immortalpain · 3 years
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Miles & Beck @inconvenientxfireworks
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immortalpain · 3 years
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Elias & Wyatt @inconvenientxfireworks
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immortalpain · 3 years
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Ambrose & Emrys @inconvenientxfireworks
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immortalpain · 3 years
Beckett sighed happily as he loosely laced up his sweat pants, having just gotten back into his room with Miles after having dinner at Winnie’s place. It wasn’t often that both he and Miles had a night off at the same time, and especially not often that it also coincided with Winnie’s schedule, and a weekend night. Of course, that meant that Winnie had to have them over for dinner. It had been a long day, but not in a bad way - he was tired, but still happy… and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt that way. Flopping down on the bed, he rolled towards the other and leaned forward to plant a quick kiss against his cheek. “Hey.” He said softly, simply - as if the two hadn’t spent most of the day together already.
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Miles always loved dinner at Winnie’s. Spending time with Beck and his... family was always fun, and the amount of food the woman usually cooked was definitely a bonus. Winnie was the sort of sibling Miles would have loved to have. 
Miles was sprawled across the other’s bed, clad in only his boxer shorts as he’d rather enthusiastically rid himself of his clothes before crawling into bed. Miles hummed in content as the other kissed him on the cheek, before chasing his lips and capturing them with his own. “Hey,” He murmured, thumb reaching out to brush against the other’s cheek. It still somehow surprised Miles that he’d not known Beck for longer than he had, the other was such an important part of his life and Miles couldn’t picture his future without Beck in it. His mind flickered back to a few days ago, a conversation replaying in his mind. Miles hesitated, before wrapping his arms around Beck, pulling him closer. “Do you wanna put a movie on?”
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immortalpain · 3 years
Scott gave him a small nod, almost relieved he had the same name; it was just easier to remember. “I got a job too. Been working a lot, so I haven’t really had time to meet people.” Last time he’d seen him, he’d actually still been terrified of fire, so he wasn’t sure how to tell him he worked with it so closely now. “Wasn’t sure if you wanted company.” He admitted, before taking the seat opposite Gabe. And remaining silent for a moment as a frown slowly appeared. “You… have a kid.”
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“Oh you have? That’s good. I’m uh, happy for you,” Gabriel grimaced at how awkward his words sounded. “Yeah, well you should know by now I’d never say no to your company,” As much as he wished he could sometimes. At his frown, Gabriel realised he should probably elaborate. “Technically yes. The last time we saw each other, I’d actually befriended a shapeshifter couple, they had a child made me the godfather. The night I left you, was because I got a call.” Gabriel paused, burying his face in his hands for a moment, before collecting himself, and glancing back up at Scott. “They were killed, and they’d left Ramona alone. I couldn’t allow them to be put in foster care, so I raised them. I should have said something, but... I had to go.”
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immortalpain · 3 years
“My excuse?” He asked, thinking for a moment. “I’ve just been meeting some… interesting people around here.” He smiled. “Someone of them I’ve gotten to know… a little more deeply.” He said, not particularly wanting to go into more details than that. “So I’m guessing you like this place then? I quite enjoy it as well.”
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“Alright, I suppose I’ll give you that,” She mused, before wrinkling her nose at his next comment. “I don’t wanna know the details, thanks.” Zee pulled another face, before pausing. “Yeah, I do actually. Think I’m gonna stick around a while.”
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immortalpain · 3 years
Perhaps she shouldn’t be getting on his nerves more than she already had, considering the situation. But she couldn’t help it, seeing just how oblivious he seemed to be. “Do you even know what kind of person he was?” She countered, a frown on her face. “It was… blissful while it lasted. He deserved a death much more painful than what I gave him.”
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Do you even know what kind of person he was? Did he? It wasn’t exactly as though Isaac had gotten along with his brothers, but they weren’t bad people. They couldn’t be. “My brother was an ass, but he wasn’t - he wasn’t...” He trailed off, shaking his head. She was just trying to get into his head, that was all. At her next words, Isaac’s fist slammed against the wall. “Shut up, shut up. He didn’t deserve that. Our family didn’t deserve that.”
