ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
raesampson :
The majority of the festival was cleared out by now, but in true Rae fashion all she cared about the the food stands that remained standing. Her feet carried her over the asphalt, until finally that dark tuff of hair was signifying that he was there waiting already. “Sorry, I doubled back for sunscreen this time. Maybe we get the last of the snack and hit the beach?”, she asked, hopeful that this could remain a true day out for them. Hiding things was still a challenge.
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Ian lifted his head when he heard Rae’s soft voice. He smiled and got slightly closer but stopped himself before getting to close and making things awkward in true Ian style. “Thank you, my pale british comlexion will be saved thanks to you.” He joked before moving to a side and pointing to the huts inside the enclosure. “So what do you want to do today? I’m all yours, no hospital and no pager.” He promised walking next to her.
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
Ian stood looking at his phone. He had just arrived to the entrance of the enclosure where the summer festival took place. The sumer festivla had officially ended a few days ago but you could still find some concerts and a few rides that still had to be dismantled. He put his phone in his back poket and waited patiently for Rae to arrive.
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
raesampson :
In so many ways, this conversation was one she had been waiting for since they had even broken up. The first few days had been coated in doubt. Rae couldn’t believe they were really over, she waited for a text or a note calling her back to him to apologize and continue their decent further and further into love. But as a week, two weeks, three weeks passed, she knew that it was not just a minor break between a couple. It had been a full blown break up and an attempt to cut each other from their lives. Yet here he was, finally speaking the words she had held her breath for so long for. She wasn’t sure that she was thinking clearly or even rationally. The tears welled up in her eyes, thoughts seeming to move a mile a second, and her hands coming to rest on his chest out of the pure instinct that formed so long ago. All she had to do was tell him that’s exactly what she wanted to do and what she needed. She needed him more than she liked to admit, but it was just the fact of how their relationship bloomed. He had become a major part of her life and after losing her father, losing him was like twisting the knife in her heart. No words came, all that could follow that speech was action. Rae finally shut off her mind and the nagging piece of her that was screaming to walk away, giving into that pit in her stomach telling her that this was just right. Her lips finally found his again, gentle and supple against his, relief flooding her system like that piece had finally been filled.
Ian swore he could see the wheels in her head moving trying to find what to do or say next- He waited patiently for her answer to the peptalk he had just given her. He felt her hands softly placed on his chest and could see her teary eyes. He opened his mouth to ask her why was she about to cry but seeing as she seemed to be deep in though the chose to just hold her as close as he could without making her feel unconfortable. What Ian definitively didn’t expect was her next move. As soon as he felt her lips on his he couldn’t help but kiss back. All the memories seemed to flow back to his memory. The first date in that greasy In n out, their first kiss when she dropped her off at her house, all the post it notes placed on their lockers so that nobody would suspect anything about them, sneaking in the middle of their shift just for a kiss and a quick I love you, her birthday and their first christmas together. Ian deepened the kiss and in that moment he know that he wasn’t going to let her go again because it would just kill him.
Waiting for love |Rae & Ian|
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
Rae gently stepped away from him, trying to grasp what it was that he was saying. It almost seemed like he saw her walking away as something that she hadn’t intended. of course, it was understandable for him to see her walking away as her shutting him down. But it was not what she wanted, it was what she needed. She needed to breathe, to think. Not something that really happened, but the brief absence from him made her look at things in a new way. “Ian, don’t you see that you’re something that I can’t just shake?”, she asked, doing her best t o put the jumble of thoughts in her head in order. “You didn’t make me feel uncomfortable, you made me want to just be yours again. I don’t want to be anything else, I don’t want all these amazing things to happen if I don’t have you to share them with. I have been nothing but miserable since we broke up. I don’t know how I am supposed to just move on from what we have. What we had”, her throat felt tight, like the air was being squeezed from her lungs and the worlds edges seemed a little darker. “What am I supposed to do?”, she asked, finally daring to look his way once more.
