more. “They sound amazing,” he said, offering his hand a gentle squeeze for comfort. “The rest will come back to you in time, if you let it. No need to force it.” Just from Hatsuharu’s description, he could picture them clearly, along with similar creatures he’d encountered before. He could see Faust enjoying herself with them, stretching out toward the sky as they flew circles around her.
Chuckling as Hatsuharu led him swiftly through the crowds, he had to agree, once he caught a whiff of it. “You’ve got a keen nose! Ah, there it is...” That bakery was definitely one of their favorite places in the market, and the baker knew their faces well. Asra would even venture to say they were among his favorite customers, with how often they visited. “It seems we were lucky today to beat the crowd. It’ll be busy today, and this batch smells extra-delicious.” He and Hatsuharu went to grab their usual booth before it became too crowded. Once seated, the baker appeared with two mugs of their usual warm brew, and an equally warm welcome.
“Music is a magic all its own, you know,” Asra advised Hatsuharu as they waited for the bread. “It helps cleanse the mind and spiritual space, so you can have clearer focus. Not that you’ve had trouble with that part, mind you, but the more we work with the arcana, you may find it useful.” He racked his brain for other magical uses of music, but it was difficult to hear himself think through the din of the incoming customers. “I think I have a book on this somewhere. I could use a refresher, myself.”
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i-asra · 4 years
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i-asra · 4 years
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i-asra · 4 years
@apprenticeasher !
Asra sighed down at his cards. He’d gone to them for answers, and of course they were right, reading into the turmoil in his soul like it was a children’s book, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. The Seven of Swords reversed, the Four of Cups reversed, and the Five of Cups reversed all told him that it would be unpleasant no matter what he chose to do. Inaction, or even putting it off, would only make things worse.
Hearing Asher come down the stairs, he tucked the cards away quickly and put on a brave face. “Good morning,” he greeted, standing up to meet her in the kitchen. “Want some tea? I could start some for you.” He was too eager to be of help, perhaps lingering a little too long when he hugged her... He really didn’t want to say goodbye. 
He’d gone on so many trips before, and leaving, in itself, was nothing special. The difference this time was that he didn’t have plans to come back. And, with Asher’s life in Vesuvia, there was no way he could even ask her to go with him. “Anything in particular you want for breakfast? I’ve been up for a while, so it’s no trouble to make it myself.”
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i-asra · 4 years
Asra went back to examine a set of panpipes, listening to the plucking of the strings... He didn’t recognize the melody, but it must have been very familiar to Hatsuharu. With a soft smile, he looked back toward the apprentice. He’d remembered something without it causing him pain, a rare thing over the past 3 years. “Certainly. I’ll check how much. I might get these pipes, too... It’ll be nice to play some music in the shop, won’t it?” He was no expert musician, but it was never too late to learn. Besides, it seemed to make Hatsuharu happier, so why not?
He counted out his coins and passed the requisite amount to the shopkeeper, who nodded and thanked them. “I didn’t know you could play, Haru. What’s the song you were playing?” Asra would be the first to admit that he didn’t know much about Hatsuharu’s homeland, in spite of his frequent travels. Depending on the circumstances, though, it warranted a visit someday. “Do you know a lot? I guess maybe not; I won’t press you if you don’t remember too well.” The memories might not have been painful to bear, but Asra didn’t want to risk it. It would be a shame to have to take away what he’d remembered.
It was pleasant to listen to all the bird songs Asra could make and chuckled about the comment of wanting to make a lion roar. Haru nodded and held out his hands for the mandolin to be placed in them. He first tried playing it right handed then switched to his left hand.
“This way sounds better.” He commented after a few test strums then began playing a light melody. “My mother used to play to me when I was a child, guess I learned from her.” The apprentice said, feeling quite happy to be able to remember something. “Could I get this Asra, please?”
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i-asra · 4 years
Asra nodded, glad that Hatsuharu remembered. “Yes, it would be, but it’s nothing you can’t handle as long as you keep your wits about you,” he stated. “I’d be happy to go in with you. I’ve got notes on the realms of the major arcana, too, but I have to say I’d be happy to meet the others.” At least, he knew he’d made the notes. He hadn’t seen that book in quite a while, but things got lost every now and then. It would turn up sooner or later, as all things did.
