Sun is evil......he turned his whole AU evil
This I feel is kinda redundant at this point if you don't see him as evil after all this time you likely never would but here goes
To start off sun as a character used to have potential for growth sure he was an abusive prick who played the victim, manipulated the viewer and used and abused moon but I could dig it I liked him as a villian I was looking foreward to his confession,his redemption he was finally caught all the fandom had to do was view him as the monster he is.
Moon was good yet all they cared about is sun's truama even through moon was rightfully angry people labelled everything moon said back then as verbal abuse but sun's dismissive attitude didn't get one red flag.
Do most even remember what moon said back then were people even listening
He was just asking for the most basic considerations SURE he threatened and backed up his threats but that's all he could do, Sun likely only allowed moons attitude as "proof".
Sun had the power to just walk away make moon go on a rampage he used this as a woe is me moment but ever consider that this was a thing sun did all the time
From the bullshit episodes where moon was in his mind palace moon was clearly loosing his mind. I don't count them as a valid perception just because oldmoon was known to have this self guilt obsession
This damn fanbase just loves shutting down any mention of oldmoons truama
Before that he was literally stuck in sun's head ,Sun never even tried to get him out himself he just complained about the pain he could have easily avoided and don't give me the "but he's isolated bull" Mr "good side" over there could have literally just gone to anyone for help even if following moons instructions to make a body didn't work he got the fanbase instantly worshippping him asking would have worked
Sun going ""I thought you wanted to hurt me,, is a completely bullshit excuse so is the depiction of moon instantly attacking sun as soon as they met moon wasn't in character at all
Did anyone even watch the show back then Moon held himself from being violent so many fucking times only to loose it after sun forced him to do slave labour. Moon only got a small amount of freedom and he stile allways had to bring sun along If he didn't at one point it was dangerous at another point it would have been "abusive"
Even though they called him abusive anyway just because the only way moon knew to socialise was threw dimensional travel
With all of that in mind Sun needed to have significant conquences sun needed to be punished,Sun needed to fall and stayed fallen he needed to be told he was horrible and treated like he is because that's what he is horrible.
All the so called good sun did after that reeks of hypocritsy
Moon died for sun and sun stile lied to and corrupts the new version of moon just so he can stile keep getting away with everything
So many people are evil by association now because of sun
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TSAMS lunar is a traitor
I decided to put this on the next post so this is the next post
Lunar is selfish for Ditching moon to gallant around being a special snowflake giving all his energy to a bunch of worthless noobs, Ironically he is doing doing the same damn thing that moon was accused of doing when he did therapy with a bunch of other animatronics
Moon was accused on giving therapy to anybody but sun (he stile offered despite the hugh risk of sun being verbally abusive) lunars putting his attention to anyone but moonand now lunar is not called out for this
He's in the ingroup now Why would he be called out for anything Lunar didn't even give a single fuck about the fact that the power he uses to make people walk on eggshells originally came from Moon
No one even considers taking off him with how these shows go he would be considered "the most worthy" but I guess it is technically true ,He is the best of the trashpile
He was literally partially responsible for torturing moon,
Moon didn't have any obligation to treat lunar with any form of kindness for that especially when didn't consent to lunars existance in the firstplace
Yet he did anyway
One of the reasons I liked him was that he showed sympathy for Moon but he learnt to be like that before that he was originally very okay with hurting him
That's what most people forget about lunar
Heres the last one sun did so damn much that I couldn't put the word count down like the others
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I hate TSAMS Earth
Heres a reminder of the fact that Earth stole the life of a dude that had to claw and fight for only just over a year of being manipulated and abused only to die just as he was finally about to recognise he's abuse victim
And this bitch walses in and takes all the praise and everything that was meant to help this dude recover,everything he worked for stealing all the positive stuff that was meant to be in moons life
And She gets to be more loved then him be considered the most moral person ever for it
She ain't even appreciative of what she has she just has she just has to warp the relationships that weren't supposed to be hers in the firsplace
Why don't people see her as a virus like I do Monty took her back and instantly went back to grovelling at her feet after she broke up with him for such a cruel reason and lunar conviently forgot and didn't care about moon he became quite selfish around her
Heres the previous one I decided to make this based on
Oh and I nearly forgot usually I don't give a fuck about anything sun experienced but she told him the opposite of what he needed to hear
She gave him "therapy" likely telling him nothing was his fault,She spread lies about moon, enabled sun's victim complex, cut off all chance of redemption
Next one Sun's comes after lunars
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This is even more fucked up if you consider that in a way Theodore was actually adopted by the prototype
And if the prototype turns out for be formally poppy's biological father then this is even more fucked up considering
Alot of people think her dad put her in this case for her own protection
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Current TSAMS Moon ain't the real moon
Oldmoon was traumatised he had the most first hand experience and yet stile was kind for it
New Moon just does what he's told as "good" gets praised cause he doesn't backtalk or react badly in any way to the ""acceptable people now"
And the fact that even if he is hurting people who hurt past him he's not doing it for past him cause oh no everything must be about the minuscule truama sun has.
