Oooo I am seeing the vision! I haven’t seen a helicopter red alert headcanon before but this is opening my eyes…
I am once again insane about Red Alert 🤧
resumed working on a design for him in the Knightverse. I decided on a AW-139 helicopter as his vehicle mode because it can be modified for military and/or firefighting purposes. it has a fairly big cabin space (15 seats plus 2 pilots).
I wanted to take some inspiration from Armada and Animated, where Red Alert is a medic instead of a security officer. the AW-139 would not make a good recon or command center aircraft, but it is good for emergency response.
but who knows, he’s an alien robot, maybe he could have an AEW&C system installed anyway even if the AW-139 wasn’t built for that. 🤷‍♂️
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they're putting me on the cover of times magazine and also putting a cup over me and there's even talk of taking me outside
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"Are you just going to stand there all night?" Starscream muttered, glaring from where he was laying in bed, wings tucked to one side.
"Where else am I supposed to go?" Bumblebee asked. He wasn't looking at Starscream, just standing on the other side of the room, staring out one of the absurdly massive windows at the city below.
Bumblebee sighed. It was late. Really late. Slug was probably getting dragged out of Maccadam's right about now, probably by a cranky Ironhide and the other dinobots. Wheeljack would still be up, somewhere, if not at the bar then tucked away in a workshop or other. Blurr was probably still working. Bee absently wondered what time it was on Earth, and if Optimus was okay, and tried to guess where the Lost Light might be right now.
He missed them.
Recently he'd taken to spending his nights wandering around the massive Iacon tower where Starscream lived. It was always mostly empty in the late hours. He'd mentally mapped almost all of it. Down to the basement to watch whatever the hell Starscream had his mnemosurgeon up to, thinking up ways to chastise him for it in the morning. Around the public spaces, tracing the patterns of the incredible stained glass windows and the tiling of the floors. Up and down dozens of flights of winding stairs that probably would've killed him had he still had a physical body. He still felt an ache in his bad knee, some nights. Through the offices of the delegates, often catching miss Windblade working late, muttering to herself, or occasionally talking to Chromia.
But he knew the tower too well. It was beginning to just remind him of how fucking alone he was. He'd long since overcome any nerves or feelings of impoliteness about eavesdropping, but it was still painful to walk in and out of rooms without so much of an acknowledgement that he'd been there at all. Sometimes, not often, but sometimes in the late late nights in big empty towers where he could scream and yell and stomp as much as he wanted and nobody would so much as blink, a part of Bumblebee began to think that maybe Starscream is right.
Does it even matter? The more sleepless nights spent wandering empty buildings as a pathetic excuse for a poltergeist made Bee start to think that if everyone else was convinced he was a hallucination, maybe he was.
"Where else am I supposed to go?"
Starscream didn't respond at first, leaving Bee to his thoughts. Or maybe he was having thoughts of his own. Equally broody ones, probably. Bumblebee wanted to not care what Starscream was thinking. But he cared.
"You could at least sit down."
Days bled into weeks into months, and their interactions became more comfortable, despite everything. There was less denial on Starscream's part, that certainly helped. Being told you're not real twenty-seven times a day by the only person who can see you isn't exactly good for ones mental state, and Bee was greatful for the change.
The nights were still hard.
As far as Bee could tell, he didn't need to sleep. But, even when the stubborn bastard said otherwise, Starscream did. Which meant there were usually at least a few hours Bee had to pass alone.
Most nights does not mean every night, though. Starscream was still an insomniac.
And at some point, Bee had moved from sitting by the window and brooding to dragging the chair closer to Star's bed, encouraged by one too many passionate late-night conversations about some plan or other that they'd gotten way too into.
Being closer to Starscream meant more noticing the tossing and turning, the restless flicker of optics and quiet uncomfortable muttering that filled his nights before Starscream would eventually give up on the whole "sleep" thing, shoving his face into a pillow and letting out a string of swears.
"Are you okay?" Bee asked, one such night.
"What do you care?"
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Tch. Hardly."
"If you're worried about keeping a secret, remember I physically can't talk to anyone else. If you're worried about embarrasing yourself, remember I'm literally dead. No matter what you are actively doing better than I am in terms of survival."
"And yet, that doesn't stop you from being one judgy son of a bitch."
"Eh, it's an autobot thing. Judgy is what we do, isn't it?"
"Agreed," Starscream smirked, despite how exhausted he seemed, and something in Bee's chest gave a slight lurch at the sight.
"Seriously, whats bothering you?"
There came a point where "comfortable" became "casual", which became borderline intimate at times, which was astounding. Despite being stubborn and cagey and completely avoidant about 90% of his real issues, Starscream had managed to be genuine for long enough to manage good conversations.
Bee felt much more certain with that. Starscream was connecting with him, in his way. Which meant that Bee couldn't be that fake, or that annoying. He was probably real. Which was confidence-boosting. He didn't dread alone time nearly as much, knowing that he was making an impact on at least one person during the day made the nights a bit easier. Still, Starscream didn't sleep much.
