ieatpennies · 4 years
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starimo said: I would love to see some art of Pearl!
fashionable pearls!
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ieatpennies · 4 years
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We need more bi/lesbian solidarity but even MORE bi/lesbian love.
I am just saying…
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ieatpennies · 4 years
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ieatpennies · 4 years
I want all nonblack people to watch this video, especially white people.
This is the best video IMO that displays the depth of what it feels like to be Black in the midst of white supremacy.
This is the rage that burns in so many Black people and eats at us when it is not sufficiently soothed by our self restraint and years of learning to cope with and sit with us. This is the pain that shortens Black people’s very lives, that we smother each day. This is the justified yet unjustly ignored anger we have learned to hold and to aim and to deal with without breaking (too much).
This is the fire that those of you who are just showing up on the scene are learning to sit beside.
When you ask us ‘how we’re doing’, understand that this is the real core of it, every single day, and we have had to learn to laugh, to sing, to dance, to work, to grieve, to heal around heavy, heavy pain. I don’t get the feeling that y’all are expecting nor could you handle if we answered you like this. But I do feel like you should already know how we’re doing: we’re Black.
So y’all, sit with this video for a hot minute.
Kimberly Jones, you are a warrior. I feel every moment of this, every diaphragm flex, every tenuously tempered shout. And I hope that you are taking a break, and experiencing a moment of peace, because you deserve it.
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ieatpennies · 4 years
basically if disney tanked tomorrow and never made any content again i would point and laugh and cheer and sing and roast a marshed mallow over the fire, oh what a beautiful sight, oh what a beautiful world where art could be art again
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ieatpennies · 4 years
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ieatpennies · 4 years
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ieatpennies · 4 years
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ieatpennies · 4 years
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May 2020 Illustrations ヽ(• ‿ •)ノ
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ieatpennies · 4 years
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ieatpennies · 4 years
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Harleen “I Have A PhD, Motherfucker” Quinzel
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ieatpennies · 4 years
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ieatpennies · 4 years
𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓼𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓼
✧ aries: if your moon is in aries, you long for independence and the chance to do things as an individual. you don’t like to be tied down by others restricting your ambition or your need to achieve. you assert yourself in any situation that comes your way, and you know when a pursuit is worth your time. you are a quick thinker and tend to act on impulse, not leaving time to think if your reaction is based on rationality or simply intense feelings.
✧ taurus: the moon in taurus creates an individual who knows when to relax. you enjoy the sensual pleasures of life; good food, a warm blanket, a sweet smelling bath, etc. comfort is key, and you have a desperate need to feel secure in your environment and within your relationships. you prefer things to be tangible, feeling secure in things you are physically able to see, touch, etc. many with the moon in taurus tend to attract success because they are dedicated and thorough in their ambitions.  
✧ gemini: when the moon is in gemini, it makes a person who knows how to be social. you are charismatic and can charm nearly anyone into liking you. gossiping is probably among your favored pastimes; you like to feel like you know everything and having anyone keep a secret will frustrate you to no end. many with their moon in gemini are natural flirts, and have a sort of power over others that gets everyone to at the very least like, if not love you.
✧ cancer: if your moon sign is cancer, you are a natural nurturer. taking care of people gives you a sense of accomplishment, and it makes you feel useful. on the flip side, you certainly won’t say no to being taken care of either. perhaps labelled “crybabies,” cancer moon natives simply feel deeply and allow those feelings to surface. especially touched by small gestures of love or admiration, feeling important truly warms your heart the most.
✧ leo: leo moon natives are full of self confidence and self love. no matter how people try to drag you down, you know you possess star quality and won’t let anyone stamp that out. though prone to dramatics, those with moon in leo are always wildly giving, generous souls. you are probably the type to pay for someone who forgot their wallet or won’t come out because they don’t have enough money. you care a lot about respect, and you don’t respect people who haven’t earned it by respecting you first.
✧ virgo: those with their moon sign in virgo are intensely self critical, and are insane perfectionists. selfless to the point of self sacrificing, you’d give up the shirt on your back to anyone who needs it. virgo moon natives are natural leaders, and you lead with a sense of servitude, doing anything in your power for the people you care for. you are humble, and don’t expect recognition even when you very well deserve it. routines are key, and any little thing being thrown off can ruin your day.
✧ libra: when the moon is in libra, you strive to find balance in all things. when a point of issue arises, you want to see every single side, and you oftentimes find yourself struggling to whole a solid opinion because you can see each point of view evenly. you would prefer everyone simply get along to keep the peace rather than have a argument over issues you might view as “needless.” playing mediator is natural for you, and you may oftentimes find yourself being put in between two people who are arguing and being asked to decide who’s right.
✧ scorpio: your emotions may overwhelm you at times if your moon sign is in scorpio, and it may feel as if nobody can truly understand the depth of your emotional capacity, loyalty is incredibly important to you, and seeing others being disloyal is likely to boil your blood. despite having such passionate emotions you want them to stay private, valuing your time to allow yourself to feel without judgement. your life experiences and your truest emotions are kept for you and for those few that your trust implicitly.
✧ sagittarius: sagittarius moon natives are impulsive, and are constantly seeking experiences that give them a rush, so to speak. with that impulsiveness, it can lead you to making snap decisions that may not always be the best. being told not to do something only encourages you to do it more, even if you know it may be a bad idea. you are eternally optimistic about the outcome of your actions, though it may often be misplaced hopefulness. patience may not be your strongest virtue, but you are wonderfully encouraging of the adage of try new things, and never look back.
✧ capricorn: if your moon sign is in capricorn, you take practical approach to addressing your feelings. everything you feel must have a purpose, and if it doesn’t you’ll probably decide it doesn’t need to be addressed. you think everyone has a responsibility they should fulfill in life, and that nobody should be idle and waste their time not working to their full potential. dealing with people who are overly emotional or impulsive may feel like a chore, and you may find yourself annoyed by people who cannot “file away” their feelings as well as you do.
✧ aquarius: as an aquarius moon native, you may feel isolated from others because you seem to think so differently, and you may feel your ideas and experiences are entirely unique to those around you. you like to look at things from an objective perspective and are not likely to let personal bias or experience influence your decisions. once you make a decision, people will be hard pressed to make you change your mind. you are probably a natural humanitarian and enjoy giving to others and using your time to volunteer, do service work, or just help people in any way you can.
✧ pisces: those with their moon in pisces are naturally empathetic people, and typically feel things more deeply or more spiritually than those around them. you can almost sense what people are feeling before they tell you how they feel. you are naturally intuitive, creative, and have a vivid imagination. any art created by a pisces moon native is guaranteed to be incredible. you have the rare capacity to truly love people unconditionally, regardless of their flaws, and you like to see the very best in everyone you meet.
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ieatpennies · 4 years
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ieatpennies · 4 years
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Ruby Bridges was the first black child to desegregate the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana during the New Orleans school desegregation crisis in 1960.
This movie made me cry, I was so heart broken by how Ruby Bridges was treated! She was only 6, but was so strong. She is a very brave girl and she did not care what the white folks called her.
People are simply disgusting to minimize people by skin color!
Ruby you might not think you’re a hero… But to other people you are! You are A HERO and you are A PERSON WHO MADE AMERICA CHANGE!
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ieatpennies · 4 years
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ieatpennies · 4 years
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