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immortalpain · 3 years
His head was spinning a little, having drank a little too much for that time of the day. So really, Ethan shouldn’t have been surprised when he was forced out of the nice little restaurant he tried to order from before crashing into one of the waitresses and making a mess. And somehow managing to worsen it. And next thing he knew, he was stumbling out the door as someone kicked him out. Which nearly caused him to come crashing into someone else, again. 
A frown appeared as he looked at the other, perhaps the blurry vision being the reason it took him some time to recognize her. “Nora?” He said, a smile starting to appear before the frown came back quickly. “What are you doing here?” He asked, words slurred together.
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Was he drunk? Nora frowned as her eyes took sight of the other, brows furrowing together in concern. The slur in his words seemed to confirm it, and she shook her head. “I live here, what are you doing here?” She asked, draining the rest of her coffee, before throwing the cup away in the nearest bin. She sent the text to Molly, before taking a cautious step towards him, eyes scanning every inch of his face. “Are you-Did you-” She cut herself off, eyes glancing back towards the restaurant, before she let out a sigh. “Oh Ethan, are you drunk?”
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immortalpain · 3 years
Ethan was this close to just punching something again, mostly because he hated people trying to read him, and even more when they were right. “It’s not a big deal.” He mumbled with a groan, a slightly better option than punching a wall, really. But he visibly seemed to calm as they pulled out the first aid kit. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had even attempted to be kind to him, it was a change. “I can do it, you don’t have to. I’m used to it.”
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“Perhaps not, and I’m not asking for you to open up and tell me what’s wrong,” They countered, shaking their head. “Just let me look at it, I’ve been to med school, I know what I’m doing,” Ramona held the kit in their hands, arching an eyebrow at him. “I know I don’t, but please? I don’t exactly feel right just leaving you like this.”
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immortalpain · 3 years
“Great, great. That’s amazing.” He let out, taking a few steps towards Wyatt. It was odd, but at the same, it’s not like he didn’t know of Wyatt’s existence. He’d just never met him, that was all. Although, he was glad he found Evan now. “Well, having a life would be great, really. But I don’t think you can give me that.” He wouldn’t say no to a couple of drinks, but even if he said that, it’s not like he could actually touch the glasses or drink the liquid, so what was the point? “Being a ghost is quite boring, turns out. I’d just like some company really. Talk a little, I feel like I know nothing about you.”
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“...It is?” Wyatt furrowed his brows together. “Uh, no, not really. Sorry about that,” He mumbled, chewing on his lip. He’d researched enough about necromancers to know that there was no chance of him coming back in his original body. Wyatt was sure the other knew that, though. “Yeah... I can imagine it’s not great..” He mumbled, before shooting the other an incredulous look. Wyatt rarely got angry, but the other’s words triggered something inside of him. “Yeah, well that’s what happens when you abandon you kid,” He spoke curtly, shaking his head. “You want me to talk? Fine. I have a dead mother, abusive grandparents who forced me to kill my first boyfriend because he was a werewolf and the only person that cared about me. I was lucky Evan took me in, because I hate being a hunter, and if I didn’t follow along, I got punished. I might not have even made it to 21 if it wasn’t for him. There you go, now you know.”
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immortalpain · 3 years
As he watched the other’s reaction, it was rather obvious they definitely knew each other, although Markus still wasn’t entirely sure how. It was only once he spoke that he pieced everything. “Yeah, that… sounds  familiar.” He commented, but there was still some surprise on his face. As far as he knew, Gideon was dead, so this was news to him. “So then, you’re… Gideon? I guess you both did really look alike.” He said, a small frown settling on his face. “Does Evan know?”
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“Yeah. I’m Gideon, you asshole, and that’s what identical twins mean.” Gideon let out, shaking his head. “Yeah, he does. It’s not exactly been easy for him, considering he thought I was dead, and I was forced not to tell him otherwise.” His hands curled into fists, and Gideon let out a heavy sigh. “I probably should have left him alone, but... I had to see him.” He hesitated, before furrowing his brows together. “I have a question, why the hell would you kill your kid’s friend? I did nothing to hurt Evan, I never would.”
