imagineproduce101 · 5 years
aayyy!!! welcome back! and congrats on surviving your first year of college!! happy to see you around again, whether you get back to writing or not. :)
💖💖💖💖💖ty aaah
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imagineproduce101 · 5 years
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imagineproduce101 · 5 years
hey yall! i’m back (sorta)
some of you may know that i was on hiatus this past year due to my first year of college, which wrapped up a couple of weeks ago. i’m officially dead, but now that i’m on break, i wanted to revisit this account. i’m still taking classes and working, so i don’t have a ton of free time, but i’m going to start going through all of my works and editing them, as well as doing my best to finish any series that i started (though no promises, as i’m still quite busy,,,,)
i’m also watching pd x 101 rn! it’s really interesting, but bc i’m so busy i’m not caught up or really following what ppl are saying online lol. depending on how busy i get, i might open requests again and include the pdx101 kids as well, but we’ll see. anyways, thank you to everyone for continuing to tune in to the stuff that i’ve been working on, and i’m sorry that i haven’t been able to post content as much.
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
You come home to find Hyeongseop attempting to cook, but unfortunately, your boyfriend’s not exactly the greatest chef.
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you laughed from where you stood in the doorway, watching as hyeongseop frantically tried to fan the pot that was smoking on the stove
you’d arrived home to the sound of your fire alarm going off and hyeongseop hopping around the kitchen in a panic like the bunny from zootopia
when he’d seen that you’d arrived home, he’d tried to shoo you into the living room, saying that he’d wanted to surprise you with a nice dinner
“babe,” you laughed, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek, “i love you but please, you suck at cooking. why don’t we make something together?”
the two of you ended up making grilled cheese sandwiches
hyeongseop was very clingy the whole time, hugging you from the back as you toasted the bread and leaning his head on your shoulder as you cut some slices of cheese
“why are you being so lovey today?’ you asked in amusement, giving hyeongseop another kiss
your boyfriend just grinned cheekily, bending over to bite the piece of cheese in your hand
“i missed you,” he said plainly, shrugging
he was right-- the two of you hadn’t been able to spend very much time together lately
“well, after we eat, we can watch some movies or something,” you promised, laughing as hyeongseop’s face lit up
“love you,” hyeongseop mumbled into your shoulder, hugging you a little tighter
super short bc all my other wips have a long ways to go,,, they’re all things that are taking a lot of writing and planning aaaaaah
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
Kim Donghan Mafia AU
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you smirked, glancing over at the shadowed figure next to you before shooting, the bullet perfectly hitting your target
“what’s that count, kim? 23-20?”
“oh, shut up,” kim donghan, your friend/enemy/rival/extremely hot person, growled back, bending down to take aim himself
of course, his shot landed, his target jerking back with a cry
“could you two stop fighting each other and actually do your jobs?” daniel hissed, glaring over at the two of you
you and donghan traded looks and immediately launched yourselves into the fray, shooting wildly as the fight broke out
you and donghan have been competing since you can remember
both of you had grown up in the 101, and so you had extremely high skill sets
and so somehow out of that, your rivalry grew?
back in reality, you were slammed against the brick wall of the alley, gasping out in pain
“can you be more aware of your surroundings?”
donghan yanked the person off of you, shooting them in the foot
“thanks,” you called over to him, before reloading your own gun
soon, the three of you were out on the main street, and threw yourselves into the waiting car
as sungwoon, the driver, checked to make sure daniel had the briefcase that you’d been after, you glanced over at donghan, who was breathing heavily
“you okay?”
donghan returned the look, a cocky smirk on his lips, “i think i won that one. 24-23.”
you rolled your eyes, a small smile on your lips, “i concede.”
daniel groaned, turning in his seat to face the two of you
“you know, if the two of you stopped competing all the time and actually worked together, maybe you’d be more effective.”
“aw, but what’s the fun in that?” you smirked over at donghan, who returned the expression, “besides, donghan sucks so much, i doubt that we’d work better as a team.”
“oh shut the hell up, dumbass,” donghan groaned, rolling his eyes, “we both know i’m way better than you are.”
daniel just kind of smirked as the two of you began bickering and turned back to face forward
well, apparently, karma’s a bitch, because a few days later daniel pulled you and donghan into his office
“our sights are set on the black jewel,” daniel explained, “and the two of you will be working together to acquire it.”
