imaproudhoshisimp · 3 hours
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Y’all remember my lil dude Riley?
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Yeah he died today.
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I took away Miu’s ahoge privileges
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imaproudhoshisimp · 2 days
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Sally Stageplay wishes you a theatrical pride month!
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imaproudhoshisimp · 2 days
I learned something: I now know how to play the song Married Life from Up on piano
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imaproudhoshisimp · 4 days
I feel like this is an actual conversation they had once😭
[If you repost this on other platforms pls credit me😌]
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imaproudhoshisimp · 9 days
Heyo, I heard your take Ryoma related requests right? If so, then can I request Ryoma x reader as the ultimate florist, pretty please?
Like, imagine a scenario where the reader finds the shower room inside of Ryoma’s ultimate tennis lab and decides to put plants or flowers there, bc they are concerned that he would be reminded of prison?
Either they surprises him with plants/flowers there or ask him if they could decorate it?
Ryoma Hoshi x (Positive) SHSL Florist! 💛
Gladly! I’m a beginner writer but I tried so please like it😭 (won’t and can’t force you to like it)
Ryoma’s POV:
"Geez, this girl is loud-mouthed…"
I pull my hat down over my eyes as Miu continues to make vulgar and crude jokes. I honestly don’t know why she’s in here. All she does is say things that she considers “funny”. At this point, it’s becoming annoying.
But then they walked in.
[Reader] [Lastname]. The ultimate florist. It’s honestly a cool talent, I suppose. Bit I noticed something different about them compared to the others. They…are persistent, when it comes to talking to me. I’ve already told the other students not to talk to me ‘cuz I’m a murderer, but [Reader]…they won’t stop. They keep on following me, trying to talk or interact, and I don’t know why.
Reader’s POV:
"Hey, Ryoma, Miu!" I wave. The first thing I notice is Ryoma staring at the court, seemingly in lament, so I begin to walk towards him. "Hey! So uh, nice lab huh?-" "I’m not in the mood to talk right now, [Reader]." He responds quickly. "If you just came to talk, you might as well leave." I look down at him. "I only approached you to ask you something!" I said, kinda upset over his behavior.
He sighed. "Fine, what do you wanna ask? And make it quick, Miu already gave me a headache." I looked at Miu, her head thrown back, laughing loudly at what I’m assuming was one of her jokes.
"Why are you looking at the court like that?"
…At first he stayed quiet. He pulled his hat down, and looked away from the court. "Like what?" He asked. "So…depressingly?" That’s when he glared at me. "I’m not. Now stop askin’ questions." I was surprised at this sudden outburst. He didn’t seem like the kind of guy to get upset like that. Before I could say anything else, he just left the room.
"Wonder what’s his problem. He seems kinda pissed, or he could just be a whiny lil bitch!" Miu said, laughing obnoxiously after saying that. I shot her a glare before I noticed a door near the back of the lab. 'That’s weird, why is there a door all the way in the back of the room?' I asked myself as I began to approach it. I reached out to touch the handle, when I opened it, it was a room.
A shower room, I think.
The walls seem how you’d expect a shower room to look, some showers, tiled walls, a sink, a small hang-up of handcuffs…wait, handcuffs? I looked closer just to confirm. Yup, it’s some handcuffs. I remembered Monokuma, it was likely him that made these rooms…What kind of sick bastard puts handcuffs in a room made for someone who has trauma with prison…?
I wanted to just smack them down and make sure Ryoma never sees them again, but I knew I couldn’t. I kept on trying to think of what I could do about this. I can’t destroy school property, but I don’t want Ryoma to be reminded of…that horrid place…but then it hit me. I could…try to decorate this room! It’ll give more color to it, and probably draw less attention to the prison shit! I ran out the bathroom, past Miu, out of the lab, and to mine.
Ryoma’s POV: I was walking back to my lab. I feel like a piece of shit now. I got so…annoyed at [Reader]’s simple question and I just walked out on them…whatever. It’s likely they don’t care. When I got in, I saw that Miu was gone. Well that’s good at least. I began to walk towards the shower room. I’m not sure why. Do I *want* to be reminded of my mistakes? Do I *want* to feel like I’m back in that place again? Do I-
The room was brighter than I remembered. There was small purple and white potted flowers posted around the sink and a blue flower next to one on the showers. Of course I know who did it, but why? I got mad at them when they asked me why was I lamenting, so why would they do this for me? But then I looked down at the floor, a small, singular rose on the floor with a note attached to it, I reached down to pick up the note, and when I did, my heart felt…warm.
"I forgive you."
I gotta thank them next time I seem ‘em.
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imaproudhoshisimp · 10 days
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Velvette drawing.
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imaproudhoshisimp · 13 days
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Ladies and Gentlemen…Riley.
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imaproudhoshisimp · 13 days
Y’all I just got a kitty. His name is Riley.
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imaproudhoshisimp · 18 days
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Bish really said: 😮
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imaproudhoshisimp · 19 days
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Pregame fr:
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imaproudhoshisimp · 20 days
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Mastermind and Childhood next to each other.
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imaproudhoshisimp · 21 days
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Got a song that fits with this?
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imaproudhoshisimp · 21 days
Animatic 1: Stuck
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imaproudhoshisimp · 21 days
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My Ryoma AUs!
Also, I’m making a small series where it’s all of them in a room doing random shit
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imaproudhoshisimp · 22 days
Just spreading the comic to my main blog!
Victim: Akari Kinan
Culprit: Maki Harukawa
Song: Best Friends (by OR3O)
Feel free to come up with theories on how this would happen!
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