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immortalpain · 4 years
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age: 28
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: drummer
species: berserker for midnight vandals
faceclaim: ben hardy
(tw; kidnapping, abuse, murder, death)
jedidiah was born to the lowery family, and for six years, it was just him and his parents. 
until ezekiel was born. jed was excited about having a baby brother. 
jed never truly got to spend time with his brother, as just before his seventh birthday,  he was taken. his parents never spoke of him again, devastated by the events, and zeke grew up not knowing jed ever existed
he was stolen by a group of hunters, who raised him as a guardian of sorts for them. forcing him to turn and protect them.
jed began to loathe himself, trying to resist but was punished every time. 
he followed the rules, kept his head down, his only distraction was sneaking into the music room of a nearby high school, teaching himself to play the drums
and when he was sixteen, he fled. at first, he went back home, desperate to find his family, but he found his parents were dead, and assumed zeke suffered the same.
he then fled to LA.
an elderly lady who ran a cafe took pity on him, letting him crash in the upstairs apartment while working for her. she died when he was twenty, having to sell the cafe and he had to move out. he was still grateful for her.
it was at an open mic night when he met sue and sheridan, befriending the two of them and eventually, they started a band together; midnight vandals
jed wasn’t entirely sure they’d take off, but they did, and they attracted a lot of media attention, he started using the surname reed, the last name of the woman that had helped him.
the hunters came after him, and so he killed them in self defence and with the help of sue, buried the bodies.
the rest took it as a warning not to mess with him, he wasn’t interfering with their business, so they left him.
recently, they’ve had a bit of a scandal (he got into a drunken fight), and so they decided to lay low in bellport, and while the other’s work on side gigs, jed is determined to find out more about what happened to his brother, given there was no actual evidence his brother was dead.
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immortalpain · 4 years
Something was approaching, a very faint smell of blood growing stronger. But Theo just dismissed it as his dog having caught his meal and coming back to the house to eat. So he stayed where he was, looking over some papers from work. Needless to say, he was not expecting the continuous knocking on his door, ready to snap at whoever it was to get the fuck away. But his intention quickly crumbled when he saw who was on the other side of the door. Or rather, what state he was in. He used to think he wouldn’t care if Cain just up and left or died, but actually seeing it was different. He had no idea what was going on, but he didn’t like to see it. 
He instinctively reached to steady the other as he stumbled, one of his arms wrapping around Cain’s waist. “Come on.” Theo said, trying to drag him inside to lock the door. Whatever had happened, he wasn’t going to take the risk to stay out when someone could’ve easily followed him. A frown appeared on his face as some blood dripped on his hands; whatever happened, he wasn’t healing, and that definitely wasn’t a good sign. “You’re not healing. Do you know what happened to you?” He was used to treating animals, not people, and even less original vampires, and he wasn’t sure he had the resources to do that on his own. “I’ll tell Rhoswen something happened to Caden, it’s going to be fine.”
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Cain collapsed against the other, trying to steady his breathing. His hands curled around Theo’s shirt, gripping onto him in desperation as the other helped drag him inside. He was so, so tired, wanting nothing more to pass out in the other’s arms - but he needed to make sure they got Caden. Cain barely registered the other asking him a question, blinking at Theo before flinching. “Nothing good,” He muttered hoarsely, “I don’t know what they used.” Cain forced himself to think back to the various vial’s he saw them use -- but came up blank. “Some sort of vervain, they did something to it,” He mumbled, wincing as he pushed his palm against the wall, trying to keep himself upright and not so dependant on Theo. “I can’t--” Cain began, before cutting himself off, for the first time in years - his emotions flickered clearly on his features. Pain, worry, guilt. “I can’t lose another brother, Theo,” He mumbled, voice barely audible to human ears. “I can’t. Even if they don’t care about me, I can’t lose them.” Cain’s eyes flickered shut briefly, body weight slumping against Theo as he fought against the unconsciousness sneaking up on him.