“i’m not doing this,” donghan said firmly before you were even able to get a word out, “daniel, you’ve seen us! there’s no way we can work together.”
daniel shrugged, obviously uncaring
“you can, and you will. here’s the file with your briefing.”
as donghan continued to splutter, you grabbed the file and left daniel’s office to go to your own room
donghan followed a few seconds later, slamming the door behind him as he plopped down next to you
“this is bullshit,” donghan fumed, watching as you flipped through the file, “how are you not more upset?”
“kim donghan, i’m not enjoying this any more than you are,” you snapped, looking up at the other in frustration, “but complaining about the situation isn’t gonna make it go away, so suck it up and help  me read all of this.”
donghan quieted, grabbing some of the papers that were laid out on your desk
slowly, the two of you began prepping for the job
first, the two of you memorized any high-profile people who would be attending the event where the black jewel would be showcased
then, the two of you memorize layouts, exit points, and different scenarios with combinations of possible outcomes
preparations took about four days in total
and while you definitely weren’t buddy-buddy, the two of you were getting along much better than before
“mission’s tomorrow, think we’re ready?” 
donghan was sprawled out on the couch in your office, doing one last read-through of the file
“yeah, i do,” you replied honestly, “what time does daniel want us to arrive?”
“gala starts at 8, we’re supposed to be ready by 7:30,” donghan replied
soon, the next day arrived, and you were ushered by daniel into one of the back rooms
a few of the girls who did makeup for the 101′s dancers came into the room and handed you an outfit that you were almost embarrassed to wear, given how bold and tight it was
next they worked on your makeup, letting you review the case file as they applied foundation, concealer and eyeliner
“nervous?” one of the girls, chungha, asked as she gently styled your hair
“a little,” you confessed, sighing, “this is a really big job, and donghan and i have never worked together.”
“well, you’ll certainly catch a lot of looks,” another one of the girls giggled as they finished up
you barely had time to glance at yourself in the mirror before you had to go out into the main lobby where daniel and donghan were waiting
you raised an eyebrow at how handsome donghan looked, wearing a crisp suit with his blond hair slicked up
“you clean up nice,” you muttered as you followed daniel out to the car that was waiting for you
“same to you,” donghan looked down at you, eyes traveling down and then back up as he took in your outfit
the two of you got into the car and daniel got into the passenger seat, sungwoon driving the car as usual
the gala was taking place at one of the nice museums at the center of town, and it took you about 20 minutes to drive there
about 15 minutes into the car ride, daniel turned around
“i forgot one important piece of information,” daniel smirked at the two of you, “the two of you will be masquerading as a couple.”
“the fuck?” you gaped at daniel, fury rising in your system, “how the hell is this something that you forgot?”
daniel just grinned, shrugging his shoulders, “the hosts know you two to be a couple, so i’d suggest playing along if you want to succeed.”
you traded an angry look with donghan, who just sighed as the car pulled up to the museum, a few other attendees milling around in expensive clothing
the two of you got into the event easily, donghan’s arm wrapped awkwardly around your waist
“you’re too stiff,” you hissed as the two of you entered the main ballroom
“oh, how would you suggest, then?” donghan shot back, whispering furiously into your ear
you rolled your eyes, grabbing his hand to adjust it more comfortably on your waist
you felt a slight shiver run up your spine as donghan’s grip on your waist got a bit tighter, the two of you picking up champagne glasses
“i see the undercover security,” you whispered in donghan’s ear, lips only a few millimeters away from him so that no one would over hear, “three to our side, one behind us.”
donghan nodded, steering the two of you towards the edge of the room so that you could observe
“the unveiling of the jewel is at 9,” donghan reminded you, “and the lights and cameras are programmed to go out directly at 9:01, so you’ll have to work quickly.”
you just rolled your eyes again, your fingers digging into donghan’s thigh sharply, “you think i don’t remember that, punk?”
donghan smirked at you, pulling you a little closer so that he could whisper in your ear, “just a reminder, no need to get worked up.”
you scooted way from the taller man, feeling your cheeks flush slightly at the innuendo
the two of you stayed on the sidelines, observing everything that was happening and taking careful mental notes
“excuse me?”
