iagkms · 23 days
Part two to my high school bully Simon since someone asked for it 🤷‍♀️
A year later, you guys are still going strong, he’s in year six, you a year five, (Scottish year groups because I don’t know any others sorry), he beats anyone who gives you trouble in, or out of school.
“Since we always go to my house, can you go to yours this time?”
“W- my house? I mean…my parents are out today…so okay…but only until they get back.”
“Oh okay…that’s fine! You got any pets?”
“I’ve got a dog…Riley.”
“You sure about that lovie?”
“Yes.” You smirk at him, knowing your getting it later on.
He pulls out the keys to unlock his house, his house is a normal, medium size house, not counsel house small, but not mansion big either. Riley immediately comes barking to greet him, but stops dead in his tracks when he sees you.
“He’s a bit…funny with new people.”
You kneel down and hold your hand out for him to sniff, and he walks over to you, slowly and cautiously, after a couple sniffs he licks your face, for a big German Shepard, he’s very gentle.
“Oh, you must be special.”
You smile brightly. “Always had a way with animals I guess!” You laugh.
“Do you uh…want to go to my room?”
“Yeah sure, it’s been a year and I’ve never even been here!”
As soon as you stand up Riley bounds up the stairs and waits at the top, Simon skips three steps at a time going up, you only two, legs aren’t as long as his. Once he gets into his room he immediately starts picking stuff up and shoving them under his bed, you don’t say anything, he just wants to make a good impression.
“So uh…anything you had in mind…for us to do?”
“Yeah kinda…”
You crawl into his lap and kiss him softly then cock your head to the side, to say ‘do we keep going ooorr’
He immediately kisses you back, trailing his fingertips down your sides, one hand moving it’s way up your back and to the back of your neck, holding you tight to his front, kissing gently at first but before things get heated you both hear the door open.
“Shit…shit shit my dads back early…I’m so sorry love…your gonna have to go…I’ll walk you out okay? Nothing will happen..”
“Happen? What would happen?”
“It doesn’t matter love, it doesn’t matter okay? Now grab your bag for me…”
You hear his father yelling for him, you look at him with a little pity and confusion.
He immediately walks you downstairs and stands guard of you until you tie your shoes on.
“Who’s the bird.?” His father says, his voice is Brocken, and deep as hell.
“She’s my…my uh..”
“Has my Simon got himself a bird.?”
“What about it?”
“Nothing…I’ll talk to you later.”
You stand up to leave, his hands brush your waist briskly before he opens the door for you, and a small kiss on the forehead. You leave.
“She does anything to you Simon…tell me alright. You didn’t last time.” His dad says to him.
“She won’t…she’s not like her…she’s different, even Riley likes her.”
“Hmph…alright mate…just be careful with her as well, she looks like the delicate type..”
“She’s perfect.”
[this is gonna be the last part for this one because I have no more ideas, I was never even gonna make a part two tbh.]
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iagkms · 24 days
At work, Jhonny looks after Simon, like friends with benefits yk. Sometimes he sends you videos…just to entertain you while he’s away.
But when he gets back, all stiff and cum stuffed, it’s time for him to not be left blue balled, like soap does to tease him :)
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iagkms · 24 days
Older!bf Simon would ask you if it’s too much or if he’s hurting you every six or so seconds when it’s it’s your first couple times.
“Lovie is it too much I know I’m big.” He knows he’s big and he’s *SO* proud of it, he’s always boasting to soap, he tells you when he gets back from missions.
“Am I hurting you?” When I say every six seconds. I MEAN EVERY SIX SECONDS, sometimes you really have to shut him up ;)
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iagkms · 25 days
High school bully Simon Riley, would absolutely grab you by the hair, throw you into the nearest wall, signs of tears, even better for Simon.
Until you stop caring, you stop showing emotion around him, why cry, it makes him happier right?
“Why don’t you cry anymore.”
“Why don’t you fucking cry?”
“Because I just don’t I don’t know..maybe you’ll leave me alone.”
“You honestly think I’d leave you alone for those other wankers to get at you?”
“What are you on about?”
“You know lovie, your face is really pretty when you cry. You should do it more.”
What the fuck, he pulls you into an empty classroom, you don’t have any classes in here, maybe he does, he’s getting something maybe?
“Why you’d bring me in here?”
“Because I wanna talk. Alright?”
“And why’d you call me lovie?”
“Doesn’t matter…why do you let me pick on you, why don’t you do something about it?”
“It would’ve made it worse, no?”
“So what’s the problem, can I go?”
He kisses you. What the fuck. This lad who really thinks he’s something, just fucking kissed you.
“What the fuck mate.”
“Don’t tell anyone.”
And then he leaves, just walks out, not another word from him for another week, until you see him on the stairs on the way down to the library, during English.
“Why you out of class.”
“Don’t talk to me princess.”
He continues up the stairs, not saying anything, obviously. You need to talk to him though, find out what the fuck his deal is. You see him leaning on a wall looking down at his phone.
“Simon…” you say quietly.
“Yes…?” He talks louder, and harsher by nature than you.
“Do you uh…like…like me or something…because uh-“
“Don’t…just don’t..I’m not good for you…”
“Why not! I want to be with you!”
“Your just telling yourself that princess…”
“I’m not! Don’t tell me what I do and don’t want!”
“Fine…you want to try?”
“If I do anything wrong, just tell me. Promise me that lovie?”
“I promise si”
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