idratherhavefreedom · 10 hours
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idratherhavefreedom · 11 hours
my own grandfather's obituary was fucking paywalled because it was originally only in print and then digitized, and the newspaper that ran the original obituary has a paywalled website. my grandfather's obituary is paywalled. he died when i was a toddler. i don't know where he was is buried. and the only record of his obituary is paywalled. like, i know it's a minor thing and i can easily get past this. but damn it feels a bit dystopian, don't you think?
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idratherhavefreedom · 11 hours
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idratherhavefreedom · 11 hours
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idratherhavefreedom · 14 hours
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idratherhavefreedom · 15 hours
Piers "wearing a mask is like trying to keep a fart in your trousers" Corbyn
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idratherhavefreedom · 15 hours
Oh Private Eye...
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idratherhavefreedom · 15 hours
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idratherhavefreedom · 15 hours
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Douglas Ross resigns as Scottish Tory leader.
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idratherhavefreedom · 15 hours
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With the amount of fascists in the EU right now i suppose that’s one small benefit of leaving
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idratherhavefreedom · 15 hours
Actually let's go a little more into that Reform guy.
So basically these remarks - and some other, equally stupid ones! - came from him writing on the Unherd website two years ago. Bear that in mind, two years, okay? The BBC has been accused by Reform of performing 'offence archaeology' in finding these articles the guy wrote.
We'll get back to their defence as its back, but another thing the guy said, alongside some sexism which was of course a joke (now he's been caught out) is him giving plaudits for Putin, unsurprisingly. It's drivel, but there's a part that stood out especially to me, here highlighted:
In the run up to the invasion of Ukraine, he praised President Putin, writing in January 2022 that he had "shown a maturity of which we can only dream of". He "understands the bonds that create more stable societies; the hypocrisy of the West is preposterous as we stare in the face daily the enormous economic equalities created by our deluded neo liberal ideas", he wrote. In February, Mr Gribbin wrote "if only the West had politicians of his class".
Fucking Russia! Fucking 'Oligarchs up the arse' Russia! Fucking Russia!
Are you high, sir?
But yes, Reform's defence:
A Reform UK spokesman said: "Through offence archaeology the BBC has found that Mr Gribbin has made a series of comments about a number of subjects. "They were written with an eye to inconvenient perspectives and truths. That doesn't make them endorsements, just arguing points in long distance debates. "His historical perspective of what the UK could have done in the 30s was shared by the vast majority of the British establishment including the BBC of its day, and is probably true. "Again no endorsement, just pointing out conveniently forgotten truths.
We've already pointed out how noticing something from TWO YEARS AGO is not archaeology, but can we also point out how incredibly, disingenuous it is to say "These aren't endorsements, he's just saying what's obviously true"?
And also how "Well, the establishment thought that Hitler was alright!" is not a particularly compelling argument either. The establishment probably would have brought back feudalism if they'd been allowed, doesn't mean you should go to the mat and argue for it you dingus!
Now let's watch how this doesn't damage their prospects in the slightest.
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idratherhavefreedom · 15 hours
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I’m not surprised but Jesus Christ
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idratherhavefreedom · 15 hours
Ah, Reform (the renamed "Brexit Party") which now hasn't got Brexit to hide it's even more odious far-Right elements behind, and hoo-boy is that starting to show...
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idratherhavefreedom · 15 hours
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Very smart move from Lib Dems which actually open them up as a voting option in England.
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idratherhavefreedom · 15 hours
The libdems are blatantly going after the votes of younger people, not because they want to or because they care, but because they know lab and con aren't going after younger voting groups
The libdems aren't quirky or fun, they're not chill or goofy, or water park lovers, or whatever they wanna show they might be like
They promise stuff they don't deliver, they're economically conservative and (as much as libdem voters don't want to believe) are basically tory lite, a centrist party that only exists to push things to the right - hell we've seen tories leave to join them recently
14yrs ago they promised to get rid of tuition fees, as a way to get younger voters, and as soon as they were asked to drop it by the tories to make that coalition, the libdems showed they have no spines or morals
There's a reason why libdem areas are predominantly what remains of the middle class, yuppies, people who forget they lucked out of poverty
Don't be fooled by them, because everything they're doing is just what they've been told to do by a bunch of people whose jobs are social manipulation
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idratherhavefreedom · 15 hours
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idratherhavefreedom · 15 hours
i fucking hated your shoelaces this entire time
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