you looked up, surprised that anyone was talking to the two antisocial people sitting at the back of the room
“i was just wondering if maybe you wanted to dance,” the tall man standing in front of you smiled charmingly, revealing a gorgeous smile and cute dimples as he held out his hand for you to take
“they’re fine here,” donghan gritted out, and you almost punched him when you felt him place a hand on your knee
“well, i think the beauty can speak for themself,” the man replied smoothly, raising an eyebrow at you
and donghan’s hand was now resting mid-thigh and what in the hell was happening?
you were almost tempted to accept the offer just to see what donghan would do, but you knew that you were here for a very specific purpose
“thank you, but i’ll have to decline,” you said calmly, “i’m afraid these shoes don’t fit very well.”
“understandable,” the man smiled, “well, i wish a wonderful night to the both of you.”
“what the hell was that?” you hissed as soon as he was out of listening range, turning to face your idiotic partner
donghan just shrugged, “i didn’t like how he was looking at you.”
you sighed, shaking your head, “yeah, well, next time, i think i can speak for myself.”
the two of you sat there a little while longer, the clock coming closer and closer to 9:00
when the clock hit 8:55, the two of you stood up in sync, and you felt a sudden coldness on your thigh
it was then that you realized donghan’s hand had been on your thigh the entire time????
however, you didn’t have much time to think about this, as everyone began gathering around the pedestal that housed the black jewel, covered in a piece of white cloth
as the curator of the museum gave a speech, you and donghan wove your way through the crowd, getting closer and closer to the podium
“so ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present... the black jewel!”
right as the white cloth lifted, all the lights in the museum blacked out, followed by the sound of donghan shattering the glass case around the jewel
you felt donghan press the jewel into your hand, and the two of you hurried to make your way through the panicking crowd towards the back garden that you’d make your escape through
the crowds were now resembling a panicked mob, and you were incredibly grateful that you’d memorized the floor layout
“almost there,” you felt donghan’s lips brush against your ear, and tried to ignore the tingle in your stomach
you could die any second, now wasnt the time for sexual attraction, goddamnit
the cold air of the night hit you like a million bricks as you ran out onto the patio, yanking off your shoes so that you could run next to donghan through the wet, dewy garden
“hey you, freeze!” you froze at the sound of a security guard, eyes meeting donghan’s panicked ones. “why are you out here in the gardens?”
in the spur of the moment, you did the first thing that came to mind-- your hand shot out to grab donghan’s necktie and you pulled him towards you, crashing your lips against his
initially donghan stiffened, but then he relaxed, lips moving with the kiss as he wrapped an arm around your waist, the other coming up to cradle your head
you gasped as he bit your bottom lip, closing your eyes as the kiss deepened
“it’s just a couple kissing, eric,” you heard another security guard growl, “get your fucking act together.”
the two of you parted when you heard the security guards, the air still around you as the two of you stared at each other, breath heavy
“holy shit,” donghan muttered before pulling you towards him to kiss you again, hands gripping your waist tightly
“donghan, (y/n), you can literally make out any other time of the day,” daniel shouted into your in-ear, “maybe don’t do it right as you’re finishing a mission?”