"I don't get it..." He was drunk, and muttering, more talking at Bumblebee than to him, tired and barely coherent and definetly obsessing. Starscream could barely keep his eyes open. He was laying in his bed, which was pressed into a corner of the room, facing the nearby wall.
The nearby wall, which happened to have a Bee blocking the view. He had sat himself in Starscream's bed, in one corner, leaning up against the walls, cane laying next to him, repeating bits of information back to Star and correcting him on this or that detail, rebuttling his more outrageous claims with bored No, you won't's and Really, Starscream?'s.
"You're driving headfirst into a cliffside and then wondering why you aren't getting anywhere," Bee said, interrupting Starscream's latest rambling.
"Well, if you're so smart, what would you suggest I do?"
"Go to bed, tackle it again in the morning when you have the common sense to climb." Bee smiled a little. He sounded almost like Prime. Or maybe more like Wheeljack? Didn't matter. It was solid advice.
"Or fly. I'm a jet."
"Sure, or fly, whatever. Go the fuck to sleep. You need it."
"I don't need you."
"Didn't say you did." Bee rolled his eyes.
"I don't need you to tell me what to do."
"Somebody has to at least try to make sure Cybertron's great and powerful leader isn't falling asleep at his desk tommorow."
"I've earned the right to nap wherever I damn well please."
"Not during a trial. Or a council meeting. Or-"
"We have a council meeting tommorow?"
"Yeah, you do, it's in your schedule. It's early."
"Fuck," he rubbed at his eyes. "I should've thought about that before I went and drank half a bottle of high-grade."
"I tried to warn you." Bee didn't see the point in mentioning that it was considerably more than half a bottle. He'd figure it out in the morning.
"...Thanks." It was quiet, and a little ashamed, and shockingly sincire.
"Um. You're welcome? I do my best."
Starscream stared at him for a moment, expression focused but unreadable. Then he rolled over, shifting his wings, snuggling in to make himself more comfortable, still muttering to himself even as he drifted off.
Bee sighed, letting himself slide down until he was laying on the bed. He could feel it under him, sort of. It was firm, but not much else. He didn't feel the smoothness of the silky fabric he knew Starscream spent way too much money on, nor the warmth that should be eminating from the sleeping seekers frame. He did, however, feel the steady thrum of Starscream's spark. It reverberated in the hollow of Bee's own chest, where his own sparkbeat was barely a faint flicker.
He wondered if Starscream felt that in the same way. A small, persistent tug at the edge of his spark, even when they weren't near each other. If he did, he'd probably call it guilt.
Bee sighed and closed his eyes, just focusing on the spark's pulse, the soft push and pull. He might not be able to actually sleep, but he could at least pretend for a bit.
Bee groaned and pulled himself out of bed, finally giving up as he left his apartment and marched down the night streets, following the tugging weight at the edge of his spark until he was face to face with a door into a familiar apartment in a familiar building and he was suddenly hit with a wave of what the fuck am I doing?
He spent a minute arguing with himself over whether or not he ought to actually knock on the door, but it turned out to be useless, because it slid open without him doing much of anything at all. In the doorway stood a weary Starscream looking surprised, but also not, to see the yellow minibot in front of him.
"Uh, hi."
"What are you doing here?"
"Uh, well," Bee suddenly felt very foolish. "I, uh, can't sleep."
"And... you came here?"
"Yeah. I guess."
Starscream just stared at him for a minute before turning away with a huff, retreating into the apartment, the door left open behind him. It seemed as good an invitation as he was going to get, so Bee followed him in.
He wandered through the apartment, following Starscream back to the bedroom, already feeling some of his nerves beginning to settle just by being here. It wasn't the same apartment Starscream had had when he was ruling the planet, but it was similar enough. Same decor, same layout. A bit smaller, but still, the whole place was overwhelmingly Starscream. He spilled out of the furniture, painted the walls and filled every nook and cranny with himself. His presence was, as always, undeniable and overwhelming. To Bumblebee, it just felt safe.
Neither of them really talked, and in fact barely even spared a glance towards the other as they climbed into bed, both for embarrasment's sake and a lingering fear that adressing what was happening would break it.
They continued not acknowledging it until Starscream, muttering something about his wings, rolled over to face Bee's back. Bee could feel Starscream's sparkbeat flittering anxiously, and was having to make a concious effort to keep his own close to steady as he moved backwards to press right against Starscream's chest.
There was a moment where Starscream froze, unsure of exactly what to do, but eventually he decided on tenatively wrapping an arm around Bumblebee's waist, growing more confident when Bee melted into it, relishing the simple touch.
Bumblebee slept better that night, pulled against Starscream's chest, knowing he was held and safe and real, then he had in weeks.
Bumblebee woke up first the next morning, Starscream's face nuzzled into the space between his shoulders, the jets breathing even and warm against Bee's plating.
He didn't make any move to get up, or even so much as twitch. He wanted to squeeze every second he could out of it, before Starscream woke up and shoved him away again and whatever this was inevitably ended.
But that didn't happen. Eventually, Starscream stirred, coming online with a jolt, like the act of waking had snuck up and startled him. He pulled away from Bee, looking around the room, letting his processor catch up with who and where he was. After a moment he soothed, letting out a shaky breath and pressing his face against Bee's cheek, wrapping his arms back around the minibot's waist.