It sucks that no one brings up the fact that the oldmoon is dead and current moon is a cruel brain damaged version of him
If he kills eclipse it means nothing just another person that can testify against sun being taken outta the equation
I made another one based on this
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What if SG1 decided to unbrainwash this cat monster
Essentially trying to steal the prototypes cat (or adopted child) from the prototypes POV
Imagine they keep showing up out of nowhere no matter how much he tries to murder them they keep coming back
And he ends up with mostly Daniel being annoying to all hell
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At first when I found out the hour of joy was giant slaughterfest of not just the guilty
I was sad and conflicted playcare ain't the foundation not everyone is filled with secret nastys over there but then I thought about it and recalled that often or not people are enablers and bystanders
Certain people nomatter what as seen as good and often or not humans just see a monster they don't see the people that caused the monster to be like that if they are acceptable enough So due to this As far as I'm concerned the prototype is right
Ounce a privileged people starts the abuse it is very rare it is actually stopped eventually some stupid corporate bullshit would come up and eventually they would have done something like discontinue/kill all the smiling critters.
The prototype likely sore it happen before so if they stayed as they were they would have died and don't think some random protag would come along the thing with horror is that it often reflects that in the real world there ain't heroes the way we are taught in stories
The sad fact of reality is that those who can successfully be heroes is either under someone else payroll or authority or just the average person who would would Probably not get very far
So it's sad but the hour of joy was strait up needed cause even if they found nice humans to help them the company would have just gotten rid of them
If there were any survivors then even if they said good things about some toys the authority's would stile be hunting the toys that are in a way heroes
Cause if they didn't do what they did they would have eventually silently killed and replaced them so with the toys I was a lose, lose eitherway
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The Issues with TSAMS
Is that I was actually fine with the amount of characters I think people just didn't want to acknowledge that Earth never should have been introduced and sun should have been written out and into jail
The to many characters complaint was only a thing after earth was introduced the right thing to do would have been to just strait up get rid of her but no
They just had to bully people into accepting such a horrible character seeing this bitch get a show when she shouldn't have even existed in the firstplace
She only exists to give the most toxic parts of the fanbase whatever they want,the issue if it even existed of to many characters is stile there ounce apart of TSAMS allways apart of TSAMS
What's the most irritating to me that all this bull made another issue of sun getting away with everything worst cause now he's leading an upper class that gets to be the "" good ones"" Well unless you go against sun then your evil incarnate but it's not like anything else is new the fanbase kinda bullied that in.
So essentially the fanbase bullied sun into getting everything the writers bullied the fanbase into accepting a worthless bitch
And meanwhile what suffered was the story of moon finally recovering was taken from us and then they insist these were good people we are seeing despite constantly getting away with things
Well except for Monty but since he's a glamrock he's a exception notice his financial abuse was the only abuse done to moon that was acknowledged
Moon has experienced worst the fact that he even felt okay to sue Monty when even eclipse had been depicted with sympathy when he abused moon in worst ways says something
Like sun gave Monty that money and moon was the one actively been shown earning money and they shared the same bank account so sun may have committed financial abuse as well
But that's only a maybe unlike his emotional abuse towards moon which he is likely never to get punished for
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Main reason I hate TSAMS Earth
Old moon was literally hated just for suffering and not being cared about and she's loved just for existing in the right circumstances
As in instantly enabling sun's bullshit and then making no one care that moon just died while replacing him when his life was just about to get better
And gets all the praise that was allways owed to him and frankly I say the bitch deserves to be hated for this as far as I'm concerned she allways will be moons lesser replacement.