donghan pulled away from you and the two of you traded looks and started running towards the waiting car, bursting out into laughter
as the two of you ran down the grassy hill, wet blades of grass hitting your bare feet and chilly air whipping your hair around, you reached over to intertwine your fingers with donghan’s, the multi-million dollar jewel clutched in your other hand
and that was how the legendary heist couple was born
yeah eric get your fucking act together
(this is not a personal attack on anyone named eric haha)
tysm to @ohkaypopthis for the story idea (this is something you sent in literally ages ago and i’m just now using it... wowwwww im so sorry but youre an angel)
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
I just wanna say that omg I love you and your fanfics so much i legit read all of them within 2 days LOL~!! I don’t know if someone has asked before, but who are your bias(es) in Wanna One/Produce101? My bias in W1 is Jihoon (coughmorejihoonficspleaseeecoughwink) and then legit everyone else in PD101 😂💖Anyways, I hope you have a great day and thank you for making my days better :)
omg thank you!!!! my bias in produce 101 was seo sunghyuk, with hyeongseop, jaehwan and woojin as my shared second place? (to be honest it’s been so long since pd101 aired that i barely remember, but i had a wholeass top 11 pick and everything hahah), and my bias in wanna one is woojin (w a side of seongwoo that i definitely try to ignore bc that boy has a lane and he stay swerving but thats tea for a different day). thank you for sending this in omg tbh i was having kind of a bad day and this made me so happy
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
hi i just wanted to say that after seeing the last few asks that you’ve answered that i really appreciate your honesty. the fact that you’re willing to have discussions like this and be so mature, open, and respectful is extremely comforting to see. thank you for not only sharing your writing talent with the internet but also your positive presence and your kind heart 💖
aaaah thank you, that really means a lot! i still have a lot of growing to do, but thank you for saying that!!! ilysm
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
I understand u but im trying to believe that idols can learn and change (I believe bambam has learned too) because I grew up in a very conservative asian family and I know that it takes a lot to unlearn these ideas so I hope fans will keep calling them out and they will learn and grow from that too :) heechul said bad stuff in the past too but he has reflected and corrected himself sry for this wall of text, hope it was understandable😅
definitely agree!! i’m also a firm believer in learning and changing, and do genuinely believe that people can improve. personally, i only really “buy” the change if i see action or critical reflection of some sort-- not just a generic statement. (further explanation under cut)
like if i saw jackson genuinely apologizing for wearing dreads (which he didn’t, he defended it), and then IN THE FUTURE calling other people out for wearing dreads or addressing oppression of black/brown folks or something along the lines that SHOWS he understands why his actions were wrong, okay, i’ll accept that. 
or if i saw jaebum apologize and advocating for lgbtq+ folks and using his platform to spread awareness, okay, i’ll accept that. and if either one of these things have happened, please let me know! i want to believe that the members who have done dumb stuff in the past have grown and learned, but i just don’t see the actions to back it up-- it’s always just fans excusing their actions and that’s why i get so frustrated.  
obv these were just examples, and i’m glad that we seem to be on the same page with regards to learning and changing from past mistakes. i definitely have said my own fair share of problematic shit in the past that i’ve (hopefully?) learned from, and i hope that i’m growing + changing just as many other people are!
oh and another side note, i don’t wanna make it seem like i hate got7 or anything?? like got7 definitely isn’t the only kpop group that i dislike bc of stuff like this, it just came up because of an ask, but definitely don’t want it to seem like i’m constantly sipping tea @ got7
and thank you so much for sharing ur opinion, i really appreciate and respect it!!
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
I never thought about it like that i just interpreted it as JB having super fragile masculinity
i see ur point !! but in my experience, often times fragile masculinity manifests in outward homophobia, which i think is what happened there?
like this is generally what happens: masculinity feels threatened--> calls something gay to assure audience/people around them that they arent gay or feminine, since feminine men are often stereotyped to be gay(bonus points if this is done w violent speech or actions!)--> this frames being gay as wrong/unwanted/etc--> this is homophobia 
and if you watch the video, you can pretty clearly see this pattern? idk it just seemed yikes to me when i watched it but tysm for sending in your thoughts i rlly appreciate it!
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
So I’m the anon who requested for a Phonecert Sewoon imagine AND I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I READ A SONG FOR YOU AND dayum it made my day so much!!! I just want you to know that reading your works (again, and again) during my work breaktime and no matter how tough my day is your tumblr gives me so much life! Thank you and keep slaying love!!!
oh my god????? this is so incredibly sweet, seriously thank you so much ur so kind aaaaaaah??????? I LOVE YOU OMG
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
Ohh okay thank you!!
of course no problem! tysm for asking and being polite!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
Okay so i dont want to be rude or anything but whats wrong with wearing dreads??
wearing dreads as a non-black person is widely considered cultural appropriation! 
here’s a few articles about dreads and cultural appropriation: x x
it’s also problematic because there is automatic bias against black bodies, so when black folks wear dreads it’s often labeled as ‘dirty’, while white women in particular are heralded as being fashionable or trendsetters. throughout modern history, black hair has been viewed as lesser to white hair, making it problematic to exploit black hairstyles. 
appropriation of culture-- ESPECIALLY black culture-- is also problematic because there has been systematic exploitation of poc bodies, and so appropriation is just continued exploitation?
again, not at all trying to claim to be an expert on this subject, and if anyone wants to add on, please do!!! i’m still learning myself
also with jackson’s situation, what pissed me off the most was that many fans were calling him out on his shit and educating him, and then he chose to ignore it and pulled the “i love all cultures” card.
