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“Because that person is important to the person important to me”
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Hey jsyk it’s 2018 and if you’re still drawing characters with big lips like THIS, even if they’re pale/not black, it’s fucking racist. Stop doing it.
No excuses. “It’s a stylistic choice!” It’s a RACIST stylistic choice.
“Idk how else to draw big lips!” That’s because you relied on racist caricatures and are a bad artist. Teach yourself. Learn. If you’re not willing to do that, then you are a bad, racist artist.
“But it’s part of the character design!” Yeah, and it’s racist. If it’s your OC, then change it. If it’s not your OC, make the right choice and draw them with normal looking bigger lips instead of this racist monstrosity.
And if this post makes you uncomfortable because it’s calling you out for stuff you’ve done, good. Fix it. Own up to it. Grow.
If you see this and you’re first thought is to defend this: you are racist. You are part of the problem. Congrats. Now work on yourself and unlearn that.
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-2 Wallpaper of Star Butterfly and Marco Díaz, Minimalist version
-2 Fondos de Pantalla de Star Butterfly y Marco Díaz, Versión minimalista
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I care about you hug in finales 
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Ok but find it so interesting that Gandalf is always associated with fire imagery/powers because…
Usually In Lotr, the villains are associated with fire imagery.
Think: Sauron’s fiery eye, the balrog, the flames of Mount Doom, Saruman’s fiery forges and explosives, Smaug the fire breathing dragon, the Witch-King’s flaming sword, Denethor burning Faramir, etc
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The heroes are usually associated with water/sea imagery, or tree/flower imagery. The elves longing for the sea, the ents flooding Isengard, the White Tree of Gondor, etc.
But that’s something I think is really interesting about Gandalf– he’s not like the other heroes. He’s associated with fire imagery/powers, the way the villains are.
Gandalf describes himself as the “I am the servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Anor.”  In the books it’s revealed that he bears Narya, the Ring of Fire.
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Gandalf’s powers generally involve manipulating fire and light.
He’s invulnerable to flames, and can meet fire with fire.
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 He ignites things on fire:
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He blinds people with light:
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He redirects lightning:
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And most obviously, he’s famous for his magic fireworks.
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Tangentially related: Gandalf and Pippin are also the ones who light the beacons in the films…and Gandalf says “hope is kindled.” Because fire imagery!
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So it’s like….
I think it’s relevant that Gandalf was offered a place in Sauron’s army. Saruman earnestly tried to recruit Gandalf to their side.
So Gandalf could’ve easily joined the villains. He had exactly the kind of powers they respected and wanted. He was exactly the kind of person they would want to recruit. He could’ve very easily become just like Saruman. He just refused. 
And I think that’s so cool because Gandalf is ultimately….a hero who happens to have villain-powers?A hero associated with the villain’s imagery and abilities? He’s like…..someone who SHOULD have been a villain, but chose not to be. 
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time fire that is given to us”
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Told you guys I’d make a LOTR painting–“Before an Adventure” Source: https://ift.tt/2TZLnR6
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We shall have peace... 
We shall have peace when you answer for the burning of the Westfold!
When you answer for the children who lie dead on the plains! 
For the soldiers who were hewn even as they lay dead! 
We shall have peace when you hang from a gibbit for the sport of your own crows!
-King Theoden of Rohan, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
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1st photo: reference [ credits to @rinacat ]
2nd photo: my work [ not perfect but its kinda cute:(( ]
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Anna in Frozen 2
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I like haunted houses. They have stories.
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Once upon a time, in the far away land of Tondo, a cute innocent little child was born and her parents named her Kate. She seldom cry making it easy for her parents to take care of her
But one day, Kate was hospitalized and diagnosed to have sepsis, a life threatening illness caused by a body’s response to infection. Fortunately, she survived that ferocious disease which tried to kill her.
Years passed, she grew as a smart, artistic and independent child because her parents never failed to show what the world is. Kate also likes to watch Disney Channel and National Geographic shows. Her favorite among them are: Art Attack, Mr. Bean, Beauty and the Beast and Tom and Jerry also. She was always fascinated with different cartoons and stories of fantasy/fiction which leads to her addiction with Harry Potter series, in the later part of her life.
At the age of five, Kate started schooling at San Gabriel Elementary School in Quezon City. It was easy for her,then, to find friends even if she was a newbie in town. She also excels in her academic status. In fact, she graduated elementary as Valedictorian of their batch.
But every happiness comes with sorrow. Her dearest grandfather died. He was more than a grandparent to Kate but also her mentor in life, her doctor when she’s sick, her comfort when she’s in need, almost everything to Kate. It made a huge impact to her life. From then on, Kate became more quiet, more reserved, sort of a shrinking violet.
They moved from Quezon City to Nueva Ecija because of some sort of family problem. There, Kate spent her first three years of junior high school life and it was quite great. She still received various achievements although she was not as active as she was before. She still made friends but only a few, few real friends that she will surely keep forever.
Until one day, her family had to move again from Nueva Ecija to Valenzuela. She now had to leave what she had already has and it was terrible but there’s nothing she can do about it. They had to transfer no matter what.
She had to start again from scratch and that was difficult,of course. At the beginning, as a grade ten student, she was isolated for her classmates already had their own established friends at hand. However, she did her best to fit in and be one of them. She Kate did her best to still excel in school and she did. She even represented her school for the National Science Quiz Bee competition at Baguio City, one of her memorable days. And with that, she moved up with high honors at Polo National High School .
Now, Kate is in her eleventh grade. Another set of people in a different environment. She’s tired of making new friend because in the end of the day , they will leave and forget the precious days they had. She stayed low key, after all, not everyone needs to know everything about her.
Kate is now the opposite of what she had been before because of her different struggles she did not speak to others and we may not know what type of Kate aheads next. She did not change because peole do not change, they are merely revealed. So wait for the next revalation to happen….
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“The greatest risk any of us will take is to be seen as we are.”
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Brain is made up of neurons not muscle fibers
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“The brain is a muscle of busy hills, the struggle of unthought things with things eternally thought.”
–Joyce Carol Oates (The Grave Dwellers)
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I ain’t come here to lose
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