immortalmoxuanyu · 5 months
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Fandom: Mo Dao Zu Shi
Sample Size: 60,935 stories
Source: AO3
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immortalmoxuanyu · 6 months
Do you ever wonder if Wei Wuxian sometimes thinks about the fact he lost everything from his parents? Before he at least had his body, he looked here and there and imagined that his eyes came from his mother and his nose came from his dad and that his lips were probably shaped after his grandparents.
Now, he looks at the mirror and his eyes, his nose and his lips are from someone else's lineage. They are his but not his and never his parents'. Before, his memories were failing but at least he had his body to remind him that they were real and that they were kind and that even though they weren't there he was and he was made of them but now he has neither.
So, do you ever wonder about it? Because I do.
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immortalmoxuanyu · 6 months
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immortalmoxuanyu · 7 months
a They Deserve Each Other shipping scale where on one end of the axis you have the “no one else is good enough for them” ships, and on the other end you have the ships that need to be together monogamously forever as a quarantine measure. whatever the fuck is wrong with both of them must be contained for the greater good.
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immortalmoxuanyu · 7 months
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2023.05 ☆ some photos for wwx's camera roll 📸
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immortalmoxuanyu · 7 months
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just this way er-ge
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immortalmoxuanyu · 7 months
Do ya'll ever think about how every character in MDZS is living in a radically different genre of story?
Cause yeah, sure Wei Wuxian is living in a danmei fantasy novel with strong romantic comedy elements, but if you slide over a bit Lan Wangji is living a serious and heady drama about regret, loss, yearning, the passage of time, and ultimately atonement.
Scooch on over to Xichen and your in a straight up Greek tragedy, right down to the parable about hubris and trust. Jin Guangyao is living meanwhile in a political dark fantasy al'la Game of Thrones, Nie Huaisang is in a Gothic moody Monte Cristo-esque reflection on revenge and deception, and while Lan Sizhuhi and Jin Ling are living in two VERY different YA fantasy books ('magic boarding school/secret orphan of destiny' and 'Steven Universe style coming of age/discovering all your family are some flavor of evil and magic' respectively).
Everyone connected to Yi City is living inside a dark psychological thriller/horror flick, except for Xue Yang who is in a Found Family/Enemies to Lover fic right up until he isn't.
Jiang Cheng's entire life has been one long soap opera, and it is showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.
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immortalmoxuanyu · 7 months
look, all i'm saying is that if your parents fostered this kid for a while and you became best friends, and then the kid got into drugs or something and joined a gang and killed your brother-in-law, and the police got involved and your newly widowed sister, who had a one-month-old baby, ran into the middle of the gunfight to protect your almost-brother and got killed and then he blew himself up with a grenade, and then over a decade later he suddenly showed up at your house reincarnated into the body of a teenager with his boyfriend who is in his 30s and also hates you and got mad at you for not kicking your orphaned teenage nephew's emotional support dog out of the house as soon as you realized your almost-brother was there without an invitation, and you went to the private family cemetery and he and his boyfriend had jumped the fence and were doing something that looked an awful lot like getting ready to have sex on top of your parents' grave, and you held yourself back from doing anything but saying "you piece of shit, stop fucking on top of mom and dad's grave and get out of here" and the boyfriend went "oh good i've been looking for an excuse to punch you" and punched you in the face, you would hit him back too
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immortalmoxuanyu · 7 months
I was wholly unprepared for the experience of watching the untamed in 2023. I’ve seen the gifs! I’ve read some character analysis! I vaguely knew the plot but I did not expect a.) the show to be a lot more tragic and nuanced and funny than what I thought possible and I cannot stress this enough b.) for Wen Ning to also be there on that damn boat
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immortalmoxuanyu · 7 months
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MXTX-TOBER 2023 ☆ DAY TWENTY EIGHT - Transmigration
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immortalmoxuanyu · 7 months
the wangxian + a-yuan "dads with an adopted son" thing is fine and enjoyable in fanfics honestly but I think we as a fandom are really not utilizing the idea of all of them in unconventional familial structures enough. Like, canonically it wasn't so much that wwx was a-yuan's guardian as that a-yuan was being raised collectively by the wens and wwx was adopted INTO the larger wen family. And lwj got attached to him through that. A-yuan just has these very attached weird uncles/older cousin figures that aren't related to him by blood at all but keep sticking around.
Just think of a modern AU with a lot less death where lwj does as he does in canon and keeps showering a-yuan in gifts as much as he can and when wwx is like "aiyah lan zhan you're gonna spoil him. Not everyone is as rich as you! What's his family supposed to say if they can't buy him all the stuff you do?" lwj just goes "Hm". And from then on out every year once a-yuan's birthday is near the extended Wen family members (well. the ones that are invited that is. No one wants wen chao at a birthday party) wakes up to a wechat payment from lwj.
Random wen cousin number 6 texts granny like
cousin 6: i just got 400 yuan????
granny: oh that's just wangji
cousin 6: i've never met this guy in my life???
granny: he wants you to buy a-yuan a nice birthday present!
cousin 6: how does he know my bank account???
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immortalmoxuanyu · 7 months
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Moshang staring at each other lol
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immortalmoxuanyu · 8 months
Lan Wangji: [at the juniors] If the thought of something makes any of you giggle for longer than 15 seconds, you are to assume you are not allowed to do it.
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immortalmoxuanyu · 8 months
Also I talk a lot about how embarrassing it is to be in angry love with Wei Wuxian, but when they first have to recite the Wen laws, and he activities little shit mode to be like “I’ll read the Wen laws :)” and then recites the precepts of the Lan Clan—if I was Lan Wangji coming fresh off my clan’s recent massacre, I’d also be so so so in love with him. That’s sexy and deeply romantic on both a personal and a geopolitical level. That’s the best kind of complex and sexy. I’m actually insane about this relationship. We say this a lot on this ole website but biting and biting and ripping and tearing for real, dude, for real.
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immortalmoxuanyu · 8 months
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Lwj taking care of plants
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immortalmoxuanyu · 8 months
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immortalmoxuanyu · 8 months
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Just to make a point, every time I finished a panel of this I would export it as a PNG on the perceptual setting and use it as a color reference for the next panel
EDIT: If you're still having problems, it might help to switch from "Save/Save as" to "Export (as a) Single Layer". Just. Make SURE the box labeled "Expression Color" is set to RGB. I've been messing with this all day, and it looks like this combination of settings will allow exported PNGs to maintain their colors perfectly. To you. So far both Discord and Toyhouse still only display desaturated images and I cannot for the life of me figure out why
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