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
Hi~ I was just wondering what kind of things got7 have done like I barely stan them either but I've not heard much of anything they've done sorry if this is annoying
hey! yeah no worries, i’ll explain under the ‘read more’ so that people aren’t spammed (and i got kinda pissed off sorry if the language is a little strong...)
jaebum has said homophobic shit
basically jb and youngjae from bap were at a cafe. jb says “this isn’t a place for two boys” (i.e. it’s a place where straight couples go on dates), youngjae says “i wanted to come here with you” and jb says “dont say that, i’ll beat you up”
literally so many people try to defend this dont try me this is blatant homophobic aggression 
bambam said the n word (he kinda apologized but he had HELLA backlash so i kinda dont buy it tbh,,, like im just really tired sorry)
sidenote the link also talks abt yugyeom drinking underage but i literally dont give a fuck about this
also ppl have excused it saying bambam isn’t accustomed to american culture and didnt know but this boy is literally so deep in internet culture it’s not that hard to figure out????
jackson has done blackface and worn dreads 
full transparency i can’t find a link for the blackface so i may be mistaken about this and please feel free to correct me if i’m wrong
jackson used an “all lives matter i dont see race!!1!!!” excuse as to why he wore dreads (see last link)
if you want me to explain why an ‘i don’t see race i love all cultures!!1!’ excuse is problematic i’m more than happy to
jackson said he didn’t want to be seen as gay
gr8 more negative portrayal of lgbtq folks in the media just what young lgbtq+ fans in a homophobic society need to hear...
so there may be other stuff, but this is what i can think of off the top of my head? and if any of this is incorrect please feel free to inform me, these are just reasons behind my opinion.
like bluntly put, i’m really done with homophobic/racist acts in kpop bc it’s really irritating and it’s even more irritating to see kpop fans excuse it away as a cultural thing. there are lgbtq folks in korea seeing this media. there are brown and black poc in korea. there are biracial/multiracial folks in korea. there is literally a racist/homophobic dynamic in korea and when fans want to confront that, it makes people uncomfortable that their idols are less than perfect so they just ignore the problem. 
and let me be clear, i used to be a HUGE got7 stan. they were literally my #1 group for a long time, and i went to their first “concert” in the usa and yeah like i was a hardcore stan but all these different things kept happening and it was just.... too much. especially jackson’s comments about dreads, that really bothered me. 
so yeah that’s my piece. i don’t really want to get all up in got7′s drama, but i’m posting this bc i think it’s important to talk abt racism/homophobia in kpop and have discussions and inform and educate each other, bearing in mind that i’m in no way trying to say that i have all of the answers, and if other people want to explain something to me or want to educate me please do so!
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
Kim Taedong Harry Potter AU
so kim taedong is a ravenclaw
and while he’s not as popular as ha sungwoon or kang daniel or the like, he definitely has amassed a large number of fangirls during his time at hogwarts
as a hufflepuff, of course you’ve heard of kim taedong-- the star ravenclaw quidditch player who still maintained perfect grades, despite seemingly never studied
and as someone who struggled in most of your classes, you really envied him
you knew kim taedong-- not personally, but both of you were prefects, so you’d crossed paths before
you weren’t particularly great in academics, but you’d become a prefect by impressing the professors with your hard work
however, there was one subject that you excelled in-- care of magical creatures
when you’d first arrived at hogwarts and discovered the vast number of amazing creatures, you were captivated
you aspired to become a dragonologist when you got older, having fallen in love with the magestic creatures
you often helped hagrid with feeding the various animals, especially the different herds out in the forbidden forest
one night, you were trudging out to the little garden out by hagrid’s hut to tend to the bowtruckles and mind that they were fed when you saw a figure standing out by the edge of the forest
“ah, excuse me?” you went over to the figure in concern, calling out, “sorry, just, the forbidden forest is off-limits to students.”
you were startled when kim taedong turned around, smiling at you sheepishly
“sorry,” he apologized, rubbing the back of his neck, “i just came down here to clear my mind, if i’m a bother, i can head back to the castle?”
you instantly felt like an asshole, taking in his concerned expression
since you were going into the forest soon, you offered to let him walk with you, if he needed a little more time to himself?
