iagogabriel · 6 years
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iagogabriel · 6 years
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iagogabriel · 7 years
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iagogabriel · 8 years
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iagogabriel · 8 years
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iagogabriel · 8 years
The Chainsmokers
Roses (feat. Rozes) The Chainsmokers Take it slow but it's not typical He already knows that my love is fire His heart was a stone, but then his hands roam I turned him to gold and I took him higher But I'll be your daydream I'll wear your favorite things We could be beautiful Get drunk on the good life I'll take you to paradise Say you'll never let me go Deep in my bones I can feel you Take me back to a time when we knew Hideaway We could waste the night with an old film Smoke a little weed on the couch in the backroom Hideaway Say you'll never let me go Say you'll never let me go Ah ah ah Ah ah ah Ah ah ah Say you'll never let me go Say you'll never let me go Say you'll never let me go Ah Ah Say you'll never let me go Deep in my bones I can feel you Take me back to a time when we knew Hideaway We could waste the night with an old film Smoke a little weed on the couch in the backroom Hideaway Say you'll never let me go Say you'll never let me go Ah ah ah Ah ah ah Ah ah ah Say you'll never let me go Say you'll never let me go
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iagogabriel · 8 years
My beloved brothers, many of you have been taught for ages that the essence called God is a somber, fearsome, angry, judgmental character. But God is none of these things. The God who harangues, who judges, who persecutes, has never existed except in the hearts and minds of men. It is man who created a God that judges some and exalts others. That is a God of man, the creation of man and his will. The God that I know, that I love, that is the power that issues forth from me and the kingdom that I am, is a God of complete and unjudgmentallove. It is nothing else but everything else. God loves you with greater love than you have ever fathomed, for it is the life that you are, the ground that you walk on, the air that you breathe. It is the color of your skin, the magnificence of your eyes, the gentleness of your touch. It is you in every moment that you are, in every thought that you think, in every deed that you do, even in the shadows of your soul. God is an all-consuming force that is everything. It is the wind upon the water, the changing of leaves, the simplicity of a rose deep in its color and hue. God is lovers in their embrace, children in their laughter, and the sheen of honey-colored hair. It is the sun rising in the morning, a star twinkling in the night, the moon waxing and waning across the midnight sky. God is the beauteous insect, the humble bird in flight, the vile and ugly worm. God is movement and color, sound and light. God is passion. God is love. God is joy. God is sadness. That which is - all that is - is what you term God the Father, the totality of life, and the lover of all that it is. God is not a singular character who sits upon a throne and judges the whole of life. God is the whole of life, every pulsating moment. It is the ongoingness and foreverness of everything that is.
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iagogabriel · 10 years
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iagogabriel · 10 years
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iagogabriel · 10 years
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iagogabriel · 10 years
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iagogabriel · 10 years
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iagogabriel · 10 years
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iagogabriel · 10 years
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iagogabriel · 10 years
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iagogabriel · 10 years
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iagogabriel · 10 years
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