He blew a number of whistles. They all made the same sound, but Asra could do a number of bird calls with them, twittering away to have Hatsuharu guess which one he was pretending to be. “They’re all bird sounds. Pity, I was hoping to roar like a lion,” he laughed. “A lute, huh? There’s a mandolin just here.” The shopkeeper handed the instrument to Asra, and he passed it to Hatsuharu in turn. “Would this do?” He’d never heard him play before, not that he could remember. Certainly not while Hatsuharu was his apprentice... Yet, Asra was dying to hear all the same.
Haru stayed close to his master, holding his hand so they wouldn’t get seperated. He listened to Asra but also to the sound going on around them, many conversations, a vendor was selling chickens and there was a dog wandering around. “I have my spirit door to the Ace of Swords. If I was to meet the other arcana I’d have to find my way through that world.” The apprentice stated and tilted his head slightly in thought. “That would be quite the adventure but also dangerous from what you’ve told me about it.”
As they came through the shops Haru heard the whistles long before they stepped up to the stall selling the instruments. “Are those whistles? They sound like a flock of birds…” He stated and the shopkeeper offered one of the whistles to Asra to test it out and Hatsuharu listened closely “That one sounds like a Cardinal. Are there any string instruments, like a lute?”
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i-asra · 4 years
((finally playing julian’s route and already frustrated. he’s so stubborn and i’m just like love me, you slippery fool))
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i-asra · 4 years
Asra’s gaze trailed Hatsuharu’s finger as it traced each shape perfectly. Every careful observation had clearly paid off, making him proud of his achievements. However, that meant that Asra definitely had to look out for new things to teach. It was reaching a point when everything he’d shared before had been covered, so he really had to go looking for new material; he never considered himself a “master” magician to begin with, and there were bound to be thousands of spells he’d never attempted before. All he had to do, now accompanied by Hatsuharu, was look for them.
“I wouldn’t say we’re running out just yet,” Asra grinned. “Just because you’ve mastered everything I’ve thrown at you so far doesn’t mean you’re finished learning, not by a long shot.”
He acknowledged Hatsuharu by squeezing his hand. “So, you’ve gotten great with conjuring, manifestation, and charms,” he said idly as they wandered along the streets, joining the bustle of the crowd. “At least, the kinds of charms I knew. What do you say we look for something a little different, like binding or banishing? Or maybe we can help you communicate with spirits-- you’ve met with the Ace of Swords already, so I know you’ve got it in you.”
Asra had never personally met with the minor arcana, but he knew enough of them to make his deck. The suit of swords was represented with dragons, dangerous and beautiful... He wondered if this was the form that the arcana took when presenting Hatsuharu with their gift. 
Passing a stall with many musical instruments, surrounded with stunned children, Asra stopped them to have a look. “Hmm, I wonder what they’ve got here... whistles?” Clay whistles, ocarinas, and pipes of various shapes and sizes were lined up on the booth. There were enough whistles in animal shapes to make a small zoo, no doubt amusing the children. “Can we try these?” he asked the shopkeeper. “I want to see if they sound like the animals, too.”
“You want me to set the wards?” The apprentice questioned in surprise but he wouldn’t turn it down. “Of course Asra.” Together they stepped outside and the magician locked the door Haru stepped up. He reached out and with a finger began tracing the ward symbols on the wood, it glowed a pale blue until all four wards were raced then vanished to create the invisible protection. The apprentice smiled and turned back to Asra looking proud. “I feel we’re running out of things for me to learn.”
Haru stayed by his master’s side as they headed into town to the market area. He lowered his hood further to block out everything the sun was reflecting off of, the light made it difficult for him to focus when the bright auras of so many people already overwhelmed his magical vision. It was much better at night where there was less interference, though it was too dangerous for him to go out at night as Asra had warned.
“I think you should lead the way, it’s too crowded to focus on anything…” Haru said as he took Asra’s hand and the color faded from his eyes leaving them a dull light grey now that he wasn’t using his magic to see. He could use his other senses to enjoy the market and could use his magic if his master found anything he needed him to see.
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i-asra · 4 years
((i’m wearing asra cosplay, i own the arcana deck..... not saying it’ll be in character, but does anyone want me to read for them?))
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i-asra · 4 years
((hi there, i just wanted to check in and let you all know that i am working on more replies and starters but i also want to know more about your OC’s Arcana verse-- like personal history, what route you may want to take, etc. some people have it indicated, but if you do not, just hmu in the IMs and let me know or reply here or whatever floats your boat))
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