taedong accepted gratefully, and followed you into the thick forest
you’d brought a pail with raw meat and headed over to the thestral herd
taedong was silent the entire time, watching as you greeted the thestrals, rubbing their backs and tossing the meat to them
soon, the two of you make your way back to the castle
standing in the entrance of the castle, taedong turns to you for a moment
“thanks for letting me tag along,” he smiled at you slightly, “i was feeling really stressed, so it was nice to chill for a little bit.”
a couple of days later, you’re going to head down to the forbidden forest again, this time to harvest some sophorous beans for the potions professor
as you were walking through the castle, you spotted taedong with a few of his friends
you paused for a moment, and then jogged over to the ravenclaw
“hey, i’m headed down to the forbidden forest, do you want to tag along?”
taedong looked down at you and then turned to his friends, saying goodbye before following you
“thanks for inviting me,” taedong said gratefully, “it’s nice to get away from the castle now and then.”
“i know,” you smiled shyly back at taedong as the two of you entered the forbidden forest, “here.”
he accepted the basket from you, and you taught him how to pluck the beans from the little sophorous sprouts and spread some mooncalf dung on the soil
the two of you worked for about an hour, taedong asking you questions about the sophorous plants
soon, your conversation moved from herbology to getting to know each other
once you’d decided that you had enough for potions, the two of you walked back to the castle
now, every time that you headed down to the forbidden forest, you asked taedong if he wanted to tag along
since he had so many responsibilities, you discovered that he was actually quite stressed, and he told you that your time together really helped him to de-stress
you couldn’t tell if the two of you were friends, but you were definitely friendly?
he greeted you in the great hall during meals, and one time when he saw you struggling to carry your books, he walked you to your next class
obviously, your friends noticed taedong’s presence, and couldn’t help but wonder if you were dating?
the suspicons made you blush a lOT????
especially since your friends’ words made you think about what it would really be like to date taedong,,,
soon, it’s been about three months since you and taedong first started spending time together
and you’ve realized that you really do like taedong
when you confided in your friends about this, they all giggled
but then assured you that they thought taedong liked you too
which made you very ?????????
your best friend explained that taedong had this expression whenever he talked to you
you were suspicious, since you’d never noticed before
one day, the two of you were gathering fallen unicorn hair in the forest when you glanced over at taedong
to your surprise, he was looking at you
and then you understood what your friends meant by “expression”
he was looking at you with this strange fondness???
and idk he just looked very soft?
it made you blush as you turned back to your work
but now, you can’t help but entertain the idea that maybe he liked you as well?????
a few days later, you were tending to the giant pumpkins in hagrid’s little garden with taedong when he cleared his throat
“hey, (y/n),” he began a bit awkwardly, “there’s a big quidditch game coming up, and i was wondering if you were planning on going?”
“Oh?” you hummed in thought, “the ravenclaw/gryffindor one? yeah, i’m going.”
taedong smiled brightly, turning back to his shovel.
“awesome, i’ll see you there.”
the day of the quidditch match was a slightly windy, foggy day
kind of gloomy, but perfect for quidditch
you sat with your friends in the hufflepuff stands, and as the players started warming up, you spotted taedong
“hey, your boyfriend’s waving at you.”
“he’s not my boyfriend!” you retorted, blushing as you waved back
soon the game started, and you watched, enthralled, as taedong moved sharply on his broom
he was a chaser, and you were in awe at how seamlessly he worked with his teammates
but you noticed that as the game continued, taedong’s movements became a bit more jerky?
and he was quite far away, but his face almost looked pale?
“taedong’s playing is looking a bit strange,” one of your friends commented, “almost like he’s out of energy or something.”
you frowned, eyes trained on taedong
one of taedong’s teammates scored and the stands errupted in cheers, but you barely registered it as you screamed in shock, raising your wand almost immediately
taedong had crumpled over in his broom, his body plummeting towards the ground
you immediately raced down the stairs of the stands and onto the quidditch pitch, heart racing in fear
one of the teachers had slowed his movement, and now he was lying on the sand of the quidditch pitch, three or four people hovering around him
you watched in horror as madam pomfrey levitated him onto a stretcher, and hurried forward to help
you and kim yongguk, a fellow hufflepuff and one of taedong’s close friends, helped madam pomfrey bring him back to the castle
“ah, this kid,” the kind nurse clucked her tongue as the three of you walked up the stairs, “always overworking himself.”
you frowned down at taedong’s unconscious figure
“he does this a lot,” yongguk said quietly, glancing over at you, “overwork himself, i mean.”