All her accomplishments as far as I care belong to the oldmoon
She is strait up at the centre of the abusive upper-class consisting of nearly all the characters now,hating any of them is never an option ain't it
And if your stile stupidly obvious to how this privileged bitch is a problem look at this chapter of the story I wrote
Also of note I forgot to add that I fully believe lunar is actually moons child and she strait up stole him but of course that's never gonna get acknowledged just like Moon strait up getting violated
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Due to truama involving sun and moon I see a bunch of new recommendations coming up about catnap and dogday who obviously had some inspiration from them
Its just like okay need to remember they are different characters but it doesn't help that most people think dogday and sun are the same person they are not one
One got torn apart just because they wouldn't bow to authority
The other tore up another for authority
Don't know how alike moon and catnap are but sun was clearly causing moon pain without an ounce of care or regret, From what I sore of dogday he would appalled to be compared to someone that used his closest as an attack dog and plays the victim all the time
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A possibility that wasn't considered is that this is survivable
The prototype didn't killcatnap he paralysed him
Left a hole so those little critters can puppet him with just like they did dogday which is so karmatic
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Hey imagine if I was right about Sun being the next purpleguy
like people forget that purpleguy got away with what he did cause children trusted him and sun no joke strait up has the same damn colours
Imagine finding out that moon was literally the only thing keeping sun in check and now he's out of the picture sun's now on his rein of behind the Curtain terror
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sunnys manipulative
I am not just irritated by how the TSAM moon is treated but the games Canon moon dude just grabbed the flashlight not cassies neck like he clearly had the opportunity to
Then there's the fact that I had to listen to sun's bullshit of being ""trapped in a nap" so many times that I got really sick of hearing it then sun goes to strait up instantly torturing moon and you all are so sure that moons the badguy in this
They are so damn sure sun's doing this cause ""he's good and wants to help cassie no"" being nice to children makes sun look heroic same with the TSAMS version the only reason sun's safe around children is cause children are usefull to him
You all didn't even consider that moon forced sun to sleep as self defence you mofos didn't even bat an eye at moon begging for his life
You would do anything for sun
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As an autistic I say you have every right to consider yourself superior your tribe aren't guilty of mass torture and abuse
Most fellow neurodivergents were just minding their own business living their lives til some asshole attacked them and yet we struggle to even be considered morally equal to the perp that attacked us how fucked up is that
I take the same stance with xmen mutants most the time they are on the receiving end canonically people are more likely to develop powers cause or suffering so superpowered beings most likely were under some form of oppression
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Honestly I'd say if KC finds out earth been infecting everyone with a virus that makes everyone compliant to sun he better be out for blood
I haven't watched the show in ages I've been pouring my truama and my theorys into this fanfiction and frankly I am so sick of the fact that everyone reactions to sun doing anything wrong is
but truama
Earth being malware is the only in universe explanation on why everyone's so complacent with sun
Outta universe he's a Mary Sue
I hate that I most likely would stile have the truama I don't care How pitiable you make the new characters I don't care bring the oldmoon back let him punch sun again
Let him punch earth and lunar as well all of them deserve it
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TSAMS I find it telling that the fanbase stile think the dude listed as evil sunny is good just because he didn't kill his moons
When he shows not even the little amount of remorse our OG sun did for his moon just like like OG sun he's just keeps getting passes to abuse moons as much as he wants the fact he even thinks its within his right to kill them should count as proof of this
Yet the damn fanbase thinks he ""just wants to do his own thing" when his own thing consists of victimblaming moons
Sun kept moon stuck in his head then as soon as he fights to get out he gets on mass blamed and punished just for having truama about this, While allmost everyone just keeps excusing sun's abuse with ""Oh his pain"" wawawa
Sun deserves all the pain that moon inflicted on him and he deserves more even now
Infact Earth should have been hit for stealing moons life and for what she did to monty
But no we don't get that we just get sun growing his army of flying monkey's and the fact that moon and extremely likely multiple moons across the multiverse are having all mention of their suffering erased cause no one mentions that moon was stuck in sun's head anymore yet they allways talk about how much of a "victim" sun is from that despite the fact he choose to keep moon in there
And don't say sun couldn't have gotten him out if moon who literally couldn't even move without hurting sun got himself out sun who had way more freedom of movement could have as well
Yet in a show involving the multiverse this possibility or any possibility panting sun in a significantly badlight is conviently not there
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the reason I've been more pissy in regards to TSAMS cause I've just been doing the vital last bunch of confrontation/ending chapters for my Anti TSAMS story
The one above is the part about sun and moon the one after that is showing how terrorising earth is the one before is the set up for this tragedy
But its not like I haven't been lissed about it anyway I only put these up cause I'm venting now I stopped putting them up cause frankly people in mass only care about sun's group and they conviently Block things out that don't fit their bias
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