icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
(almost like twilight)
the title of falling in love with you,
in just a few words
"Oh How The Lion Fell in Love with The Bird"
and vise versa
One so heroic & one so gentle
It's almost a romance story,
in a form of a riddle.
— E
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
(agent eliza)
the mission I here now choose to accept,
is to be the best version of myself
be the best that I can be
be everything I desire in the woman that sparkles my eyes, fill my soul with red hot lava & like lavender blesses peace—
in this life.
I am strong.
I am beautiful.
this here mission, I accept
— E
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
(this here cup runneths over)
I will come back.
but when I come back,
I will come back in abundance.
abundantly beautiful
abundantly secure
abundantly faithful
abundantly religious
abundantly spiritual
abundantly loving
abundantly peaceful
abundantly ok
abundantly strong
abundantly calm
and so much more.
The I, I am now, will not be the I, I will be when I come back.
I will come back,
and when I come back,
it will be in abundance.
— E
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
(easier said than done, but it must be done)
why do u search for love in forbidden,
"closed" written places?
why do u become jealous of the blessings that God has for others,
instead of appreciating the blessings that He created special for you?
why do u hold on to a sad memory, instead of moving forward to the sunlight, that's waiting for u so it can kiss ur skin, make u feel beautiful and help you prosper?
why do u keep rereading the last page, as if the ending was supposed to change, because your feelings are rearranged & in disorder?
love ur self so much, u drown urself in love.
— E
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
(dark moonlight)
ur negative ghost still haunts me
and resides beside me so close like a shadow.
when will it let go and let me be?
let me be happy.
— E
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
(the art of letting go)
i'll forget about u in two weeks.
*starts timer as of Sunday*
*breathes in/out*
"let's go."
— E
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
(dreams money can buy)
all this potential to push possibilities!
I'm platueing.
— E
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
(All hail the King)
when u left
u didn't leave a void
but you sure did tear down a few castles.
and trapped me in the dungeon for a while.
— E
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
(misery no company)
u hurt me,
but why should you care?
why would u want to wear, my love so gently?
why would u want to bear the pain u left with me?
— E
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
(bad taste in my mouth)
When I found out.
Stomach drops like I’m on a roller coaster.
Feeling faint,
like I’m drunk, not sober.
Unreal, but so real.
Now starts the clock to heal.
But first, I must really feel,
The pain of not being the only one.
The truth from all these months.
— E
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
A man will make you feel
beautiful and all of those other things.
but will also make you feel worthless,
and all of those other things.
— E
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
I'm done with yesterday.
I don't want any parts.
— E
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
How long?
And what's the recovery time?
How painful on a scarf of 1-10?
— E
New love
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
I don't wanna let you go
but in order to fly,
I must set you down & set your free.
I kept you caged, hoping you'll be more to me.
that, you would show me more.
that my daydreams would become reality.
but unfortunately, you handled it backwardsly.
after 10pm,
I won't ask anymore questions.
I won't dream of your face,
or curate your poetry in the sky.
I'm going to set you free, and let you fly.
So let me fly.
give me this key....
to open the cage, you had for me.
I won't think about if we'll ever meet.
or any of those other things.
I'm going to move on and move forward,
as seldom and soft as I can be.
you were a itch, I tried to satisfy,
but thinks never worked out,
and I would always wonder why.
4 months since July.
and I've never felt the warmth from your hands.
but I will be okay,
once this night ends.
I will not speak your name.
I will not creep like a mouse.
I will close this chapter.
And exit this house.
This house I built for us.
As a "just in case" or "maybe if".
But you never fit, what I wanted and missed.
What I missed most about love.
What I craved from it.
But it's all okay.
I got war wounds healed from it.
Everything heals eventually.
You were like tea and water.
Healthy remedies.
But I, will not cry, one more tear for you.
Because you never have for me,
Or dream of me like I do for you.
So at 10pm,
I'm going to let you go.
For good and forever.
Through sunshine and snow.
I will be okay.
I will no longer look back at you.
I'm on to pursuing my passions and making my dreams come true.
Goodbye goodbye and goodnight to you.
— E
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
Love does not live here,
Love has never existed here.
Love never knocked on the door,
allowed itself in but invitation or force,
introduced itself to the owner,
took a tour of this house
and sat down in the living room.
Love never tested itself head here,
or spent the night.
Love never ate or drank here.
It never washed itself clean,
or its belongings.
Love never made home of this home.
Love never cooked up things in this kitchen.
Love never spent holidays here or celebrated.
Love has never wrote its name on papers,
ha emailed delivered in its name
or hung paintings on these walls.
Love has never dressed up this house,
in beautiful decorations to provide comfort and style.
Never grabbed hold of my hands and kissed it or my forehead.
has never provided stability or reassurance here.
Love..... never provided income or paid these bills.
Love..... never brought happiness or joy like a candle, lit them up and set the house full of its fumes.
Love never carved itself into sculptures
or crafted itself into vivid colors and hues pleasing to the eye.
— E
Part 1 "Love"
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
Karma will come around
everything with a clear conscious
true intentions only
— E
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icyouetoo-blog · 7 years
When I met u and ur spirit jumped into my body &
touched every nerve
absorbed every liquid drip of blood
took captain of my limbs
created dreams + visions in my mind
made bed in my heart
and jumped back out to face me
staring dead into my eyes,
then I knew
— E
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