“i see this boy far too often,” madam pomfrey sighed as the three of you entered the castle, heading towards the hospital wing, “not enough sleep, too much exertion and stress. he’s been getting better in the recent months, though, less stress.”
yongguks small smile as he glanced over at you told you that you were the reason behind his improvement
madam pomfrey got started with taedong once you reached the hospital wing, and both you and yongguk took seats close to taedong’s cot
you had brought your small bookbag with you, so you pulled out a book to start reading
you were fairly caught up in the book, so when taedong’s other friends arrived, you didn’t really notice
in fact, you only barely registered that taedong had woken up, his friends all exclaiming loudly
“i blacked out?” you heard taedong groan, “this match was my chance to impress (y/n), why do i have the worst luck?”
“um, dude....” sanggyun gestured over to where you were sitting, with a raised eyebrow and pink cheeks
taedong’s eyes only widened as his cheeks got pinker as well
“well, we’ll leave the two of you to it, then,” kenta snickered, ushering his friends out of the hospital wing
you scooted closer to taedong’s cot, taking in his pale complexion
“so, uh, you heard that?” taedong smiled sheepishly over at you, his slightly shaky hand coming up to comb through his hair
“yeah,” you smiled, reaching down to squeeze his hand, “i’m glad that you’re safe.”
taedong looked at your hand grasping his, and then looked back up at you, “(y/n), I really like you, but please don’t play with my heart.”
you wrinkled your nose, squeezing his hand again, “i’m not playing with your heart, silly, i like you too.”
“oh,” taedong’s smile grew wider and wider as he lifted your intertwined hands slightly, “oh!”
and that’s how the world’s most adorable couple starts dating
cute dates in the forbidden forest or down by the black lake
taedong’s friends basically adopt you
taedong’s always overworking himself and stressing himself out, and you’re there to remind him that he doesn’t have to be perfect
and sometimes you get anxious about the fact that schoolwork isn’t your strongest point, and taedong never fails to remind you that you have your strengths and they’re perfect in his eyes
such a wholesome couple wow i ship
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
hey y'all sorry if that this isn't pd10 related but please take the time to check this out! I understand if you don't have the money to spare, since many of us are teens or preteens, but even just a simple reblog can really help out! let's help out our fellow peers get to a better place physically and emotionally 💖
I need to escape...
I’m going to be blunt, living at home right now is killing me and I need to get out. My dad neglects my needs, brushing them off as needless wants, he forgets to buy me food and is currently trying to guilt me out of therapy because it is “wasting his time.” He won’t let me do anything that would mean I would get any kind of independence, which means I can’t get a drivers license, ID, bank account, debit card, etc. and I am far too mentally ill to be able to get a job
However, a completely selfless friend has offered to collect funds for me and will use her account to help me out. She has started a GoFundMe so please donate… There’s more information there on my situation and what I’ll do once we hit our goal. I’ll even be giving out rewards for $5 and $10 donations. 
Please please PLEASE help me out, I’ve been dealing with neglect all my life and I just want to be free. Please, I don’t know how much longer I can take this…
(sorry for tagging shinee tags but please i need help from fellow shawols and i’m so so desperate i’m sorry…)
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
ship your mutuals with stray kids/got7
wHO are you omg i feel like my mutuals have all gotten this 👀👀 expose urself lol
im really sorry but !! i don’t stan stray kids (bc i just havent gotten around to getting into them) and i highkey don’t stan got7 (bc members have done things that have made me and folks uncomfortable so ya). 
sorry if this isn’t the answer you were looking for and feel free to re-ask w a few different groups if you’re curious!! thank you for the ask, i really appreciate you taking the time to leave this, and i hope you understand why i’m not doing this
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
A Textbook Romance
You haven’t bought one of the textbooks for your class, and there’s only one copy in the library. Unfortunately, it can’t be removed, and Ha Sungwoon also needs to do his reading.