Ian looked up as soon as Rae started explaining. He couldn't understand why they were still stuck at this point. "Great, because I don't want you to shake me." He whispered before she started to talk again. If she still wanted to be him why couldn't move forward from this discussion? Because Rae was just as stubborn as Ian. As soon as she finished talking and looked at him he knew there was no truning back. He got up from the uncomfortable chair and faced Rae directly. "Then if both of us still want to be together why do we keep hurting ourselves by trying to be separate?" Ian spoke softlly before taking a step towards the girl. "Everytime I see you around the hospital all I want to do is run to you and kiss you with all my forces because you can't imagine how painful it is to not wake up next to you anymore." Ian took a deep breath before rubbing his forehead. "But you do feel that pain too. That's what you are telling me, you still want to be mine and if we both do I don't know what are we doing by playing strangers Rae." He finished before looking back at the girl. At that moment he could feel the tension in the room. And this could only go one of two ways. They finally admitted they were stupid and kiss, or never talk to eachother again. "I want to give you everything Rae. I want to take you to Venice like you told me you wanted, I want to sneak up with you during our night shift to eat those really bad chips from the vending machine, I want to just lay with you in bed because neither of us wants to admit it's time to get up. I want you Rae. What we are both supposed to do is stop playing dumb and hurting ourselves. We don't deserve that."
Waiting for love |Rae & Ian|
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
This all felt so familiar. It was like she had walked back in time to the moment their history had even started. She did her best to ignore the feeling and ignore the welling urge to move his hair from his face. Rae wanted to tell him everything was okay and to give him that side of herself that had once only ever been his. But this was not their beginning, not matter how much she wished it had been. “Distractions can be very dangerous”, she mumbled, before completely pausing her actions to look at him with an arched brow. “Dr. Sampson, actually. I didn’t think we had been apart long enough for you to forget all that”, she teased, though there was a small bitter taste in her mouth. Instead of focusing on it, she focused on smoothing the skin sealant on the largest parts of his gash.“About this morning”, she whispered, slipping the gloves off of her hands and switching to a new pair to focus on another gash that seemed to form as a result from one of the blows. “I’m sorry that I just walked out on you like that. It’s…very hard to be in this situation”, she whispered, not concerned about listening ears but afraid of the words that wanted to come out. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.”
Ian held his breath as soon as she started to cleand and treat the first wound. He bit his lip trying to act tough and not show how nmuch it stung. "I know you are a doctor, remember who was part of your training." He whispered closing his eyes when she touched the wound again. "But I also know how much it frustrates you when I called you nurse while on training." Ian smiled and looked at the girls face. She was closer that she'd ever been since they broke up and he had to refrain himself from getting up and just hugging her like there was no tomorrow. He closed his eyes when she tried to apologise and shook his head, before her hands stopped her when she started to treat him again. "Don't please, don't apologise for something like that." He started speaking searching her eyes with his own. "I know how hard it is because it's hard for me too, so hard that I coulnd't take it anymore and I just had to tell you. Do you think it wasn't hard for me cofessing that I still have feelings for you and you leaving me there? It does, but I understand how overhelming it can be." He explained raising his hand to stop her for a moment. "I'm sorry that I made you feel uncomfortable enough that you had to leave. It was unsensitive of me." He smiled and let go of her hand closing his eyes to avoid having to look at the girl he loved so much so close to him and yet so far.
Waiting for love |Rae & Ian|
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
The things we say in anger are some of the most honest confessions made. Humans were designed to hurt and be hurt.
H.L. //  (via 451seconds)
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
Rae knew she could of handled all of this better. She knew that everything between them was so delicate and so close to ripping completely apart. Maybe this was the final encounter they had, her final chance to be with the man she loved, and she just absolutely blew it. She forced herself into her work, diving into the first patient room she was given. Casting the broken arm didn’t take any time or effort really, the boy was cooperative enough that there was no real complications. It was when she stepped out of the patient room that she heard the commotion going on down the hall. Furniture was being slammed, guards were racing towards the room, and supplies were being shoved into her hands.