"You're still here?" Star muttered, voice still thick with sleep.
"Where else would I go?" Bumblebee said. He didn't say it outright, but he used every fiber of his being to push I just want to be wherever you are out at Starscream and hope he got the message, because Bee didn't think he could say it out loud.
Apparently it was good enough, because Starscream's arms around him squeezed him tighter and he gently, so softly that it nearly seemed as if he was scared, pressed a kiss to Bee's neck.
"Thanks," he said. A part of Bee wanted to say for what? and another wanted to say you don't have to thank me and another wanted to say i love you, but he didn't say any of those things. Instead, he turned himself over, trying not to pull away from Starscream any more than he absolutely had to, and he kissed him properly. It was soft, and inexperienced, and lazy, and it was so good that Bee felt like sobbing.
He blinked away tears and let his head fall to lean against Starscream's chest, hands tracing their way up and down the plating of Starscream's arms softly. He kissed the golden glass of Star's chest, listening to the thrum of the spark behind it, the way it pulsed in time with his own, the tugging feeling sated for now but the presence of Star's spark alongisde his own as strong as ever.
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starbee, 4 in hugs? can be platonic or romantic, whichever u wanna do!
4: comforting hugs
Starscream was more than a little surprised to come home and see that it was pitch black in the apartment. He thought for a moment that Bee had just gone out and forgotten to mention it, until he heard the soft drone of music coming from the bedroom.
It was dark in there, too, the only light coming from Bumblebee's blue eyes. He was sitting upright, knees pulled up to his chest, just kind of... staring. He barely looked up when Starscream came in.
"Um... Bee?"
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Bullshit.
Starscream bit back the sharp reply and sat down next to Bumblebee, unsure what to do. He wasn't good at this, at... sincerity or openness or being comforting or any of those things. Bee was good at those, usually. Starscream was not.
He sort-of-awkwardly, trying-to-be-softly put a hand on Bee's shoulder. He flinched away at first, which was terrifying, but after a second he turned and wrapped himself around Starscream before he'd even had a second to react, clinging to him like he was the last ledge keeping him from falling down a cliff. Starscream wrapped his arms around Bee in return, and smiled when Bee let out a shaky sigh that sounded like relief.
"I hate being alone," Bee said after a few minutes.
"I'm sorry," Starscream replied.
"Not your fault. You can't be here all the time, and I can't expect you to be," Bee said. "I just. I get so scared sometimes."
"Of what?"
"You'll say it's stupid."
"I won't. Promise." Starscream punctuated his vow with a small kiss to the top of Bee's head.
"I just. I worry. That I," Bee winced, like it hurt to say, voice barely a whisper when he admitted "that I'm dead."
Starscream didn't say anything, just ran his hand in small circles across Bee's back as he gathered himself.
"I know it's stupid, but when I'm alone it just. It doesn't feel stupid. I obsess over it, y'know? Last time I barely even noticed, I just was one place and then all of a sudden I was somewhere else. It took me a while to figure it out and to like, accept it, I guess. If it wasn't for you it might've taken longer. So I worry. Maybe it happened when I was asleep, maybe it happened a long time ago and I just didn't notice until now, maybe you're dead and I'm still just a thing in your head. Maybe. I. I don't know. It just. feels real. and it scares me. And there's no one around to prove me wrong, and you don't count, but you're the only person I've seen all day."
"When you were dead, I couldn't touch you. When I was dead, you couldn't touch me," Starscream said.
"Yeah," Bee said, squeezing him a little tighter. "Yeah."
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Security first,, Can’t let anything get past you,,  Head of security Red Alert for day eight
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[i've never doubted that palestine will live.
the US dropped more than 7.5 million tons of bombs on vietnam, laos and cambodia from 1965-75. they destroyed our land, used agent orange, slaughtered villages, separated families, the list goes on.
but we're. still. here.
indigenous people are still here. black people are still here. colonized people are resilient. even if you kill our people, ban our languages, destroy our homes, heritage sites and artifacts, we will always find a way to keep our cultures alive and that has always been true
so much of the west and isntreal's tactics and actions are hauntingly familiar to me as a viet person. its a colonizer's rinse and repeat. and so that's how i know palestine will be free. we've seen this film before]
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Smooch your hellwife for good fortune
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Prowl is Tired™️
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im-too-sexy-for-my-car · 10 months
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"Damn shawty, does he make you feel held"
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im-too-sexy-for-my-car · 11 months
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like these are butch lesbians to me
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im-too-sexy-for-my-car · 11 months
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weeee yayyyyyy
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im-too-sexy-for-my-car · 11 months
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“All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.”   ― Richard Adams, Watership Down
Idk, this fragment made me think about Bumblebee so here you have this messy piece
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im-too-sexy-for-my-car · 11 months
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saw a version of this with just the first four panels and had to fix that lol
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im-too-sexy-for-my-car · 11 months
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some doodles :)
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im-too-sexy-for-my-car · 11 months
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sorry i saw this post and all i could think abt was this
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im-too-sexy-for-my-car · 11 months
has someone made an evergiven transformer yet
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