college au
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you sighed, drumming your fingers against the counter of the library’s front desk, waiting for the librarian to return
for one of the classes you were taking that semester, the textbook was insanely expensive, so you’d decided to just borrow it from the library instead
“here you are, dear,” the librarian returned cheerfully, handing you the worn out textbook, “now, it’s the only copy that we have, and you’re not allowed to remove it from the library, so please treat it well.”
you glared down at the weathered textbook as you trudged off to a corner of the library, grimacing at the thought that this was the only copy
each reading that your professor assigned was fairly long, so you were stuck in the library reading for another couple of hours before you were able to head back to your dorm
but still, you were still glad that you’d done the reading when you got to class the next day
the course material definitely seemed like it would be difficult, and you wanted to be as prepared for class as possible
a few days later, you came back to the library to do your reading for the next class
it was pretty late at night, so you hoped that no one had the textbook already
luckily it was there, so you grabbed it and hurried over to your seat from the last time
you had been reading for about ten minutes when you heard someone cough awkwardly, making you look up
and you almost screamed bc wow???
this super cute guy was standing there with a bright smile???????
Cute Guy explained that he was also taking the same course and didn’t want to buy the book either
so with a pounding heart, you offered to let him share the book, and the two of you studied side by side for two straight hours
you learned that his name was ha sungwoon and he was a junior like you were
he was very funny, and you genuinely felt like you had benefited from studying with him
as the two of you returned the textbook to the librarian, sungwoon caught your shoulder
“hey, do you think i could have your number? so we can plan when to do the reading.”
you agreed (of course), and received a text from sungwoon when you got back to your dorm
when you went to class, you spotted sungwoon and went over to sit next to him
soon, the two of you settled into a routine
both of you struggled in the class, and regularly complained and groaned about the difficult content
during class, it wasn’t uncommon for you and sungwoon to trade looks, making each other laugh constantly
you met up each week to do the reading and work on any papers that the prof had assigned you
and sungwoon frequently texted you memes about the class
when your friend caught you smiling down at your phone, she looked over at you suspiciously
“why don’t you just take pictures of the textbook or scan it?”
you grinned sheepishly back at your friend, thinking of sungwoon’s charming smile and funny jokes
“because, ha sungwoon is cute as hell, and i’m not gonna pass this up.”
soon, the midterm for the class was coming up,,,,
obviously both you and sungwoon were stressed for it, since you struggled with the material, so the two of you spent days on end studying for it
the night before the midterm, you and sungwoon were in the library cramming
it got to be about one in the morning, and you were struggling to keep your eyes open
however, soon the need to sleep overpowered you, and you rested your cheek on the cold wood table, drifting away
when you woke again, something soft had been placed underneath your cheek
“oh, youre awake?” sungwoon sent you a brilliant smile
you blushed slightly, realizing that sungwoon had put his jacket down as a pillow for you???
like wow cute??????????
luckily the two of you passed the midterm!!!
when you got your exams back, the two of you screamed in joy, immediately hugging each other
to celebrate, the two of you went to mcdonalds to grab dinner
(you couldn’t help but wonder if it was a date, but obviously it wasn’t,,,, rip,,,,,,,)
then one day you got to the library, and the librarian waved you over excitedly
“you’ll be pleased to know that the library has two copies of the textbook now!” she exclaimed, smiling broadly, “your friend checked out the other copy, so you’re free to use this one.”
your heart sank as you accepted the weathered textbook from the librarian, trudging to your seat
had your entire friendship with sungwoon just been so that he could use the textbook?
it almost felt like you were being rejected, which was ridiculous
as you flipped the textbook open to the next chapter glumly, you saw a little post-it note flutter to the ground
frowning, you leaned over to pick it up
“now that the textbooks are a couple, i think we should be a couple too ;))))) will u date me?”
you gasped, choking out a laugh as you dashed out of the library, calling sungwoon with shaking hands
“did you mean it?” you asked, “because it would be a really cruel joke if you weren’t serious.”
“i meant it, (y/n),” sungwoon laughed through the phone, “i’m at the mcdonalds right now, if you wanna go on that first date.”
you didn’t even bother to go back and return the textbook to the librarian (she’d live), immediately rushing off in the direction of mcdonalds
and when you got there, sungwoon was sitting in a back booth, waving enthusiastically to you
and he had your textbook and a 20 piece box of chicken nuggets laid out for you
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