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immortalpain · 4 years
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age: 21
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: homosexual
occupation: history student
species: human
faceclaim: ross lynch
one half of the biermann twins!!! (tw; ??NONE?)
felix was born in lucerne, switzerland.
he and his twin grew up speaking english, french, italian and german, having a knack for languages. 
felix is most fluent in german and english, and usually speaks to his family in german. his accent is actually german. 
they grew up around a brewery; as that’s what his parents owned. so he’s weirdly knowledgeable when it comes to beer lmfao.
felix had a love of history, constantly having his head stuck in a textbook. 
they had a pretty fair childhood. felix usually kept to himself at school, not really one for socialising. 
he had his best friend, oskar, was all he needed. 
when they were 17, it progressed from friendship, to dating.
oskar was everything to him, his first kiss, his first love, and eventually, his first heartbreak when they boy found him in bed with another a year into their relationship.
felix wasn’t entirely keen on sticking around, so he decided to move to bellport for college
jonas came with him, and the two live together. 
he’s still sort of kept to himself, but socialises occasionally. usually is found in the library.
he grew up knowing about the supernatural, and will try and help them when he can.
he’s also clumsy as fuck. and gay as fuck. openly though, been out of the closet since he was like 14.
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immortalpain · 4 years
“Okay, if you’re sure.” Beckett shifted only slightly, trying to get comfortable again, and he kept his eyes on Goose to make sure she didn’t wake up while he did so. Thankfully, the little kitten seemed to be a pretty heavy sleeper. “Oh, for sure. It was really good, though.” He hoped Caden wouldn’t mind that he had some. “Emrys said to just take some, so… hopefully it’s fine that I drank it.” He shrugged slightly, and smiled as Miles leaned up closer and kissed him. “Maybe we should just… both quit our jobs.” He started, obviously kidding. “Then we can just never leave.” 
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“Yeah, we can cuddle later, in bed,” Miles grinned, winking at the other. “Does this mean you’re gonna stop visiting me at work?” He asked teasingly, pouting up at the boy. “Oh yeah, Caden won’t mind. I think he’s just happy to have someone else that’s not Emrys in the house,” With a grin, Miles shrugged his shoulders. “Oh, sounds good to me. I’m sure we can just steal one of those old things Emrys keeps, sell it on Ebay and we’ll be sorted for a few years, and then we can just stay in bed, all day long...”
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immortalpain · 4 years
|| Cain & Theo for @heightenedemotions​
Cain could remember exactly the last time he’d felt pain like this, and it made it so much worse. The memories swimming around his head, combined with the images of them hurting Caden -- he knew his brother hated him, but he couldn’t stomach watching him get hurt. He needed to get help, but he wasn’t sure his siblings trusted him enough to believe him. He didn’t blame them, he was a monster after all. He’d deserved this, Caden didn’t.
He wasn’t entirely sure how he’d managed to turn up at Theo’s doorstep, bloody knuckles rapping against the wood as he all but collapsed against the doorframe. Cain was sure he looked like shit, covered in injuries that wouldn’t heal, blood staining his skin. Exhaustion was creeping up on him, and Cain wasn’t sure how much longer he could stay awake, the knocking on the door becoming more frantic as the door swung open to reveal Theo. Cain almost collapsed against the other, gripping onto the door frame for support. “I- I didn’t know where else to go, they have Caden, I- I- I’m sorry.” He croaked.
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immortalpain · 4 years
Phil let out a small sigh before forcing a smile on his lips. “It’s nothing to worry about. Not been sleeping really well but it’s fine. Cat’s there, she’s helping, it’S… it’s fine. I’ll be fine.” He thought he might have been stressed because of his wedding, but it’d been 2 months now and he didn’t seem to be relaxing any time soon. “Enough about me, how have you been?”
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“If you’re sure. You’re family, Phil. If you need anything, I’m here, okay?” She smiled softly at him, before shrugging her shoulders. “I’ve been okay. Been driven insane by the kids, questioning why me and David thought it would be a good idea to have three,” She joked, shaking her head. “Kenny text me this morning, said he should be swinging into town soon. We should all go out for dinner.”
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