It was her turn to clean up a mess. That was all that the nurse manager said as she guided her towards a room down the hall. What she didn’t expect to see was Ian sitting on the other side and the deja vu coursing through her veins. “I think I remember someone once telling me that you’re supposed to duck”, she teased, sliding the curtain shut behind her and further stepping into his space. “Let me take a look”, she encouraged, gently moving his hands away from his face.
Ian was quickly pushed into a closed room where he was told to wait. He sat on the chair tilting his head back slightly rying to get more comfortable on the plastic chair. He could feel his lip throbbing and the blood drying quickly. He closed his eyes -partly from the headache and partly to try and avoid running out of the room and hitting the person who attacked him- and tried to remember everything that had happened in the short time that had passed since he got out of the room where he was talking to Rae. He was called. He run to see what was all the noise he could hear. It was a man who wasn't very happy. When he had tried to talk to him the man hit him. All hell broke loose. And he was pushed to a room with a split lip and swollen cheekbone. Ian softly pressed his fingertips to his lip and winced as soon as they made contact with the skin. This was way worse than it seemed. Not long after he was pushed into the room the door opened again and the same girl who walked out on lhim just a few minutes before was now here to take care of the messy situation he had gotten into. He tried to smile but it came out like a wince because of the pain. As soon as he heard her joking about the last time they got into a situation like this and he couldn't help but let a soft laugh escape his lips. "That was a very intelligent person, but they didn't think about being distracted when getting in a fight." He joked letting her move his hands from his face and start treating his wounds. "Thank you for your help Nurse Sampson." He whispered before looking at her eyes. "I bet I look better than I've ever looked right now."
Waiting for love |Rae & Ian|
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
text: Open
finley: did u drink ur 2 liters of water
ian: does beer and soda fall into the water category? Because then yes, I think I have.
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
text: Waverly
Waverly: Where's your Tylonel?
Ian: I seem to be the only person in the entire festival who has forgotten to bring some.
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
text: Open
gus : i'm no drug dealer...
gus : ...but i could hook you up with a round of advil
Ian: That sounded just like you were a drug dealer
Ian: Does everybody remember to bring painkillers to the festival except for me?
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
text: Open
Annie: I have some aspirin!
Annie: Do you want to meet me somewhere so I can give you some?
Ian: Annie! You are my saviour sweet.
Ian: Yes please, that way I can get away from this annoying bunch that have decided to join me and my friend.
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
text: Open
Jordyn: How is that even possible? There's no such thing as too much when it comes to festivals.
Jordyn: But Tylenol works wonders.
Ian: See!? That's what I thought but I guess I'm just slowly turning into al elder and now I can't stand fun. I'm turning into a party pooper.
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
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Kalani: You get a headache from excitement?
Ian: It seems so!
Ian: No, but I guess I spent too much time under the sun and have a heatstroke.
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
text: Open
Leighton: Sorry. Who is this?
Leighton: And have you tried the first aid tent? They should have aspirin and water.
Ian: Damn, I must have messed up a number or something. Sorry.
Ian: I have tried aspirins and they don't seem to do the job, I think I'll have to go to plan b and try with water.
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
text: Open
Havana: And how exactly am I supposed to help you?
Havana: They invented aspirin and shit for a reason you know.
Ian: I'm a doctor, I already know about medicines. They just don't seem to work!
Ian: That's why I was asking for help.
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
text: Open
Louise: Oh no!!!!
Louise: Maybe water would help?
Ian: Believe me, I've tried everything, from water to painkillers.
Ian: I guess karma is trying to pay me back for something.
Ian: Or I've magically grown inmune to medicines by working at the ER.
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ianmxseley-blog · 8 years
text: Open
Ian: I think I've been enjoying the festival a little too much
Ian: I have a killer headache
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